SOCIOLOGY - Émile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French 19th century sociologist who focused on what modern capitalism does to our minds - and concluded that it might, quite literally, be driving us to an early grave. Please help us to make films by subscribing here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam
Emile Durkheim's Theories: Functionalism, Anomie and Division of Labor
2 - Key Sociology Theorists
Durkheim's Mechanical and Organic Solidarity: what holds society together?
A visual explanation and analysis of Émile Durkheim's contrast between mechanical and organic solidarity.
Bottomore, T. 1981. A Marxist Consideration of Durkheim. Social Forces, 59(4), 902-917.
Durkheim, E. 1893. The Division of Labour in Society (trans. Halls, W. D.). New York: Free Press.
Henry, J. 2012. The Price of Offshore Revisted: New Estimates for Missing Global Private Wealth
Pré-Enem AlfaCon - Super Dica - Sociologia - Émile Durkheim
Venha estudar com a Equipe AlfaCon Concursos Públicos você também! http://www.alfaconcursos.com.br
Emile Durkheim Suicide Study
Sociologia - Emile Durkheim
Confira a nossa videoaula de Sociologia sobre Emile Durkheim. Para saber mais sobre o nosso cursinho pré-vestibular especializado nos vestibulares de Medicina e Mackenzie, acesse: http://www.hexag.com.br
Clássicos da Sociologia: Emile Durkheim
Vídeo da disciplina Sociologia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia Unesp / Univesp. A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na idéia de fato social e sol...
Clássicos da Sociologia: Emile Durkheim (1/2)
A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na ideia de fato social e solidariedade, é apresentada pelo sociólogo Gabriel Cohn e por meio de visita ao meno...
Emile Durkheim: El hecho social - Filosofía - Educatina
Más sobre este video en: http://bit.ly/19YzSa4 ▷ Suscríbete: http://bit.ly/SubscribeEducatina ▷ ¡No olvides dar un "Like" y Comentarnos! - - - - - - - - - - ...
6. Lecture on Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
Lecture to second year undergraduate students at Cambridge University by Alan Macfarlane in 2001 on some aspects of the work of Emile Durkheim. For the background, downloadble version, readings etc. please see www.alanmacfarlane.com
All revenue is donated to: http://www.oralliterature.org/
Sociologia - Aula 07 - Durkheim e o Fato Social
Zoom Poliedro: Foco no Enem. Aula de Sociologia ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
Aula 45 - Sociologia - Durkheim e o Fato Social
Saiba Mais: Sociologia. Aula ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
Sociologia: Aula ÉMILE DURKHEIM (megaaluno.com)
Adquira o curso de Sociologia e Filosofia para vestibulares e ENEM no site www.megaaluno.com.
Sociological Thinker : Émile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Émile Durkheim.
SUICIDE 1898 Emile Durkheim
John Scarbrough, Lincoln Land Community College.
Émile Durkheim
Vídeo que mostra os pensamentos e teorias do sociólogo Émile Durkheim. LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/canalmirante https://twitter.com/miramirante Música: S...
Emile Durkheim
Infografía de Emile Durkheim.
Emile Durkheim & Socialization
Emile Durkheim & Socialization
10c Seven Classic Theories of Religion - Emile Durkheim, totemism
Part three in a screencast lecture in six parts on seven classic theories of religion. http://tinyurl.com/religionsclass Screencast lectures by Dr. Dale Tugg...
Émile Durkheim - Suicídio Altruísta, Anômico e Egoísta
Há três tipos de suicídio, segundo a etimologia de Èmile Durkheim, a saber:
• Suicídio Egoísta • Suicídio Altruísta • Suicídio Anômico
Neste vídeo eu lanço um rápido olhar sobre esses três conceitos desenvolvidos na sociologia!
Aléquison Gomes
Blog: www.alequisongomes.com
Face: https://www.facebook.com/alequisongomes
Email: alequison@yahoo.com.br
Vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRNMQtO
Durkheim on Religion
A short presentation on Durkheim's ideas about religious life.
Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim.
SOCIOLOGY - Émile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French 19th century sociologist who focused on what modern capitalism does to our minds - and concluded that it might, quite literally, be ...
Emile Durkheim was a French 19th century sociologist who focused on what modern capitalism does to our minds - and concluded that it might, quite literally, be driving us to an early grave. Please help us to make films by subscribing here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam
wn.com/Sociology Émile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French 19th century sociologist who focused on what modern capitalism does to our minds - and concluded that it might, quite literally, be driving us to an early grave. Please help us to make films by subscribing here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 10346
Durkheim's Mechanical and Organic Solidarity: what holds society together?
A visual explanation and analysis of Émile Durkheim's contrast between mechanical and organic solidarity.
Bottomore, T. 1981. A Marxist Considerati...
A visual explanation and analysis of Émile Durkheim's contrast between mechanical and organic solidarity.
Bottomore, T. 1981. A Marxist Consideration of Durkheim. Social Forces, 59(4), 902-917.
Durkheim, E. 1893. The Division of Labour in Society (trans. Halls, W. D.). New York: Free Press.
Henry, J. 2012. The Price of Offshore Revisted: New Estimates for Missing Global Private Wealth, Income, Inequality, and Lost Taxes. Press Release, Tax Justice Network.
James, P., and Szeman, I. 2010. Globalization and Culture, Vol. 3: Global-Local Consumption. London: Sage Publications.
Marx, K, and Engels, F. 1848. The Communist Manifesto (trans. Moore, S.). WikiSource.
Müller, H. 1994. Social Differentiation and Organic Solidarity: The "Division of Labor" Revisited. Sociological Forum, 9(1), 73-86.
Ortiz, Isabel, and Cummins. 2011. Global Inequality: Beyond the Bottom Billion. Unicef.
Pieterse, J. N. 2002. Global inequality: Bringing politics back in. Third World Quarterly, 23 (6).
Pope, W., and Johnson, B. 1983. Inside Organic Solidarity. American Sociological Review, 48(5), 681-692.
Additional references:
Images and video from Apple, Fight Club, L'Oréal, Modern Times and Ray-Ban are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.
Further images, in order of appearance:
"Hello Kitty Consumerism" image own work.
No clear source for images of Durkheim and Weber.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alt-Shift-X/300119650155615
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltShiftX
wn.com/Durkheim's Mechanical And Organic Solidarity What Holds Society Together
A visual explanation and analysis of Émile Durkheim's contrast between mechanical and organic solidarity.
Bottomore, T. 1981. A Marxist Consideration of Durkheim. Social Forces, 59(4), 902-917.
Durkheim, E. 1893. The Division of Labour in Society (trans. Halls, W. D.). New York: Free Press.
Henry, J. 2012. The Price of Offshore Revisted: New Estimates for Missing Global Private Wealth, Income, Inequality, and Lost Taxes. Press Release, Tax Justice Network.
James, P., and Szeman, I. 2010. Globalization and Culture, Vol. 3: Global-Local Consumption. London: Sage Publications.
Marx, K, and Engels, F. 1848. The Communist Manifesto (trans. Moore, S.). WikiSource.
Müller, H. 1994. Social Differentiation and Organic Solidarity: The "Division of Labor" Revisited. Sociological Forum, 9(1), 73-86.
Ortiz, Isabel, and Cummins. 2011. Global Inequality: Beyond the Bottom Billion. Unicef.
Pieterse, J. N. 2002. Global inequality: Bringing politics back in. Third World Quarterly, 23 (6).
Pope, W., and Johnson, B. 1983. Inside Organic Solidarity. American Sociological Review, 48(5), 681-692.
Additional references:
Images and video from Apple, Fight Club, L'Oréal, Modern Times and Ray-Ban are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.
Further images, in order of appearance:
"Hello Kitty Consumerism" image own work.
No clear source for images of Durkheim and Weber.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alt-Shift-X/300119650155615
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltShiftX
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 301
Pré-Enem AlfaCon - Super Dica - Sociologia - Émile Durkheim
Venha estudar com a Equipe AlfaCon Concursos Públicos você também! http://www.alfaconcursos.com.br...
Venha estudar com a Equipe AlfaCon Concursos Públicos você também! http://www.alfaconcursos.com.br
wn.com/Pré Enem Alfacon Super Dica Sociologia Émile Durkheim
Venha estudar com a Equipe AlfaCon Concursos Públicos você também! http://www.alfaconcursos.com.br
- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 21516
Sociologia - Emile Durkheim
Confira a nossa videoaula de Sociologia sobre Emile Durkheim. Para saber mais sobre o nosso cursinho pré-vestibular especializado nos vestibulares de Medicina e...
Confira a nossa videoaula de Sociologia sobre Emile Durkheim. Para saber mais sobre o nosso cursinho pré-vestibular especializado nos vestibulares de Medicina e Mackenzie, acesse: http://www.hexag.com.br
wn.com/Sociologia Emile Durkheim
Confira a nossa videoaula de Sociologia sobre Emile Durkheim. Para saber mais sobre o nosso cursinho pré-vestibular especializado nos vestibulares de Medicina e Mackenzie, acesse: http://www.hexag.com.br
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 203
Clássicos da Sociologia: Emile Durkheim
Vídeo da disciplina Sociologia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia Unesp / Univesp. A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na idéia de fato social e sol......
Vídeo da disciplina Sociologia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia Unesp / Univesp. A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na idéia de fato social e sol...
wn.com/Clássicos Da Sociologia Emile Durkheim
Vídeo da disciplina Sociologia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia Unesp / Univesp. A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na idéia de fato social e sol...
- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 9300
author: univesptv
Clássicos da Sociologia: Emile Durkheim (1/2)
A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na ideia de fato social e solidariedade, é apresentada pelo sociólogo Gabriel Cohn e por meio de visita ao meno......
A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na ideia de fato social e solidariedade, é apresentada pelo sociólogo Gabriel Cohn e por meio de visita ao meno...
wn.com/Clássicos Da Sociologia Emile Durkheim (1 2)
A concepção de sociedade de Durkheim, baseada na ideia de fato social e solidariedade, é apresentada pelo sociólogo Gabriel Cohn e por meio de visita ao meno...
- published: 20 Jul 2010
- views: 146345
author: univesptv
Emile Durkheim: El hecho social - Filosofía - Educatina
Más sobre este video en: http://bit.ly/19YzSa4 ▷ Suscríbete: http://bit.ly/SubscribeEducatina ▷ ¡No olvides dar un "Like" y Comentarnos! - - - - - - - - - - ......
Más sobre este video en: http://bit.ly/19YzSa4 ▷ Suscríbete: http://bit.ly/SubscribeEducatina ▷ ¡No olvides dar un "Like" y Comentarnos! - - - - - - - - - - ...
wn.com/Emile Durkheim El Hecho Social Filosofía Educatina
Más sobre este video en: http://bit.ly/19YzSa4 ▷ Suscríbete: http://bit.ly/SubscribeEducatina ▷ ¡No olvides dar un "Like" y Comentarnos! - - - - - - - - - - ...
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 103811
author: Educatina
6. Lecture on Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
Lecture to second year undergraduate students at Cambridge University by Alan Macfarlane in 2001 on some aspects of the work of Emile Durkheim. For the backgro...
Lecture to second year undergraduate students at Cambridge University by Alan Macfarlane in 2001 on some aspects of the work of Emile Durkheim. For the background, downloadble version, readings etc. please see www.alanmacfarlane.com
All revenue is donated to: http://www.oralliterature.org/
wn.com/6. Lecture On Emile Durkheim (1858 1917)
Lecture to second year undergraduate students at Cambridge University by Alan Macfarlane in 2001 on some aspects of the work of Emile Durkheim. For the background, downloadble version, readings etc. please see www.alanmacfarlane.com
All revenue is donated to: http://www.oralliterature.org/
- published: 22 Nov 2007
- views: 111796
Sociologia - Aula 07 - Durkheim e o Fato Social
Zoom Poliedro: Foco no Enem. Aula de Sociologia ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes....
Zoom Poliedro: Foco no Enem. Aula de Sociologia ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
wn.com/Sociologia Aula 07 Durkheim E O Fato Social
Zoom Poliedro: Foco no Enem. Aula de Sociologia ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
- published: 12 Aug 2014
- views: 144
Aula 45 - Sociologia - Durkheim e o Fato Social
Saiba Mais: Sociologia. Aula ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes....
Saiba Mais: Sociologia. Aula ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
wn.com/Aula 45 Sociologia Durkheim E O Fato Social
Saiba Mais: Sociologia. Aula ministrada pelo professor Daniel Gomes.
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 297
Sociologia: Aula ÉMILE DURKHEIM (megaaluno.com)
Adquira o curso de Sociologia e Filosofia para vestibulares e ENEM no site www.megaaluno.com....
Adquira o curso de Sociologia e Filosofia para vestibulares e ENEM no site www.megaaluno.com.
wn.com/Sociologia Aula Émile Durkheim (Megaaluno.Com)
Adquira o curso de Sociologia e Filosofia para vestibulares e ENEM no site www.megaaluno.com.
Sociological Thinker : Émile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Émile Durkheim....
This Lecture talks about Émile Durkheim.
wn.com/Sociological Thinker Émile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Émile Durkheim.
- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 1615
author: Cec Ugc
SUICIDE 1898 Emile Durkheim
John Scarbrough, Lincoln Land Community College....
John Scarbrough, Lincoln Land Community College.
wn.com/Suicide 1898 Emile Durkheim
John Scarbrough, Lincoln Land Community College.
Émile Durkheim
Vídeo que mostra os pensamentos e teorias do sociólogo Émile Durkheim. LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/canalmirante https://twitter.com/miramirante Música: S......
Vídeo que mostra os pensamentos e teorias do sociólogo Émile Durkheim. LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/canalmirante https://twitter.com/miramirante Música: S...
wn.com/Émile Durkheim
Vídeo que mostra os pensamentos e teorias do sociólogo Émile Durkheim. LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/canalmirante https://twitter.com/miramirante Música: S...
Emile Durkheim
Infografía de Emile Durkheim....
Infografía de Emile Durkheim.
wn.com/Emile Durkheim
Infografía de Emile Durkheim.
Emile Durkheim & Socialization
Emile Durkheim & Socialization...
Emile Durkheim & Socialization
wn.com/Emile Durkheim Socialization
Emile Durkheim & Socialization
- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 20
10c Seven Classic Theories of Religion - Emile Durkheim, totemism
Part three in a screencast lecture in six parts on seven classic theories of religion. http://tinyurl.com/religionsclass Screencast lectures by Dr. Dale Tugg......
Part three in a screencast lecture in six parts on seven classic theories of religion. http://tinyurl.com/religionsclass Screencast lectures by Dr. Dale Tugg...
wn.com/10C Seven Classic Theories Of Religion Emile Durkheim, Totemism
Part three in a screencast lecture in six parts on seven classic theories of religion. http://tinyurl.com/religionsclass Screencast lectures by Dr. Dale Tugg...
Émile Durkheim - Suicídio Altruísta, Anômico e Egoísta
Há três tipos de suicídio, segundo a etimologia de Èmile Durkheim, a saber:
• Suicídio Egoísta • Suicídio Altruísta • Suicídio Anômico
Neste vídeo eu lanço um ...
Há três tipos de suicídio, segundo a etimologia de Èmile Durkheim, a saber:
• Suicídio Egoísta • Suicídio Altruísta • Suicídio Anômico
Neste vídeo eu lanço um rápido olhar sobre esses três conceitos desenvolvidos na sociologia!
Aléquison Gomes
Blog: www.alequisongomes.com
Face: https://www.facebook.com/alequisongomes
Email: alequison@yahoo.com.br
Vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRNMQtOulmw
wn.com/Émile Durkheim Suicídio Altruísta, Anômico E Egoísta
Há três tipos de suicídio, segundo a etimologia de Èmile Durkheim, a saber:
• Suicídio Egoísta • Suicídio Altruísta • Suicídio Anômico
Neste vídeo eu lanço um rápido olhar sobre esses três conceitos desenvolvidos na sociologia!
Aléquison Gomes
Blog: www.alequisongomes.com
Face: https://www.facebook.com/alequisongomes
Email: alequison@yahoo.com.br
Vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRNMQtOulmw
- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 204
Durkheim on Religion
A short presentation on Durkheim's ideas about religious life....
A short presentation on Durkheim's ideas about religious life.
wn.com/Durkheim On Religion
A short presentation on Durkheim's ideas about religious life.
- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 9
Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim....
This Lecture talks about Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim.
wn.com/Sociological Thinker Emile Durkheim
This Lecture talks about Sociological Thinker : Emile Durkheim.
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 4579
author: Cec Ugc
Cette interview a été réalisée dans le cadre du cours "Atelier de la science politique".
Post-doctorant au Centre Emile Durkheim (Université de Bordeaux)
"Le tournant environnemental de la Politique Agricole Commune"
Débats et coalitions en France, en Hongrie et au Royaume-Uni.
L'Harmattan, 2015.
Dirk Baecker: Was heißt große Soziologie? (dctp: Prime Time)
Dirk Baecker über Gabriel de Tarde, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel und Niklas Luhmann (2008). Interview: Alexander Kluge. --- "Vier Denker gehörten ...
Mary Douglas Full Interview
Dame Mary Douglas (25 March 1921 – 16 May 2007) was a British anthropologist, known for her writings on human culture and symbolism, whose area of speciality was social anthropology. Douglas was considered a follower of Émile Durkheim and a proponent of structuralist analysis, with a strong interest in comparative religion.
What is Sociology?
Featuring interviews with Australian sociologists, this promo informs students about the nature of sociology and why it is worth studying.
Sociology Project #3
An interview with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. By Erica Harder for Sociology 1000
Emile Durkheim - Social Facts
Emile Durkheim on his concept of Social Facts
Hallo Gesellschaft! #01: Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? (Kleine Frühgeschichte der Soziologie)
Erklärvideo: Hallo Gesellschaft! Der Sonntagssoziologe erklärt die Welt!
Heute wollen wir uns mit der Kernfrage der Soziologie beschäftigen: Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Darüber haben sich schon vor langer Zeit die Gelehrten die Gehirne zerbrochen. Zum Bsp. Aristoteles. Für ihn waren Staat und Gesellschaft dasselbe. Alles, außerhalb des Staates sei Tier oder Gott. Deshalb war Aristoteles a
L'individualisme et les intellectuels (Émile Durkheim).wmv
Extrait du texte L'individualisme et les intellectuels d'Émile Durkheim. À mettre dans le contexte de la hausse des frais de scolarité.
David Emile Durkheim Part 3
Biografia de David Emile Durkheim y videos de una de sus obras mas importante que fueron los Cinco Suicidios.
Emil Durkheim on Anomie
A brief introduction to Emile Durkheim and his concept of anomie.
Durkheim Interview
Full article in German language: http://www.metalunderground.at/?p=32725
Interviews, reviews and reports about metal, rock and alternative music.
More video interviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalUnderground06
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity, Division of Labour, Deviance and Crime.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video
Sociology of religion
Sociology of religion is the study of the beliefs, practices and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the discipline of sociology. This objective investigation may include the use of both quantitative methods and qualitative approaches such as participant observation, interviewing, and analysis of archival, historical and documentary materials.
Modern academic sociology
The Big Story: Origins of Religion
This video has been selected as one of the TED Ed Best Flips. http://ed.ted.com/featured/AyqDI3A9 Subscribe to stay up to date with new videos. *** Sources: ...
ICA 2014: Tarde v. Durkheim Debate (w/Cooren, Dayan)
Under the direction of Elihu Katz, sociologists Francois Cooren and Daniel Dayan take up the roles of the field's founders--Gabriel Tarde and Émile Durkheim,...
Organized Religions - Agnes Zee Vlog - Jungle Book Remake Interview
Reuploaded to test out how to avoid youtube not able to monetize
KaaVFX Channel
Religion: an interview with Marx, Durkheim and Weber
SOCI 455 Project
Interview with Mary Douglas - February 2006 - part 1
Interview with the anthropologist Mary Douglas, author of 'Purity and Danger' and other works. For the full, higher quality interview (and downloadable versi...
Interview and seminar with M.N. Srinivas
Interview of M.N.Srinivas by Jack Goody. Filmed by the Audio Visual Aids Unit, Cambridge, in about 1982. All revenues are donated to the World Oral Literatur...
Cette interview a été réalisée dans le cadre du cours "Atelier de la science politique".
Post-doctorant au Centre Emile Durkheim (Université ...
Cette interview a été réalisée dans le cadre du cours "Atelier de la science politique".
Post-doctorant au Centre Emile Durkheim (Université de Bordeaux)
"Le tournant environnemental de la Politique Agricole Commune"
Débats et coalitions en France, en Hongrie et au Royaume-Uni.
L'Harmattan, 2015.
wn.com/Interview De Matthieu Ansaloni, Post Doctorant Au Centre Emile Durkheim
Cette interview a été réalisée dans le cadre du cours "Atelier de la science politique".
Post-doctorant au Centre Emile Durkheim (Université de Bordeaux)
"Le tournant environnemental de la Politique Agricole Commune"
Débats et coalitions en France, en Hongrie et au Royaume-Uni.
L'Harmattan, 2015.
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 65
Dirk Baecker: Was heißt große Soziologie? (dctp: Prime Time)
Dirk Baecker über Gabriel de Tarde, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel und Niklas Luhmann (2008). Interview: Alexander Kluge. --- "Vier Denker gehörten ......
Dirk Baecker über Gabriel de Tarde, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel und Niklas Luhmann (2008). Interview: Alexander Kluge. --- "Vier Denker gehörten ...
wn.com/Dirk Baecker Was Heißt Große Soziologie (Dctp Prime Time)
Dirk Baecker über Gabriel de Tarde, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel und Niklas Luhmann (2008). Interview: Alexander Kluge. --- "Vier Denker gehörten ...
Mary Douglas Full Interview
Dame Mary Douglas (25 March 1921 – 16 May 2007) was a British anthropologist, known for her writings on human culture and symbolism, whose area of speciality wa...
Dame Mary Douglas (25 March 1921 – 16 May 2007) was a British anthropologist, known for her writings on human culture and symbolism, whose area of speciality was social anthropology. Douglas was considered a follower of Émile Durkheim and a proponent of structuralist analysis, with a strong interest in comparative religion.
wn.com/Mary Douglas Full Interview
Dame Mary Douglas (25 March 1921 – 16 May 2007) was a British anthropologist, known for her writings on human culture and symbolism, whose area of speciality was social anthropology. Douglas was considered a follower of Émile Durkheim and a proponent of structuralist analysis, with a strong interest in comparative religion.
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 2
What is Sociology?
Featuring interviews with Australian sociologists, this promo informs students about the nature of sociology and why it is worth studying....
Featuring interviews with Australian sociologists, this promo informs students about the nature of sociology and why it is worth studying.
wn.com/What Is Sociology
Featuring interviews with Australian sociologists, this promo informs students about the nature of sociology and why it is worth studying.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 13
Sociology Project #3
An interview with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. By Erica Harder for Sociology 1000...
An interview with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. By Erica Harder for Sociology 1000
wn.com/Sociology Project 3
An interview with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. By Erica Harder for Sociology 1000
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 6
Emile Durkheim - Social Facts
Emile Durkheim on his concept of Social Facts...
Emile Durkheim on his concept of Social Facts
wn.com/Emile Durkheim Social Facts
Emile Durkheim on his concept of Social Facts
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 6
Hallo Gesellschaft! #01: Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? (Kleine Frühgeschichte der Soziologie)
Erklärvideo: Hallo Gesellschaft! Der Sonntagssoziologe erklärt die Welt!
Heute wollen wir uns mit der Kernfrage der Soziologie beschäftigen: Was hält die Gesel...
Erklärvideo: Hallo Gesellschaft! Der Sonntagssoziologe erklärt die Welt!
Heute wollen wir uns mit der Kernfrage der Soziologie beschäftigen: Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Darüber haben sich schon vor langer Zeit die Gelehrten die Gehirne zerbrochen. Zum Bsp. Aristoteles. Für ihn waren Staat und Gesellschaft dasselbe. Alles, außerhalb des Staates sei Tier oder Gott. Deshalb war Aristoteles auch noch kein richtiger Soziologe. Richtige Soziologen trennen nämlich Staat und Gesellschaft. (Soso richtiger Sozio) Tut mir Leid, da sind mir die Hände gebunden. Kann ich nicht durchgehen lassen. Der erste soziophilosophische Lichtblick kommt aus dem finsteren Mittelalter und nennt sich Thomas Hobbes. Der behauptete: „Ohne Staat fallen die Menschen wie Wölfe übereinander her. Deshalb würden sie lieber einem König dienen, als sich zerfleischen zu lassen – wenn man sie fragen würde. Fragen braucht man sie aber nicht. Es ist vernünftig, einen Staat zu gründen. Gesellschaft wird also von Vernunft zusammengehalten. Vernunft war die Diva der Epoche der Aufklärung. „Der Mensch ist ein Vernunftswesen.“ Da allerdings alle vernünftigen Köpfe in der französischen Revolution abgehackt wurden, ließ man die Idee wieder fallen. Die neue Idee hieß: Menschen werden nicht von Vernunft geleitet, sondern von ihren Interessen. Gesellschaft wird durch verschiedene Interessen zusammengehalten. Dem schloss sich der Ökonomen Adam Smith an. Da Smith ein knausriger Schotte war, rief er den Grundsatz aus: Der Mensch sei ein Egoist. Der Mensch will Geld und Anerkennung. Dadurch kommt es zwar zwischen den Menschen zu einem Konfliktknäul. Doch wenn die Menschen Geld und Anerkennung bekommen, dann kooperieren sie auch. Die Gesellschaft wird also durch Egoismus zusammengehalten Und jetzt kommt der erste waschechte Soziologe: Auguste Comte (19.Jhd) kommt … Wir nennen ihn Soziologe, weil er das Wort erfunden hat. Für Comte war die Gesellschaft ein Ding zum Anfassen und Draufklopfen mit Naturgesetzen. Soziologie war für ihn eine Naturwissenschaft. Zusammengehalten wurde hier die Gesellschaft durch Institutionen (Kirche, Schule, Kegelverein). Ebenfalls eine Gesellschaft als Ding attestierte uns der Franzose Emilé Durkheim. Aber Gesellschaft wird nicht durch Institutionen zusammengehalten, sondern durch Solidarität. Durkheim legte auch einen soziologischen Twist hin: Nicht die Menschen machen die Gesellschaft, sondern die Gesellschaft macht die Menschen. Wir haben also die Gesellschaft, die Solidarität ist dort eine soziale Funktion. Man nennt sowas Funktionalismus. Alles in der Gesellschaft hat eine Funktion. Z.B. Gefängnisse: die sollen die Moral sichtbar machen. Quasi als Schaufenster der moralischen Regeln der Gesellschaft. Wir Menschen sind alle nur Rädchen in einem großen Uhrwerk. Durkheim gilt als einer der beiden Giganten der Soziologie. Der zweite heißt Max Weber und der hielt gar nichts von der Idee, Gesellschaft wie ein Ding anzufassen … aufzufassen. Menschen handeln nicht, weil ihnen die Gesellschaft eine Funktion vorgibt. Menschen handeln, weil sie in ihrer Handlung einen Sinn sehen. Und diesen Sinn müssen Soziologen erforschen! In der Moderne ist dieser Sinn durch Rationalität gegeben. Auf diesen Zug sprang auch der Amerikaner G.H. Meed (Jahrhundertwende) auf: Menschen handeln zusammen, wenn die Dinge für alle dieselbe Bedeutung haben. Wächst du in einer Gesellschaft auf, teilst du mit den anderen Wissen und Bedeutungen. In westlichen Zivilisationen haben die Dinge meist eine rationale Bedeutung, in nahöstlichen eine Religiöse. Deshalb finden beide Gesellschaften schwer zueinander. Bedeutung der Dinge hält also die Gesellschaft zusammen. Als wenn das jetzt nicht schon genug Ideen waren, sah der Querulant Karl Marx das alles wieder ganz anders. Was die Gesellschaft zusammenhält, das ist der Besitz der Dinge. Gesellschaft ist immer ein Spiegel der Besitzverhältnisse von Produktionsmittel. Wer Produktionsmittel, z.B. Maschinen besitzt, der hat in der Gesellschaft das Sagen. Die Gesellschaft spaltet sich dann in 2 Klassen: Den Besitzern und den Lohnarbeitern, die nichts besitzen und deshalb ihre Arbeitskraft verkaufen müssen. Tja und da mir beim Thema Kapitalismus auffällt, dass ich mit dieser Serie hier überhaupt nicht reich werde, mache ich für heute Schluss.
"Sock Hop" & "Running Fanfahre"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creatie Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Rural Stride"
JoshKirschVMedia Right Productions (youtube media libary)
"Internationale instrumental short version"
Nigerian (http://youtu.be/8Zn5tBYVrSY)
Licensed under Creatie Commons: By Attribution 3.0
youtube media libary
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain)
OpenClipart.com (https://openclipart.org/share)
Sparkol Videoscribe Software (http://www.sparkol.com/legal/)
wn.com/Hallo Gesellschaft 01 Was Hält Die Gesellschaft Zusammen (Kleine Frühgeschichte Der Soziologie)
Erklärvideo: Hallo Gesellschaft! Der Sonntagssoziologe erklärt die Welt!
Heute wollen wir uns mit der Kernfrage der Soziologie beschäftigen: Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Darüber haben sich schon vor langer Zeit die Gelehrten die Gehirne zerbrochen. Zum Bsp. Aristoteles. Für ihn waren Staat und Gesellschaft dasselbe. Alles, außerhalb des Staates sei Tier oder Gott. Deshalb war Aristoteles auch noch kein richtiger Soziologe. Richtige Soziologen trennen nämlich Staat und Gesellschaft. (Soso richtiger Sozio) Tut mir Leid, da sind mir die Hände gebunden. Kann ich nicht durchgehen lassen. Der erste soziophilosophische Lichtblick kommt aus dem finsteren Mittelalter und nennt sich Thomas Hobbes. Der behauptete: „Ohne Staat fallen die Menschen wie Wölfe übereinander her. Deshalb würden sie lieber einem König dienen, als sich zerfleischen zu lassen – wenn man sie fragen würde. Fragen braucht man sie aber nicht. Es ist vernünftig, einen Staat zu gründen. Gesellschaft wird also von Vernunft zusammengehalten. Vernunft war die Diva der Epoche der Aufklärung. „Der Mensch ist ein Vernunftswesen.“ Da allerdings alle vernünftigen Köpfe in der französischen Revolution abgehackt wurden, ließ man die Idee wieder fallen. Die neue Idee hieß: Menschen werden nicht von Vernunft geleitet, sondern von ihren Interessen. Gesellschaft wird durch verschiedene Interessen zusammengehalten. Dem schloss sich der Ökonomen Adam Smith an. Da Smith ein knausriger Schotte war, rief er den Grundsatz aus: Der Mensch sei ein Egoist. Der Mensch will Geld und Anerkennung. Dadurch kommt es zwar zwischen den Menschen zu einem Konfliktknäul. Doch wenn die Menschen Geld und Anerkennung bekommen, dann kooperieren sie auch. Die Gesellschaft wird also durch Egoismus zusammengehalten Und jetzt kommt der erste waschechte Soziologe: Auguste Comte (19.Jhd) kommt … Wir nennen ihn Soziologe, weil er das Wort erfunden hat. Für Comte war die Gesellschaft ein Ding zum Anfassen und Draufklopfen mit Naturgesetzen. Soziologie war für ihn eine Naturwissenschaft. Zusammengehalten wurde hier die Gesellschaft durch Institutionen (Kirche, Schule, Kegelverein). Ebenfalls eine Gesellschaft als Ding attestierte uns der Franzose Emilé Durkheim. Aber Gesellschaft wird nicht durch Institutionen zusammengehalten, sondern durch Solidarität. Durkheim legte auch einen soziologischen Twist hin: Nicht die Menschen machen die Gesellschaft, sondern die Gesellschaft macht die Menschen. Wir haben also die Gesellschaft, die Solidarität ist dort eine soziale Funktion. Man nennt sowas Funktionalismus. Alles in der Gesellschaft hat eine Funktion. Z.B. Gefängnisse: die sollen die Moral sichtbar machen. Quasi als Schaufenster der moralischen Regeln der Gesellschaft. Wir Menschen sind alle nur Rädchen in einem großen Uhrwerk. Durkheim gilt als einer der beiden Giganten der Soziologie. Der zweite heißt Max Weber und der hielt gar nichts von der Idee, Gesellschaft wie ein Ding anzufassen … aufzufassen. Menschen handeln nicht, weil ihnen die Gesellschaft eine Funktion vorgibt. Menschen handeln, weil sie in ihrer Handlung einen Sinn sehen. Und diesen Sinn müssen Soziologen erforschen! In der Moderne ist dieser Sinn durch Rationalität gegeben. Auf diesen Zug sprang auch der Amerikaner G.H. Meed (Jahrhundertwende) auf: Menschen handeln zusammen, wenn die Dinge für alle dieselbe Bedeutung haben. Wächst du in einer Gesellschaft auf, teilst du mit den anderen Wissen und Bedeutungen. In westlichen Zivilisationen haben die Dinge meist eine rationale Bedeutung, in nahöstlichen eine Religiöse. Deshalb finden beide Gesellschaften schwer zueinander. Bedeutung der Dinge hält also die Gesellschaft zusammen. Als wenn das jetzt nicht schon genug Ideen waren, sah der Querulant Karl Marx das alles wieder ganz anders. Was die Gesellschaft zusammenhält, das ist der Besitz der Dinge. Gesellschaft ist immer ein Spiegel der Besitzverhältnisse von Produktionsmittel. Wer Produktionsmittel, z.B. Maschinen besitzt, der hat in der Gesellschaft das Sagen. Die Gesellschaft spaltet sich dann in 2 Klassen: Den Besitzern und den Lohnarbeitern, die nichts besitzen und deshalb ihre Arbeitskraft verkaufen müssen. Tja und da mir beim Thema Kapitalismus auffällt, dass ich mit dieser Serie hier überhaupt nicht reich werde, mache ich für heute Schluss.
"Sock Hop" & "Running Fanfahre"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creatie Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Rural Stride"
JoshKirschVMedia Right Productions (youtube media libary)
"Internationale instrumental short version"
Nigerian (http://youtu.be/8Zn5tBYVrSY)
Licensed under Creatie Commons: By Attribution 3.0
youtube media libary
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain)
OpenClipart.com (https://openclipart.org/share)
Sparkol Videoscribe Software (http://www.sparkol.com/legal/)
- published: 26 Dec 2014
- views: 21
L'individualisme et les intellectuels (Émile Durkheim).wmv
Extrait du texte L'individualisme et les intellectuels d'Émile Durkheim. À mettre dans le contexte de la hausse des frais de scolarité....
Extrait du texte L'individualisme et les intellectuels d'Émile Durkheim. À mettre dans le contexte de la hausse des frais de scolarité.
wn.com/L'Individualisme Et Les Intellectuels (Émile Durkheim).Wmv
Extrait du texte L'individualisme et les intellectuels d'Émile Durkheim. À mettre dans le contexte de la hausse des frais de scolarité.
David Emile Durkheim Part 3
Biografia de David Emile Durkheim y videos de una de sus obras mas importante que fueron los Cinco Suicidios....
Biografia de David Emile Durkheim y videos de una de sus obras mas importante que fueron los Cinco Suicidios.
wn.com/David Emile Durkheim Part 3
Biografia de David Emile Durkheim y videos de una de sus obras mas importante que fueron los Cinco Suicidios.
Emil Durkheim on Anomie
A brief introduction to Emile Durkheim and his concept of anomie....
A brief introduction to Emile Durkheim and his concept of anomie.
wn.com/Emil Durkheim On Anomie
A brief introduction to Emile Durkheim and his concept of anomie.
- published: 28 Nov 2014
- views: 34
Durkheim Interview
Full article in German language: http://www.metalunderground.at/?p=32725
Interviews, reviews and reports about metal, rock and a...
Full article in German language: http://www.metalunderground.at/?p=32725
Interviews, reviews and reports about metal, rock and alternative music.
More video interviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalUnderground06
Moderation: crackthefiresister
Kamera: Markus Wetzlmayr
Location: Donauinsel Fest
Unsere Website: http://www.metalunderground.at
Wir auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Metal-Underground-Webzine-Austria/131688235070
Genre: Black Metal
Gründung: 2011
Website: https://www.facebook.com/DurkheimOfficial
Aktuelle Besetzung:
Kjetter (voc)
Nocturna (guit)
Bane (guit)
Fimbul (bass)
Andor Varga (drums)
wn.com/Durkheim Interview
Full article in German language: http://www.metalunderground.at/?p=32725
Interviews, reviews and reports about metal, rock and alternative music.
More video interviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalUnderground06
Moderation: crackthefiresister
Kamera: Markus Wetzlmayr
Location: Donauinsel Fest
Unsere Website: http://www.metalunderground.at
Wir auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Metal-Underground-Webzine-Austria/131688235070
Genre: Black Metal
Gründung: 2011
Website: https://www.facebook.com/DurkheimOfficial
Aktuelle Besetzung:
Kjetter (voc)
Nocturna (guit)
Bane (guit)
Fimbul (bass)
Andor Varga (drums)
- published: 06 Jul 2014
- views: 75
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity, Division of Labour, Deviance and Crime.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create an...
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity, Division of Labour, Deviance and Crime.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
wn.com/Emile Durkheim's Ideas On Modernity
Emile Durkheim's Ideas on Modernity, Division of Labour, Deviance and Crime.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 3
Sociology of religion
Sociology of religion is the study of the beliefs, practices and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the discipline of sociology. Th...
Sociology of religion is the study of the beliefs, practices and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the discipline of sociology. This objective investigation may include the use of both quantitative methods and qualitative approaches such as participant observation, interviewing, and analysis of archival, historical and documentary materials.
Modern academic sociology began with the analysis of religion in Émile Durkheim's 1897 study of suicide rates among Catholic and Protestant populations, a foundational work of social research which served to distinguish sociology from other disciplines, such as psychology. The works of Karl Marx and Max Weber emphasized the relationship between religion and the economic or social structure of society. Contemporary debates have centered on issues such as secularization, civil religion, and the cohesiveness of religion in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. The contemporary sociology of religion may also encompass the sociology of irreligion.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Sociology Of Religion
Sociology of religion is the study of the beliefs, practices and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the discipline of sociology. This objective investigation may include the use of both quantitative methods and qualitative approaches such as participant observation, interviewing, and analysis of archival, historical and documentary materials.
Modern academic sociology began with the analysis of religion in Émile Durkheim's 1897 study of suicide rates among Catholic and Protestant populations, a foundational work of social research which served to distinguish sociology from other disciplines, such as psychology. The works of Karl Marx and Max Weber emphasized the relationship between religion and the economic or social structure of society. Contemporary debates have centered on issues such as secularization, civil religion, and the cohesiveness of religion in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. The contemporary sociology of religion may also encompass the sociology of irreligion.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 1
The Big Story: Origins of Religion
This video has been selected as one of the TED Ed Best Flips. http://ed.ted.com/featured/AyqDI3A9 Subscribe to stay up to date with new videos. *** Sources: ......
This video has been selected as one of the TED Ed Best Flips. http://ed.ted.com/featured/AyqDI3A9 Subscribe to stay up to date with new videos. *** Sources: ...
wn.com/The Big Story Origins Of Religion
This video has been selected as one of the TED Ed Best Flips. http://ed.ted.com/featured/AyqDI3A9 Subscribe to stay up to date with new videos. *** Sources: ...
ICA 2014: Tarde v. Durkheim Debate (w/Cooren, Dayan)
Under the direction of Elihu Katz, sociologists Francois Cooren and Daniel Dayan take up the roles of the field's founders--Gabriel Tarde and Émile Durkheim,......
Under the direction of Elihu Katz, sociologists Francois Cooren and Daniel Dayan take up the roles of the field's founders--Gabriel Tarde and Émile Durkheim,...
wn.com/Ica 2014 Tarde V. Durkheim Debate (W Cooren, Dayan)
Under the direction of Elihu Katz, sociologists Francois Cooren and Daniel Dayan take up the roles of the field's founders--Gabriel Tarde and Émile Durkheim,...
- published: 25 May 2014
- views: 176
author: uwcomm
Organized Religions - Agnes Zee Vlog - Jungle Book Remake Interview
Reuploaded to test out how to avoid youtube not able to monetize
KaaVFX Channel
Reuploaded to test out how to avoid youtube not able to monetize
KaaVFX Channel
Organized religion (or organised religion—see spelling differences), also known as institutional religion, is religion as a social institution,[1] in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established.[2] Organized religion is typically characterized by an official doctrine (or dogma), a hierarchical or bureaucratic leadership structure, and a codification of rules and practices.
The term organized religion is frequently used in the mass media to refer to the world's largest religious groups,[3][4] especially those known by name internationally, and it also refers to organizations with which one can legally or officially affiliate oneself or not.[5]
Organized religion is distinguished from the broader idea of religion especially in anthropology, sociology, and philosophy. American philosopher William James describes that
Religion... shall mean for us the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude... in relation to whatever they may consider the divine. Since the relation may be either moral, physical, or ritual, it is evident that out of religion in the sense in which we take it, theologies, philosophies, and ecclesiastical organizations may secondarily grow.[6]
James further comments that the essential elements of "institutional religion" are "worship and sacrifice, procedures for working on the dispositions of the deity [i.e.] theology, and ceremony and ecclesiastical organization."[7]
Organized religion seems to have gained prevalence since the Neolithic era with the rise of wide-scale civilization and agriculture. Organized religions may include a state's official religion, for example reified by a state church; however, most political states have any number of organized religions practiced within their jurisdiction. Due to their structured, standardized, and so easily proliferated form, organized religions comprise many of the world's major religious groups. The Abrahamic religions are all largely considered organized (including Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Bahá'í Faith), as well as some schools of thought within Indian religions (for example, some schools of Hinduism and Buddhism). Religions that are not considered organized, or only loosely so, include many indigenous and folk religions, such as traditional African religions, Native American religions, and prehistoric religions, as well as personal religions including most strands of Hinduism. Even though a few Hindu monasteries and religious institutions have organized themselves, these are local to the organizations affecting only their adherents and have very little impact on the rest of the religious practices.[citation needed]
Institutions are "stable, valued, recurring patterns of behavior."[1] As structures or mechanisms of social order, they govern the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community. Institutions are identified with a social purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern living behavior.[2]
The term "institution" commonly applies to a custom or behavior pattern important to a society, and to particular formal organizations of the government and public services. As structures and mechanisms of social order, institutions are a principal object of study in social sciences such as political science, anthropology, economics, and sociology (the latter described by Émile Durkheim as the "science of institutions, their genesis and their functioning").[3] Institutions are also a central concern for law, the formal mechanism for political rule-making and enforcement.
Marriage and the family - sociology of the family
Religion and religious institutions - see sociology of religion; civil religion
Educational institutions - schools (preschool, primary/elementary, secondary, and post-secondary/higher - see Sociology of education)
Research community - academia and universities; research institutes - see sociology of science
Medicine - hospitals and other health care institutions - see sociology of health and illness, medical sociology
Psychiatric hospitals (history)
Law and legal system - courts; judges; the legal profession (bar) - see jurisprudence, philosophy of law, sociology of law
Criminal justice or penal systems - prisons - see sociology of punishment
Military or paramilitary forces - see military sociology
wn.com/Organized Religions Agnes Zee Vlog Jungle Book Remake Interview
Reuploaded to test out how to avoid youtube not able to monetize
KaaVFX Channel
Organized religion (or organised religion—see spelling differences), also known as institutional religion, is religion as a social institution,[1] in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established.[2] Organized religion is typically characterized by an official doctrine (or dogma), a hierarchical or bureaucratic leadership structure, and a codification of rules and practices.
The term organized religion is frequently used in the mass media to refer to the world's largest religious groups,[3][4] especially those known by name internationally, and it also refers to organizations with which one can legally or officially affiliate oneself or not.[5]
Organized religion is distinguished from the broader idea of religion especially in anthropology, sociology, and philosophy. American philosopher William James describes that
Religion... shall mean for us the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude... in relation to whatever they may consider the divine. Since the relation may be either moral, physical, or ritual, it is evident that out of religion in the sense in which we take it, theologies, philosophies, and ecclesiastical organizations may secondarily grow.[6]
James further comments that the essential elements of "institutional religion" are "worship and sacrifice, procedures for working on the dispositions of the deity [i.e.] theology, and ceremony and ecclesiastical organization."[7]
Organized religion seems to have gained prevalence since the Neolithic era with the rise of wide-scale civilization and agriculture. Organized religions may include a state's official religion, for example reified by a state church; however, most political states have any number of organized religions practiced within their jurisdiction. Due to their structured, standardized, and so easily proliferated form, organized religions comprise many of the world's major religious groups. The Abrahamic religions are all largely considered organized (including Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Bahá'í Faith), as well as some schools of thought within Indian religions (for example, some schools of Hinduism and Buddhism). Religions that are not considered organized, or only loosely so, include many indigenous and folk religions, such as traditional African religions, Native American religions, and prehistoric religions, as well as personal religions including most strands of Hinduism. Even though a few Hindu monasteries and religious institutions have organized themselves, these are local to the organizations affecting only their adherents and have very little impact on the rest of the religious practices.[citation needed]
Institutions are "stable, valued, recurring patterns of behavior."[1] As structures or mechanisms of social order, they govern the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community. Institutions are identified with a social purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern living behavior.[2]
The term "institution" commonly applies to a custom or behavior pattern important to a society, and to particular formal organizations of the government and public services. As structures and mechanisms of social order, institutions are a principal object of study in social sciences such as political science, anthropology, economics, and sociology (the latter described by Émile Durkheim as the "science of institutions, their genesis and their functioning").[3] Institutions are also a central concern for law, the formal mechanism for political rule-making and enforcement.
Marriage and the family - sociology of the family
Religion and religious institutions - see sociology of religion; civil religion
Educational institutions - schools (preschool, primary/elementary, secondary, and post-secondary/higher - see Sociology of education)
Research community - academia and universities; research institutes - see sociology of science
Medicine - hospitals and other health care institutions - see sociology of health and illness, medical sociology
Psychiatric hospitals (history)
Law and legal system - courts; judges; the legal profession (bar) - see jurisprudence, philosophy of law, sociology of law
Criminal justice or penal systems - prisons - see sociology of punishment
Military or paramilitary forces - see military sociology
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 43
Interview with Mary Douglas - February 2006 - part 1
Interview with the anthropologist Mary Douglas, author of 'Purity and Danger' and other works. For the full, higher quality interview (and downloadable versi......
Interview with the anthropologist Mary Douglas, author of 'Purity and Danger' and other works. For the full, higher quality interview (and downloadable versi...
wn.com/Interview With Mary Douglas February 2006 Part 1
Interview with the anthropologist Mary Douglas, author of 'Purity and Danger' and other works. For the full, higher quality interview (and downloadable versi...
- published: 07 Nov 2007
- views: 12477
author: ayabaya
Interview and seminar with M.N. Srinivas
Interview of M.N.Srinivas by Jack Goody. Filmed by the Audio Visual Aids Unit, Cambridge, in about 1982. All revenues are donated to the World Oral Literatur......
Interview of M.N.Srinivas by Jack Goody. Filmed by the Audio Visual Aids Unit, Cambridge, in about 1982. All revenues are donated to the World Oral Literatur...
wn.com/Interview And Seminar With M.N. Srinivas
Interview of M.N.Srinivas by Jack Goody. Filmed by the Audio Visual Aids Unit, Cambridge, in about 1982. All revenues are donated to the World Oral Literatur...
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 935
author: ayabaya