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"Cumpleaños feliz!" Italian youth help Pope ring in birthday
"Cumpleaños feliz!" Italian youth help Pope ring in birthday
'Salvation is free!' Pope Francis says
Pope Francis opens the Holy Door at St. John Lateran
Pope Francis: Why a Jubilee of Mercy?
Pope Francis launches the Jubilee of Mercy
Think you have no need for God's mercy? Think again, Pope says
The Pope's preacher: This is the best way to serve the Church
Ever wonder what Advent is all about? Take a look.
Planned Parenthood shooting defied God's law, Denver bishop warns
Pope Francis to young people: Consider being a missionary
"Peace be with you!" Pope Francis' spirited Q&A with Kenyan youth
Trial begins for five accused in second 'Vatileaks' case
Pope Francis holds Q&A with educators, students
Christ rules with love and truth, Pope reflects on Christ the King Sunday
Pope Francis to war-torn CAR: I want to bring you hope
Here's Pope Francis' message to Kenya and Uganda
"God cries!" Pope Francis says of world torn apart by war
Vatican begins unsealing Holy Door at St. Peter's
Pope to Church: Open your doors!
Bishop Robert Barron gives his take on new "Spotlight" film

CNA Blog - Poll: Will you visit a ‘Holy Door’ for the Holy Year of Mercy?

The Holy Doors inside St. Peter’s Basilica for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy are officially open! If you don’t know what a Holy Door is, we broke it down for you and answered all your...

On mothering, body image, and acceptance with joy

How’s that for a title? Oh, but there it is. The agony and the ecstasy of being able to carry new life within your body and then, also, nurture new life with that same body. It’s incredible. It’s...

The gift of friendship

by Alice von Hildebrand

Which one of us would not agree with Schiller who, in his Ode to Joy, writes that he who leaves this earth without ever having had a real friend, should leave crying. One of the glorious lights in...
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