- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 12642
Gofio is the Canary Islands name for flour made from roasted grains (typically wheat or certain varieties of maize) or other starchy plants (e.g. beans and, historically, fern root), some varieties containing a little added salt. Gofio has been an important ingredient in Canarian cooking for some time, and Canarian emigrants have spread its use to the Caribbean (notably in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela) but generally in all of Latin America. In Chile and Argentina it is known as harina tostada and is employed in a wide variety of recipes. The gofio commercially available in the Canary Islands is always finely ground, like ordinary flour, despite the definition given in the Spanish Dictionary of the Royal Academy.
Gofio is thought to be have been the main staple of the diet of the Guanches, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, who produced it from barley and the rhizome of certain ferns. The latter is also known to have been used in historical times, especially in famine, even up till the 20th century. "Gofio" derives from the name for the product in the aboriginal language of Gran Canaria, while in neighbouring Tenerife it was known as ahoren. Among the Berbers of North Africa, from whom the Guanche population largely derived, there existed a toasted barley flour with similar usage as a food, called arkul. In Morocco, toasted flour is also mixed with among others, almond paste, honey, argan oil, anise, fennel, and sesame seeds to make "Sellou" (also called "Zamita" or "Slilou" in some regions), a sweet paste known for its long shelf life and high nutritive value. It was amongst the provisions of the crew of Thor Heyerdahl's "Ra II" expedition to cross the Atlantic aboard a papyrus ship using the Canary Current in 1970.
El Gofio, preparación
Receta Canaria: Gofio Escaldado
Receta: Como hacer Batido de Gofio.
Gofio . . . Say Fósforo!
"Himno al gofio" - Julio Gallego (Abel Soria) - Uruguay
Pella de Gofio Canaria
Pella de gofio con Plátano
Achicatnas x BONG // GoFio (Canarian Version)
Elaborar gofio amasado canario con azúcar receta de la abuela
Mousse de gofio - La dulce Magdalena en Canarias Hoy (28/05/2015)
Mousse de Gofio
Mousse de gofio (fácil y rápido!)