Issue 90

It's super Corbyn! What does Labour's new leader mean for the left in Scotland?


Ninety, not out

Labour is the only anti-austerity party

John McDonnell calls for the winds of change to blow away cobwebs of the old politics

How the contest was won

Martyn Cook and Tommy Kane provide an anatomy of Corbyn’s challenge

Kez + Jez = something spezial?

Laying out her step plan, Lesley Brennan says Jez achieved the impossible so why can’t Kez?

Challenges for Corbynmania

Doubting whether Corbyn will turn around Scottish Labour, Daniel Kenealy nonetheless sees a way forward.

Corbyn Challenges Cosy Consensus

Tom Mills argues the media has meted out special treatment for the ‘enemy inside’

Corbyn and anti-austerity

Phil McGarry and Keith Stoddart welcome the Corbyn advance but worry about duplication of efforts

Corbyn’s Challenge: To survive and prosper

Eric Shaw looks at the challenges of leadership

Workers’ rights are human rights

Carole Ewart looks at what needs to be done to make human rights effective

Indyref 2014: Nation vs. Class

We are pleased to reprint summaries of the debate between Foster and Davidson from the recent ‘Class and nation in contemporary Scotland’ conference in Glasgow in September this year

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