Serbia's Growing Migrant Crisis: VICE News Capsule, February 12
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Serbia bolsters patrol of Hungarian border to stem flow of migrants from Kosovo, Sudanese troops accused of mass rape in Darfur, Tehran's drop-in centers give the homeless and drug-addicted a safe haven, and a Cambodian minister wants to re-educate teenagers on the meaning of Valentine's Day.
Border Patrols Inc
What Countries Are Currently At War? A Complete List
Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Iraq are not the only groups currently at war. Serious armed conflicts are happening all over the world - we just don't hear ...
Raw Deadly Bus Crash in Serbia • Breaking News Today
Breaking News Today, politics and analysis for those who like to think outside the box.
For the real supremacy of the truth, the stabilization of situation in the whole world, and giving quality and up-to-date information about the current events and the world's reactions for them. Breaking News Today.
If any video of our channel violates your copyright, please let us know, we will immediately fi
The Islamic State (Full Length)
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the ca
Ukrainian crisis news Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, Serbia ,Bulgaria
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Serbia: Shqipëria do shekuj të bëhet shtet normal - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Përplasjet e dhunshme në stadiumin “Partizan” në Beograd, shteti serb i ka cilësuar incident të organizuar të shqiptarëve me qëllim destabilitetin e Serbisë dhe rajonit. Ky ka qenë qëndrimi zyrtar i Presidentit serb Tomislav Nikoliç përmes një komunikate, si dhe i kryeministrit serb Aleksandar Vucic. Madje
Shqipëria e pëson në fund nga Serbia - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Shqipëria e futbollit nuk i shpëtoi edhe ketë here sindromes se humbjes ne minutat e fundit, ndërsa tregoi se nuk e mban dot presionin e sfidave decizive. Ne “Elbasan Arena” kuqezinjtë humben 0-2 ne katër minutat e shtesës ndaj Serbisë, ndërsa tashme u duhet te fitojnë ne Jerevan ndaj Armenisë, nëse duan te
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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Serbia te pranoje planin e Ashton - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Ne një kohe qe Serbia po heziton te pranoje propozimin e përfaqësueses për politike te jashtme Catherine Ashton, Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikës kane bere th...
Donald Trump: 'I Will Win The Latino Vote' (Full Interview) | NBC News
Donald Trump sat down with Katy Tur to discuss his presidential campaign.
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Serbia, notë proteste Shqipërisë - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Beogradi zyrtar i ka prezantuar një notë proteste ambasadorit shqiptar në Beograd Ilir Bocki për deklaratën e cilësuar si provokuese të kryeministrit Edi Rama për stabilitetin dhe paqen në rajon. Një kopje e këtij dokumenti i është dërguar edhe përfaqësive të huaja të vendosura ne serbi. Qëndrimet e kryemin
Serbia, "oreks" për pakicat - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Shtohet oreksi i Serbisë ne lidhje me pakicat qe pretendon se ka ne Shqipëri. Beogradi zyrtar përmes ministrit te jashtëm qe erdhi ne Tirane, premton financi...
Refugees in Serbia Rush to Cross Into Hungary Before Borders Close | NBC Nightly News
They arrived at the border checkpoint hours before it was set to close, but Hungarian police blocked the way. They walked to a second crossing only to find it also blocked.
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NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The
PMs of Albania and Serbia clash over Kosovo
There have been tense scenes at a joint news conference between the Serbian and Albanian prime ministers in Belgrade. The two men disagreed publicly over the status of Kosovo. Monday's meeting was the first time that an Albanian Premier had made an official visit to the Serb capital for almost 70 years. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports. Al Jazeera's Osama Bin Javaid reports. Subscribe to
Migrants flock to Serbia-Hungary border to enter EU
After being on the road for weeks, crossing several countries, migrants hope that by crossing into Hungary, and the EU, they will have a chance to a better life.
Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports from Subotica on the Serbian side of the border.
Serbia reagon ndaj Ramës - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Fjalimi i kryeministrit Edi Rama ne Asamblenë e Përgjithshme te OKB-se, ku beri thirrje per njohjen e pavarësisë se Kosovës, nuk është pritur mire nga Serbia. Beogradi reagoi përmes ambasadorit ne Kombet e Bashkuara, Milan Milanovic, qe e cilësoi qëndrimin e Rames abuziv, duke theksuar se shefi i qeverise s
Migrant Crisis: The Footage the Media Refuses to Broadcast
Why are mainstream media outlets like CNN and BBC only broadcasting footage which shows the migrants in a positive light?
TV News: Ku Klux Klan in Serbia / Srbija
Ku Klux Klan in Serbia
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Albanian Lobby in America
Albanian stupidity. Must see...
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Vuçiç: Serbia nuk do t’a njohë Kosovën - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Serbia nuk do ta njohe kurrë Kosovën si shtet te pavarur, por pavarësisht kësaj, dialogu me Prishtinën do te vazhdoje ne mënyrë qe raportet mes shqiptarëve dhe serbëve të normalizohen. Deklarata erdhi nga kryeministri serb Aleksandër Vuçiç.“Bisedimet nuk janë fare të lehta. Nganjëherë janë të papërballueshm
Serbia notë proteste në OKB - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Prania e delegacionit kosovar ne samitin kundër terrorizmit ne SHBA ka ngjallur pakënaqësi e zemërim ne Serbi. Misioni serb ne Kombet e Bashkuara ne bashkëpunim edhe me shefin e diplomacisë serbe, Ivica Daçiç, i ka dërguar nje notë proteste OKB-së, pasi përkrah përfaqësuesve nga shume vende te botes ne taki
Serbia ndihme Rusisë, kundër anëtarësimit të Kosovës në UNESCO - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Partitë radikale serbe kanë shtuar trysninë e tyre ndaj Beogradit zyrtar për të rritur përpjekjet diplomatike më qëllim refuzimin e Kosovës në UNESCO. Përmes një deklarate Partia Popullore e Serbisë, e cila drejtohet nga Neboshnja Korac, kërkon qeverisë së kryeministrit Vuçiç të bëjë një thirrje publike për
Serbia's Growing Migrant Crisis: VICE News Capsule, February 12
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Serbia bolsters patrol of Hungarian border to stem flow of migrants from Kosovo,...
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Serbia bolsters patrol of Hungarian border to stem flow of migrants from Kosovo, Sudanese troops accused of mass rape in Darfur, Tehran's drop-in centers give the homeless and drug-addicted a safe haven, and a Cambodian minister wants to re-educate teenagers on the meaning of Valentine's Day.
Border Patrols Increased to Stem Flow of Illegal Migrants
Thousands of Kosovo Albanians fleeing poverty are smuggling themselves across the border into Hungary.
Soldiers Accused of More Than 200 Rapes in Darfur Village Last Year. The Sudanese government has denied the allegations made by Human Rights Watch.
Help for the Homeless and Addicted in Tehran
Drop-in centers cater to hundreds of people hooked on heroin and crystal meth.
Share Love, Not Bodily Fluids, on Valentine’s Day
Education minister urges teachers to ask their teenage students not to give flowers and chocolate to convince girls to give up their virginity.
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wn.com/Serbia's Growing Migrant Crisis Vice News Capsule, February 12
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Serbia bolsters patrol of Hungarian border to stem flow of migrants from Kosovo, Sudanese troops accused of mass rape in Darfur, Tehran's drop-in centers give the homeless and drug-addicted a safe haven, and a Cambodian minister wants to re-educate teenagers on the meaning of Valentine's Day.
Border Patrols Increased to Stem Flow of Illegal Migrants
Thousands of Kosovo Albanians fleeing poverty are smuggling themselves across the border into Hungary.
Soldiers Accused of More Than 200 Rapes in Darfur Village Last Year. The Sudanese government has denied the allegations made by Human Rights Watch.
Help for the Homeless and Addicted in Tehran
Drop-in centers cater to hundreds of people hooked on heroin and crystal meth.
Share Love, Not Bodily Fluids, on Valentine’s Day
Education minister urges teachers to ask their teenage students not to give flowers and chocolate to convince girls to give up their virginity.
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- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 60927
What Countries Are Currently At War? A Complete List
Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Iraq are not the only groups currently at war. Serious armed conflicts are happening all over the world - we just don't hear ......
Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Iraq are not the only groups currently at war. Serious armed conflicts are happening all over the world - we just don't hear ...
wn.com/What Countries Are Currently At War A Complete List
Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Iraq are not the only groups currently at war. Serious armed conflicts are happening all over the world - we just don't hear ...
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 140539
author: TestTube
Raw Deadly Bus Crash in Serbia • Breaking News Today
Breaking News Today, politics and analysis for those who like to think outside the box.
For the real supremacy of the truth, the stabilization of situation in t...
Breaking News Today, politics and analysis for those who like to think outside the box.
For the real supremacy of the truth, the stabilization of situation in the whole world, and giving quality and up-to-date information about the current events and the world's reactions for them. Breaking News Today.
If any video of our channel violates your copyright, please let us know, we will immediately fix it, thank you for your understanding.
Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Russia today, Russia news today, Ukraine news today, Ukraine news, World news today, World news, Ukraine war, Ukraine today, News, ny times, new york times, current affairs, politics, happening now, breaking news, India, Myanmar, birth control, Assad, al Qaeda, War Rebels, conflict
wn.com/Raw Deadly Bus Crash In Serbia • Breaking News Today
Breaking News Today, politics and analysis for those who like to think outside the box.
For the real supremacy of the truth, the stabilization of situation in the whole world, and giving quality and up-to-date information about the current events and the world's reactions for them. Breaking News Today.
If any video of our channel violates your copyright, please let us know, we will immediately fix it, thank you for your understanding.
Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Russia today, Russia news today, Ukraine news today, Ukraine news, World news today, World news, Ukraine war, Ukraine today, News, ny times, new york times, current affairs, politics, happening now, breaking news, India, Myanmar, birth control, Assad, al Qaeda, War Rebels, conflict
- published: 23 Jun 2015
- views: 0
The Islamic State (Full Length)
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conque...
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state.
Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings.
Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - http://bit.ly/Ghosts-of-Aleppo
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wn.com/The Islamic State (Full Length)
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state.
Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings.
Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - http://bit.ly/Ghosts-of-Aleppo
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
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- published: 14 Aug 2014
- views: 9808965
Ukrainian crisis news Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, Serbia ,Bulgaria
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- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 8
Serbia: Shqipëria do shekuj të bëhet shtet normal - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Përplasjet e dhunshme në stadiumin “Partizan” në Beograd, shteti ser...
Përplasjet e dhunshme në stadiumin “Partizan” në Beograd, shteti serb i ka cilësuar incident të organizuar të shqiptarëve me qëllim destabilitetin e Serbisë dhe rajonit. Ky ka qenë qëndrimi zyrtar i Presidentit serb Tomislav Nikoliç përmes një komunikate, si dhe i kryeministrit serb Aleksandar Vucic. Madje Nikoliç shkon deri në deklarata fyese, kur thotë që Shqipërisë do t’i nevojiten dekada, deri shekuj që të bëhet shtet normal. “Qëllimi i dukshëm i atyre që organizuan dhe hodhën mjetin fluturues me flamurin e Shqipërisë së Madhe, është shkaktimi i trazirave në Serbi dhe përpjekje për paqëndrueshmëri në të gjithë rajonin. Ndeshjet sportive janë një vend ku jepen mesazhe politike provokative. Pas atentatit në vendosjen e marrëdhënieve miqësore ndërmjet Serbisë dhe Shqipërisë , sigurisht që Shqipërisë do t’i duhen dekada, në mos shekuj që të bëhet shtet normal, pa urrejtje ndaj serbëve.” “Synimi i ekstremistëve shqiptarë ishte të tregonte se Serbia është një shtet jotolerant dhe kërkojnë të na turpërojnë. Ata donin të shkelnin krenarinë tonë, por ne e kemi ruajtur faqen dhe këtë e treguam përballë një bandë zyrtarësh shqiptarë që qëndronin në sallonin vip. tre orë përpara ndeshjes unë kam informuar zyrtarët e be-së se shqiptarët po përgatisin nje incident serioz.” Vuçiç ka hamendësuar edhe për vëllanë e kryeministrit Rama, duke lënë të kuptohej se sipas palës serbe, ai është personi që ka lëshuar mjetin fluturues me hartën e Shqipërisë Etnike. Ndërsa CNN shkruan duke cituar burime nga zyra e qeverisë serbe se vëllai i kryeministrit, Olsi Rama, është arrestuar, nën dyshimin se e telekomandonte ai mjetin fluturues me hartën e trevave shqiptare, dhe më pas është kthyer mbrapsht në Shqipëri. Megjithatë shkrimi i CNN i publikuar në faqe të parë ka më shumë nota sarkazme, kur thotë që ky skenar i propozuar nga zyrtarët serbë, paraqet një komplot që edhe një shkrimtar i librave triller do ta kishte të vështirë ta imagjinonte. Me herët ministri i Punëve të Jashtme të Serbisë, Ivica Daçiç i ka cilësuar si një incident të paramenduar dhe “një provokim politik”. “Kjo nuk ka ndodhur kurrë në asnjë ndeshje të futbollit dhe është e përgatitur paraprakisht. Për mua është çështje kryesore se si do të reagoi Bashkimi Evropian dhe UEFA, pasi dikush nga Serbia ta shpaloste flamurin e ‘Serbisë së Madhe’ në Tiranë apo në Prishtinë, kjo do të ishte çështje e rendit të ditës në Këshillin e Sigurimit të OKB-së. Në këtë incident po përmendet që këtë e ka bërë vëllai i kryeministri të Shqipërisë, i cili këtu do të duhej të ishte si i ftuar. E gjithë kjo ka dimensione politike në këtë ngjarje dhe ky është provokim politik. Ne vijim te fjalës se tij, Daçiç ka deklaruar se shteti i tij nuk mban asnjë përgjegjësi për ndërprerjen e kësaj ndeshje. Këto qëndrime te shefit te diplomacisë tingëllojnë paksa kontradiktore kur kujton se ka qenë vetë Dacic, që në vitin 2010, atëherë si Ministër i Brendshëm, i cili, duke komentuar incidentin me djegien e flamurit shqiptar, ka thënë: ndërhyrja e policisë italiane duhet të ishte më efektive. ata duhet të kishin ndaluar tifozët të hynin në stadium me mjete të jashtëligjshme. nënvizoj se, Beogradi nuk do ta kishte lejuar kurrë të ndodhte diçka e tillë. Personi të cilit i referohet ministri Daçic është Ivan Bogdanov, tifozi që i vuri zjarrin flamurit shqiptar dhe që është përjashtuar përjetë nga hyrja ne stadiume. Por ne stadiumin Partizan i Beogradit, ishte ky person, i njohur me pseudonimin “Ivani i tmerrshëm”, i cili udhëhiqte turmat e tifozëve që goditen futbollistet e kombëtares shqiptare.
wn.com/Serbia Shqipëria Do Shekuj Të Bëhet Shtet Normal News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Përplasjet e dhunshme në stadiumin “Partizan” në Beograd, shteti serb i ka cilësuar incident të organizuar të shqiptarëve me qëllim destabilitetin e Serbisë dhe rajonit. Ky ka qenë qëndrimi zyrtar i Presidentit serb Tomislav Nikoliç përmes një komunikate, si dhe i kryeministrit serb Aleksandar Vucic. Madje Nikoliç shkon deri në deklarata fyese, kur thotë që Shqipërisë do t’i nevojiten dekada, deri shekuj që të bëhet shtet normal. “Qëllimi i dukshëm i atyre që organizuan dhe hodhën mjetin fluturues me flamurin e Shqipërisë së Madhe, është shkaktimi i trazirave në Serbi dhe përpjekje për paqëndrueshmëri në të gjithë rajonin. Ndeshjet sportive janë një vend ku jepen mesazhe politike provokative. Pas atentatit në vendosjen e marrëdhënieve miqësore ndërmjet Serbisë dhe Shqipërisë , sigurisht që Shqipërisë do t’i duhen dekada, në mos shekuj që të bëhet shtet normal, pa urrejtje ndaj serbëve.” “Synimi i ekstremistëve shqiptarë ishte të tregonte se Serbia është një shtet jotolerant dhe kërkojnë të na turpërojnë. Ata donin të shkelnin krenarinë tonë, por ne e kemi ruajtur faqen dhe këtë e treguam përballë një bandë zyrtarësh shqiptarë që qëndronin në sallonin vip. tre orë përpara ndeshjes unë kam informuar zyrtarët e be-së se shqiptarët po përgatisin nje incident serioz.” Vuçiç ka hamendësuar edhe për vëllanë e kryeministrit Rama, duke lënë të kuptohej se sipas palës serbe, ai është personi që ka lëshuar mjetin fluturues me hartën e Shqipërisë Etnike. Ndërsa CNN shkruan duke cituar burime nga zyra e qeverisë serbe se vëllai i kryeministrit, Olsi Rama, është arrestuar, nën dyshimin se e telekomandonte ai mjetin fluturues me hartën e trevave shqiptare, dhe më pas është kthyer mbrapsht në Shqipëri. Megjithatë shkrimi i CNN i publikuar në faqe të parë ka më shumë nota sarkazme, kur thotë që ky skenar i propozuar nga zyrtarët serbë, paraqet një komplot që edhe një shkrimtar i librave triller do ta kishte të vështirë ta imagjinonte. Me herët ministri i Punëve të Jashtme të Serbisë, Ivica Daçiç i ka cilësuar si një incident të paramenduar dhe “një provokim politik”. “Kjo nuk ka ndodhur kurrë në asnjë ndeshje të futbollit dhe është e përgatitur paraprakisht. Për mua është çështje kryesore se si do të reagoi Bashkimi Evropian dhe UEFA, pasi dikush nga Serbia ta shpaloste flamurin e ‘Serbisë së Madhe’ në Tiranë apo në Prishtinë, kjo do të ishte çështje e rendit të ditës në Këshillin e Sigurimit të OKB-së. Në këtë incident po përmendet që këtë e ka bërë vëllai i kryeministri të Shqipërisë, i cili këtu do të duhej të ishte si i ftuar. E gjithë kjo ka dimensione politike në këtë ngjarje dhe ky është provokim politik. Ne vijim te fjalës se tij, Daçiç ka deklaruar se shteti i tij nuk mban asnjë përgjegjësi për ndërprerjen e kësaj ndeshje. Këto qëndrime te shefit te diplomacisë tingëllojnë paksa kontradiktore kur kujton se ka qenë vetë Dacic, që në vitin 2010, atëherë si Ministër i Brendshëm, i cili, duke komentuar incidentin me djegien e flamurit shqiptar, ka thënë: ndërhyrja e policisë italiane duhet të ishte më efektive. ata duhet të kishin ndaluar tifozët të hynin në stadium me mjete të jashtëligjshme. nënvizoj se, Beogradi nuk do ta kishte lejuar kurrë të ndodhte diçka e tillë. Personi të cilit i referohet ministri Daçic është Ivan Bogdanov, tifozi që i vuri zjarrin flamurit shqiptar dhe që është përjashtuar përjetë nga hyrja ne stadiume. Por ne stadiumin Partizan i Beogradit, ishte ky person, i njohur me pseudonimin “Ivani i tmerrshëm”, i cili udhëhiqte turmat e tifozëve që goditen futbollistet e kombëtares shqiptare.
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 14518
Shqipëria e pëson në fund nga Serbia - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Shqipëria e futbollit nuk i shpëtoi edhe ketë here sindromes se humb...
Shqipëria e futbollit nuk i shpëtoi edhe ketë here sindromes se humbjes ne minutat e fundit, ndërsa tregoi se nuk e mban dot presionin e sfidave decizive. Ne “Elbasan Arena” kuqezinjtë humben 0-2 ne katër minutat e shtesës ndaj Serbisë, ndërsa tashme u duhet te fitojnë ne Jerevan ndaj Armenisë, nëse duan te presin biletën e kualifikimit direkt per ne europian. Ne një përballje te përziere mes emocioneve te shumta dhe urrejtjes ku pesha e historisë ishte nje nga faktorët kryesore, kombëtarja shqiptare e nisi takimin me dëshire, por hasi ne rezistencën e forte te miqve. Ne nje loje shahu ku secili priste gabimet e tjetrit, te te dy skuadrat mendimi i pare ishte mosdhënia hapësire kundërshtarit per te fituar terren. Me nje skuadër me mjaft ndryshime nga ndeshja e mëparshme, formacioni i De Biasit nuk u shfaq per asnjë moment agresiv nga krahët, ndërkohe qe Serbia filloi te kontrollonte lojën duke u kundërpërgjigjur rrezikshëm. Dy raste ne pjesën e pare per miqtë, kapiteni Ivanovic dhe goli i anuluar i Ljajic. Me fillimin e pjesës se dyte De Biasi freskoi skuadrën, ndërsa kuqezinjtë ishin me kërkues, por qe aksionet përfundonin pa sukses ne finale. Atëherë kur pritej qe ndeshja te përfundonte ne barazim, nje pike qe do te ishte fantastike duke pare dhe humbjen e Danimarkës, miqtë shokuan te zotet e shtëpisë, duke goditur me Kolarov ne minutën e pare te shtesës. Akoma pa e mare veten nga pësimi i golit te pare, Adem Ljajic ne nje kundërsulm te shpejte mposhti për here te dyte portierin Berisha duke vulosur shifrat 2-0.Radovan Çurçiç:Jam shume i lumtur për ketë fitore dhe mendoj se fitoi ekipi me i mire. Nëse do te kualifikohet Danimarka apo Shqipëria ne europian mendoj se çdo gjë shkon sipas meritës. Ai ekip qe do te renditet i dyti ne fundin e këtyre eliminatoreve do ta meritoje. Unë e respektoj Shqipërinë per pozicionin dhe piket qe ka, keni një ekip te mire.Gianni De Biasi:Ajo qe vlente ishte qe ne te merrnim një pike, pike qe do te ishte si ar i çmuar per ne. Vazhdojmë te ndjekim instinktin dhe jo arsyen, u thashë lojtareve që të mos avanconin shumë, por u rrëmbyen nga publiku dhe nga dëshira për të fituar. E megjithatë e kemi dhe nje shans ne Armeni dhe do te bëjmë gjithçka per kualifikimin.Sfidën e fundit për eliminatoret kuqezinjtë do ta luajnë ne Erevan ne 11 tetor ne orën 18 ndaj Armenisë.
wn.com/Shqipëria E Pëson Në Fund Nga Serbia News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Shqipëria e futbollit nuk i shpëtoi edhe ketë here sindromes se humbjes ne minutat e fundit, ndërsa tregoi se nuk e mban dot presionin e sfidave decizive. Ne “Elbasan Arena” kuqezinjtë humben 0-2 ne katër minutat e shtesës ndaj Serbisë, ndërsa tashme u duhet te fitojnë ne Jerevan ndaj Armenisë, nëse duan te presin biletën e kualifikimit direkt per ne europian. Ne një përballje te përziere mes emocioneve te shumta dhe urrejtjes ku pesha e historisë ishte nje nga faktorët kryesore, kombëtarja shqiptare e nisi takimin me dëshire, por hasi ne rezistencën e forte te miqve. Ne nje loje shahu ku secili priste gabimet e tjetrit, te te dy skuadrat mendimi i pare ishte mosdhënia hapësire kundërshtarit per te fituar terren. Me nje skuadër me mjaft ndryshime nga ndeshja e mëparshme, formacioni i De Biasit nuk u shfaq per asnjë moment agresiv nga krahët, ndërkohe qe Serbia filloi te kontrollonte lojën duke u kundërpërgjigjur rrezikshëm. Dy raste ne pjesën e pare per miqtë, kapiteni Ivanovic dhe goli i anuluar i Ljajic. Me fillimin e pjesës se dyte De Biasi freskoi skuadrën, ndërsa kuqezinjtë ishin me kërkues, por qe aksionet përfundonin pa sukses ne finale. Atëherë kur pritej qe ndeshja te përfundonte ne barazim, nje pike qe do te ishte fantastike duke pare dhe humbjen e Danimarkës, miqtë shokuan te zotet e shtëpisë, duke goditur me Kolarov ne minutën e pare te shtesës. Akoma pa e mare veten nga pësimi i golit te pare, Adem Ljajic ne nje kundërsulm te shpejte mposhti për here te dyte portierin Berisha duke vulosur shifrat 2-0.Radovan Çurçiç:Jam shume i lumtur për ketë fitore dhe mendoj se fitoi ekipi me i mire. Nëse do te kualifikohet Danimarka apo Shqipëria ne europian mendoj se çdo gjë shkon sipas meritës. Ai ekip qe do te renditet i dyti ne fundin e këtyre eliminatoreve do ta meritoje. Unë e respektoj Shqipërinë per pozicionin dhe piket qe ka, keni një ekip te mire.Gianni De Biasi:Ajo qe vlente ishte qe ne te merrnim një pike, pike qe do te ishte si ar i çmuar per ne. Vazhdojmë te ndjekim instinktin dhe jo arsyen, u thashë lojtareve që të mos avanconin shumë, por u rrëmbyen nga publiku dhe nga dëshira për të fituar. E megjithatë e kemi dhe nje shans ne Armeni dhe do te bëjmë gjithçka per kualifikimin.Sfidën e fundit për eliminatoret kuqezinjtë do ta luajnë ne Erevan ne 11 tetor ne orën 18 ndaj Armenisë.
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 603
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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wn.com/Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Migrants And Refugees (Hbo)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 4111516
Serbia te pranoje planin e Ashton - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Ne një kohe qe Serbia po heziton te pranoje propozimin e përfaqësueses për politike te jashtme Catherine Ashton, Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikës kane bere th......
Ne një kohe qe Serbia po heziton te pranoje propozimin e përfaqësueses për politike te jashtme Catherine Ashton, Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikës kane bere th...
wn.com/Serbia Te Pranoje Planin E Ashton Vizion Plus News Lajme
Ne një kohe qe Serbia po heziton te pranoje propozimin e përfaqësueses për politike te jashtme Catherine Ashton, Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikës kane bere th...
Donald Trump: 'I Will Win The Latino Vote' (Full Interview) | NBC News
Donald Trump sat down with Katy Tur to discuss his presidential campaign.
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Donald Trump sat down with Katy Tur to discuss his presidential campaign.
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Donald Trump: 'I Will Win The Latino Vote' (Full Interview) | NBC News
wn.com/Donald Trump 'I Will Win The Latino Vote' (Full Interview) | Nbc News
Donald Trump sat down with Katy Tur to discuss his presidential campaign.
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NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations.
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Donald Trump: 'I Will Win The Latino Vote' (Full Interview) | NBC News
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 1641893
Serbia, notë proteste Shqipërisë - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Beogradi zyrtar i ka prezantuar një notë proteste ambasadorit shqipt...
Beogradi zyrtar i ka prezantuar një notë proteste ambasadorit shqiptar në Beograd Ilir Bocki për deklaratën e cilësuar si provokuese të kryeministrit Edi Rama për stabilitetin dhe paqen në rajon. Një kopje e këtij dokumenti i është dërguar edhe përfaqësive të huaja të vendosura ne serbi. Qëndrimet e kryeministrit të Republikës së Shqipërisë janë të papranueshme për Serbinë. Deklarata e tij është në vazhdën e serisë që komenteve provokatitve të përfaqësuesit më të lartë të qeverisë, i cili dëmton marrëdhëniet dypalëshe Shqipëri-Serbi dhe stabilitetin rajonal. Është një ftesë e rrezikshme për të ripërcaktuar kufijtë në Ballkan, të cilat janë njohur ndërkombëtarit. Kjo deklaratë bie dhe në kundërshtim me qëndrimet e mëparshme të kryeministri shqiptar se dy vendet po zhvillojnë marrëdhënie të mira ndërfqinjësore. Në fund të kësaj note proteste, Beogradi zyrtar pret që edhe shtete të tjera europioane dhe më gjerë të dënojnë këto komente te kryeministrit Rama. Në intervistën e përbashkët me zv/kryeministrin kosovar, Hashim Thaci, Rama deklaroi se bashkimi kombëtar mes dy vendeve do të ndodhe vetëm pas integrimit të dy shteteve në Bashkimi Europian.
wn.com/Serbia, Notë Proteste Shqipërisë News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Beogradi zyrtar i ka prezantuar një notë proteste ambasadorit shqiptar në Beograd Ilir Bocki për deklaratën e cilësuar si provokuese të kryeministrit Edi Rama për stabilitetin dhe paqen në rajon. Një kopje e këtij dokumenti i është dërguar edhe përfaqësive të huaja të vendosura ne serbi. Qëndrimet e kryeministrit të Republikës së Shqipërisë janë të papranueshme për Serbinë. Deklarata e tij është në vazhdën e serisë që komenteve provokatitve të përfaqësuesit më të lartë të qeverisë, i cili dëmton marrëdhëniet dypalëshe Shqipëri-Serbi dhe stabilitetin rajonal. Është një ftesë e rrezikshme për të ripërcaktuar kufijtë në Ballkan, të cilat janë njohur ndërkombëtarit. Kjo deklaratë bie dhe në kundërshtim me qëndrimet e mëparshme të kryeministri shqiptar se dy vendet po zhvillojnë marrëdhënie të mira ndërfqinjësore. Në fund të kësaj note proteste, Beogradi zyrtar pret që edhe shtete të tjera europioane dhe më gjerë të dënojnë këto komente te kryeministrit Rama. Në intervistën e përbashkët me zv/kryeministrin kosovar, Hashim Thaci, Rama deklaroi se bashkimi kombëtar mes dy vendeve do të ndodhe vetëm pas integrimit të dy shteteve në Bashkimi Europian.
- published: 09 Apr 2015
- views: 244
Serbia, "oreks" për pakicat - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Shtohet oreksi i Serbisë ne lidhje me pakicat qe pretendon se ka ne Shqipëri. Beogradi zyrtar përmes ministrit te jashtëm qe erdhi ne Tirane, premton financi......
Shtohet oreksi i Serbisë ne lidhje me pakicat qe pretendon se ka ne Shqipëri. Beogradi zyrtar përmes ministrit te jashtëm qe erdhi ne Tirane, premton financi...
wn.com/Serbia, Oreks Për Pakicat Vizion Plus News Lajme
Shtohet oreksi i Serbisë ne lidhje me pakicat qe pretendon se ka ne Shqipëri. Beogradi zyrtar përmes ministrit te jashtëm qe erdhi ne Tirane, premton financi...
Refugees in Serbia Rush to Cross Into Hungary Before Borders Close | NBC Nightly News
They arrived at the border checkpoint hours before it was set to close, but Hungarian police blocked the way. They walked to a second crossing only to find it a...
They arrived at the border checkpoint hours before it was set to close, but Hungarian police blocked the way. They walked to a second crossing only to find it also blocked.
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Refugees in Serbia Rush to Cross Into Hungary Before Borders Close | NBC Nightly News
wn.com/Refugees In Serbia Rush To Cross Into Hungary Before Borders Close | Nbc Nightly News
They arrived at the border checkpoint hours before it was set to close, but Hungarian police blocked the way. They walked to a second crossing only to find it also blocked.
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NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations.
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Refugees in Serbia Rush to Cross Into Hungary Before Borders Close | NBC Nightly News
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 2701
PMs of Albania and Serbia clash over Kosovo
There have been tense scenes at a joint news conference between the Serbian and Albanian prime ministers in Belgrade. The two men disagreed publicly over the ...
There have been tense scenes at a joint news conference between the Serbian and Albanian prime ministers in Belgrade. The two men disagreed publicly over the status of Kosovo. Monday's meeting was the first time that an Albanian Premier had made an official visit to the Serb capital for almost 70 years. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports. Al Jazeera's Osama Bin Javaid reports. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Check our website http://www.aljazeera.com/
wn.com/Pms Of Albania And Serbia Clash Over Kosovo
There have been tense scenes at a joint news conference between the Serbian and Albanian prime ministers in Belgrade. The two men disagreed publicly over the status of Kosovo. Monday's meeting was the first time that an Albanian Premier had made an official visit to the Serb capital for almost 70 years. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports. Al Jazeera's Osama Bin Javaid reports. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Check our website http://www.aljazeera.com/
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 261
Migrants flock to Serbia-Hungary border to enter EU
After being on the road for weeks, crossing several countries, migrants hope that by crossing into Hungary, and the EU, they will have a chance to a better life...
After being on the road for weeks, crossing several countries, migrants hope that by crossing into Hungary, and the EU, they will have a chance to a better life.
Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports from Subotica on the Serbian side of the border.
wn.com/Migrants Flock To Serbia Hungary Border To Enter Eu
After being on the road for weeks, crossing several countries, migrants hope that by crossing into Hungary, and the EU, they will have a chance to a better life.
Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports from Subotica on the Serbian side of the border.
- published: 24 Jun 2015
- views: 12955
Serbia reagon ndaj Ramës - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Fjalimi i kryeministrit Edi Rama ne Asamblenë e Përgjithshme te OKB-...
Fjalimi i kryeministrit Edi Rama ne Asamblenë e Përgjithshme te OKB-se, ku beri thirrje per njohjen e pavarësisë se Kosovës, nuk është pritur mire nga Serbia. Beogradi reagoi përmes ambasadorit ne Kombet e Bashkuara, Milan Milanovic, qe e cilësoi qëndrimin e Rames abuziv, duke theksuar se shefi i qeverise shqiptare mashtroi shtetet anëtare te organizatës per dialogun, qe po zhvillohet mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë ne Bruksel per normalizimin e marrëdhënieve. Sipas tij, bisedimet nuk po mbahen mes dy shteteve, por mes Beogradit dhe Institucioneve të Përkohshme vetëqeverisëse ne Kosovë. Kosova tha Milanovic, nuk është shtet dhe as anëtare e OKB-se dhe paralajmëroi se deklarata te tilla do te rrezikojnë rezultatet pozitive te dialogut te Brukselit, si dhe do te ndalin progresin e mëtejshëm. Kryeministri Rama theksoi gjate fjalimit ne OKB se njohja e pavarësisë se Kosovës do te kontribuonte ne forcimin e paqes, stabilitetit dhe bashkëpunimit ne rajon. Liderët kosovare qe morën pjese ne punimet e Asamblesë se OKB ditët e fundit ne Nju Jork e shfrytëzuan qëndrimin atje per te siguruar mbështetje per anëtarësimin e Kosovës ne UNESCO, ndërsa Serbia po përpiqet ta pengoje ate. Kërkesa qe Kosova te jete pjese e saj shqyrtohet nga Këshilli Ekzekutiv i organizatës, ndërsa nje vendim pritet te merret ne muajin nëntor.
wn.com/Serbia Reagon Ndaj Ramës News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Fjalimi i kryeministrit Edi Rama ne Asamblenë e Përgjithshme te OKB-se, ku beri thirrje per njohjen e pavarësisë se Kosovës, nuk është pritur mire nga Serbia. Beogradi reagoi përmes ambasadorit ne Kombet e Bashkuara, Milan Milanovic, qe e cilësoi qëndrimin e Rames abuziv, duke theksuar se shefi i qeverise shqiptare mashtroi shtetet anëtare te organizatës per dialogun, qe po zhvillohet mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë ne Bruksel per normalizimin e marrëdhënieve. Sipas tij, bisedimet nuk po mbahen mes dy shteteve, por mes Beogradit dhe Institucioneve të Përkohshme vetëqeverisëse ne Kosovë. Kosova tha Milanovic, nuk është shtet dhe as anëtare e OKB-se dhe paralajmëroi se deklarata te tilla do te rrezikojnë rezultatet pozitive te dialogut te Brukselit, si dhe do te ndalin progresin e mëtejshëm. Kryeministri Rama theksoi gjate fjalimit ne OKB se njohja e pavarësisë se Kosovës do te kontribuonte ne forcimin e paqes, stabilitetit dhe bashkëpunimit ne rajon. Liderët kosovare qe morën pjese ne punimet e Asamblesë se OKB ditët e fundit ne Nju Jork e shfrytëzuan qëndrimin atje per te siguruar mbështetje per anëtarësimin e Kosovës ne UNESCO, ndërsa Serbia po përpiqet ta pengoje ate. Kërkesa qe Kosova te jete pjese e saj shqyrtohet nga Këshilli Ekzekutiv i organizatës, ndërsa nje vendim pritet te merret ne muajin nëntor.
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 298
Migrant Crisis: The Footage the Media Refuses to Broadcast
Why are mainstream media outlets like CNN and BBC only broadcasting footage which shows the migrants in a positive light?
Why are mainstream media outlets like CNN and BBC only broadcasting footage which shows the migrants in a positive light?
wn.com/Migrant Crisis The Footage The Media Refuses To Broadcast
Why are mainstream media outlets like CNN and BBC only broadcasting footage which shows the migrants in a positive light?
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 2067730
TV News: Ku Klux Klan in Serbia / Srbija
Ku Klux Klan in Serbia
Serbia Serbian Serbs Srbija Belgrade Beograd Kosovo Vojvodina Sumadija Metohija Nazi Chetniks CNN Hitler Srbi Yugoslavia skinheads 88 ...
Ku Klux Klan in Serbia
Serbia Serbian Serbs Srbija Belgrade Beograd Kosovo Vojvodina Sumadija Metohija Nazi Chetniks CNN Hitler Srbi Yugoslavia skinheads 88 bh blood honour
Albanian Lobby in America
Albanian stupidity. Must see...
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serbian serbien chetniks cetnici serbs srbi serbia srbija yugoslavia bosnia bosna cetnik chetnik srbin
Dubrovnik kosovo bih kosova shqiperia albania uck kla macedonia makedonija skopje greece hellas greek makedonia vmro
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eurosong Hercegovina albania kosovo screbrenica
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wn.com/Tv News Ku Klux Klan In Serbia Srbija
Ku Klux Klan in Serbia
Serbia Serbian Serbs Srbija Belgrade Beograd Kosovo Vojvodina Sumadija Metohija Nazi Chetniks CNN Hitler Srbi Yugoslavia skinheads 88 bh blood honour
Albanian Lobby in America
Albanian stupidity. Must see...
serbia srbija srbi srbin serb serbs cetnik chetnik cetnici chetniks serbian beograd belgrade sr Albanian stupidity. Must see...
serbia srbija srbi srbin serb serbs cetnik chetnik cetnici chetniks serbian beograd belgrade srpski srpska serbien cccc
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teroristi Republika srpska krajina serbia srbija cetnik chetnik cetnici serbs croatia bosna bosnia hrvatska ustasa balija srbi serbian yugoslavia bih cccc Chetnosong serbian eurosong Hercegovina albania kosovo screbrenica general ante gotovina arkan tudjman mladic karadzic milosevic
Dubrovnik kosovo bih kosova shqiperia albania uck kla macedonia makedonija skopje greece hellas greek makedonia vmro
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- published: 06 Jan 2007
- views: 88856
How Powerful Is Liberland?
How To Start Your Own Country: http://testu.be/1BtlM4Y
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The micronation of Liberland has over 350,000 applicants for citizen...
How To Start Your Own Country: http://testu.be/1BtlM4Y
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The micronation of Liberland has over 350,000 applicants for citizenship. So, we can't help but wonder, how powerful is Liberland?
Learn More:
Creating the Kingdom of North Sudan
"On June 16, 2014 - the seventh birthday of his only daughter - Jeremiah Heaton, a farmer in the US state of Virginia, planted a blue flag bearing a golden crown and four stars into the desert sands of northeast Africa."
Liberland: hundreds of thousands apply to live in world's newest 'country'
"Accessible only by car via miles of winding, dusty Croatian roads, Gornja Siga - current population zero - is an unlikely testing ground for a plan to shape the world's political future."
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How To Start Your Own Country
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wn.com/How Powerful Is Liberland
How To Start Your Own Country: http://testu.be/1BtlM4Y
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
The micronation of Liberland has over 350,000 applicants for citizenship. So, we can't help but wonder, how powerful is Liberland?
Learn More:
Creating the Kingdom of North Sudan
"On June 16, 2014 - the seventh birthday of his only daughter - Jeremiah Heaton, a farmer in the US state of Virginia, planted a blue flag bearing a golden crown and four stars into the desert sands of northeast Africa."
Liberland: hundreds of thousands apply to live in world's newest 'country'
"Accessible only by car via miles of winding, dusty Croatian roads, Gornja Siga - current population zero - is an unlikely testing ground for a plan to shape the world's political future."
Watch More:
How To Start Your Own Country
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- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 301
Croatia accuses Serbia of genocide World News
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- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 51
Vuçiç: Serbia nuk do t’a njohë Kosovën - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Serbia nuk do ta njohe kurrë Kosovën si shtet te pavarur, por pavarë...
Serbia nuk do ta njohe kurrë Kosovën si shtet te pavarur, por pavarësisht kësaj, dialogu me Prishtinën do te vazhdoje ne mënyrë qe raportet mes shqiptarëve dhe serbëve të normalizohen. Deklarata erdhi nga kryeministri serb Aleksandër Vuçiç.“Bisedimet nuk janë fare të lehta. Nganjëherë janë të papërballueshme dhe ngjajnë me dhimbjen e dorës së thyer. Ende do të ketë pakënaqësi dhe ngritje të tonit, por detyra jonë kryesore është që anija të arrijë paqësisht në breg dhe qe udhëtarët dhe qytetarët e Serbisë të kenë prosperitet.”Komentet Vuçiç i beri në përvjetorin e shtatë të partisë së tij Partia Përparimtare Serbe, ku nënvizoi se edhe pse do te ketë probleme dhe tensione ne rrugën e saj, Serbia do te jete ne gjendje te ruaje interesat e popullit serb dhe sigurinë. Gjate ceremonisë se zhvilluar ne Beograd, kryeministri tha se kishte vizionin e një rajoni ku te gjithë te respektojnë njeri-tjetrin dhe serbet te kenë marrëdhënie te mira me fqinjët ballkanike.
wn.com/Vuçiç Serbia Nuk Do T’A Njohë Kosovën News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Serbia nuk do ta njohe kurrë Kosovën si shtet te pavarur, por pavarësisht kësaj, dialogu me Prishtinën do te vazhdoje ne mënyrë qe raportet mes shqiptarëve dhe serbëve të normalizohen. Deklarata erdhi nga kryeministri serb Aleksandër Vuçiç.“Bisedimet nuk janë fare të lehta. Nganjëherë janë të papërballueshme dhe ngjajnë me dhimbjen e dorës së thyer. Ende do të ketë pakënaqësi dhe ngritje të tonit, por detyra jonë kryesore është që anija të arrijë paqësisht në breg dhe qe udhëtarët dhe qytetarët e Serbisë të kenë prosperitet.”Komentet Vuçiç i beri në përvjetorin e shtatë të partisë së tij Partia Përparimtare Serbe, ku nënvizoi se edhe pse do te ketë probleme dhe tensione ne rrugën e saj, Serbia do te jete ne gjendje te ruaje interesat e popullit serb dhe sigurinë. Gjate ceremonisë se zhvilluar ne Beograd, kryeministri tha se kishte vizionin e një rajoni ku te gjithë te respektojnë njeri-tjetrin dhe serbet te kenë marrëdhënie te mira me fqinjët ballkanike.
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 88
Serbia notë proteste në OKB - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Prania e delegacionit kosovar ne samitin kundër terrorizmit ne SHBA ...
Prania e delegacionit kosovar ne samitin kundër terrorizmit ne SHBA ka ngjallur pakënaqësi e zemërim ne Serbi. Misioni serb ne Kombet e Bashkuara ne bashkëpunim edhe me shefin e diplomacisë serbe, Ivica Daçiç, i ka dërguar nje notë proteste OKB-së, pasi përkrah përfaqësuesve nga shume vende te botes ne takim gjendeshin kryeministri kosovar Mustafa, ministri i Jashtem, Thaçi dhe ai i Brendshëm, Hyseni. Por përfaqësuesit e OKB-se sqaruan se samiti ishte organizuar nga SHBA, e Kosova ishte trajtuar si shtet i pavarur dhe pjesëmarrësit ishin ftuar nga presidenti Obama. Rusia si aleate e Serbisë shfaqi gjithashtu pakënaqësi per prezencën e Kosovës, përmes ambasadorit Vitali Churkin. Sipas tij, ulja e delegacionit perkrah perfaqesuesve nga shtetet anetare te organizatës bie ne kundërshtim me rregullat e OKB-se dhe tregon se ne ate ndërtese gjithçka eshte nen komandën e Obames. Serbia ka edhe nje tjeter shqetësim, pengimin e Kosovës per anëtarësimin ne UNESCO. Presidenti serb Nikolic gjate nje takimi ne Nju Jork me shefin e OKB-se, Ban Ki Moon, kërkoi qe diçka e tille te mos pranohet. Sipas mediave serbe, rane dakord se shkatërrimi i trashëgimisë kulturore serbe në Kosovë do të ishte krim dhe kjo nuk duhet të lejohet. Edhe ministri i jashtem serb Daçiç kerkon qe Kosova te mos jete pjese e organizatës, derisa kjo çështje te zgjidhet me bisedime ne Bruksel.
wn.com/Serbia Notë Proteste Në Okb News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Prania e delegacionit kosovar ne samitin kundër terrorizmit ne SHBA ka ngjallur pakënaqësi e zemërim ne Serbi. Misioni serb ne Kombet e Bashkuara ne bashkëpunim edhe me shefin e diplomacisë serbe, Ivica Daçiç, i ka dërguar nje notë proteste OKB-së, pasi përkrah përfaqësuesve nga shume vende te botes ne takim gjendeshin kryeministri kosovar Mustafa, ministri i Jashtem, Thaçi dhe ai i Brendshëm, Hyseni. Por përfaqësuesit e OKB-se sqaruan se samiti ishte organizuar nga SHBA, e Kosova ishte trajtuar si shtet i pavarur dhe pjesëmarrësit ishin ftuar nga presidenti Obama. Rusia si aleate e Serbisë shfaqi gjithashtu pakënaqësi per prezencën e Kosovës, përmes ambasadorit Vitali Churkin. Sipas tij, ulja e delegacionit perkrah perfaqesuesve nga shtetet anetare te organizatës bie ne kundërshtim me rregullat e OKB-se dhe tregon se ne ate ndërtese gjithçka eshte nen komandën e Obames. Serbia ka edhe nje tjeter shqetësim, pengimin e Kosovës per anëtarësimin ne UNESCO. Presidenti serb Nikolic gjate nje takimi ne Nju Jork me shefin e OKB-se, Ban Ki Moon, kërkoi qe diçka e tille te mos pranohet. Sipas mediave serbe, rane dakord se shkatërrimi i trashëgimisë kulturore serbe në Kosovë do të ishte krim dhe kjo nuk duhet të lejohet. Edhe ministri i jashtem serb Daçiç kerkon qe Kosova te mos jete pjese e organizatës, derisa kjo çështje te zgjidhet me bisedime ne Bruksel.
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 141
Serbia ndihme Rusisë, kundër anëtarësimit të Kosovës në UNESCO - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Partitë radikale serbe kanë shtuar trysninë e tyre ndaj Beogradit zy...
Partitë radikale serbe kanë shtuar trysninë e tyre ndaj Beogradit zyrtar për të rritur përpjekjet diplomatike më qëllim refuzimin e Kosovës në UNESCO. Përmes një deklarate Partia Popullore e Serbisë, e cila drejtohet nga Neboshnja Korac, kërkon qeverisë së kryeministrit Vuçiç të bëjë një thirrje publike për ndihmë nga Rusisa, e cila me lobimin e saj të ndikojë negativisht për pranimin e Kosovës. Në të njëjtën thirrje, ky subjekt radikal politik, i kërkon Serbisë të lobojë dhe me vendet e Briksit, mes të cilave Brazilin, e Indinë, që i cilëson si aleatë të vjetër, për të refuzuar Kosovën. Kjo parti e konsideron Kosovën si një vend pa identitet e të ardhme. Kërkesa vjen ne nje kohe qe kryeministri shqiptar Edi Rama, kërkoi nga Asambleja e Përgjithshëm e Kombeve të Bashkuara, njohjen e Kosoves nga te gjithë vendet qe nuk e kane ndërmarre ende një hap te tille. Influenca e Partisë Popullore Serbe, ka rënë ndjeshëm në zgjedhjet e fundit, pasi ky subjekt ka marrë vetëm dy deputetë. Për këtë ka ndikuar dhe largimi i liderë së saj Maja Gjokoviç.
wn.com/Serbia Ndihme Rusisë, Kundër Anëtarësimit Të Kosovës Në Unesco News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Partitë radikale serbe kanë shtuar trysninë e tyre ndaj Beogradit zyrtar për të rritur përpjekjet diplomatike më qëllim refuzimin e Kosovës në UNESCO. Përmes një deklarate Partia Popullore e Serbisë, e cila drejtohet nga Neboshnja Korac, kërkon qeverisë së kryeministrit Vuçiç të bëjë një thirrje publike për ndihmë nga Rusisa, e cila me lobimin e saj të ndikojë negativisht për pranimin e Kosovës. Në të njëjtën thirrje, ky subjekt radikal politik, i kërkon Serbisë të lobojë dhe me vendet e Briksit, mes të cilave Brazilin, e Indinë, që i cilëson si aleatë të vjetër, për të refuzuar Kosovën. Kjo parti e konsideron Kosovën si një vend pa identitet e të ardhme. Kërkesa vjen ne nje kohe qe kryeministri shqiptar Edi Rama, kërkoi nga Asambleja e Përgjithshëm e Kombeve të Bashkuara, njohjen e Kosoves nga te gjithë vendet qe nuk e kane ndërmarre ende një hap te tille. Influenca e Partisë Popullore Serbe, ka rënë ndjeshëm në zgjedhjet e fundit, pasi ky subjekt ka marrë vetëm dy deputetë. Për këtë ka ndikuar dhe largimi i liderë së saj Maja Gjokoviç.
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 127
Flight Report | Air SERBIA Airbus A319 Economy class Belgrade to Tivat
Full flight report on board Air SERBIA Airbus A319 from Belgrade to Tivat
Aircraft: Airbus A319-132
Flight number: YU 182
Seat number: 7A and 6F
!! Best viewed in Full HD or 1080 HD !!
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Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium
Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium FAQ: Airline: Air Serbia Plane: Airbus A319-132 Reg: (A6-SAB) Flight number: (JU305)...
Fiat Drives Serbian Economy Into the Fast Lane
Italian carmaker Fiat has become such a driving force for the Serbian economy that its presence accounts for a 1% slice of the country's GDP. Fiat Automobili...
Air Serbia - The New Wings Of Europe!
Air Serbia proudly presents new video that will boost awareness of the airline across Europe and position Belgrade as convenient air transport hub.
The video also promotes Belgrade and Serbia as a vibrant leisure destination, and is part of the next phase of growth for Serbia’s national airline beyond the Balkan region, including Europe and North America.
Director: Srdan Golubović
Top 10 Best Business Classes on Airlines
Since the first class video was popular, i decided to make another one so these are the best top 10 business classes in my opinion.
Here are the airlines in order and their websites:
1. Cathay Pacific - http://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/en_HK.html
2. Kingfisher Airlines - http://www.flykingfisher.co.uk/
3. Oman Air - http://www.omanair.com/en/
4. Singapore Airlines - http://www.singaporeair.com
Serbian chamber of Commerce PROMO - part 1 - eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
Serbian chamber of Commerce PROMO - part 2 - eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
After Bulgaria suspends South Stream construction pipeline is Serbia next? - economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr...
After Bulgaria suspends South Stream construction pipeline is Serbia next? - economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr.
World News USA News America News Russia News Europa News BBC CNN RT France 24 JSC ISIS UK Obama European Union UK David Cameron Putin Army Syria Iraq Libya E.
The European Commission warned Serbia on Wednesday that it must respect EU l
Air Serbia Wi-Fly - first public test flight
On 25 September 2015, public testing of our new Wi-Fly service started. We invited people who are connected all the time - journalists and online influencers - to be the first to try it! Let's hear from some of them in this video...
The event took place on flights JU304 and JU304, Belgrade-Brussels-Belgrade. Testing was a success and everyone had a great time tweeting and posting directly from f
Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia
http://preparetoserve.com Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.
Air Serbia inaugural flight BEG - BNX - BEG (HD)
Climate Change and the Green Economy - "Green Markets and Investments" panel
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) organized an international conference in Belgrade, at Hotel Metropol Palace, Serbia on 20th November 2014, focusing on the nexus between climate change and the green economy.
Mr. Miodrag Kostić, President of the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik”
Air Serbia Belgrade Airport Business Lounge Tour
Business Luncheon with Minister of Economy Željko Sertić, 04.11.2014.
Junior Achievement Serbia Alumnize.RS 2012/13
Hey all,
In this video you can find what is European Alumni all about. How everything started in Serbia and highlights of Alumnize.RS history. :)
Alumni story in Serbia started in 2009 under the name Junior Achievement - Alumni Serbia. Club was reorganized in 2011 and changed name into Alumnize.RS. Our main goal is to share entrepreneurship spirit and work on changing Serbian society when it com
How Powerful Is Hungary?
How Powerful Is Italy? http://testu.be/1LADH8D
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
Hungary is seeing an influx of migrants, but the nation may not be stable enough to offer refuge. So how powerful is Hungary?
Learn More:
Migrant crisis: Hungary's closed border leaves many stranded
"Hundreds of migrants are stranded at the Serbia-Hungary border afte
Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci in Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade Rasim Ljajic and Bosnian Foreign Trade and Economy Minister Mirko Sarovic attend a signing ceremony, Medium Term (2016-2018) Program and Action Plan in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci calls for more economic cooperation be
Turkish Economy Minister Zeybekci opens office of Turkish state owned bank in Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci and Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic are seen during the opening ceremony for the first office of the Halkbank, a Turkish state-owned bank, in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. ...
Vojvodina - Serbia's premium investment location
As the regional investment promotion agency, founded by the Parliament of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Investment Promotion -- VIP provides a comprehensive package of advisory and assistance services to foreign companies wishing to locate their businesses within the region of Vojvodina, Serbia's premium investment location, free of charge and fully confidential.
Are you looki
Privredna komora Srbije - PROMO (Video Wall) 2009
Serbian Chamber of Commerce Structure of Chamber system in Serbia: Number of local chambers: 2 Chambers of Provinces, 16 Regional Chambers and Belgrade Chamb...
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment
The Most Luxurious First Class Airlines
Ever took to the sky and wondered what it would be like to indulge in First Class? There is nothing quite like having your vacation start from the minute you...
Flight Report | Air SERBIA Airbus A319 Economy class Belgrade to Tivat
Full flight report on board Air SERBIA Airbus A319 from Belgrade to Tivat
Aircraft: Airbus A319-132
Flight number: YU 182
Seat number: 7A and 6F
!! Best viewed ...
Full flight report on board Air SERBIA Airbus A319 from Belgrade to Tivat
Aircraft: Airbus A319-132
Flight number: YU 182
Seat number: 7A and 6F
!! Best viewed in Full HD or 1080 HD !!
Be free to rate, like, comment, share!!
For more videos every week please !!SUBSCRIBE!!
Like my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Alfa.six6
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+AlphaSiX_6/about
wn.com/Flight Report | Air Serbia Airbus A319 Economy Class Belgrade To Tivat
Full flight report on board Air SERBIA Airbus A319 from Belgrade to Tivat
Aircraft: Airbus A319-132
Flight number: YU 182
Seat number: 7A and 6F
!! Best viewed in Full HD or 1080 HD !!
Be free to rate, like, comment, share!!
For more videos every week please !!SUBSCRIBE!!
Like my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Alfa.six6
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+AlphaSiX_6/about
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 52
Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium
Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium FAQ: Airline: Air Serbia Plane: Airbus A319-132 Reg: (A6-SAB) Flight number: (JU305)......
Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium FAQ: Airline: Air Serbia Plane: Airbus A319-132 Reg: (A6-SAB) Flight number: (JU305)...
wn.com/Air Serbia Airbus A319 132 (A6 Sab) Boarding At Brussels Ebbr , Belgium
Air Serbia Airbus A319-132 (A6-SAB) Boarding at Brussels [EBBR], Belgium FAQ: Airline: Air Serbia Plane: Airbus A319-132 Reg: (A6-SAB) Flight number: (JU305)...
- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 7929
author: flyfly79
Fiat Drives Serbian Economy Into the Fast Lane
Italian carmaker Fiat has become such a driving force for the Serbian economy that its presence accounts for a 1% slice of the country's GDP. Fiat Automobili......
Italian carmaker Fiat has become such a driving force for the Serbian economy that its presence accounts for a 1% slice of the country's GDP. Fiat Automobili...
wn.com/Fiat Drives Serbian Economy Into The Fast Lane
Italian carmaker Fiat has become such a driving force for the Serbian economy that its presence accounts for a 1% slice of the country's GDP. Fiat Automobili...
- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 4285
author: IBTimes UK
Air Serbia - The New Wings Of Europe!
Air Serbia proudly presents new video that will boost awareness of the airline across Europe and position Belgrade as convenient air transport hub.
The video ...
Air Serbia proudly presents new video that will boost awareness of the airline across Europe and position Belgrade as convenient air transport hub.
The video also promotes Belgrade and Serbia as a vibrant leisure destination, and is part of the next phase of growth for Serbia’s national airline beyond the Balkan region, including Europe and North America.
Director: Srdan Golubović
wn.com/Air Serbia The New Wings Of Europe
Air Serbia proudly presents new video that will boost awareness of the airline across Europe and position Belgrade as convenient air transport hub.
The video also promotes Belgrade and Serbia as a vibrant leisure destination, and is part of the next phase of growth for Serbia’s national airline beyond the Balkan region, including Europe and North America.
Director: Srdan Golubović
- published: 26 Oct 2014
- views: 209
Top 10 Best Business Classes on Airlines
Since the first class video was popular, i decided to make another one so these are the best top 10 business classes in my opinion.
Here are the airlines in or...
Since the first class video was popular, i decided to make another one so these are the best top 10 business classes in my opinion.
Here are the airlines in order and their websites:
1. Cathay Pacific - http://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/en_HK.html
2. Kingfisher Airlines - http://www.flykingfisher.co.uk/
3. Oman Air - http://www.omanair.com/en/
4. Singapore Airlines - http://www.singaporeair.com/SAA-flow.form?execution=e2s1
5. Emirates - http://www.emirates.com/uk/english/index.aspx
6. Finnair - http://www.finnair.com/INT/GB/Home
7. Etihad - http://www.etihad.com/en-gb/
8. SWISS - http://www.swiss.com/web/EN/Pages/index.aspx?Country=US
9. Eva Air - http://www.evaair.com/en-global/index.html
10. Japan Airlines - http://www.jal.com/
wn.com/Top 10 Best Business Classes On Airlines
Since the first class video was popular, i decided to make another one so these are the best top 10 business classes in my opinion.
Here are the airlines in order and their websites:
1. Cathay Pacific - http://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/en_HK.html
2. Kingfisher Airlines - http://www.flykingfisher.co.uk/
3. Oman Air - http://www.omanair.com/en/
4. Singapore Airlines - http://www.singaporeair.com/SAA-flow.form?execution=e2s1
5. Emirates - http://www.emirates.com/uk/english/index.aspx
6. Finnair - http://www.finnair.com/INT/GB/Home
7. Etihad - http://www.etihad.com/en-gb/
8. SWISS - http://www.swiss.com/web/EN/Pages/index.aspx?Country=US
9. Eva Air - http://www.evaair.com/en-global/index.html
10. Japan Airlines - http://www.jal.com/
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 230786
Serbian chamber of Commerce PROMO - part 1 - eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga......
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
wn.com/Serbian Chamber Of Commerce Promo Part 1 Eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
Serbian chamber of Commerce PROMO - part 2 - eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga......
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
wn.com/Serbian Chamber Of Commerce Promo Part 2 Eng
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent professional busi?ness association promoting interests of enterprises, entrepreneurship and other forms of orga...
After Bulgaria suspends South Stream construction pipeline is Serbia next? - economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr......
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr...
wn.com/After Bulgaria Suspends South Stream Construction Pipeline Is Serbia Next Economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr...
After Bulgaria suspends South Stream construction pipeline is Serbia next? - economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr.
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr.
World News USA News America News Russia News Europa News BBC CNN RT France 24 JSC ISIS UK Obama European Union UK David Cameron Putin Army Syria Iraq Libya E.
The European Commission warned Serbia on Wednesday that it must respect EU law 'if they make business in Europe', after a Gazprom official said that the cons.
Construction timelines for the South Stream pipeline are on track and the European Union should restart talks about the project. That's the view of Russian F.
wn.com/After Bulgaria Suspends South Stream Construction Pipeline Is Serbia Next Economy
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic has denied his country is to halt construction on the controversial Russian South Stream gas pipeline project. The pr.
World News USA News America News Russia News Europa News BBC CNN RT France 24 JSC ISIS UK Obama European Union UK David Cameron Putin Army Syria Iraq Libya E.
The European Commission warned Serbia on Wednesday that it must respect EU law 'if they make business in Europe', after a Gazprom official said that the cons.
Construction timelines for the South Stream pipeline are on track and the European Union should restart talks about the project. That's the view of Russian F.
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 122
Air Serbia Wi-Fly - first public test flight
On 25 September 2015, public testing of our new Wi-Fly service started. We invited people who are connected all the time - journalists and online influencers - ...
On 25 September 2015, public testing of our new Wi-Fly service started. We invited people who are connected all the time - journalists and online influencers - to be the first to try it! Let's hear from some of them in this video...
The event took place on flights JU304 and JU304, Belgrade-Brussels-Belgrade. Testing was a success and everyone had a great time tweeting and posting directly from flight, and numerous people joined the conversation on social media via #WiFly hashtag.
Find out more about the event and the new service: http://bit.ly/1Oy4yZi
wn.com/Air Serbia Wi Fly First Public Test Flight
On 25 September 2015, public testing of our new Wi-Fly service started. We invited people who are connected all the time - journalists and online influencers - to be the first to try it! Let's hear from some of them in this video...
The event took place on flights JU304 and JU304, Belgrade-Brussels-Belgrade. Testing was a success and everyone had a great time tweeting and posting directly from flight, and numerous people joined the conversation on social media via #WiFly hashtag.
Find out more about the event and the new service: http://bit.ly/1Oy4yZi
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 365
Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia
http://preparetoserve.com Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia....
http://preparetoserve.com Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.
wn.com/Economic Conditions In Croatia, Bosnia And Serbia
http://preparetoserve.com Economic conditions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.
Climate Change and the Green Economy - "Green Markets and Investments" panel
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) organized an ...
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) organized an international conference in Belgrade, at Hotel Metropol Palace, Serbia on 20th November 2014, focusing on the nexus between climate change and the green economy.
Mr. Miodrag Kostić, President of the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik”
Mr. Aleksandar Vlahović, President of the Serbian Association of Economists
Mr. Nick Bullinger, Chief Operating Officer of Hecate Energy, USA
Mrs. Ljerka Puljić, Senior Executive Vice-President of Agrokor Group, Croatia
Mrs. Ana Brnabić, Director of the Continental Wind Serbia
Mr. Bader Al Lamki, Masdar's Director of Clean Energy, UAE
Mr. Petros Kokkalis, Co-Founder, Aephoria.Net, Greece
Moderator: Mr. Martin Bruncko, Chief Strategy Officer, Aeromobil, Slovakia
wn.com/Climate Change And The Green Economy Green Markets And Investments Panel
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) organized an international conference in Belgrade, at Hotel Metropol Palace, Serbia on 20th November 2014, focusing on the nexus between climate change and the green economy.
Mr. Miodrag Kostić, President of the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik”
Mr. Aleksandar Vlahović, President of the Serbian Association of Economists
Mr. Nick Bullinger, Chief Operating Officer of Hecate Energy, USA
Mrs. Ljerka Puljić, Senior Executive Vice-President of Agrokor Group, Croatia
Mrs. Ana Brnabić, Director of the Continental Wind Serbia
Mr. Bader Al Lamki, Masdar's Director of Clean Energy, UAE
Mr. Petros Kokkalis, Co-Founder, Aephoria.Net, Greece
Moderator: Mr. Martin Bruncko, Chief Strategy Officer, Aeromobil, Slovakia
- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 97
Junior Achievement Serbia Alumnize.RS 2012/13
Hey all,
In this video you can find what is European Alumni all about. How everything started in Serbia and highlights of Alumnize.RS history. :)
Alumni story...
Hey all,
In this video you can find what is European Alumni all about. How everything started in Serbia and highlights of Alumnize.RS history. :)
Alumni story in Serbia started in 2009 under the name Junior Achievement - Alumni Serbia. Club was reorganized in 2011 and changed name into Alumnize.RS. Our main goal is to share entrepreneurship spirit and work on changing Serbian society when it comes to entrepreneurship, in order to prepare better future for Serbian economy, business sector and young people. We share in common national (Serbian) Junior Achievement experience, but also, together with our JA-YE Alumni Europe family, we participate in international events and work together for the same idea.
We have 4 NCMs behind us, 4 Annual JA-YE Alumni Europe Leadership Conferences, European competitions and exclusive JA-YE Europe events we took part in. We are LEADING EUROPEAN ALUMNI CLUB when it comes to Changing Lives Campaign - numbers will speak for us - http://alumni.changing-lives.eu/achievements-countries/ and we initiated EUROPEAN FIRST EVER regional JA-YE Alumni Europe Meeting - Balkanizers. We manged to make our First National Alumnize.RS Conference in 2013, with idea to gather former and current Junior Achievement Serbia`s students, in order to make bigger network of future leaders and entrepreneurs on national (Serbian) and/or European level. Alumnize.RS stands in first lines when it comes to helping Junior Achievement Serbia in their activities and events. Together, we make fantastic team.
wn.com/Junior Achievement Serbia Alumnize.Rs 2012 13
Hey all,
In this video you can find what is European Alumni all about. How everything started in Serbia and highlights of Alumnize.RS history. :)
Alumni story in Serbia started in 2009 under the name Junior Achievement - Alumni Serbia. Club was reorganized in 2011 and changed name into Alumnize.RS. Our main goal is to share entrepreneurship spirit and work on changing Serbian society when it comes to entrepreneurship, in order to prepare better future for Serbian economy, business sector and young people. We share in common national (Serbian) Junior Achievement experience, but also, together with our JA-YE Alumni Europe family, we participate in international events and work together for the same idea.
We have 4 NCMs behind us, 4 Annual JA-YE Alumni Europe Leadership Conferences, European competitions and exclusive JA-YE Europe events we took part in. We are LEADING EUROPEAN ALUMNI CLUB when it comes to Changing Lives Campaign - numbers will speak for us - http://alumni.changing-lives.eu/achievements-countries/ and we initiated EUROPEAN FIRST EVER regional JA-YE Alumni Europe Meeting - Balkanizers. We manged to make our First National Alumnize.RS Conference in 2013, with idea to gather former and current Junior Achievement Serbia`s students, in order to make bigger network of future leaders and entrepreneurs on national (Serbian) and/or European level. Alumnize.RS stands in first lines when it comes to helping Junior Achievement Serbia in their activities and events. Together, we make fantastic team.
- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 283
How Powerful Is Hungary?
How Powerful Is Italy? http://testu.be/1LADH8D
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
Hungary is seeing an influx of migrants, but the nation may not be stable e...
How Powerful Is Italy? http://testu.be/1LADH8D
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
Hungary is seeing an influx of migrants, but the nation may not be stable enough to offer refuge. So how powerful is Hungary?
Learn More:
Migrant crisis: Hungary's closed border leaves many stranded
"Hundreds of migrants are stranded at the Serbia-Hungary border after the Hungarian government closed the frontier with a new razor-wire fence."
Regime Change In Hungary, 1990-1994: The Economic Policies Of The Antall Government
"The collapse of the communist regime was one of the most important positive developments of the twentieth century, a century full of crises and tragedies."
Hungary receives rescue package, with strings attached
"The International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the World Bank announced a massive rescue package for Hungary today, in an attempt to save central Europe's former economic powerhouse from bankruptcy."
"Rule of law and human rights continue to be undermined in Hungary, with increasing pressures on the media and civil society, and ongoing discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities. "
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Exceptional Circumstance"
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Special thanks to Julia Wilde for hosting TestTube!
Check Julia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
wn.com/How Powerful Is Hungary
How Powerful Is Italy? http://testu.be/1LADH8D
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
Hungary is seeing an influx of migrants, but the nation may not be stable enough to offer refuge. So how powerful is Hungary?
Learn More:
Migrant crisis: Hungary's closed border leaves many stranded
"Hundreds of migrants are stranded at the Serbia-Hungary border after the Hungarian government closed the frontier with a new razor-wire fence."
Regime Change In Hungary, 1990-1994: The Economic Policies Of The Antall Government
"The collapse of the communist regime was one of the most important positive developments of the twentieth century, a century full of crises and tragedies."
Hungary receives rescue package, with strings attached
"The International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the World Bank announced a massive rescue package for Hungary today, in an attempt to save central Europe's former economic powerhouse from bankruptcy."
"Rule of law and human rights continue to be undermined in Hungary, with increasing pressures on the media and civil society, and ongoing discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities. "
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Exceptional Circumstance"
Subscribe to TestTube News!
TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
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Download the New TestTube iOS app! http://testu.be/1ndmmMq
Special thanks to Julia Wilde for hosting TestTube!
Check Julia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
- published: 19 Sep 2015
- views: 9780
Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci in Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade Rasim Ljajic and Bosnian Foreign Trade a...
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade Rasim Ljajic and Bosnian Foreign Trade and Economy Minister Mirko Sarovic attend a signing ceremony, Medium Term (2016-2018) Program and Action Plan in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci calls for more economic cooperation between Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Turkey. Footage by Nihad Ibrahimkadic / Anadolu Agency .
wn.com/Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci In Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade Rasim Ljajic and Bosnian Foreign Trade and Economy Minister Mirko Sarovic attend a signing ceremony, Medium Term (2016-2018) Program and Action Plan in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci calls for more economic cooperation between Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Turkey. Footage by Nihad Ibrahimkadic / Anadolu Agency .
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 13
Turkish Economy Minister Zeybekci opens office of Turkish state owned bank in Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci and Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic a...
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci and Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic are seen during the opening ceremony for the first office of the Halkbank, a Turkish state-owned bank, in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. ...
wn.com/Turkish Economy Minister Zeybekci Opens Office Of Turkish State Owned Bank In Serbia
BELGRADE, SERBIA - OCTOBER 19: Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci and Serbian Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic are seen during the opening ceremony for the first office of the Halkbank, a Turkish state-owned bank, in the Serbian capital Belgrade on October 19, 2015. ...
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 77
Vojvodina - Serbia's premium investment location
As the regional investment promotion agency, founded by the Parliament of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Investment Promotion -- VIP provides a...
As the regional investment promotion agency, founded by the Parliament of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Investment Promotion -- VIP provides a comprehensive package of advisory and assistance services to foreign companies wishing to locate their businesses within the region of Vojvodina, Serbia's premium investment location, free of charge and fully confidential.
Are you looking for possibilities to relocate or expand your business operations and still remain close to your assembly and distribution centers? Or you want to gain access to international markets via Free Trade Agreements with Russia, CEFTA, EFTA, EU, USA, Belarus and Turkey?
Discover the numerous advantages of locating to Vojvodina, a region offering a wide range of lucrative investment opportunities in economy leading sectors such as Agribusiness, ICT, Shared Business Services, Tourism, Automotive Industry, Metal Processing, Real Estate and Renewable Energy.
Trim your operating costs, maintain high product quality, recruit highly qualified workforce at competitive wages, achieve better capital optimization, improve performance and stay a step ahead of your competition!
For information on relocating your business to the SEE booming region, please visit http://vip.org.rs
wn.com/Vojvodina Serbia's Premium Investment Location
As the regional investment promotion agency, founded by the Parliament of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Investment Promotion -- VIP provides a comprehensive package of advisory and assistance services to foreign companies wishing to locate their businesses within the region of Vojvodina, Serbia's premium investment location, free of charge and fully confidential.
Are you looking for possibilities to relocate or expand your business operations and still remain close to your assembly and distribution centers? Or you want to gain access to international markets via Free Trade Agreements with Russia, CEFTA, EFTA, EU, USA, Belarus and Turkey?
Discover the numerous advantages of locating to Vojvodina, a region offering a wide range of lucrative investment opportunities in economy leading sectors such as Agribusiness, ICT, Shared Business Services, Tourism, Automotive Industry, Metal Processing, Real Estate and Renewable Energy.
Trim your operating costs, maintain high product quality, recruit highly qualified workforce at competitive wages, achieve better capital optimization, improve performance and stay a step ahead of your competition!
For information on relocating your business to the SEE booming region, please visit http://vip.org.rs
- published: 09 Nov 2010
- views: 6790
Privredna komora Srbije - PROMO (Video Wall) 2009
Serbian Chamber of Commerce Structure of Chamber system in Serbia: Number of local chambers: 2 Chambers of Provinces, 16 Regional Chambers and Belgrade Chamb......
Serbian Chamber of Commerce Structure of Chamber system in Serbia: Number of local chambers: 2 Chambers of Provinces, 16 Regional Chambers and Belgrade Chamb...
wn.com/Privredna Komora Srbije Promo (Video Wall) 2009
Serbian Chamber of Commerce Structure of Chamber system in Serbia: Number of local chambers: 2 Chambers of Provinces, 16 Regional Chambers and Belgrade Chamb...
- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 31
author: skendzic73
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment...
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment
wn.com/Rsedp2 Regions In Serbia Economy And Employment
RSEDP2: Regions in Serbia: Economy and Employment
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 596
The Most Luxurious First Class Airlines
Ever took to the sky and wondered what it would be like to indulge in First Class? There is nothing quite like having your vacation start from the minute you......
Ever took to the sky and wondered what it would be like to indulge in First Class? There is nothing quite like having your vacation start from the minute you...
wn.com/The Most Luxurious First Class Airlines
Ever took to the sky and wondered what it would be like to indulge in First Class? There is nothing quite like having your vacation start from the minute you...
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 6793
author: TheRichest
Serbian food fest and culture fair in Fair Oaks
Live music and authentic food at the Serbian Food Festival and Culture Fair Saturday, 11am to 11pm at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Church in Fair Oaks. Subscribe to KCRA on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1kjRAAn
Get more Sacremento news: http://kcra.com
Like us:http://facebook.com/KCRA3
Follow us: http://twitter.com/kcranews
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+
American Kids Try Breakfasts From Around the World - Episode 1
Special thanks to our friends at http://www.kitchenbowl.com for helping us get a real chef for this project! Download their app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id831037164) to get these and other awesome recipes.
Contact mike@cut.com for licensing inquiries.
Inspired by the NY Times Article (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/10/08/magazine/eaters-all-over.html?_r=0) we asked American kid
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
The food and service in Serbia are amazing! Serbia is a small Eastern European country (next to Croatia) that really is heaven for travellers looking for amazing food and memorable service.
Whilst in Serbia, we ate some of the best food we have ever eaten, and, if you're a meat eater, you're almost assured to love it, too. With a long list of S
Serb Fest Chicago - August 2008
http://www.chicagobuffets.com Serb Fest at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral 3-Day Festival of Food, Music, Sports and Family Fun Todor Krecu http...
Americans React to People Trying American Accents
Aluminium or aluminum?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Slip N Slide
Two Step
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Used with Permission
Americans Try Nutella For The First Time
“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Paisian Summer
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Serbian Festival Sydney
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
Serbian Festival Sydney 2014
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much more!
Serbian Festival Sydney 2015
Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
EXTENDED version of over 5 minutes in total, including on-the-weekend footage!
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions
SERB FEST 2006 DVD Music Highlights
SERB FEST celebrates Serbian heritage and culture: three wonderful days of music, dancing, and delicious food. Highlights include a MLADA SRBADIJA reunion an...
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL Pig Roast
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL - Pig Roast 3-Day Festival Friday July 31 - Sunday August 2, 2009 Food, Music, Sport and Family Fun Holy Resurrection Serbian Ort...
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 by Mike
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 was well attended, offering great tasting Serbian food, music, and a sampling of Serbian culture. Srpski Sinovi Orchestra from Pittsbu...
Serbian Culture Tips
http://preparetoserve.com Some interesting information about Serbian Culture, etiquette tips, etc.
Serbian cultural heritage - #NokosovoUNESCO
This is our 2nd Official video during the campaign #NoKosovoUNESCO which compare our cultural heritage and treasures with its "preservation" by Albanian officials from self - proclaimed Kosovo.
More info on our website: studentizaistinu.wordpress.com
and on website of our partner organisation: http://www.28jun.org where you can sign their petition.
Official website of campaign: www.nokosovoune
Serbia, Food and Wine - Unravel Travel TV
Whether you come to Serbia from the south or north, from east or west, you should know that you are welcome to this noble region. Serbia is the capital of un...
Serbia - Vojvodina
The fertile plains of Vojvodina are dotted with ploughed fields, cornfields, vineyards and orchards, connected by irrigation and drainage canals between the ...
PEOPLE, FOOD AND DRINK (short documentary about the Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
Serbian Dancers & Music: Live at Lansing Library
See a little Serbian Culture at the Lansing Illinois Library.
Serb Fest 2011 Commercial Merrillville St. Sava
St. Sava's Serb Fest 2011 will be held August 5, 6, and 7th at the church grounds, 9191 Mississippi St., in Merrillville. Great Serbian food, music, entertai...
A Taste Of Serbia.AVI
Spending one night with three beautiful Serbian women. My first experience with Serbians. It was great learning Serbian history, geography, politics, culture...
Serbian Festival Sydney 7 - 8 Feb 2015
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
Beauty Standards Around The World
One woman's global Photoshop experiment yielded stunning results
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Beauty and Magic
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
All photos courtesy of Esther Honig
"Before & After"
Serbian Festival 2015
The cultural traditions of this European country was enjoyed in a weekend of exciting performances, activities and much more.
Tastebuds were indulged with some of Serbia's most delicious foods including Chevapi, Pljeskavica, Burek, Pita and Krofne. There was also plenty of Serbian Folkloric dancing and music.
Serbian food fest and culture fair in Fair Oaks
Live music and authentic food at the Serbian Food Festival and Culture Fair Saturday, 11am to 11pm at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Chu...
Live music and authentic food at the Serbian Food Festival and Culture Fair Saturday, 11am to 11pm at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Church in Fair Oaks. Subscribe to KCRA on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1kjRAAn
Get more Sacremento news: http://kcra.com
Like us:http://facebook.com/KCRA3
Follow us: http://twitter.com/kcranews
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+kcra
wn.com/Serbian Food Fest And Culture Fair In Fair Oaks
Live music and authentic food at the Serbian Food Festival and Culture Fair Saturday, 11am to 11pm at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Church in Fair Oaks. Subscribe to KCRA on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1kjRAAn
Get more Sacremento news: http://kcra.com
Like us:http://facebook.com/KCRA3
Follow us: http://twitter.com/kcranews
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+kcra
- published: 11 Oct 2014
- views: 17
American Kids Try Breakfasts From Around the World - Episode 1
Special thanks to our friends at http://www.kitchenbowl.com for helping us get a real chef for this project! Download their app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app...
Special thanks to our friends at http://www.kitchenbowl.com for helping us get a real chef for this project! Download their app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id831037164) to get these and other awesome recipes.
Contact mike@cut.com for licensing inquiries.
Inspired by the NY Times Article (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/10/08/magazine/eaters-all-over.html?_r=0) we asked American kids to try breakfasts from around the world.
Produced, Directed, and Edited by: http://www.cut.com
Ashley Santo Domingo - Chef
Curtis Enlow - Audio
Jessica Law - Production Assistant
Visit our Pinterest page for high res and behind the scenes images
Like Us on Facebook
Follow Us on Twitter
Subscribe to us:
wn.com/American Kids Try Breakfasts From Around The World Episode 1
Special thanks to our friends at http://www.kitchenbowl.com for helping us get a real chef for this project! Download their app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id831037164) to get these and other awesome recipes.
Contact mike@cut.com for licensing inquiries.
Inspired by the NY Times Article (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/10/08/magazine/eaters-all-over.html?_r=0) we asked American kids to try breakfasts from around the world.
Produced, Directed, and Edited by: http://www.cut.com
Ashley Santo Domingo - Chef
Curtis Enlow - Audio
Jessica Law - Production Assistant
Visit our Pinterest page for high res and behind the scenes images
Like Us on Facebook
Follow Us on Twitter
Subscribe to us:
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 12760254
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
The food and service in Serbia are amazing! Serbia is a small Eastern European country (next to Croatia) th...
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
The food and service in Serbia are amazing! Serbia is a small Eastern European country (next to Croatia) that really is heaven for travellers looking for amazing food and memorable service.
Whilst in Serbia, we ate some of the best food we have ever eaten, and, if you're a meat eater, you're almost assured to love it, too. With a long list of Serbian food delicacies to choose from, we can't choose just one favourite - cevapi, sarma, chufta, Serbian pasta. Also, if you haven't tried rakija (rakia), traditional Serbian plum brandy, you are in for a treat. Živeli Serbia.
In this video we visited Serbia's Belgrade, Stari Grad, Kalemegdan Fortress (Belgrade Fortress) and Zemun.
This video contains closed captions for hearing impaired people.
wn.com/Serbian Food Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (Yum)
SERBIAN FOOD - Cevapi, Pasta, Burgers, Rakija (YUM)
The food and service in Serbia are amazing! Serbia is a small Eastern European country (next to Croatia) that really is heaven for travellers looking for amazing food and memorable service.
Whilst in Serbia, we ate some of the best food we have ever eaten, and, if you're a meat eater, you're almost assured to love it, too. With a long list of Serbian food delicacies to choose from, we can't choose just one favourite - cevapi, sarma, chufta, Serbian pasta. Also, if you haven't tried rakija (rakia), traditional Serbian plum brandy, you are in for a treat. Živeli Serbia.
In this video we visited Serbia's Belgrade, Stari Grad, Kalemegdan Fortress (Belgrade Fortress) and Zemun.
This video contains closed captions for hearing impaired people.
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 263
Serb Fest Chicago - August 2008
http://www.chicagobuffets.com Serb Fest at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral 3-Day Festival of Food, Music, Sports and Family Fun Todor Krecu http......
http://www.chicagobuffets.com Serb Fest at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral 3-Day Festival of Food, Music, Sports and Family Fun Todor Krecu http...
wn.com/Serb Fest Chicago August 2008
http://www.chicagobuffets.com Serb Fest at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral 3-Day Festival of Food, Music, Sports and Family Fun Todor Krecu http...
- published: 17 Aug 2008
- views: 47630
author: Todor Krecu
Americans React to People Trying American Accents
Aluminium or aluminum?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Slip N Slide
Two Step
Licensed via Warner Chappell ...
Aluminium or aluminum?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Slip N Slide
Two Step
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Used with Permission
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Americans React To People Trying American Accents
Aluminium or aluminum?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Slip N Slide
Two Step
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Used with Permission
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 4745287
Americans Try Nutella For The First Time
“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Paisian Summer
Licensed via ...
“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Paisian Summer
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Americans Try Nutella For The First Time
“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Paisian Summer
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 64908
Serbian Festival Sydney
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Inf...
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
wn.com/Serbian Festival Sydney
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
- published: 04 Feb 2015
- views: 445
Serbian Festival Sydney 2014
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Inf...
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much more!
wn.com/Serbian Festival Sydney 2014
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much more!
- published: 09 Apr 2014
- views: 960
Serbian Festival Sydney 2015
Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
EXTENDED version of over 5 minutes in total, including on-the-weekend footage!
Discover the hear...
Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
EXTENDED version of over 5 minutes in total, including on-the-weekend footage!
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more.
Enjoy our official 2015 video!!
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Video by: Imaginarium Productions (Australia)
Location: Sydney and its surroundings
wn.com/Serbian Festival Sydney 2015
Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
EXTENDED version of over 5 minutes in total, including on-the-weekend footage!
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more.
Enjoy our official 2015 video!!
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Video by: Imaginarium Productions (Australia)
Location: Sydney and its surroundings
- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 138
SERB FEST 2006 DVD Music Highlights
SERB FEST celebrates Serbian heritage and culture: three wonderful days of music, dancing, and delicious food. Highlights include a MLADA SRBADIJA reunion an......
SERB FEST celebrates Serbian heritage and culture: three wonderful days of music, dancing, and delicious food. Highlights include a MLADA SRBADIJA reunion an...
wn.com/Serb Fest 2006 Dvd Music Highlights
SERB FEST celebrates Serbian heritage and culture: three wonderful days of music, dancing, and delicious food. Highlights include a MLADA SRBADIJA reunion an...
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL Pig Roast
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL - Pig Roast 3-Day Festival Friday July 31 - Sunday August 2, 2009 Food, Music, Sport and Family Fun Holy Resurrection Serbian Ort......
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL - Pig Roast 3-Day Festival Friday July 31 - Sunday August 2, 2009 Food, Music, Sport and Family Fun Holy Resurrection Serbian Ort...
wn.com/Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, Il Pig Roast
Serb Fest 2009, Chicago, IL - Pig Roast 3-Day Festival Friday July 31 - Sunday August 2, 2009 Food, Music, Sport and Family Fun Holy Resurrection Serbian Ort...
- published: 04 Aug 2009
- views: 173169
author: Todor Krecu
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 by Mike
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 was well attended, offering great tasting Serbian food, music, and a sampling of Serbian culture. Srpski Sinovi Orchestra from Pittsbu......
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 was well attended, offering great tasting Serbian food, music, and a sampling of Serbian culture. Srpski Sinovi Orchestra from Pittsbu...
wn.com/St Sava Serb Fest 2011 By Mike
St Sava Serb Fest 2011 was well attended, offering great tasting Serbian food, music, and a sampling of Serbian culture. Srpski Sinovi Orchestra from Pittsbu...
Serbian Culture Tips
http://preparetoserve.com Some interesting information about Serbian Culture, etiquette tips, etc....
http://preparetoserve.com Some interesting information about Serbian Culture, etiquette tips, etc.
wn.com/Serbian Culture Tips
http://preparetoserve.com Some interesting information about Serbian Culture, etiquette tips, etc.
Serbian cultural heritage - #NokosovoUNESCO
This is our 2nd Official video during the campaign #NoKosovoUNESCO which compare our cultural heritage and treasures with its "preservation" by Albanian officia...
This is our 2nd Official video during the campaign #NoKosovoUNESCO which compare our cultural heritage and treasures with its "preservation" by Albanian officials from self - proclaimed Kosovo.
More info on our website: studentizaistinu.wordpress.com
and on website of our partner organisation: http://www.28jun.org where you can sign their petition.
Official website of campaign: www.nokosovounesco.com
Photos by: Photographer Aleksandar Rados
Music by: Sanja Ilic & Balkanika - Tashana
wn.com/Serbian Cultural Heritage Nokosovounesco
This is our 2nd Official video during the campaign #NoKosovoUNESCO which compare our cultural heritage and treasures with its "preservation" by Albanian officials from self - proclaimed Kosovo.
More info on our website: studentizaistinu.wordpress.com
and on website of our partner organisation: http://www.28jun.org where you can sign their petition.
Official website of campaign: www.nokosovounesco.com
Photos by: Photographer Aleksandar Rados
Music by: Sanja Ilic & Balkanika - Tashana
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 1913
Serbia, Food and Wine - Unravel Travel TV
Whether you come to Serbia from the south or north, from east or west, you should know that you are welcome to this noble region. Serbia is the capital of un......
Whether you come to Serbia from the south or north, from east or west, you should know that you are welcome to this noble region. Serbia is the capital of un...
wn.com/Serbia, Food And Wine Unravel Travel Tv
Whether you come to Serbia from the south or north, from east or west, you should know that you are welcome to this noble region. Serbia is the capital of un...
Serbia - Vojvodina
The fertile plains of Vojvodina are dotted with ploughed fields, cornfields, vineyards and orchards, connected by irrigation and drainage canals between the ......
The fertile plains of Vojvodina are dotted with ploughed fields, cornfields, vineyards and orchards, connected by irrigation and drainage canals between the ...
wn.com/Serbia Vojvodina
The fertile plains of Vojvodina are dotted with ploughed fields, cornfields, vineyards and orchards, connected by irrigation and drainage canals between the ...
- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 3021
author: NTO Serbia
PEOPLE, FOOD AND DRINK (short documentary about the Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of......
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
wn.com/People, Food And Drink (Short Documentary About The Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
Serbian Dancers & Music: Live at Lansing Library
See a little Serbian Culture at the Lansing Illinois Library.
See a little Serbian Culture at the Lansing Illinois Library.
wn.com/Serbian Dancers Music Live At Lansing Library
See a little Serbian Culture at the Lansing Illinois Library.
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 102
Serb Fest 2011 Commercial Merrillville St. Sava
St. Sava's Serb Fest 2011 will be held August 5, 6, and 7th at the church grounds, 9191 Mississippi St., in Merrillville. Great Serbian food, music, entertai......
St. Sava's Serb Fest 2011 will be held August 5, 6, and 7th at the church grounds, 9191 Mississippi St., in Merrillville. Great Serbian food, music, entertai...
wn.com/Serb Fest 2011 Commercial Merrillville St. Sava
St. Sava's Serb Fest 2011 will be held August 5, 6, and 7th at the church grounds, 9191 Mississippi St., in Merrillville. Great Serbian food, music, entertai...
A Taste Of Serbia.AVI
Spending one night with three beautiful Serbian women. My first experience with Serbians. It was great learning Serbian history, geography, politics, culture......
Spending one night with three beautiful Serbian women. My first experience with Serbians. It was great learning Serbian history, geography, politics, culture...
wn.com/A Taste Of Serbia.Avi
Spending one night with three beautiful Serbian women. My first experience with Serbians. It was great learning Serbian history, geography, politics, culture...
- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 2566
author: geobimps7
Serbian Festival Sydney 7 - 8 Feb 2015
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Inf...
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
wn.com/Serbian Festival Sydney 7 8 Feb 2015
Website: www.serbianfestival.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/SerbianFestivalSydney
Discover the heart of Serbia by joining us the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 1
Beauty Standards Around The World
One woman's global Photoshop experiment yielded stunning results
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1mGUwqc
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilc...
One woman's global Photoshop experiment yielded stunning results
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1mGUwqc
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/TG2DrA
Beauty and Magic
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
All photos courtesy of Esther Honig
"Before & After"
Based on this BuzzFeed Post by Ashley Perez:
wn.com/Beauty Standards Around The World
One woman's global Photoshop experiment yielded stunning results
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1mGUwqc
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/TG2DrA
Beauty and Magic
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
All photos courtesy of Esther Honig
"Before & After"
Based on this BuzzFeed Post by Ashley Perez:
- published: 28 Jun 2014
- views: 4323508
Serbian Festival 2015
The cultural traditions of this European country was enjoyed in a weekend of exciting performances, activities and much more.
Tastebuds were indulged with some...
The cultural traditions of this European country was enjoyed in a weekend of exciting performances, activities and much more.
Tastebuds were indulged with some of Serbia's most delicious foods including Chevapi, Pljeskavica, Burek, Pita and Krofne. There was also plenty of Serbian Folkloric dancing and music.
wn.com/Serbian Festival 2015
The cultural traditions of this European country was enjoyed in a weekend of exciting performances, activities and much more.
Tastebuds were indulged with some of Serbia's most delicious foods including Chevapi, Pljeskavica, Burek, Pita and Krofne. There was also plenty of Serbian Folkloric dancing and music.
- published: 09 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Serbia, the spring of beauty and health
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
Organic Food Serbia - Healthy Living
When a table groaning with fresh organic food and products prepared according to traditional recipes is accompanied by a journey into the country -- still un...
Lukovska Banja mediaM Health Tourism Serbia - AFEJA
Zdravstveni turizam u Srbiji, medicinski servisi u Srbiji, Serbian SPA.
Serbia, the spring of beauty and health (short version)
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
Banja Vrdnik zdravstveni turizam Srbija - Health Tourism Serbia
Serbia: Health mediators for the Roma community
Many of Serbia's more than 100000 Roma are not registered at birth, and a lack of personal documents bars them from most public services, from health care a...
Health Seminar Serbia Part 1
Healthy life with bkgoswami.
Health Seminar Serbia 2013 part 4
Live Longer with Bkgoswami
Electronic Health Record in Serbia
Development of Health Information System for basic health and pharmaceutical services in Serbia.
Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia
Video clip from TV show "Evronet" on EU funded Project "Establishment of the Public Agency for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Car...
Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia
TV presentation - Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia. Project funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Delegation in Serbia and imple...
2012-08-18 Prolom Banja health resort, Serbia
2012-08-18 visiting Prolom Banja health resort in Serbia. Here you could touristing with hotel, food and bath for around 40 euro/day.
We should get earlier to the pool this day. The children, loves water.
Electronic Health Record Serbia Part1 (ENG-Subtitle)
Electronic Health Record, European Agency for Reconstruction, Serbia, Michael Weinhara, Belgrade.
Anonymous Serbia - Message to the Serbian Ministry of Health
http://www.facebook.com/anonserb Prevod: Pozdrav građanima Srbije! Problem sa kojim se susrećemo u poslednjih 10 godina su nesavesni lekari, zbog kojih na st...
Michael Savage on Pavoratti's death, Serbia, and health 9.6.07
Michael Savage discusses many topics in this clip from 2007.
Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije) Sports games health Serbia
Pefkohori 2010 (sports games health Serbia) Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije)
B92 EHR Electronic Health Record Serbia Part1
B92 EHR Electronic Health Record Serbia Part1.
Healthy Habits Presentation (SERBIA) Childhood obesity prevention program
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
Marko Brzak - Serbia - "Healthy Habits" (Childhood obesity prevention project)
MY name is Marko Brzak. I come from Serbia, Novi Sad. I was a part of World Learning Global UGRAD Exchange Program for Serbia & Montenegro in the year 2013-2...
Serbia - Laughter Yoga for mental and physical health
Srbija - Smeh joga za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje Smeh joga sa decom i odrasliam bez invaliditeta, sa mentalnim invaliditetom, mišićnom distrofijom, parapleg...
Healthy Habits Teaser childhood obesity prevention program SERBIA
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
Novi Sad, Serbia
A tour of Novi Sad, Serbia - location for Summer 2014 Health & Wellness for Life faculty-led study abroad program led by Dr. Dejan Magoc (dmagoc@eiu.edu). Our thanks to the Economy Department - Directorate for Tourism, Marcons Marketing Company, and Dr. Borislav Obradovic, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad for making this video possible!
Dark Side of Serbian Mental Institutions
Disabled people abused in Serbia.
Serbia, the spring of beauty and health
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,......
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
wn.com/Serbia, The Spring Of Beauty And Health
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 4981
author: NTO Serbia
Organic Food Serbia - Healthy Living
When a table groaning with fresh organic food and products prepared according to traditional recipes is accompanied by a journey into the country -- still un......
When a table groaning with fresh organic food and products prepared according to traditional recipes is accompanied by a journey into the country -- still un...
wn.com/Organic Food Serbia Healthy Living
When a table groaning with fresh organic food and products prepared according to traditional recipes is accompanied by a journey into the country -- still un...
- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 4499
author: NTO Serbia
Lukovska Banja mediaM Health Tourism Serbia - AFEJA
Zdravstveni turizam u Srbiji, medicinski servisi u Srbiji, Serbian SPA....
Zdravstveni turizam u Srbiji, medicinski servisi u Srbiji, Serbian SPA.
wn.com/Lukovska Banja Mediam Health Tourism Serbia Afeja
Zdravstveni turizam u Srbiji, medicinski servisi u Srbiji, Serbian SPA.
Serbia, the spring of beauty and health (short version)
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,......
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
wn.com/Serbia, The Spring Of Beauty And Health (Short Version)
The film "Serbia, the spring of beauty and health" is a promotional film about the spas as a tourist destination, with various tourist offer, health tourism,...
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 482
author: NTO Serbia
Serbia: Health mediators for the Roma community
Many of Serbia's more than 100000 Roma are not registered at birth, and a lack of personal documents bars them from most public services, from health care a......
Many of Serbia's more than 100000 Roma are not registered at birth, and a lack of personal documents bars them from most public services, from health care a...
wn.com/Serbia Health Mediators For The Roma Community
Many of Serbia's more than 100000 Roma are not registered at birth, and a lack of personal documents bars them from most public services, from health care a...
Electronic Health Record in Serbia
Development of Health Information System for basic health and pharmaceutical services in Serbia....
Development of Health Information System for basic health and pharmaceutical services in Serbia.
wn.com/Electronic Health Record In Serbia
Development of Health Information System for basic health and pharmaceutical services in Serbia.
- published: 16 Jun 2014
- views: 1
author: TAG Media
Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia
Video clip from TV show "Evronet" on EU funded Project "Establishment of the Public Agency for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Car......
Video clip from TV show "Evronet" on EU funded Project "Establishment of the Public Agency for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Car...
wn.com/Accreditation Of Health Care Institutions In Serbia
Video clip from TV show "Evronet" on EU funded Project "Establishment of the Public Agency for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Car...
Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia
TV presentation - Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia. Project funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Delegation in Serbia and imple......
TV presentation - Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia. Project funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Delegation in Serbia and imple...
wn.com/Accreditation Of Health Care Institutions In Serbia
TV presentation - Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia. Project funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Delegation in Serbia and imple...
2012-08-18 Prolom Banja health resort, Serbia
2012-08-18 visiting Prolom Banja health resort in Serbia. Here you could touristing with hotel, food and bath for around 40 euro/day.
We should get earlier to ...
2012-08-18 visiting Prolom Banja health resort in Serbia. Here you could touristing with hotel, food and bath for around 40 euro/day.
We should get earlier to the pool this day. The children, loves water.
wn.com/2012 08 18 Prolom Banja Health Resort, Serbia
2012-08-18 visiting Prolom Banja health resort in Serbia. Here you could touristing with hotel, food and bath for around 40 euro/day.
We should get earlier to the pool this day. The children, loves water.
- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 12
Electronic Health Record Serbia Part1 (ENG-Subtitle)
Electronic Health Record, European Agency for Reconstruction, Serbia, Michael Weinhara, Belgrade....
Electronic Health Record, European Agency for Reconstruction, Serbia, Michael Weinhara, Belgrade.
wn.com/Electronic Health Record Serbia Part1 (Eng Subtitle)
Electronic Health Record, European Agency for Reconstruction, Serbia, Michael Weinhara, Belgrade.
Anonymous Serbia - Message to the Serbian Ministry of Health
http://www.facebook.com/anonserb Prevod: Pozdrav građanima Srbije! Problem sa kojim se susrećemo u poslednjih 10 godina su nesavesni lekari, zbog kojih na st......
http://www.facebook.com/anonserb Prevod: Pozdrav građanima Srbije! Problem sa kojim se susrećemo u poslednjih 10 godina su nesavesni lekari, zbog kojih na st...
wn.com/Anonymous Serbia Message To The Serbian Ministry Of Health
http://www.facebook.com/anonserb Prevod: Pozdrav građanima Srbije! Problem sa kojim se susrećemo u poslednjih 10 godina su nesavesni lekari, zbog kojih na st...
- published: 29 Feb 2012
- views: 1744
author: AnonSerb
Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije) Sports games health Serbia
Pefkohori 2010 (sports games health Serbia) Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije)...
Pefkohori 2010 (sports games health Serbia) Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije)
wn.com/Pefkohori 2010 (Sportske Igre Zdravstva Srbije) Sports Games Health Serbia
Pefkohori 2010 (sports games health Serbia) Pefkohori 2010 (sportske igre zdravstva srbije)
- published: 21 Dec 2010
- views: 447
author: kukacar1
Healthy Habits Presentation (SERBIA) Childhood obesity prevention program
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo......
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
wn.com/Healthy Habits Presentation (Serbia) Childhood Obesity Prevention Program
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
Marko Brzak - Serbia - "Healthy Habits" (Childhood obesity prevention project)
MY name is Marko Brzak. I come from Serbia, Novi Sad. I was a part of World Learning Global UGRAD Exchange Program for Serbia & Montenegro in the year 2013-2......
MY name is Marko Brzak. I come from Serbia, Novi Sad. I was a part of World Learning Global UGRAD Exchange Program for Serbia & Montenegro in the year 2013-2...
wn.com/Marko Brzak Serbia Healthy Habits (Childhood Obesity Prevention Project)
MY name is Marko Brzak. I come from Serbia, Novi Sad. I was a part of World Learning Global UGRAD Exchange Program for Serbia & Montenegro in the year 2013-2...
Serbia - Laughter Yoga for mental and physical health
Srbija - Smeh joga za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje Smeh joga sa decom i odrasliam bez invaliditeta, sa mentalnim invaliditetom, mišićnom distrofijom, parapleg......
Srbija - Smeh joga za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje Smeh joga sa decom i odrasliam bez invaliditeta, sa mentalnim invaliditetom, mišićnom distrofijom, parapleg...
wn.com/Serbia Laughter Yoga For Mental And Physical Health
Srbija - Smeh joga za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje Smeh joga sa decom i odrasliam bez invaliditeta, sa mentalnim invaliditetom, mišićnom distrofijom, parapleg...
- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 44
author: Smehklub
Healthy Habits Teaser childhood obesity prevention program SERBIA
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo......
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
wn.com/Healthy Habits Teaser Childhood Obesity Prevention Program Serbia
Link to vote : https://alumni.state.gov/node/7478 Healthy Habits is a childhood obesity prevention program which provides children and their families an oppo...
Novi Sad, Serbia
A tour of Novi Sad, Serbia - location for Summer 2014 Health & Wellness for Life faculty-led study abroad program led by Dr. Dejan Magoc (dmagoc@eiu.edu). Our t...
A tour of Novi Sad, Serbia - location for Summer 2014 Health & Wellness for Life faculty-led study abroad program led by Dr. Dejan Magoc (dmagoc@eiu.edu). Our thanks to the Economy Department - Directorate for Tourism, Marcons Marketing Company, and Dr. Borislav Obradovic, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad for making this video possible!
wn.com/Novi Sad, Serbia
A tour of Novi Sad, Serbia - location for Summer 2014 Health & Wellness for Life faculty-led study abroad program led by Dr. Dejan Magoc (dmagoc@eiu.edu). Our thanks to the Economy Department - Directorate for Tourism, Marcons Marketing Company, and Dr. Borislav Obradovic, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad for making this video possible!
- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 11467
Serbia - One journey, million impressions | Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
"Србија - Једно путовање безброј доживљаја" | "Srbija - Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja"
Nouveau clip promotionnel de la Serbie: "Serbie - Un Séjour, Mille Impressions", Auteur Bosko Savkovic, destination aux richesses insoupçonnées à 2h de vol de Paris!
New prom
Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. Its name translates to White city. The city proper has a population of over 2 million people.
One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiqu
Republic of Serbia , Republika Srbija, Europe, tourism presentation
Its capital city Belgrade, is among the largest in Southeastern Europe. Serbia is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central- and Southeastern...
Top 12 Tourist Attractions in Serbia
This video explain about top tourist attractions in Serbia. Many best places to visit in Serbia, but in my opinion Belgrade Fortress, Skadarlija, Djavolja Varos, Ada Ciganlija are best things to do and best places to explore in Serbia.
photo credit:
Cele Kula/Skull Tower by Maxim Bonte www.flickr.com/photos/vanbest/5519017920
Sirogojno by Bukephalos en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Staro_Selo_-_Sirog
Belgrado turismo, Serbia - Belgrade tourism / travel - City tour, visit, viaje viajar ciudad capital
http://www.tusdestinos.net Belgrado, Serbia. turismo por la ciudad Belgrade Serbia. City tour / tourism / travel Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomco...
Is Serbia Safe for a Muslim Tourist?
I have received a lot of messages from Muslims all over the globe asking about the safety in Serbia. This message was from a guy from Saudi Arabia . Here is his full message to me:
Hello charles, I am the Arab guy who was asking about Serbia.
I really appreciate your effort in breaking steryotypes and building bridges between people. I hope there are more Americans and westerners do the same with
The Danube in Serbia: 588 Impressions
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism | http://www.serbia.travel
The Danube is the only of large European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is still subject of scientific debate,
while its mouth widens year-in-year-out. Throughout its history, the river had a major role as a link and as a bor
Soulfood Serbia is a short promotional video of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia representing autochthonous food and beverages. Gastronomic produc...
Miss Tourism Serbia 2015
Serbian Language
http://davidsbeenhere.com Planning a trip to Serbia? Join David's Been Here and Belgrade-VIP (the Balkans best concierge service) for a quick and easy Serbia...
Dental Tourism in Serbia - Dental Clinic NorDent Subotica
Dobrodošli u Suboticu, drugi najveći grad u Vojvodini jednoj od najlepših nizija Evrope. Dobrodošli u grad nasmeljanih ljudi, spremnih da vam uz osmeh odgovore na svako vaše pitanje, da vas sa osmehom usluže i sa ponosnim osmehom pokažu Subotičku arhitekturu. Na osmeh se osmehom uzvraća. Subotičani se ne stide svog osmeha, niti ga kriju, već ga s ponosom svima pružaju jer u Subotici osmeh nastaje.
Click to subscribe and join the SHABL mission - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
In this video I'm visiting Belgrade, Serbia. Oh how it feels good to be back in Belgrade. Last time I was in Belgrade was last year when I visited with my friend Gautier. This time, I was invited by the tourism board to take part in a trip which would explore lots of what Serbia had to offer - naturally I said sure and glad I d
Rural tourism Serbia "Rajski Konaci"
Etno selo dobitnik nagrade Turisticki Cvet 2010. kao "Najlepše seosko domacinstvo u Srbiji" http://www.rajski-konaci.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Raj...
BELGRADO / BELGRADE - Serbia - Beograd - Turismo por la ciudad, tourism, travel, city tour
Turismo por la ciudad de Belgrado / Belgrade, Serbia
En este vídeo pueden ver un recorrido por los enclaves turísticos más importantes de Belgrado. Desde la fortaleza de la Kalamegdan, sin duda, uno de los monumentos imprescindibles en una visita a la capital serbia se puede ver la desembocadura del río Sava en el Danubio, que a su paso por Belgrado tiene una amplitud de k
A Tourist's Guide to Belgrade, Serbia
Me and a friend visit the capital of Serbia in August 2007. We were pleasantly surprised.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations
You may want to think twice before jetting off to these destinations. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dangerous tourist destinations. Special thanks to our users nazarovanton, Emily Carlstrom, Daniel Fong, bigpapazagon, Eddy Ge and Francis Gossner for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!
Check out the voting page here,
Sustainable Tourism For Rural Development in Serbia
Sustainable rural tourism is one of the key sectors with strong potential for diversifying Serbia's rural economy. In the past several years a movement has b...
Serbia Tourism 3
Serbia Tourism video.
Top Things to See & Do in Nis, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David’s Been Here is traveling through Serbia in search of the top destinations and best attractions. In this travel clip, David brings us the top things to see and do in the southern city of Nis. Serbia’s third largest city, Nis is one of the most historically significant destinations in the entire country with loads of sites, attractions and monuments to show for it. F
Serbia - One journey, million impressions | Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
"Србија - Једно путовање безб...
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
"Србија - Једно путовање безброј доживљаја" | "Srbija - Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja"
Nouveau clip promotionnel de la Serbie: "Serbie - Un Séjour, Mille Impressions", Auteur Bosko Savkovic, destination aux richesses insoupçonnées à 2h de vol de Paris!
New promotional video clip about Serbia by Bosko Savkovic: "Serbia - One Journey - Million impressions"
Der neue Werbefilm über Serbien von Autor Boško Savković:
"Serbien- Eine Reise, Million Eindrücke"
Share your impressions with us on http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
wn.com/Serbia One Journey, Million Impressions | Jedno Putovanje, Bezbroj Doživljaja
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
"Србија - Једно путовање безброј доживљаја" | "Srbija - Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja"
Nouveau clip promotionnel de la Serbie: "Serbie - Un Séjour, Mille Impressions", Auteur Bosko Savkovic, destination aux richesses insoupçonnées à 2h de vol de Paris!
New promotional video clip about Serbia by Bosko Savkovic: "Serbia - One Journey - Million impressions"
Der neue Werbefilm über Serbien von Autor Boško Savković:
"Serbien- Eine Reise, Million Eindrücke"
Share your impressions with us on http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism
- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 426987
Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. ...
Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. Its name translates to White city. The city proper has a population of over 2 million people.
One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, Thraco-Dacians inhabited the region, and after 279 BC Celts conquered the city, naming it Singidūn. It was conquered by the Romans during the reign of Augustus, and awarded city rights in the mid 2nd century. It was settled by the Slavs in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the Byzantine Empire, Frankish Empire, Bulgarian Empire and Kingdom of Hungary before it became the capital of Serbian King Stephen Dragutin (1282--1316). In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the Ottoman Empire and became the seat of the Sanjak of Smederevo. It frequently passed from Ottoman to Habsburg rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the Austro-Ottoman wars. Belgrade was again named the capital of Serbia in 1841. Northern Belgrade remained the southernmost Habsburg post until 1918, when the city was reunited. As a strategic location, the city was battled over in 115 wars and razed to the ground 44 times. Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia (in various forms of governments) from its creation in 1918, to its final dissolution in 2006.
Belgrade has a special administrative status within Serbia and it is one of five statistical regions of Serbia. Its metropolitan territory is divided into 17 municipalities, each with its own local council. It covers 3.6% of Serbia's territory, and 22.5% of the country's population lives in the city. The city has been awarded many titles, and the nomination for European Capital of Culture 2020.
Houseboats on Ada Ciganlija
Extreme sports are available, such as bungee jumping, water skiing, and paintballing. There are numerous tracks on the island, where it is possible to ride a bike, go for a walk, or go jogging. Apart from Ada, Belgrade has total of 16 islands on the rivers, many still unused. Among them, the Great War Island at the confluence of Sava, stands out as an oasis of unshattered wildlife (especially birds). These areas, along with nearby Small War Island, are protected by the city's government as a nature preserve. Tourist income is annually around 800 million Euros. In 2012, Belgrade visited 976.674 registered tourists.From that number 771.299 were foreign. Also more than 100.000 tourists arrive by 850 river cruisers.
Belgrade has a reputation for offering a vibrant nightlife; many clubs that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city. The most recognizable nightlife features of Belgrade are the barges (splav), spread along the banks of the Sava and Danube Rivers.
Belgrade nightlife on riverclubs.
Many weekend visitors—particularly from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia—prefer Belgrade nightlife to that of their own capitals, due to a perceived friendly atmosphere, great clubs and bars, cheap drinks, the lack of language difficulties, and the lack of restrictive night life regulation.
Famous alternative clubs include Akademija and the famed KST (Klub Studenata Tehnike), located in the basement of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering. One of the most famous sites for alternative cultural happenings in the city is the SKC (Student Cultural Centre), located right across from Belgrade's highrise landmark, the Beograđanka. Concerts featuring famous local and foreign bands are often held at the center. SKC is also the site of various art exhibitions, as well as public debates and discussions.
Skadarlija, the city's old bohemian neighbourhood
A more traditional Serbian nightlife experience, accompanied by traditional music known as Starogradska (roughly translated as Old Town Music), typical of northern Serbia's urban environments, is most prominent in Skadarlija, the city's old bohemian neighborhood where the poets and artists of Belgrade gathered in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Skadar Street (the centre of Skadarlija) and the surrounding neighbourhood are lined with some of Belgrade's best and oldest traditional restaurants (called kafanas in Serbian), which date back to that period. At one end of the neighbourhood stands Belgrade's oldest beer brewery, founded in the first half of the 19th century. One of the city's oldest kafanas is the Znak pitanja.
The Times reported that Europe's best nightlife can be found in buzzing Belgrade. In the Lonely Planet "1000 Ultimate Experiences" guide of 2012, Belgrade was placed at the 1st spot among the top 10 party cities in the world.
wn.com/Visit Serbia City Of Belgrade
Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. Its name translates to White city. The city proper has a population of over 2 million people.
One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, Thraco-Dacians inhabited the region, and after 279 BC Celts conquered the city, naming it Singidūn. It was conquered by the Romans during the reign of Augustus, and awarded city rights in the mid 2nd century. It was settled by the Slavs in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the Byzantine Empire, Frankish Empire, Bulgarian Empire and Kingdom of Hungary before it became the capital of Serbian King Stephen Dragutin (1282--1316). In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the Ottoman Empire and became the seat of the Sanjak of Smederevo. It frequently passed from Ottoman to Habsburg rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the Austro-Ottoman wars. Belgrade was again named the capital of Serbia in 1841. Northern Belgrade remained the southernmost Habsburg post until 1918, when the city was reunited. As a strategic location, the city was battled over in 115 wars and razed to the ground 44 times. Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia (in various forms of governments) from its creation in 1918, to its final dissolution in 2006.
Belgrade has a special administrative status within Serbia and it is one of five statistical regions of Serbia. Its metropolitan territory is divided into 17 municipalities, each with its own local council. It covers 3.6% of Serbia's territory, and 22.5% of the country's population lives in the city. The city has been awarded many titles, and the nomination for European Capital of Culture 2020.
Houseboats on Ada Ciganlija
Extreme sports are available, such as bungee jumping, water skiing, and paintballing. There are numerous tracks on the island, where it is possible to ride a bike, go for a walk, or go jogging. Apart from Ada, Belgrade has total of 16 islands on the rivers, many still unused. Among them, the Great War Island at the confluence of Sava, stands out as an oasis of unshattered wildlife (especially birds). These areas, along with nearby Small War Island, are protected by the city's government as a nature preserve. Tourist income is annually around 800 million Euros. In 2012, Belgrade visited 976.674 registered tourists.From that number 771.299 were foreign. Also more than 100.000 tourists arrive by 850 river cruisers.
Belgrade has a reputation for offering a vibrant nightlife; many clubs that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city. The most recognizable nightlife features of Belgrade are the barges (splav), spread along the banks of the Sava and Danube Rivers.
Belgrade nightlife on riverclubs.
Many weekend visitors—particularly from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia—prefer Belgrade nightlife to that of their own capitals, due to a perceived friendly atmosphere, great clubs and bars, cheap drinks, the lack of language difficulties, and the lack of restrictive night life regulation.
Famous alternative clubs include Akademija and the famed KST (Klub Studenata Tehnike), located in the basement of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering. One of the most famous sites for alternative cultural happenings in the city is the SKC (Student Cultural Centre), located right across from Belgrade's highrise landmark, the Beograđanka. Concerts featuring famous local and foreign bands are often held at the center. SKC is also the site of various art exhibitions, as well as public debates and discussions.
Skadarlija, the city's old bohemian neighbourhood
A more traditional Serbian nightlife experience, accompanied by traditional music known as Starogradska (roughly translated as Old Town Music), typical of northern Serbia's urban environments, is most prominent in Skadarlija, the city's old bohemian neighborhood where the poets and artists of Belgrade gathered in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Skadar Street (the centre of Skadarlija) and the surrounding neighbourhood are lined with some of Belgrade's best and oldest traditional restaurants (called kafanas in Serbian), which date back to that period. At one end of the neighbourhood stands Belgrade's oldest beer brewery, founded in the first half of the 19th century. One of the city's oldest kafanas is the Znak pitanja.
The Times reported that Europe's best nightlife can be found in buzzing Belgrade. In the Lonely Planet "1000 Ultimate Experiences" guide of 2012, Belgrade was placed at the 1st spot among the top 10 party cities in the world.
- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 4613
Republic of Serbia , Republika Srbija, Europe, tourism presentation
Its capital city Belgrade, is among the largest in Southeastern Europe. Serbia is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central- and Southeastern......
Its capital city Belgrade, is among the largest in Southeastern Europe. Serbia is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central- and Southeastern...
wn.com/Republic Of Serbia , Republika Srbija, Europe, Tourism Presentation
Its capital city Belgrade, is among the largest in Southeastern Europe. Serbia is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central- and Southeastern...
Top 12 Tourist Attractions in Serbia
This video explain about top tourist attractions in Serbia. Many best places to visit in Serbia, but in my opinion Belgrade Fortress, Skadarlija, Djavolja Varos...
This video explain about top tourist attractions in Serbia. Many best places to visit in Serbia, but in my opinion Belgrade Fortress, Skadarlija, Djavolja Varos, Ada Ciganlija are best things to do and best places to explore in Serbia.
photo credit:
Cele Kula/Skull Tower by Maxim Bonte www.flickr.com/photos/vanbest/5519017920
Sirogojno by Bukephalos en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Staro_Selo_-_Sirogojno5.JPG
Petrovaradin Fortress by Magalie L'Abbé www.flickr.com/photos/magtravels/5990321759
Nikola Tesla Museum by Xevi V www.flickr.com/photos/xevivarela/2770474544
Cathedral of Saint Sava by George M. Groutas ww.flickr.com/photos/jorge-11/3770037751/
Gamzigrad - Romuliana by Pray 4 Serbia www.flickr.com/photos/pray4serbia/4369555091
National Park Tara by Fif' www.flickr.com/photos/24236053@N00/5250926527
Niš Fortress by MrPanyGoff sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0:Ni%C5%A1_Fortress,_Ni%C5%A1,_Serbia.jpg
Ada Ciganlija by Dejan Spasovski www.flickr.com/photos/dejanspd/7074365425
Djavolja Varos by Rudolf Getel www.flickr.com/photos/rudolfgetel/5043563233
Skadarlija by Tijana Danilović www.flickr.com/photos/fadinglightsx/15919757167
Belgrade Fortress by George M. Groutas www.flickr.com/photos/jorge-11/3762132619
wn.com/Top 12 Tourist Attractions In Serbia
This video explain about top tourist attractions in Serbia. Many best places to visit in Serbia, but in my opinion Belgrade Fortress, Skadarlija, Djavolja Varos, Ada Ciganlija are best things to do and best places to explore in Serbia.
photo credit:
Cele Kula/Skull Tower by Maxim Bonte www.flickr.com/photos/vanbest/5519017920
Sirogojno by Bukephalos en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Staro_Selo_-_Sirogojno5.JPG
Petrovaradin Fortress by Magalie L'Abbé www.flickr.com/photos/magtravels/5990321759
Nikola Tesla Museum by Xevi V www.flickr.com/photos/xevivarela/2770474544
Cathedral of Saint Sava by George M. Groutas ww.flickr.com/photos/jorge-11/3770037751/
Gamzigrad - Romuliana by Pray 4 Serbia www.flickr.com/photos/pray4serbia/4369555091
National Park Tara by Fif' www.flickr.com/photos/24236053@N00/5250926527
Niš Fortress by MrPanyGoff sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0:Ni%C5%A1_Fortress,_Ni%C5%A1,_Serbia.jpg
Ada Ciganlija by Dejan Spasovski www.flickr.com/photos/dejanspd/7074365425
Djavolja Varos by Rudolf Getel www.flickr.com/photos/rudolfgetel/5043563233
Skadarlija by Tijana Danilović www.flickr.com/photos/fadinglightsx/15919757167
Belgrade Fortress by George M. Groutas www.flickr.com/photos/jorge-11/3762132619
- published: 05 Apr 2015
- views: 3
Belgrado turismo, Serbia - Belgrade tourism / travel - City tour, visit, viaje viajar ciudad capital
http://www.tusdestinos.net Belgrado, Serbia. turismo por la ciudad Belgrade Serbia. City tour / tourism / travel Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomco......
http://www.tusdestinos.net Belgrado, Serbia. turismo por la ciudad Belgrade Serbia. City tour / tourism / travel Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomco...
wn.com/Belgrado Turismo, Serbia Belgrade Tourism Travel City Tour, Visit, Viaje Viajar Ciudad Capital
http://www.tusdestinos.net Belgrado, Serbia. turismo por la ciudad Belgrade Serbia. City tour / tourism / travel Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomco...
Is Serbia Safe for a Muslim Tourist?
I have received a lot of messages from Muslims all over the globe asking about the safety in Serbia. This message was from a guy from Saudi Arabia . Here is his...
I have received a lot of messages from Muslims all over the globe asking about the safety in Serbia. This message was from a guy from Saudi Arabia . Here is his full message to me:
Hello charles, I am the Arab guy who was asking about Serbia.
I really appreciate your effort in breaking steryotypes and building bridges between people. I hope there are more Americans and westerners do the same with Arabs lol
I have a strong fascination with the Balkan, I have a Croatian friend and have met few Albanians before. I grew up hearing about the wars in that area, but only from one side which is the Muslim Bosnian side. I didn't learn much about Serbia until I learned English and started reading deferent sources.
I really would like to go backpacking across few countries there. But honestly I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I have traveled to many countries before, I'm currently in Canada. I grew a prespective on places that I felt welcomed, like east Africa (which is an amazing place! I think anyone should visit Kenya and Tanzania at least once in their life) there is also bad experiences too.
I honestly wouldn't advice many westerners to visit the Middle East now, and if they go I would say take caution and limit your visit to Egypt :/
Do you think it would be the same for a middle easterner visiting Serbia? It's not like I will be showing my self or wearing weird clothes, just general feeling about Arabs in Serbia. I would appreciate your input. Thanks again for your time and effort.
Best regards,
wn.com/Is Serbia Safe For A Muslim Tourist
I have received a lot of messages from Muslims all over the globe asking about the safety in Serbia. This message was from a guy from Saudi Arabia . Here is his full message to me:
Hello charles, I am the Arab guy who was asking about Serbia.
I really appreciate your effort in breaking steryotypes and building bridges between people. I hope there are more Americans and westerners do the same with Arabs lol
I have a strong fascination with the Balkan, I have a Croatian friend and have met few Albanians before. I grew up hearing about the wars in that area, but only from one side which is the Muslim Bosnian side. I didn't learn much about Serbia until I learned English and started reading deferent sources.
I really would like to go backpacking across few countries there. But honestly I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I have traveled to many countries before, I'm currently in Canada. I grew a prespective on places that I felt welcomed, like east Africa (which is an amazing place! I think anyone should visit Kenya and Tanzania at least once in their life) there is also bad experiences too.
I honestly wouldn't advice many westerners to visit the Middle East now, and if they go I would say take caution and limit your visit to Egypt :/
Do you think it would be the same for a middle easterner visiting Serbia? It's not like I will be showing my self or wearing weird clothes, just general feeling about Arabs in Serbia. I would appreciate your input. Thanks again for your time and effort.
Best regards,
- published: 27 Dec 2014
- views: 1040
The Danube in Serbia: 588 Impressions
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism | http://www.serbia.travel
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism | http://www.serbia.travel
The Danube is the only of large European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is still subject of scientific debate,
while its mouth widens year-in-year-out. Throughout its history, the river had a major role as a link and as a border, as the lifeblood of commerce...
That is why the journey along the Danube is like a visit to a museum of European history, filled with “exhibits” of natural rarities, deep layers of cultural heritage, colourful lifestyles, events, tourist offers and attractions.
Producer: Supernatural
Director and screenwriter: Srdjan Stankovic
Executive producer: Marsh creative production
Producer: Maja Marsicevic
Executive producer: Anja Jeremic
Director of photography: Vildovic Dragan
Assistants: Miroslav Moracha, Dragan Cvrkota, Velimir Lukic, Nikola Stankovic
Colorist: Goran Todoric
Editing: Bojan Kosovic
Sound designer: Vladimir Kerkez
Composer: Aleksandar Simic, Aleksandar Randjelovic
Text author: Aleksandar Simic, Srdjan Stankovic
Narator: John White, Goran Sultanovic
Underwater shots, Gornje podunavlje birds:
Szilard Kovac
Graphic design: Nenad Radojcic
Creative consultant: Goran Stankovic
Organization assitant: Nikola Stankovic
wn.com/The Danube In Serbia 588 Impressions
http://www.facebook.com/serbiatourism | http://www.facebook.com/turisticka.organizacija.srbije | http://twitter.com/serbiatourism | http://www.serbia.travel
The Danube is the only of large European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is still subject of scientific debate,
while its mouth widens year-in-year-out. Throughout its history, the river had a major role as a link and as a border, as the lifeblood of commerce...
That is why the journey along the Danube is like a visit to a museum of European history, filled with “exhibits” of natural rarities, deep layers of cultural heritage, colourful lifestyles, events, tourist offers and attractions.
Producer: Supernatural
Director and screenwriter: Srdjan Stankovic
Executive producer: Marsh creative production
Producer: Maja Marsicevic
Executive producer: Anja Jeremic
Director of photography: Vildovic Dragan
Assistants: Miroslav Moracha, Dragan Cvrkota, Velimir Lukic, Nikola Stankovic
Colorist: Goran Todoric
Editing: Bojan Kosovic
Sound designer: Vladimir Kerkez
Composer: Aleksandar Simic, Aleksandar Randjelovic
Text author: Aleksandar Simic, Srdjan Stankovic
Narator: John White, Goran Sultanovic
Underwater shots, Gornje podunavlje birds:
Szilard Kovac
Graphic design: Nenad Radojcic
Creative consultant: Goran Stankovic
Organization assitant: Nikola Stankovic
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 830
Soulfood Serbia is a short promotional video of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia representing autochthonous food and beverages. Gastronomic produc......
Soulfood Serbia is a short promotional video of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia representing autochthonous food and beverages. Gastronomic produc...
wn.com/Soulfood Serbia
Soulfood Serbia is a short promotional video of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia representing autochthonous food and beverages. Gastronomic produc...
- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 61833
author: NTO Serbia
Serbian Language
http://davidsbeenhere.com Planning a trip to Serbia? Join David's Been Here and Belgrade-VIP (the Balkans best concierge service) for a quick and easy Serbia......
http://davidsbeenhere.com Planning a trip to Serbia? Join David's Been Here and Belgrade-VIP (the Balkans best concierge service) for a quick and easy Serbia...
wn.com/Serbian Language
http://davidsbeenhere.com Planning a trip to Serbia? Join David's Been Here and Belgrade-VIP (the Balkans best concierge service) for a quick and easy Serbia...
Dental Tourism in Serbia - Dental Clinic NorDent Subotica
Dobrodošli u Suboticu, drugi najveći grad u Vojvodini jednoj od najlepših nizija Evrope. Dobrodošli u grad nasmeljanih ljudi, spremnih da vam uz osmeh odgovore ...
Dobrodošli u Suboticu, drugi najveći grad u Vojvodini jednoj od najlepših nizija Evrope. Dobrodošli u grad nasmeljanih ljudi, spremnih da vam uz osmeh odgovore na svako vaše pitanje, da vas sa osmehom usluže i sa ponosnim osmehom pokažu Subotičku arhitekturu. Na osmeh se osmehom uzvraća. Subotičani se ne stide svog osmeha, niti ga kriju, već ga s ponosom svima pružaju jer u Subotici osmeh nastaje. Dobrodošli u NorDent, fabriku osmeha!
Stomatološki centar NorDent nastao je kao odraz potrebe da se građanima ponudi savremena, kvalitetna, brza i efikasna stomatološka usluga. Rezultat ovakve želje i vizije predstavlja stomatološki centar u Subotici, opremljen sa tri ordinacije, projektovane prema najsavremenijim tehničkim i tehnološkim dostignućima sadašnjice i savremenim digitalnim dijagnostičkim centrom. Kompletan tim NorDenta osvećen je maksimalnom zadovoljenju svih potreba pacijenata koji od sada celokupan postupak: prijem, kontrolni pregled, dijagnostiku i tretman mogu dobiti na jednom mestu uz mogućnost planiranja načina i tempa ostvarenja.
Preventiva je pola zdravlja a u slučaju stomatologije, polovina lepog osmeha.
Naša usluga u estetskoj stomatologiji daje prioritet izgledu vaših zuba, usta i lica uz maksimalni pažnju i preciznost.
U NorDentu vas očekuju sa odgovarajućim protetskim radovima po najsavremenijoj tehnologiji.
Implanti su izrađeni od titanijuma što znači da su potpuno neškodjivi za vaš organizam. A u NorDentu vas očekuju sa svetki poznati brendovima iz ove oblasti.
U službi pravilnog razvoja zubno-mišićnog kompleksa i uspešne protetske rehabilitacije u NorDentu vas očekuje najsavremenija oralna hirurgija.
NorDentovi instrumenti omogućavaju i panoramsku snimanje uz preciznu dijagnostiku, osim toga svaki NorDentov pacijent je zaštićen od zračenja.
NorDent je lider dentalnog turizma u Srbiji jer se u okviru centra nalazi Best Western Hotel Gloria Lux, hotel sa četiri zvezdice, restoranom, barom, modernim spa centrom koji ce vaš boravak učiniti lepšim i prijatnim. Stojimo vam na raspolaganju kako bi vaš novi osmeh razmenili sa uvek nasmejanim Subotičanima...
Üdvözüljük Szabadkán, Vajdaság második legnagyobb városában, Európa egyik legszebb alföldjén.
Üdvözöljük a mosolygós emberek városában, akik mindig készek válaszolni minden kérdésére egy mosoly kiséretében és büszke mosollyal mutassák meg Szabadka építészetét. A mosolyra mosoly a válasz. A szabadkaiak nem szégyenlik és nem is rejtegetik a mosolyukat, hanem büszkén mutogatják mindenkinek, mert Szabadkán a mosoly készül!
Üdvözüljük a NorDentben, a mosoly-gyárban!
A NorDent fogászati központ annak a szükségnek a kielégítésére jött létre, hogy a polgárok számára biztosítson modern, magas színvonalú, gyors és hatékony fogászati szolgáltatásokat. Ennek a vágynak és jövőképnek az eredménye a fogászati központ, ami három rendelővel felszerelt, melyek a legújabb technikai és technológiai trendeknek felelnek meg.
Valamint a legfejlettebb digitális képalkotó és diagnosztikai központ. Az egész NorDent csapat a páciensek igényeinek maximális kielégítését szolgálja, ami mostantól az egész folyamatot magában foglalja: felvétel, vizsgálat, diagnózis és kezelés.
Mindezt egy helyen tudják megkapni a kezelési terv módjának és ütemének tervezésével.
A megelőzés fél egészség, a fogászat esetében pedig a szép mosoly.
Szolgáltatásaink az esztétikai fogászatban továbbra is a fogak, a száj és az arc szép megjelenésében fontosak, maximális figyelem és pontosság mellett. A NorDentben a legmodernebb technológiával készített pótlások várják önt. Az implantátumok titániumból készülnek, ami azt jelenti hogy teljesen ártalmatlanok az ön testének.
A NorDentben pedig várják önt az ismert világmárkák erről a területről.
A megfelelő fog-izom együttes fejlődése és a sikeres protetikai rehabilitáció érdekében a NorDentben várják önt a legújabb szájsebészeti eljárások
A NorDent eszközei lehetővé teszik a fogak panorámafelvételét és a precíz diagnózist, ezen túlmenően minden NorDent páciens védve van a sugárzásokkal szemben.
A NorDent a fogászati turizmus vezetője Szerbiában, ugyanis a itt helyezkedik el a Best Western Hotel Gloria Lux****, a négycsillagos hotel, étteremmel, bárral, modern wellness-központal, ami az itteni tartózkodását fogja szebbé és kellemessé tenni
Állunk rendelkezésére, hogy az új mosolyával válaszolhasson a mosolygós szabadkaiaknak
MI vagyunk a NorDent!
Mosolyokat készítünk!
Www: http://www.nordent.rs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorDent
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NordentSU
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NordentRs/posts
wn.com/Dental Tourism In Serbia Dental Clinic Nordent Subotica
Dobrodošli u Suboticu, drugi najveći grad u Vojvodini jednoj od najlepših nizija Evrope. Dobrodošli u grad nasmeljanih ljudi, spremnih da vam uz osmeh odgovore na svako vaše pitanje, da vas sa osmehom usluže i sa ponosnim osmehom pokažu Subotičku arhitekturu. Na osmeh se osmehom uzvraća. Subotičani se ne stide svog osmeha, niti ga kriju, već ga s ponosom svima pružaju jer u Subotici osmeh nastaje. Dobrodošli u NorDent, fabriku osmeha!
Stomatološki centar NorDent nastao je kao odraz potrebe da se građanima ponudi savremena, kvalitetna, brza i efikasna stomatološka usluga. Rezultat ovakve želje i vizije predstavlja stomatološki centar u Subotici, opremljen sa tri ordinacije, projektovane prema najsavremenijim tehničkim i tehnološkim dostignućima sadašnjice i savremenim digitalnim dijagnostičkim centrom. Kompletan tim NorDenta osvećen je maksimalnom zadovoljenju svih potreba pacijenata koji od sada celokupan postupak: prijem, kontrolni pregled, dijagnostiku i tretman mogu dobiti na jednom mestu uz mogućnost planiranja načina i tempa ostvarenja.
Preventiva je pola zdravlja a u slučaju stomatologije, polovina lepog osmeha.
Naša usluga u estetskoj stomatologiji daje prioritet izgledu vaših zuba, usta i lica uz maksimalni pažnju i preciznost.
U NorDentu vas očekuju sa odgovarajućim protetskim radovima po najsavremenijoj tehnologiji.
Implanti su izrađeni od titanijuma što znači da su potpuno neškodjivi za vaš organizam. A u NorDentu vas očekuju sa svetki poznati brendovima iz ove oblasti.
U službi pravilnog razvoja zubno-mišićnog kompleksa i uspešne protetske rehabilitacije u NorDentu vas očekuje najsavremenija oralna hirurgija.
NorDentovi instrumenti omogućavaju i panoramsku snimanje uz preciznu dijagnostiku, osim toga svaki NorDentov pacijent je zaštićen od zračenja.
NorDent je lider dentalnog turizma u Srbiji jer se u okviru centra nalazi Best Western Hotel Gloria Lux, hotel sa četiri zvezdice, restoranom, barom, modernim spa centrom koji ce vaš boravak učiniti lepšim i prijatnim. Stojimo vam na raspolaganju kako bi vaš novi osmeh razmenili sa uvek nasmejanim Subotičanima...
Üdvözüljük Szabadkán, Vajdaság második legnagyobb városában, Európa egyik legszebb alföldjén.
Üdvözöljük a mosolygós emberek városában, akik mindig készek válaszolni minden kérdésére egy mosoly kiséretében és büszke mosollyal mutassák meg Szabadka építészetét. A mosolyra mosoly a válasz. A szabadkaiak nem szégyenlik és nem is rejtegetik a mosolyukat, hanem büszkén mutogatják mindenkinek, mert Szabadkán a mosoly készül!
Üdvözüljük a NorDentben, a mosoly-gyárban!
A NorDent fogászati központ annak a szükségnek a kielégítésére jött létre, hogy a polgárok számára biztosítson modern, magas színvonalú, gyors és hatékony fogászati szolgáltatásokat. Ennek a vágynak és jövőképnek az eredménye a fogászati központ, ami három rendelővel felszerelt, melyek a legújabb technikai és technológiai trendeknek felelnek meg.
Valamint a legfejlettebb digitális képalkotó és diagnosztikai központ. Az egész NorDent csapat a páciensek igényeinek maximális kielégítését szolgálja, ami mostantól az egész folyamatot magában foglalja: felvétel, vizsgálat, diagnózis és kezelés.
Mindezt egy helyen tudják megkapni a kezelési terv módjának és ütemének tervezésével.
A megelőzés fél egészség, a fogászat esetében pedig a szép mosoly.
Szolgáltatásaink az esztétikai fogászatban továbbra is a fogak, a száj és az arc szép megjelenésében fontosak, maximális figyelem és pontosság mellett. A NorDentben a legmodernebb technológiával készített pótlások várják önt. Az implantátumok titániumból készülnek, ami azt jelenti hogy teljesen ártalmatlanok az ön testének.
A NorDentben pedig várják önt az ismert világmárkák erről a területről.
A megfelelő fog-izom együttes fejlődése és a sikeres protetikai rehabilitáció érdekében a NorDentben várják önt a legújabb szájsebészeti eljárások
A NorDent eszközei lehetővé teszik a fogak panorámafelvételét és a precíz diagnózist, ezen túlmenően minden NorDent páciens védve van a sugárzásokkal szemben.
A NorDent a fogászati turizmus vezetője Szerbiában, ugyanis a itt helyezkedik el a Best Western Hotel Gloria Lux****, a négycsillagos hotel, étteremmel, bárral, modern wellness-központal, ami az itteni tartózkodását fogja szebbé és kellemessé tenni
Állunk rendelkezésére, hogy az új mosolyával válaszolhasson a mosolygós szabadkaiaknak
MI vagyunk a NorDent!
Mosolyokat készítünk!
Www: http://www.nordent.rs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorDent
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NordentSU
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NordentRs/posts
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 12
Click to subscribe and join the SHABL mission - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
In this video I'm visiting Belgrade, Serbia. Oh how it feels good to be back in Belgrade....
Click to subscribe and join the SHABL mission - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
In this video I'm visiting Belgrade, Serbia. Oh how it feels good to be back in Belgrade. Last time I was in Belgrade was last year when I visited with my friend Gautier. This time, I was invited by the tourism board to take part in a trip which would explore lots of what Serbia had to offer - naturally I said sure and glad I did. This is just my first afternoon and evening but can give you an idea of things to do in Belgrade, Serbia.
I'm a fan of Belgrade as it's busy, fun, affordable and has good food / fast internet. It's one of my favourite cities in the Balkans or anywhere and considering it as a possible business base a few months a year.
JOIN THE SHABL ARMY: http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
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Music provided by Audio Network...
Daily travel vlog filmed on a GoPro Hero 4 Silver or Canon G7X
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wn.com/Visiting Belgrade, Serbia
Click to subscribe and join the SHABL mission - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
In this video I'm visiting Belgrade, Serbia. Oh how it feels good to be back in Belgrade. Last time I was in Belgrade was last year when I visited with my friend Gautier. This time, I was invited by the tourism board to take part in a trip which would explore lots of what Serbia had to offer - naturally I said sure and glad I did. This is just my first afternoon and evening but can give you an idea of things to do in Belgrade, Serbia.
I'm a fan of Belgrade as it's busy, fun, affordable and has good food / fast internet. It's one of my favourite cities in the Balkans or anywhere and considering it as a possible business base a few months a year.
JOIN THE SHABL ARMY: http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/bloggeries
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bloggeries
BLOG: http://stophavingaboringlife.com
Music provided by Audio Network...
Daily travel vlog filmed on a GoPro Hero 4 Silver or Canon G7X
Subscribe for more daily vlogs of the travel nature…
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 6841
Rural tourism Serbia "Rajski Konaci"
Etno selo dobitnik nagrade Turisticki Cvet 2010. kao "Najlepše seosko domacinstvo u Srbiji" http://www.rajski-konaci.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Raj......
Etno selo dobitnik nagrade Turisticki Cvet 2010. kao "Najlepše seosko domacinstvo u Srbiji" http://www.rajski-konaci.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Raj...
wn.com/Rural Tourism Serbia Rajski Konaci
Etno selo dobitnik nagrade Turisticki Cvet 2010. kao "Najlepše seosko domacinstvo u Srbiji" http://www.rajski-konaci.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Raj...
- published: 18 Jul 2009
- views: 55863
author: kostunici
BELGRADO / BELGRADE - Serbia - Beograd - Turismo por la ciudad, tourism, travel, city tour
Turismo por la ciudad de Belgrado / Belgrade, Serbia
En este vídeo pueden ver un recorrido por los enclaves turísticos más importantes ...
Turismo por la ciudad de Belgrado / Belgrade, Serbia
En este vídeo pueden ver un recorrido por los enclaves turísticos más importantes de Belgrado. Desde la fortaleza de la Kalamegdan, sin duda, uno de los monumentos imprescindibles en una visita a la capital serbia se puede ver la desembocadura del río Sava en el Danubio, que a su paso por Belgrado tiene una amplitud de kilómetro y medio.
También podemos ver en este vídeo el templo ortodoxo de San Sava, el segundo más grande de Europa.En la antigua calle del Mariscal Tito y hoy la calle de los Gobernantes Serbios (Srpskih Vladara) se encuentran dos de los edificios más bellos de la ciudad y que albergan hoy en día el Ayuntamiento de Belgrado y el Gobierno de Serbia. Ambos eran palacios reales en épocas distintas de la historia Serbia y de sus dinastías reales. Están ubicados uno frente al otro y separados por una zona ajardinada.
Siguiendo nuestro camino hacia el centro llegamos a la Plaza de la Balanza (Terazije). En este lugar comienza la calle Knez Mihailova, la arteria peatonal más importante de la ciudad que muere en la fortaleza de Kalemegdan.
Una de las zonas históricas más bellas de Belgrado es el barrio de Zemun. Este enclave conserva algunos edificios herencia del pasado austro-húngaro, ubicados alrededor de la emblemática torre de Gardos desde la cual se tienen unas espectaculares vistas del Danubio.
Para poner un buen punto y final a un día redondo elegimos para cenar una acogedora y floreada kafana (taberna tradicional) de la encantadora y adoquinada calle Skadarlija donde se aglutina el Belgrado bohemio y que recuerda por un instante al Montmartre parisino.
Gastronomía excelente y mucho ocio nocturno
Con el soporte audiovisual de:
wn.com/Belgrado Belgrade Serbia Beograd Turismo Por La Ciudad, Tourism, Travel, City Tour
Turismo por la ciudad de Belgrado / Belgrade, Serbia
En este vídeo pueden ver un recorrido por los enclaves turísticos más importantes de Belgrado. Desde la fortaleza de la Kalamegdan, sin duda, uno de los monumentos imprescindibles en una visita a la capital serbia se puede ver la desembocadura del río Sava en el Danubio, que a su paso por Belgrado tiene una amplitud de kilómetro y medio.
También podemos ver en este vídeo el templo ortodoxo de San Sava, el segundo más grande de Europa.En la antigua calle del Mariscal Tito y hoy la calle de los Gobernantes Serbios (Srpskih Vladara) se encuentran dos de los edificios más bellos de la ciudad y que albergan hoy en día el Ayuntamiento de Belgrado y el Gobierno de Serbia. Ambos eran palacios reales en épocas distintas de la historia Serbia y de sus dinastías reales. Están ubicados uno frente al otro y separados por una zona ajardinada.
Siguiendo nuestro camino hacia el centro llegamos a la Plaza de la Balanza (Terazije). En este lugar comienza la calle Knez Mihailova, la arteria peatonal más importante de la ciudad que muere en la fortaleza de Kalemegdan.
Una de las zonas históricas más bellas de Belgrado es el barrio de Zemun. Este enclave conserva algunos edificios herencia del pasado austro-húngaro, ubicados alrededor de la emblemática torre de Gardos desde la cual se tienen unas espectaculares vistas del Danubio.
Para poner un buen punto y final a un día redondo elegimos para cenar una acogedora y floreada kafana (taberna tradicional) de la encantadora y adoquinada calle Skadarlija donde se aglutina el Belgrado bohemio y que recuerda por un instante al Montmartre parisino.
Gastronomía excelente y mucho ocio nocturno
Con el soporte audiovisual de:
- published: 06 Jul 2010
- views: 22266
A Tourist's Guide to Belgrade, Serbia
Me and a friend visit the capital of Serbia in August 2007. We were pleasantly surprised....
Me and a friend visit the capital of Serbia in August 2007. We were pleasantly surprised.
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Belgrade, Serbia
Me and a friend visit the capital of Serbia in August 2007. We were pleasantly surprised.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations
You may want to think twice before jetting off to these destinations. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dangerous...
You may want to think twice before jetting off to these destinations. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dangerous tourist destinations. Special thanks to our users nazarovanton, Emily Carlstrom, Daniel Fong, bigpapazagon, Eddy Ge and Francis Gossner for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!
Check out the voting page here,
If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest :)
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wn.com/Top 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations
You may want to think twice before jetting off to these destinations. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dangerous tourist destinations. Special thanks to our users nazarovanton, Emily Carlstrom, Daniel Fong, bigpapazagon, Eddy Ge and Francis Gossner for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!
Check out the voting page here,
If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest :)
Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo
We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out http://www.WatchMojo.com/store for more info.
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 571788
Sustainable Tourism For Rural Development in Serbia
Sustainable rural tourism is one of the key sectors with strong potential for diversifying Serbia's rural economy. In the past several years a movement has b......
Sustainable rural tourism is one of the key sectors with strong potential for diversifying Serbia's rural economy. In the past several years a movement has b...
wn.com/Sustainable Tourism For Rural Development In Serbia
Sustainable rural tourism is one of the key sectors with strong potential for diversifying Serbia's rural economy. In the past several years a movement has b...
Top Things to See & Do in Nis, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David’s Been Here is traveling through Serbia in search of the top destinations and best attractions. In this travel clip, David brin...
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David’s Been Here is traveling through Serbia in search of the top destinations and best attractions. In this travel clip, David brings us the top things to see and do in the southern city of Nis. Serbia’s third largest city, Nis is one of the most historically significant destinations in the entire country with loads of sites, attractions and monuments to show for it. From ancient historical sites such as the 1st century, Roman-built Nis Fortress and the surrounding 2,000-year-old Roman tombstones to more modern historical stops including a German concentration camp from World War II, Nis is a veritable open history book. Make sure to stop by the chapel-protected Skull Tower (an infamous Ottoman creation after defeating the Serbs), the incredible Archaeological Hall of Nis and the site of the start of World War I. With beautiful walking streets and some modern attractions worth visiting as well, travelers stopping over in Nis will have no shortage of things to do!
wn.com/Top Things To See Do In Nis, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David’s Been Here is traveling through Serbia in search of the top destinations and best attractions. In this travel clip, David brings us the top things to see and do in the southern city of Nis. Serbia’s third largest city, Nis is one of the most historically significant destinations in the entire country with loads of sites, attractions and monuments to show for it. From ancient historical sites such as the 1st century, Roman-built Nis Fortress and the surrounding 2,000-year-old Roman tombstones to more modern historical stops including a German concentration camp from World War II, Nis is a veritable open history book. Make sure to stop by the chapel-protected Skull Tower (an infamous Ottoman creation after defeating the Serbs), the incredible Archaeological Hall of Nis and the site of the start of World War I. With beautiful walking streets and some modern attractions worth visiting as well, travelers stopping over in Nis will have no shortage of things to do!
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 192
-Albanian terrorists vs. Serbian army-
Albanians should be careful what enemies they select !!! KOSOVO IS SERBIA !!!
Military Ops: Serbian security forces hold anti-terror drills in Belgrade
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
Serbia: See Russia's airborne units arrive for joint SREM-2014 anti-terror drills
Video ID: 20141106-041
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft lands in Batajnica military airport
M/S IL-76 transport aircraft
W/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
M/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
W/S Military truck driving out of IL-76
M/S Member of IL-76 crew directing the unloading of hardware
M/S BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicle driving out of IL-76
W/S BMD-2 airb
Yugoslav Army in the Serbian Province of Kosovo 98 99 War Against the Albanian UCK Terrorists
RAW: Russian paratroopers hold joint drills in Serbia
SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in Serbia. Two BMD-2 machines were taken to the venue onboard an Ilyushin Il-76 multi-purpose airlifter on Sunday. The vehicles successfully landed on to the Nikinci training area in Serbia. The Russian military also deployed Drones, paratroopers in the joint military drills with Serbia.
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Serbia: Huge anti-terror drills held across Belgrade following Paris attacks
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade on Saturday. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
Video ID: 20151121-057
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.
Yugoslav Army going to war against US/NATO imperialists, 1999.
In 23rd March of 1999, one day before
US/NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
after the order of Supreme Commander Slobodan
Milošević, Yugoslav Army started massing troops
In Kosovo to meet Albanian terrorists and NATO
Video footage of train transporting troops to Kosovo province.
Chechnya terror attack: Heavy fighting in Grozny, fierce shootout (EXCLUSIVE)
Ten police officers were killed and 28 injured during an anti-terrorist operation in the Chechen capital, Grozny, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee has reported - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/46e3an
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Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Drenica, 1998.
Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Battle for Drenica region. Kosovo and Metohija Privince, Republic of Serbia, Federa...
My tribute to Serbia - Serbian army in wars for freedom 1991-1999
Serb army on front lines against islam terrorists..in wars for freedom..war for croatia,war for bosnia, war for Serb holy land kosovo...all that wars are cre...
Albanian UCK Army vs. Serbian Chetniks Terrorists Army Militarys - Kosovo War 1998/1999
albanian army & uck brothers vs. yugoslav/serbian & russian police militarys losses of enemys (serbs&russians;) kosovo war 1998 1999 in truth much higher casu...
German Soldiers vs. Serbian Terrorists Chetniks - Kosovo Prizren after War 1999
German Soldiers vs. Serbian Terrorists Chetniks - Kosovo Prizren after War 1999.
Serbia: SREM-2014 drills show the teeth of Serb and Russian forces
VideoID: 20141115-037
M/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
M/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops lan
Mladic War Crimes Trial: Former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic faces life imprisonment
The trial of former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic, accused of genocide, murder, acts of terror, and other crimes against humanity during the 1992-95 B...
Serbian Anti-Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition) UNRELEASED
Serbian Special Anti Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition)
The attack on the military barracks is part of the exercises in this drill (morning 04:00 - 10.05.2015)
PTJ (anti-tetrrorist unit-2003)
SAj ( special anti-tetrrorist unit-1983)
SAU Special Anti terrorist Unit Serbia AK-47 HD.
Serbia Holds Anti-terrorism Exercises amid Escalating Terror Threats
Serbia held its largest ever anti-terrorism exercises in Belgrade on Saturday, amid escalating terror threats facing European countries.
Codenamed "Shield", the exercises took place near one of Belgrade’s landmark buildings.
The exercises simulated a series of situations, including hostage taking and an assassination attempt by terrorists disguised as building staff, and featured a variety of
Serbian Military Pride
Serbian army special forces-Specijalna brigada Vojske RS
Serbian army special forces...63rd Parachute Battalion,72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion,MP Counter-terrorist Battalion
Music;Two Steps From Hell - To Glory
proud of the Serbian army in the Patriotic War
proud of the Serbian army in the war against Muslim terrorists...
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing a
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Alpha 1
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing activity of
Albanian UCK Special Forces Black Tigers vs. Serbian Terrorist Police & Army - Kosovo War 1998
Albanian UCK Special Forces Black Tigers vs. Serbian Terrorist Police & Army - Kosovo War 1998.
-Albanian terrorists vs. Serbian army-
Albanians should be careful what enemies they select !!! KOSOVO IS SERBIA !!!...
Albanians should be careful what enemies they select !!! KOSOVO IS SERBIA !!!
wn.com/Albanian Terrorists Vs. Serbian Army
Albanians should be careful what enemies they select !!! KOSOVO IS SERBIA !!!
- published: 04 Jan 2015
- views: 23
Military Ops: Serbian security forces hold anti-terror drills in Belgrade
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intellige...
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
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wn.com/Military Ops Serbian Security Forces Hold Anti Terror Drills In Belgrade
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 856
Serbia: See Russia's airborne units arrive for joint SREM-2014 anti-terror drills
Video ID: 20141106-041
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft lands in Batajnica military airport
M/S IL-76 transport aircraft
W/S Russian paratroopers coming ou...
Video ID: 20141106-041
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft lands in Batajnica military airport
M/S IL-76 transport aircraft
W/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
M/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
W/S Military truck driving out of IL-76
M/S Member of IL-76 crew directing the unloading of hardware
M/S BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicle driving out of IL-76
W/S BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicles
C/U Chain tracks
W/S Russian paratroopers and BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicles
M/S Paratroopers unloading hardware and equipment
M/S Serbian soldiers
M/S BMD-2 drives on a platform
M/S Russian paratrooper fixes chain tracks
W/S BMD-2 on a platform of a truck
M/S BMD-2 on a platform
M/S Russian paratrooper riding Stels leopard quadricycle
W/S Platform truck leaving the airfield
M/S Russian paratroopers
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft in Batajnica military airport
Russia's airborne units arrived in Belgrade Thursday to take part in the first ever joint tactical anti-terrorism drills with the Serbian army, dubbed 'SREM-2014'.
Six IL-76 military transport aircrafts from Russia landed at Batjnica's military airport with airborne servicemen from Tula and hardware onboard.
The SREM-2014 anti-terror maneuvers will include firing exercises, airdropping of troops and combat vehicles stages with the use of multi-dome parachute systems. The drills follow an agreement on military and technical cooperation between the two countries signed in November 2013.
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wn.com/Serbia See Russia's Airborne Units Arrive For Joint Srem 2014 Anti Terror Drills
Video ID: 20141106-041
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft lands in Batajnica military airport
M/S IL-76 transport aircraft
W/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
M/S Russian paratroopers coming out of IL-76
W/S Military truck driving out of IL-76
M/S Member of IL-76 crew directing the unloading of hardware
M/S BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicle driving out of IL-76
W/S BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicles
C/U Chain tracks
W/S Russian paratroopers and BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicles
M/S Paratroopers unloading hardware and equipment
M/S Serbian soldiers
M/S BMD-2 drives on a platform
M/S Russian paratrooper fixes chain tracks
W/S BMD-2 on a platform of a truck
M/S BMD-2 on a platform
M/S Russian paratrooper riding Stels leopard quadricycle
W/S Platform truck leaving the airfield
M/S Russian paratroopers
W/S Russian IL-76 transport aircraft in Batajnica military airport
Russia's airborne units arrived in Belgrade Thursday to take part in the first ever joint tactical anti-terrorism drills with the Serbian army, dubbed 'SREM-2014'.
Six IL-76 military transport aircrafts from Russia landed at Batjnica's military airport with airborne servicemen from Tula and hardware onboard.
The SREM-2014 anti-terror maneuvers will include firing exercises, airdropping of troops and combat vehicles stages with the use of multi-dome parachute systems. The drills follow an agreement on military and technical cooperation between the two countries signed in November 2013.
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- published: 06 Nov 2014
- views: 641
RAW: Russian paratroopers hold joint drills in Serbia
SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in Serbia. Two BMD-2 machines were taken to the venue onboard an Ilyushin Il-76 multi-purpose airlifter on Sunday. The vehicl...
SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in Serbia. Two BMD-2 machines were taken to the venue onboard an Ilyushin Il-76 multi-purpose airlifter on Sunday. The vehicles successfully landed on to the Nikinci training area in Serbia. The Russian military also deployed Drones, paratroopers in the joint military drills with Serbia.
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wn.com/Raw Russian Paratroopers Hold Joint Drills In Serbia
SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in Serbia. Two BMD-2 machines were taken to the venue onboard an Ilyushin Il-76 multi-purpose airlifter on Sunday. The vehicles successfully landed on to the Nikinci training area in Serbia. The Russian military also deployed Drones, paratroopers in the joint military drills with Serbia.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 21301
Serbia: Huge anti-terror drills held across Belgrade following Paris attacks
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade on Saturday. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army a...
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade on Saturday. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
Video ID: 20151121-057
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wn.com/Serbia Huge Anti Terror Drills Held Across Belgrade Following Paris Attacks
Serbian security forces took part in a series of anti-terror drills held across Belgrade on Saturday. Over 700 police officers and members of the Serbian Army and intelligence service were deployed at several locations around the Serbian capital, with central operations taking place in front of the Palace of Serbia.
Video ID: 20151121-057
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 1002
Yugoslav Army going to war against US/NATO imperialists, 1999.
In 23rd March of 1999, one day before
US/NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
after the order of Supreme Commander Slobodan
In 23rd March of 1999, one day before
US/NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
after the order of Supreme Commander Slobodan
Milošević, Yugoslav Army started massing troops
In Kosovo to meet Albanian terrorists and NATO
Video footage of train transporting troops to Kosovo province.
wn.com/Yugoslav Army Going To War Against US Nato Imperialists, 1999.
In 23rd March of 1999, one day before
US/NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
after the order of Supreme Commander Slobodan
Milošević, Yugoslav Army started massing troops
In Kosovo to meet Albanian terrorists and NATO
Video footage of train transporting troops to Kosovo province.
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 33
Chechnya terror attack: Heavy fighting in Grozny, fierce shootout (EXCLUSIVE)
Ten police officers were killed and 28 injured during an anti-terrorist operation in the Chechen capital, Grozny, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee has repo...
Ten police officers were killed and 28 injured during an anti-terrorist operation in the Chechen capital, Grozny, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee has reported - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/46e3an
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
wn.com/Chechnya Terror Attack Heavy Fighting In Grozny, Fierce Shootout (Exclusive)
Ten police officers were killed and 28 injured during an anti-terrorist operation in the Chechen capital, Grozny, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee has reported - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/46e3an
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 1106599
Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Drenica, 1998.
Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Battle for Drenica region. Kosovo and Metohija Privince, Republic of Serbia, Federa......
Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Battle for Drenica region. Kosovo and Metohija Privince, Republic of Serbia, Federa...
wn.com/Serbian Police And Yugoslav Army Fighting Albanian Terrorists In Kosovo Drenica, 1998.
Serbian Police and Yugoslav Army fighting Albanian Terrorists in Kosovo - Battle for Drenica region. Kosovo and Metohija Privince, Republic of Serbia, Federa...
My tribute to Serbia - Serbian army in wars for freedom 1991-1999
Serb army on front lines against islam terrorists..in wars for freedom..war for croatia,war for bosnia, war for Serb holy land kosovo...all that wars are cre......
Serb army on front lines against islam terrorists..in wars for freedom..war for croatia,war for bosnia, war for Serb holy land kosovo...all that wars are cre...
wn.com/My Tribute To Serbia Serbian Army In Wars For Freedom 1991 1999
Serb army on front lines against islam terrorists..in wars for freedom..war for croatia,war for bosnia, war for Serb holy land kosovo...all that wars are cre...
Albanian UCK Army vs. Serbian Chetniks Terrorists Army Militarys - Kosovo War 1998/1999
albanian army & uck brothers vs. yugoslav/serbian & russian police militarys losses of enemys (serbs&russians;) kosovo war 1998 1999 in truth much higher casu......
albanian army & uck brothers vs. yugoslav/serbian & russian police militarys losses of enemys (serbs&russians;) kosovo war 1998 1999 in truth much higher casu...
wn.com/Albanian Uck Army Vs. Serbian Chetniks Terrorists Army Militarys Kosovo War 1998 1999
albanian army & uck brothers vs. yugoslav/serbian & russian police militarys losses of enemys (serbs&russians;) kosovo war 1998 1999 in truth much higher casu...
Serbia: SREM-2014 drills show the teeth of Serb and Russian forces
VideoID: 20141115-037
M/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 mi...
VideoID: 20141115-037
M/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
M/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops landing with parachutes
W/S Serbian Special Forces soldiers landing with ropes from a Mi-17 helicopter
W/S Special Forces soldiers simulating attacking camp
M/S Special Forces soldiers simulating attacking camp, one being carried away
W/S Serbian Air Forces' SA 342 Gazelle helicopter launching missiles
W/S Russian airborne infantry fighting vehicle BMD-2 attacking
W/S Serbian armoured personnel carrier BOV-VP riding towards the battle
W/S Russian military ultralight trike attacking
M/S Russian military ultralight trike attacking
W/S Special Forces soldiers moving forward
M/S infantry fighting vehicle BMD-2 attacking
C/U Commander of the Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov watching the drills
M/S Special Troops soldier shooting on armed quad, Special Troops soldier shooting with a disposable light anti-tank rocket launcher RPG-18 Mukha (Fly)
C/U Special Troops soldier passing by an explosion
W/S Special Troops soldiers bringing wounded colleague to BOV-VP with red cross
W/S Russian and Serbian flag coming down with parachutes
C/U SREM 2014 sign
Russian and Serbian Special Forces continued the SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in the Serbian village of Nikinci Friday, simulating destroying the base of illegally armed formations and releasing hostages. Russian Airborne Troops could be seen landing in the area with parachutes from a Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft.
Special Forces soldiers from the Serbian army landed with ropes from Mi-8/17 helicopters and an SA 342 Gazelle successfully destroyed the most important defensive points in the simulated camp. Then the main forces of the parties - Russian paratroopers' units on airborne infantry fighting vehicles BMD-2 and the Serbian Army's military police on the BOV-VP - joined the training battle.
Serbian Defense Minister Radoslaw Gasic, Serbian General Ljubisa Dikovich, Commander of the Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov and more than 30 foreign military observers from all around the world watched the drills on the range. Joint Russian-Serbian anti-terrorist military tactical training SREM-2014 takes place on the territory of Serbia from 6 to 16 November 2014.
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wn.com/Serbia Srem 2014 Drills Show The Teeth Of Serb And Russian Forces
VideoID: 20141115-037
M/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops jumping out of Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
M/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S BMD-2 machine being dropped with a parachute from Russian Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft
W/S Russian Airborne Troops landing with parachutes
W/S Serbian Special Forces soldiers landing with ropes from a Mi-17 helicopter
W/S Special Forces soldiers simulating attacking camp
M/S Special Forces soldiers simulating attacking camp, one being carried away
W/S Serbian Air Forces' SA 342 Gazelle helicopter launching missiles
W/S Russian airborne infantry fighting vehicle BMD-2 attacking
W/S Serbian armoured personnel carrier BOV-VP riding towards the battle
W/S Russian military ultralight trike attacking
M/S Russian military ultralight trike attacking
W/S Special Forces soldiers moving forward
M/S infantry fighting vehicle BMD-2 attacking
C/U Commander of the Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov watching the drills
M/S Special Troops soldier shooting on armed quad, Special Troops soldier shooting with a disposable light anti-tank rocket launcher RPG-18 Mukha (Fly)
C/U Special Troops soldier passing by an explosion
W/S Special Troops soldiers bringing wounded colleague to BOV-VP with red cross
W/S Russian and Serbian flag coming down with parachutes
C/U SREM 2014 sign
Russian and Serbian Special Forces continued the SREM-2014 anti-terrorist exercises in the Serbian village of Nikinci Friday, simulating destroying the base of illegally armed formations and releasing hostages. Russian Airborne Troops could be seen landing in the area with parachutes from a Ilyushin Il-76 military aircraft.
Special Forces soldiers from the Serbian army landed with ropes from Mi-8/17 helicopters and an SA 342 Gazelle successfully destroyed the most important defensive points in the simulated camp. Then the main forces of the parties - Russian paratroopers' units on airborne infantry fighting vehicles BMD-2 and the Serbian Army's military police on the BOV-VP - joined the training battle.
Serbian Defense Minister Radoslaw Gasic, Serbian General Ljubisa Dikovich, Commander of the Airborne Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov and more than 30 foreign military observers from all around the world watched the drills on the range. Joint Russian-Serbian anti-terrorist military tactical training SREM-2014 takes place on the territory of Serbia from 6 to 16 November 2014.
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- published: 15 Nov 2014
- views: 1240
Mladic War Crimes Trial: Former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic faces life imprisonment
The trial of former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic, accused of genocide, murder, acts of terror, and other crimes against humanity during the 1992-95 B......
The trial of former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic, accused of genocide, murder, acts of terror, and other crimes against humanity during the 1992-95 B...
wn.com/Mladic War Crimes Trial Former Bosnian Serb Army Chief Ratko Mladic Faces Life Imprisonment
The trial of former Bosnian-Serb army chief Ratko Mladic, accused of genocide, murder, acts of terror, and other crimes against humanity during the 1992-95 B...
Serbian Anti-Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition) UNRELEASED
Serbian Special Anti Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition)
The attack on the military barracks is part of the exercises in this ...
Serbian Special Anti Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition)
The attack on the military barracks is part of the exercises in this drill (morning 04:00 - 10.05.2015)
PTJ (anti-tetrrorist unit-2003)
SAj ( special anti-tetrrorist unit-1983)
wn.com/Serbian Anti Terrorist Unit (Extreme Psychological Test And Physical Condition) Unreleased
Serbian Special Anti Terrorist Unit (extreme psychological test and physical condition)
The attack on the military barracks is part of the exercises in this drill (morning 04:00 - 10.05.2015)
PTJ (anti-tetrrorist unit-2003)
SAj ( special anti-tetrrorist unit-1983)
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 9
Serbia Holds Anti-terrorism Exercises amid Escalating Terror Threats
Serbia held its largest ever anti-terrorism exercises in Belgrade on Saturday, amid escalating terror threats facing European countries.
Codenamed "Shield", t...
Serbia held its largest ever anti-terrorism exercises in Belgrade on Saturday, amid escalating terror threats facing European countries.
Codenamed "Shield", the exercises took place near one of Belgrade’s landmark buildings.
The exercises simulated a series of situations, including hostage taking and an assassination attempt by terrorists disguised as building staff, and featured a variety of anti-terrorism operations such as airdrops, and maritime raids.
According to authorities, more than 700 troops from the Serbian Interior Ministry, army, and national security department participated in the exercises, which highlighted coordination and cooperation between different departments in the face of terrorist attacks.
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic watched the exercises at the site and then gave a press conference saying that the exercises aimed at demonstrating Serbia’s determination to combat terrorism and announcing that his country will increase its budget for national defense.
Serbia has restricted EU-bound refugees from entering its territory since the deadly attacks occurred in Paris. The country has been on alert for possible terror attacks after two soldiers were killed in an attack in neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina.
More on: http://news.cctvplus.tv/NewJsp/news.jsp?fileId=327855
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wn.com/Serbia Holds Anti Terrorism Exercises Amid Escalating Terror Threats
Serbia held its largest ever anti-terrorism exercises in Belgrade on Saturday, amid escalating terror threats facing European countries.
Codenamed "Shield", the exercises took place near one of Belgrade’s landmark buildings.
The exercises simulated a series of situations, including hostage taking and an assassination attempt by terrorists disguised as building staff, and featured a variety of anti-terrorism operations such as airdrops, and maritime raids.
According to authorities, more than 700 troops from the Serbian Interior Ministry, army, and national security department participated in the exercises, which highlighted coordination and cooperation between different departments in the face of terrorist attacks.
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic watched the exercises at the site and then gave a press conference saying that the exercises aimed at demonstrating Serbia’s determination to combat terrorism and announcing that his country will increase its budget for national defense.
Serbia has restricted EU-bound refugees from entering its territory since the deadly attacks occurred in Paris. The country has been on alert for possible terror attacks after two soldiers were killed in an attack in neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina.
More on: http://news.cctvplus.tv/NewJsp/news.jsp?fileId=327855
Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpxH8X2eQxJBqEjKQ
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CCTV/756877521031964
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- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 109
Serbian Military Pride
wn.com/Serbian Military Pride
Serbian army special forces-Specijalna brigada Vojske RS
Serbian army special forces...63rd Parachute Battalion,72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion,MP Counter-terrorist Battalion
Music;Two Steps From Hell - To Glo...
Serbian army special forces...63rd Parachute Battalion,72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion,MP Counter-terrorist Battalion
Music;Two Steps From Hell - To Glory
wn.com/Serbian Army Special Forces Specijalna Brigada Vojske Rs
Serbian army special forces...63rd Parachute Battalion,72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion,MP Counter-terrorist Battalion
Music;Two Steps From Hell - To Glory
- published: 16 Sep 2014
- views: 56
proud of the Serbian army in the Patriotic War
proud of the Serbian army in the war against Muslim terrorists......
proud of the Serbian army in the war against Muslim terrorists...
wn.com/Proud Of The Serbian Army In The Patriotic War
proud of the Serbian army in the war against Muslim terrorists...
- published: 27 Dec 2009
- views: 5659
author: 13OBRAZ89
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална А...
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing activity of violent non-state actors in Western Europe that was occurring at the time from such groups as the IRA, ETA, Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades. The unit was founded on 13 May 1978. The main tasks of the new unit were to prevent aircraft hijacking, release of hostages, the fight against organized crime and similar.
The Counter-Terrorist Unit (Serbian: Против Tерористичка Jединица, ПTJ / Protiv Teroristička Jedinica, PTJ) is the special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
As its name states, the PTJ is oriented towards anti-terror operations as well as securing and maintaining the internal security of Serbia. Often only used in operations deemed too dangerous for other police units, it is highly trained and equipped. The PTJ's responsibilities include: resolving hostage situations, anti-terrorist operations, high profile arrests and bomb disposal. Members of the PTJ operate with extreme professionalism and devotion to their responsibilities. This has earned the PTJ great respect throughout the world as an elite special operations police unit among other such units.
The Military Police Special Operation Battalion "Cobras" (Serbian: Батаљон војне полиције специјалне намене "Кобрe", tr. Bataljon vojne policije specijalne namene "Kobre") is a military police unit of the Serbian military, responsible for counter-terrorism, close protection and special operations.
The Gendarmery, in Serbian Žandarmerija (Serbian Cyrillic: Жандармерија), is an armed police force subordinate to Serbia's Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Serbian gendarmery was established in 2001. A previous Serbian Gendarmery existed from 1860 until 1941. The Special Operations Unit (JSO) and Special Police Unit (PJP) were later attached to the gendarmery. The gendarmery's duties are both civilian and military, including securing the 'Ground Safety Zone'[1] along the administrative line with Kosovo and providing disaster rescue teams (see below).
(Russian: спецназ; IPA: [spʲɪt͜s'nas]), abbreviation for Войска специального назначения, tr. Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya pronounced [vɐjsˈka spʲɪcɨˈalʲnəvə nəznɐˈt͜ɕenʲɪjə] (English: Special Purpose Forces or Special Purpose Military Units), is an umbrella
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wn.com/Serbian Special Army Explosive Device Destroyer Hummer Vehicle
Serbian Special Army EXPLOSIVE device destroyer Hummer vehicle - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing activity of violent non-state actors in Western Europe that was occurring at the time from such groups as the IRA, ETA, Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades. The unit was founded on 13 May 1978. The main tasks of the new unit were to prevent aircraft hijacking, release of hostages, the fight against organized crime and similar.
The Counter-Terrorist Unit (Serbian: Против Tерористичка Jединица, ПTJ / Protiv Teroristička Jedinica, PTJ) is the special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
As its name states, the PTJ is oriented towards anti-terror operations as well as securing and maintaining the internal security of Serbia. Often only used in operations deemed too dangerous for other police units, it is highly trained and equipped. The PTJ's responsibilities include: resolving hostage situations, anti-terrorist operations, high profile arrests and bomb disposal. Members of the PTJ operate with extreme professionalism and devotion to their responsibilities. This has earned the PTJ great respect throughout the world as an elite special operations police unit among other such units.
The Military Police Special Operation Battalion "Cobras" (Serbian: Батаљон војне полиције специјалне намене "Кобрe", tr. Bataljon vojne policije specijalne namene "Kobre") is a military police unit of the Serbian military, responsible for counter-terrorism, close protection and special operations.
The Gendarmery, in Serbian Žandarmerija (Serbian Cyrillic: Жандармерија), is an armed police force subordinate to Serbia's Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Serbian gendarmery was established in 2001. A previous Serbian Gendarmery existed from 1860 until 1941. The Special Operations Unit (JSO) and Special Police Unit (PJP) were later attached to the gendarmery. The gendarmery's duties are both civilian and military, including securing the 'Ground Safety Zone'[1] along the administrative line with Kosovo and providing disaster rescue teams (see below).
(Russian: спецназ; IPA: [spʲɪt͜s'nas]), abbreviation for Войска специального назначения, tr. Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya pronounced [vɐjsˈka spʲɪcɨˈalʲnəvə nəznɐˈt͜ɕenʲɪjə] (English: Special Purpose Forces or Special Purpose Military Units), is an umbrella
Search on youtube: Rapid Spotter Videos
Tanks: http://goo.gl/zgKXVM
Trucks: http://goo.gl/6rE0Ye
Planes: http://goo.gl/nFIiSG
Helicopters: http://goo.gl/8jHWIA
About Camera: Sony FDR-AX100 Ultra HD 4k Camcorder 4K Ultra HD Video at 30 fps/20MP Stills 1" Exmor R CMOS Sensor Bionz X Processor Zeiss Vario Sonnar T* Lens 12x Optical Zoom & 24x Clear Image Zoom Optical SteadyShot Image Stabilization 0.39" OLED EVF / 3.5" XtraFine LCD High Speed 120 fps Recording Records XAVC S, AVCHD, and MP4 Wi-Fi / NFC Connectivity
Amazing awesome youtube video channel RapidSpotter.
All Interesting and cool stuff from Military Army Aviation and mechanic. Insane raw footages of badass clips that can help you find all things u never saw before. Check my wall and share channel topic with your friends. Also search my videos from 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - till nowdays and you will see always best content all around the world. Subscribe and God bless you buddies.
On RapidSpotter channel you can find videos from all European countries: Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium
Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania
Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom
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Subscribe and watch us again. Thanks for watching.
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 29
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Alpha 1
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерорист...
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing activity of violent non-state actors in Western Europe that was occurring at the time from such groups as the IRA, ETA, Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades. The unit was founded on 13 May 1978. The main tasks of the new unit were to prevent aircraft hijacking, release of hostages, the fight against organized crime and similar.
The Counter-Terrorist Unit (Serbian: Против Tерористичка Jединица, ПTJ / Protiv Teroristička Jedinica, PTJ) is the special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
As its name states, the PTJ is oriented towards anti-terror operations as well as securing and maintaining the internal security of Serbia. Often only used in operations deemed too dangerous for other police units, it is highly trained and equipped. The PTJ's responsibilities include: resolving hostage situations, anti-terrorist operations, high profile arrests and bomb disposal. Members of the PTJ operate with extreme professionalism and devotion to their responsibilities. This has earned the PTJ great respect throughout the world as an elite special operations police unit among other such units.
The Military Police Special Operation Battalion "Cobras" (Serbian: Батаљон војне полиције специјалне намене "Кобрe", tr. Bataljon vojne policije specijalne namene "Kobre") is a military police unit of the Serbian military, responsible for counter-terrorism, close protection and special operations.
The Gendarmery, in Serbian Žandarmerija (Serbian Cyrillic: Жандармерија), is an armed police force subordinate to Serbia's Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Serbian gendarmery was established in 2001. A previous Serbian Gendarmery existed from 1860 until 1941. The Special Operations Unit (JSO) and Special Police Unit (PJP) were later attached to the gendarmery. The gendarmery's duties are both civilian and military, including securing the 'Ground Safety Zone'[1] along the administrative line with Kosovo and providing disaster rescue teams (see below).
(Russian: спецназ; IPA: [spʲɪt͜s'nas]), abbreviation for Войска специального назначения, tr. Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya pronounced [vɐjsˈka spʲɪcɨˈalʲnəvə nəznɐˈt͜ɕenʲɪjə] (English: Special Purpose Forces or Special Purpose Military Units), is an umbrella term for special forces in Russian and is used in numerous post-Soviet states. Historically, the term referred to special military units controlled by the military intelligence service GRU (Spetsnaz GRU).
Search on youtube: Rapid Spotter Videos
Tanks: http://goo.gl/zgKXVM
Trucks: http://goo.gl/6rE0Ye
Planes: http://goo.gl/nFIiSG
Helicopters: http://goo.gl/8jHWIA
About Camera: Sony FDR-AX100 Ultra HD 4k Camcorder 4K Ultra HD Video at 30 fps/20MP Stills 1" Exmor R CMOS Sensor Bionz X Processor Zeiss Vario Sonnar T* Lens 12x Optical Zoom & 24x Clear Image Zoom Optical SteadyShot Image Stabilization 0.39" OLED EVF / 3.5" XtraFine LCD High Speed 120 fps Recording Records XAVC S, AVCHD, and MP4 Wi-Fi / NFC Connectivity
Amazing awesome youtube video channel RapidSpotter.
All Interesting and cool stuff from Military Army Aviation and mechanic. Insane raw footages of badass clips that can help you find all things u never saw before. Check my wall and share channel topic with your friends. Also search my videos from 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - till nowdays and you will see always best content all around the world. Subscribe and God bless you buddies.
On RapidSpotter channel you can find videos from all European countries: Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium
Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania
Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom
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Subscribe and watch us again. Thanks for watching.
wn.com/Serbian Special Unit Cobras Mission 1 Protection Alpha 1
Serbian Special Unit COBRAS - Mission 1 Protection - Operation SHIELD - Tactical Unit Acion - The Special Anti-terrorist Unit (Serbian: Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица, CAJ / Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica, SAJ) is a special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
The SAJ was established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to the increasing activity of violent non-state actors in Western Europe that was occurring at the time from such groups as the IRA, ETA, Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades. The unit was founded on 13 May 1978. The main tasks of the new unit were to prevent aircraft hijacking, release of hostages, the fight against organized crime and similar.
The Counter-Terrorist Unit (Serbian: Против Tерористичка Jединица, ПTJ / Protiv Teroristička Jedinica, PTJ) is the special operations and tactical unit of the Serbian Police.
As its name states, the PTJ is oriented towards anti-terror operations as well as securing and maintaining the internal security of Serbia. Often only used in operations deemed too dangerous for other police units, it is highly trained and equipped. The PTJ's responsibilities include: resolving hostage situations, anti-terrorist operations, high profile arrests and bomb disposal. Members of the PTJ operate with extreme professionalism and devotion to their responsibilities. This has earned the PTJ great respect throughout the world as an elite special operations police unit among other such units.
The Military Police Special Operation Battalion "Cobras" (Serbian: Батаљон војне полиције специјалне намене "Кобрe", tr. Bataljon vojne policije specijalne namene "Kobre") is a military police unit of the Serbian military, responsible for counter-terrorism, close protection and special operations.
The Gendarmery, in Serbian Žandarmerija (Serbian Cyrillic: Жандармерија), is an armed police force subordinate to Serbia's Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Serbian gendarmery was established in 2001. A previous Serbian Gendarmery existed from 1860 until 1941. The Special Operations Unit (JSO) and Special Police Unit (PJP) were later attached to the gendarmery. The gendarmery's duties are both civilian and military, including securing the 'Ground Safety Zone'[1] along the administrative line with Kosovo and providing disaster rescue teams (see below).
(Russian: спецназ; IPA: [spʲɪt͜s'nas]), abbreviation for Войска специального назначения, tr. Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya pronounced [vɐjsˈka spʲɪcɨˈalʲnəvə nəznɐˈt͜ɕenʲɪjə] (English: Special Purpose Forces or Special Purpose Military Units), is an umbrella term for special forces in Russian and is used in numerous post-Soviet states. Historically, the term referred to special military units controlled by the military intelligence service GRU (Spetsnaz GRU).
Search on youtube: Rapid Spotter Videos
Tanks: http://goo.gl/zgKXVM
Trucks: http://goo.gl/6rE0Ye
Planes: http://goo.gl/nFIiSG
Helicopters: http://goo.gl/8jHWIA
About Camera: Sony FDR-AX100 Ultra HD 4k Camcorder 4K Ultra HD Video at 30 fps/20MP Stills 1" Exmor R CMOS Sensor Bionz X Processor Zeiss Vario Sonnar T* Lens 12x Optical Zoom & 24x Clear Image Zoom Optical SteadyShot Image Stabilization 0.39" OLED EVF / 3.5" XtraFine LCD High Speed 120 fps Recording Records XAVC S, AVCHD, and MP4 Wi-Fi / NFC Connectivity
Amazing awesome youtube video channel RapidSpotter.
All Interesting and cool stuff from Military Army Aviation and mechanic. Insane raw footages of badass clips that can help you find all things u never saw before. Check my wall and share channel topic with your friends. Also search my videos from 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - till nowdays and you will see always best content all around the world. Subscribe and God bless you buddies.
On RapidSpotter channel you can find videos from all European countries: Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium
Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania
Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom
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Subscribe and watch us again. Thanks for watching.
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 41
Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia - Belgrade is a Vibrant City
Belgrade is a Vibrant City that never sleeps.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets:
Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15
http://www.aswetravel.com - Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer
Tips for Traveling to Serbia
The large amount of messages that I receive from people interested in Serbia keeps growing... I decided to put together a little video to discuss some of the...
Serbia - Travel Guide
Travel guide to Serbia, beauties, history, did u know that...
Welcome to Belgrade-Serbia
Belgrade is situated in South-Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. City lies 116.75 metres (383.0 ft) above sea level and is located at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. The river waters surround it from three sides, and that is why since ancient times it has been the guardian of river passages. Because of its position it was properly called "the gate" of the Balkans, and "the door
Around the Balkans in 20 Days (Part 1/5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
Serbian Travel Tips..... Reading a Bus Ticket
Serbia doesn't make it the easiest on a foreigner who doesn't speak or read Serbian. The main bus station in Belgrade, Serbia still uses cyrillic on all bus tickets. The folks who work at the station aren't always the most cheerful folks on the planet so I threw together this quick video to show you how to read it :)
DJ Reeplee - Belgrade
Belgrade is a vibrant urban city which attracts thousands of young people and visitor every year.
Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia - Plug & Play
Belgrade inspires.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE/buytickets
Serbia Tourist Attractions: 10 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Serbia? Check out our Serbia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Serbia.
Top Places to visit in Serbia:
Belgrade Fortress, Church of Saint Sava, Nikola Tesla Museum, Ružica Church, Niš Fortress, Palić Lake, Manasija, Sopoćani, Patriarchate of Peć, Pobednik
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
To go t
Serbian Travel Tips #5.... Police Registration
One thing that many folks ask me about is the 'white card'. That is what many folks call the police registration card that is required for all foreigners to get within 24 hours of arriving into Serbia. You must take the homeowner to the police station to register your stay. If you stay at a hotel, hostel or motel, they do it for you and you aren't required to do it. Keep the card in your passport
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David takes us around Serbia's second largest city to discover the top things to see and do in Novi Sad, Serbia. Novi Sad is the capital city of the northern Vojvodina Province - an area home to several nationalities including Hungarians, Croatians, Slovakians, and more...
First stop, David meets up with local guide M
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide - Tatjana Bojovic Trip leader to Eastern Europe to the Black Sea
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Meet one of our Program Directors on our Eastern Europe to the Black Sea River Cruise Tour
Travel Impressions of Serbia - Zinaida
DiscoverSerbia.org - Serbia Travel Complete Guide.
BBICC: Welcome to Belgrade
WATCH in 1080p and FULLSCREEN for the best viewing pleasure!
This timelapse video has been made during the period of 2 months, with more than 7000 photographs. For more information visit http://www.bbicc.org.
Belgrade Business International Case Competition 2013 (BBICC 2013) is the first global undergraduate business case competition that will be held in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. It
A Tourist's Guide to Belgrade
I fly into the Serbian capital to see as much as I can in 24 hours. I start off in a refugee camp across the road from the hotel, then head to Republic Square. I finish up at St Sava's Cathedral
Guca Serbia Tourist Guide
http://www.gucapp.com/ Guča Brass Band Festival. A perfect companion to the 2012 Guča Brass Band Trumpet Festival. Find every important fact and info about f...
Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia - Belgrade is a Vibrant City
Belgrade is a Vibrant City that never sleeps.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Belgrade is a Vibrant City that never sleeps.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets:
wn.com/Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia Belgrade Is A Vibrant City
Belgrade is a Vibrant City that never sleeps.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets:
- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 57
Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15
http://www.aswetravel.com - Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer...
http://www.aswetravel.com - Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer
wn.com/Belgrade, Serbia As We Travel Europe Country 15
http://www.aswetravel.com - Belgrade, Serbia: As We Travel Europe - Country #15 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer
- published: 07 Aug 2011
- views: 83248
Tips for Traveling to Serbia
The large amount of messages that I receive from people interested in Serbia keeps growing... I decided to put together a little video to discuss some of the......
The large amount of messages that I receive from people interested in Serbia keeps growing... I decided to put together a little video to discuss some of the...
wn.com/Tips For Traveling To Serbia
The large amount of messages that I receive from people interested in Serbia keeps growing... I decided to put together a little video to discuss some of the...
Serbia - Travel Guide
Travel guide to Serbia, beauties, history, did u know that......
Travel guide to Serbia, beauties, history, did u know that...
wn.com/Serbia Travel Guide
Travel guide to Serbia, beauties, history, did u know that...
- published: 04 Mar 2008
- views: 8066
Welcome to Belgrade-Serbia
Belgrade is situated in South-Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. City lies 116.75 metres (383.0 ft) above sea level and is located at the confluence of th...
Belgrade is situated in South-Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. City lies 116.75 metres (383.0 ft) above sea level and is located at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. The river waters surround it from three sides, and that is why since ancient times it has been the guardian of river passages. Because of its position it was properly called "the gate" of the Balkans, and "the door" to Central Europe.
wn.com/Welcome To Belgrade Serbia
Belgrade is situated in South-Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. City lies 116.75 metres (383.0 ft) above sea level and is located at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. The river waters surround it from three sides, and that is why since ancient times it has been the guardian of river passages. Because of its position it was properly called "the gate" of the Balkans, and "the door" to Central Europe.
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 55720
Around the Balkans in 20 Days (Part 1/5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document......
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
wn.com/Around The Balkans In 20 Days (Part 1 5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 539938
author: VICE
Serbian Travel Tips..... Reading a Bus Ticket
Serbia doesn't make it the easiest on a foreigner who doesn't speak or read Serbian. The main bus station in Belgrade, Serbia still uses cyrillic on all bus tic...
Serbia doesn't make it the easiest on a foreigner who doesn't speak or read Serbian. The main bus station in Belgrade, Serbia still uses cyrillic on all bus tickets. The folks who work at the station aren't always the most cheerful folks on the planet so I threw together this quick video to show you how to read it :)
wn.com/Serbian Travel Tips..... Reading A Bus Ticket
Serbia doesn't make it the easiest on a foreigner who doesn't speak or read Serbian. The main bus station in Belgrade, Serbia still uses cyrillic on all bus tickets. The folks who work at the station aren't always the most cheerful folks on the planet so I threw together this quick video to show you how to read it :)
- published: 05 Feb 2015
- views: 534
DJ Reeplee - Belgrade
Belgrade is a vibrant urban city which attracts thousands of young people and visitor every year....
Belgrade is a vibrant urban city which attracts thousands of young people and visitor every year.
wn.com/Dj Reeplee Belgrade
Belgrade is a vibrant urban city which attracts thousands of young people and visitor every year.
Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia - Plug & Play
Belgrade inspires.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets: http://ww...
Belgrade inspires.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE/buytickets
wn.com/Travel Guide Belgrade, Serbia Plug Play
Belgrade inspires.
Get a free, updated Belgrade Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE
Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Serbia/BELGRADE/buytickets
- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 43
Serbia Tourist Attractions: 10 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Serbia? Check out our Serbia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Serbia.
Top Places to visit in Serbia:
Belgrade Fortr...
Planning to visit Serbia? Check out our Serbia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Serbia.
Top Places to visit in Serbia:
Belgrade Fortress, Church of Saint Sava, Nikola Tesla Museum, Ružica Church, Niš Fortress, Palić Lake, Manasija, Sopoćani, Patriarchate of Peć, Pobednik
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
wn.com/Serbia Tourist Attractions 10 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Serbia? Check out our Serbia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Serbia.
Top Places to visit in Serbia:
Belgrade Fortress, Church of Saint Sava, Nikola Tesla Museum, Ružica Church, Niš Fortress, Palić Lake, Manasija, Sopoćani, Patriarchate of Peć, Pobednik
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1
Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Serbian Travel Tips #5.... Police Registration
One thing that many folks ask me about is the 'white card'. That is what many folks call the police registration card that is required for all foreigners to get...
One thing that many folks ask me about is the 'white card'. That is what many folks call the police registration card that is required for all foreigners to get within 24 hours of arriving into Serbia. You must take the homeowner to the police station to register your stay. If you stay at a hotel, hostel or motel, they do it for you and you aren't required to do it. Keep the card in your passport in case you are asked for it.
wn.com/Serbian Travel Tips 5.... Police Registration
One thing that many folks ask me about is the 'white card'. That is what many folks call the police registration card that is required for all foreigners to get within 24 hours of arriving into Serbia. You must take the homeowner to the police station to register your stay. If you stay at a hotel, hostel or motel, they do it for you and you aren't required to do it. Keep the card in your passport in case you are asked for it.
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 1041
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David takes us around Serbia's second largest city to discover the top things to...
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David takes us around Serbia's second largest city to discover the top things to see and do in Novi Sad, Serbia. Novi Sad is the capital city of the northern Vojvodina Province - an area home to several nationalities including Hungarians, Croatians, Slovakians, and more...
First stop, David meets up with local guide Milos in the main square of the city in Liberty Square center. Milos explains the origins of Novi Sad: The city was founded in the 17th century and now is the second largest city in Serbia.
The Name of Mary Catholic Church is situated in the heart of the city, in the center of Liberty Square. It's Neo Gothic architecture is quite striking, and if you happen to get lost you could always find your way back to Liberty Square by using the church as a landmark.
Surrounding the church are several 19th century buildings built in Hungarian style. Next stop is the pedestrian-friendly boulevard, Zmaj Jovina Street. Lined with shops and sidewalk cafes, it is the very place for a coffee or light lunch.
Milos and David head on their way to the 17th century Petrovaradin Fortress on the Danube River. This is the second largest fortress in Europe. They first pass through Danavska Street (Danube Street), the oldest street in the city. Once they arrive at the base of Petrovaradin Fortress they make their way up the 200 steps.
From the top of fortress you'll get excellent views of the Danube River and the city of Novi Sad. Petrovaradin Fortress also features a gourmet restaurant and is where the annual EXIT Music Festival takes place each summer. It is one of the largest and most popular music festivals in Europe.
The clock tower in the fortress has become an icon of sorts for the city. It has jokingly been referred to as the "drunk tower" because it is slow in the summer and fast in the winter. Another interesting feature about the clock tower is that unlike other clocks, the small hand counts the minutes and the big hand counts the hours. Make time to walk around the fortress - there are a handful of art galleries and shops to browse, plus you'll want to take in all the incredible views.
David's last stop on his tour of Novi Sad is the Museum of Vojvodina on Dunavska Street to learn about the history of the region from the Neolithic era until modern-day Novi Sad. Two of David's favorite exhibits were the intact golden Roman helmets and the 19th century traditional Serbian costume collection.
1. The Best of Athens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huIUfwUDPN4
2. Top Things to See & Do in Plovdiv, Bulgaria:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ke2ez-IFM
3. Top Things to See in Playa del Carmen, Mexico:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQNYve4NSM
4. Top Things to See & Do in Bursa, Turkey:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZRfbyT55w
5. Serbian Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PRmTH1PiGw
6. Skydive Empuriabrava - Costa Brava, Spain:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u13eyR9tx0U
7. Ayutthaya, The Second Capital of the Siam Kingdom:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZJHYD1BmxQ
8. The Best of Sofia, Bulgaria:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seiQLbch2Fs
9. What to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zejM1bdBtJM
10. Top 15 Places to See in Istanbul, Turkey:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_O-fn64Y5k
11. Santorini Sailing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8-BYuBGx6o
David founded http://www.Davidsbeenhere.com in 2007. As a digital travel production creator, his objective has been to teach others how to travel independently while still enjoying the best of what each country has to offer, and to provide practical advice for the modern traveler. David has collaborated with several international tourism organizations over the years including Visit Portugal, Northern Territory Australia, Riviera Maya Tourism, and Your Singapore, just to name a few. In 2014 he was named as a Top 10 Best Travel Videographer by USA Today and has been nominated as best travel host by Trip Films in 2013 and 2014. David has hosted over 1,000 travel web episodes in more than 60 countries. Over the years he has appeared in several television, radio, and press interviews as a travel expert.
wn.com/What To See Do In Novi Sad, Serbia
What to See & Do in Novi Sad, Serbia
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David takes us around Serbia's second largest city to discover the top things to see and do in Novi Sad, Serbia. Novi Sad is the capital city of the northern Vojvodina Province - an area home to several nationalities including Hungarians, Croatians, Slovakians, and more...
First stop, David meets up with local guide Milos in the main square of the city in Liberty Square center. Milos explains the origins of Novi Sad: The city was founded in the 17th century and now is the second largest city in Serbia.
The Name of Mary Catholic Church is situated in the heart of the city, in the center of Liberty Square. It's Neo Gothic architecture is quite striking, and if you happen to get lost you could always find your way back to Liberty Square by using the church as a landmark.
Surrounding the church are several 19th century buildings built in Hungarian style. Next stop is the pedestrian-friendly boulevard, Zmaj Jovina Street. Lined with shops and sidewalk cafes, it is the very place for a coffee or light lunch.
Milos and David head on their way to the 17th century Petrovaradin Fortress on the Danube River. This is the second largest fortress in Europe. They first pass through Danavska Street (Danube Street), the oldest street in the city. Once they arrive at the base of Petrovaradin Fortress they make their way up the 200 steps.
From the top of fortress you'll get excellent views of the Danube River and the city of Novi Sad. Petrovaradin Fortress also features a gourmet restaurant and is where the annual EXIT Music Festival takes place each summer. It is one of the largest and most popular music festivals in Europe.
The clock tower in the fortress has become an icon of sorts for the city. It has jokingly been referred to as the "drunk tower" because it is slow in the summer and fast in the winter. Another interesting feature about the clock tower is that unlike other clocks, the small hand counts the minutes and the big hand counts the hours. Make time to walk around the fortress - there are a handful of art galleries and shops to browse, plus you'll want to take in all the incredible views.
David's last stop on his tour of Novi Sad is the Museum of Vojvodina on Dunavska Street to learn about the history of the region from the Neolithic era until modern-day Novi Sad. Two of David's favorite exhibits were the intact golden Roman helmets and the 19th century traditional Serbian costume collection.
1. The Best of Athens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huIUfwUDPN4
2. Top Things to See & Do in Plovdiv, Bulgaria:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ke2ez-IFM
3. Top Things to See in Playa del Carmen, Mexico:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQNYve4NSM
4. Top Things to See & Do in Bursa, Turkey:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZRfbyT55w
5. Serbian Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PRmTH1PiGw
6. Skydive Empuriabrava - Costa Brava, Spain:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u13eyR9tx0U
7. Ayutthaya, The Second Capital of the Siam Kingdom:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZJHYD1BmxQ
8. The Best of Sofia, Bulgaria:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seiQLbch2Fs
9. What to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zejM1bdBtJM
10. Top 15 Places to See in Istanbul, Turkey:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_O-fn64Y5k
11. Santorini Sailing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8-BYuBGx6o
David founded http://www.Davidsbeenhere.com in 2007. As a digital travel production creator, his objective has been to teach others how to travel independently while still enjoying the best of what each country has to offer, and to provide practical advice for the modern traveler. David has collaborated with several international tourism organizations over the years including Visit Portugal, Northern Territory Australia, Riviera Maya Tourism, and Your Singapore, just to name a few. In 2014 he was named as a Top 10 Best Travel Videographer by USA Today and has been nominated as best travel host by Trip Films in 2013 and 2014. David has hosted over 1,000 travel web episodes in more than 60 countries. Over the years he has appeared in several television, radio, and press interviews as a travel expert.
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 14
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide - Tatjana Bojovic Trip leader to Eastern Europe to the Black Sea
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://w...
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide - Tatjana Bojovic Trip leader to Eastern Europe to the Black Sea
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Meet one of our Program Directors on our Eastern Europe to the Black Sea River Cruise Tour
wn.com/Tatjana Bojovic From Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide
Tatjana Bojovic from Belgrade, Serbia Tour Guide - Tatjana Bojovic Trip leader to Eastern Europe to the Black Sea
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Meet one of our Program Directors on our Eastern Europe to the Black Sea River Cruise Tour
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 109
Travel Impressions of Serbia - Zinaida
DiscoverSerbia.org - Serbia Travel Complete Guide....
DiscoverSerbia.org - Serbia Travel Complete Guide.
wn.com/Travel Impressions Of Serbia Zinaida
DiscoverSerbia.org - Serbia Travel Complete Guide.
BBICC: Welcome to Belgrade
WATCH in 1080p and FULLSCREEN for the best viewing pleasure!
This timelapse video has been made during the period of 2 months, with more than 7000 photographs. ...
WATCH in 1080p and FULLSCREEN for the best viewing pleasure!
This timelapse video has been made during the period of 2 months, with more than 7000 photographs. For more information visit http://www.bbicc.org.
Belgrade Business International Case Competition 2013 (BBICC 2013) is the first global undergraduate business case competition that will be held in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. It represents a unique opportunity for international business schools to participate in the first Eastern European case study competition.
BBICC will take place during the spring of 2013, from 2nd -- 7th of April.
We will be honored to host 12 teams from all around the world. Accordingly, our goal is to become the crossroad for diverse cultures and innovative ideas. Nevertheless, fair play and a high level of professionalism will be secured.
wn.com/Bbicc Welcome To Belgrade
WATCH in 1080p and FULLSCREEN for the best viewing pleasure!
This timelapse video has been made during the period of 2 months, with more than 7000 photographs. For more information visit http://www.bbicc.org.
Belgrade Business International Case Competition 2013 (BBICC 2013) is the first global undergraduate business case competition that will be held in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. It represents a unique opportunity for international business schools to participate in the first Eastern European case study competition.
BBICC will take place during the spring of 2013, from 2nd -- 7th of April.
We will be honored to host 12 teams from all around the world. Accordingly, our goal is to become the crossroad for diverse cultures and innovative ideas. Nevertheless, fair play and a high level of professionalism will be secured.
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 56349
A Tourist's Guide to Belgrade
I fly into the Serbian capital to see as much as I can in 24 hours. I start off in a refugee camp across the road from the hotel, then head to Republic Square. ...
I fly into the Serbian capital to see as much as I can in 24 hours. I start off in a refugee camp across the road from the hotel, then head to Republic Square. I finish up at St Sava's Cathedral
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Belgrade
I fly into the Serbian capital to see as much as I can in 24 hours. I start off in a refugee camp across the road from the hotel, then head to Republic Square. I finish up at St Sava's Cathedral
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 25
Guca Serbia Tourist Guide
http://www.gucapp.com/ Guča Brass Band Festival. A perfect companion to the 2012 Guča Brass Band Trumpet Festival. Find every important fact and info about f......
http://www.gucapp.com/ Guča Brass Band Festival. A perfect companion to the 2012 Guča Brass Band Trumpet Festival. Find every important fact and info about f...
wn.com/Guca Serbia Tourist Guide
http://www.gucapp.com/ Guča Brass Band Festival. A perfect companion to the 2012 Guča Brass Band Trumpet Festival. Find every important fact and info about f...
serbia strong
csgo blyat blyat
Climate Change Impact in Serbia
Leaders from some 150 countries are meeting in Paris this week at the U.N. Climate summit, where delegates are working to draft a new global agreement to cut climate-changing emissions. Their goal is an accord that would reduce global emissions to avoid the most extreme impacts of climate change. VOA’s Rade Rankovic looks at the impact of climate change in the Balkans and what Serbia is trying to
Dancing the Kolo in the Brocica Avilaja Guca, Serbia in 2015
Guča is a tiny town in Serbia, about three hours from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The town is famous for its annual brass band & trumpet festival. The Guča trumpet festival AKA Dragačevski Sabor is a rowdy, joyous celebration of musical madness where thousands of people congregate to dance - to drink - to eat and to party in genera in the streets, in restaurant and in the local stadium.
Apartment Marina, Novi Sad, Serbia, HD Review
Book it now! Save up to 20% - http://hotelsale.club/6S7f3
Located 1,300 feet from Novi Sad Tourist Office, Apartment Marina offers accommodations in Novi Sad.
The kitchenette is fitted with a microwave. A flat-screen TV is available. There is a private bathroom with a bathtub or shower.
Nikola Tesla Airport is 37 miles away.
Location Southeast Serbia, Kamenica, Nis
Montenegro - Serbia
EUROPE: World League - Qualification
Watch Montenegro vs. Serbia free live stream online: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
Visit This Link For Free Live Stream #2: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
Kosovo Parliament disrupted with tear gas over deal with Serbia, again!
The opposition in Kosovo said Monday it would turn to street protests to get the government to cancel deals with Serbia and Montenegro after its lawmakers were barred from Parliament after they again broke up a session with tear gas.
AIR SERBIA - Bosnian voice over artist Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - La voix off de Bosnie Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - spiker za BIH Dzeraldina Numic
adaptacija: Fabrika
Invasion: Over 20 UFOs Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings HD
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion: Over 20 UFOs Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings HD I would think that advanced Russian military aviation is the most probable .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Foota
Folk Music @ Planet Earth Serbia
Contribution from Serbian Radio - The vocalist Bilja Krstik and her Bistric Orchestra offer a rendition of "Kraj potoka bistre vode" (By the clear stream), a Bosnian folksong. Folk Music@Planet Earth is a Euroradio project specially conceived for the UN Climate Change Conference (#COP21). More info here: http://www3.ebu.ch/folk-music-planet-earth
Best of 2015 - Solid Srecko Serbia’s supreme blocking machine
At just 23 it is hard to imagine Srecko Lisinac as a veteran of the Serbian men’s team, but his performance at the FIVB Volleyball World League Finals Rio 2015 - where he claimed the best blocker prize - cemented his place as one of his country’s vital cogs.
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Amazing Rally between Brazil and Serbia
You still see this video that means you are one of my Those followers sincerely .
as you know i want move to my new channel because i have some problems with this account so i hope you enjoy my new channel :
Volleyball | Epic volleyball |Best Actions | Motivation | Inspiration | Education | Personal Growth | Self | Volleyball Is your way
serbia strong
csgo blyat blyat...
csgo blyat blyat
wn.com/Serbia Strong
csgo blyat blyat
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 16
Climate Change Impact in Serbia
Leaders from some 150 countries are meeting in Paris this week at the U.N. Climate summit, where delegates are working to draft a new global agreement to cut cl...
Leaders from some 150 countries are meeting in Paris this week at the U.N. Climate summit, where delegates are working to draft a new global agreement to cut climate-changing emissions. Their goal is an accord that would reduce global emissions to avoid the most extreme impacts of climate change. VOA’s Rade Rankovic looks at the impact of climate change in the Balkans and what Serbia is trying to do about it.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/climate-change-impact-in-serbia/3081733.html
wn.com/Climate Change Impact In Serbia
Leaders from some 150 countries are meeting in Paris this week at the U.N. Climate summit, where delegates are working to draft a new global agreement to cut climate-changing emissions. Their goal is an accord that would reduce global emissions to avoid the most extreme impacts of climate change. VOA’s Rade Rankovic looks at the impact of climate change in the Balkans and what Serbia is trying to do about it.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/climate-change-impact-in-serbia/3081733.html
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 185
Dancing the Kolo in the Brocica Avilaja Guca, Serbia in 2015
Guča is a tiny town in Serbia, about three hours from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The town is famous for its annual brass band & trumpet festival. The G...
Guča is a tiny town in Serbia, about three hours from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The town is famous for its annual brass band & trumpet festival. The Guča trumpet festival AKA Dragačevski Sabor is a rowdy, joyous celebration of musical madness where thousands of people congregate to dance - to drink - to eat and to party in genera in the streets, in restaurant and in the local stadium. A form of circle dancing called the Kolo is a chance to grab somebody's hand and dance until you are dizzy and exhausted. This video was shot at a big wooden tavern and restaurant called the Brocica Avilaja, a couple of days before the official opening of the festival. That night as well as bands wandering 'minstrel style between the tables there were bands playing on the tavern stage. To find my way around Serbia
I used a Guide Book written by Professor Vladimir Majstorovic which I bought from Foyles in London. I prefer this kind of guide book - consistently written by one informed person to books such as the Lonely Planet Guide. My time in Guča was one of my best ever holidays and best ever music festivals. The trumpet entertainment that night was provided by Sinisa Stankovic and his band and the Dejan Lazarevic Orkestra.
wn.com/Dancing The Kolo In The Brocica Avilaja Guca, Serbia In 2015
Guča is a tiny town in Serbia, about three hours from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The town is famous for its annual brass band & trumpet festival. The Guča trumpet festival AKA Dragačevski Sabor is a rowdy, joyous celebration of musical madness where thousands of people congregate to dance - to drink - to eat and to party in genera in the streets, in restaurant and in the local stadium. A form of circle dancing called the Kolo is a chance to grab somebody's hand and dance until you are dizzy and exhausted. This video was shot at a big wooden tavern and restaurant called the Brocica Avilaja, a couple of days before the official opening of the festival. That night as well as bands wandering 'minstrel style between the tables there were bands playing on the tavern stage. To find my way around Serbia
I used a Guide Book written by Professor Vladimir Majstorovic which I bought from Foyles in London. I prefer this kind of guide book - consistently written by one informed person to books such as the Lonely Planet Guide. My time in Guča was one of my best ever holidays and best ever music festivals. The trumpet entertainment that night was provided by Sinisa Stankovic and his band and the Dejan Lazarevic Orkestra.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 23
Apartment Marina, Novi Sad, Serbia, HD Review
Book it now! Save up to 20% - http://hotelsale.club/6S7f3
Located 1,300 feet from Novi Sad Tourist Office, Apartment Marina offers accommodations in Novi Sad.
Book it now! Save up to 20% - http://hotelsale.club/6S7f3
Located 1,300 feet from Novi Sad Tourist Office, Apartment Marina offers accommodations in Novi Sad.
The kitchenette is fitted with a microwave. A flat-screen TV is available. There is a private bathroom with a bathtub or shower.
Nikola Tesla Airport is 37 miles away.
wn.com/Apartment Marina, Novi Sad, Serbia, Hd Review
Book it now! Save up to 20% - http://hotelsale.club/6S7f3
Located 1,300 feet from Novi Sad Tourist Office, Apartment Marina offers accommodations in Novi Sad.
The kitchenette is fitted with a microwave. A flat-screen TV is available. There is a private bathroom with a bathtub or shower.
Nikola Tesla Airport is 37 miles away.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Montenegro - Serbia
EUROPE: World League - Qualification
Watch Montenegro vs. Serbia free live stream online: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
Visit This Link For Free Live Stream #2:...
EUROPE: World League - Qualification
Watch Montenegro vs. Serbia free live stream online: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
Visit This Link For Free Live Stream #2: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
wn.com/Montenegro Serbia
EUROPE: World League - Qualification
Watch Montenegro vs. Serbia free live stream online: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
Visit This Link For Free Live Stream #2: http://tinyurl.com/phq5u6o
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Kosovo Parliament disrupted with tear gas over deal with Serbia, again!
The opposition in Kosovo said Monday it would turn to street protests to get the government to cancel deals with Serbia and Montenegro after its lawmakers were ...
The opposition in Kosovo said Monday it would turn to street protests to get the government to cancel deals with Serbia and Montenegro after its lawmakers were barred from Parliament after they again broke up a session with tear gas.
wn.com/Kosovo Parliament Disrupted With Tear Gas Over Deal With Serbia, Again
The opposition in Kosovo said Monday it would turn to street protests to get the government to cancel deals with Serbia and Montenegro after its lawmakers were barred from Parliament after they again broke up a session with tear gas.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 18
AIR SERBIA - Bosnian voice over artist Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - La voix off de Bosnie Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - spiker za BIH Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - Bosnian voice over artist Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - La voix off de Bosnie Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - spiker za BIH Dzeraldina Numic
adaptacija: Fabrika
wn.com/Air Serbia Commercial Voice Over Artist Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - Bosnian voice over artist Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - La voix off de Bosnie Dzeraldina Numic
AIR SERBIA - spiker za BIH Dzeraldina Numic
adaptacija: Fabrika
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 20
Invasion: Over 20 UFOs Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings HD
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion: Over 20 UFOs Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings HD I would think that advanced Russian military aviation is the most probable .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
wn.com/Invasion Over 20 Ufos Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now Ufo Sightings Hd
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion: Over 20 UFOs Surround Belgrade Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings HD I would think that advanced Russian military aviation is the most probable .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
Invasion? Over 20 UFOs Over Serbia Watch Now! UFO Sightings June 7 2014 Incredible Footage shot by Dusan Djukic In the Center of Belgrade Serbia as On .
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 10
Folk Music @ Planet Earth Serbia
Contribution from Serbian Radio - The vocalist Bilja Krstik and her Bistric Orchestra offer a rendition of "Kraj potoka bistre vode" (By the clear stream), a Bo...
Contribution from Serbian Radio - The vocalist Bilja Krstik and her Bistric Orchestra offer a rendition of "Kraj potoka bistre vode" (By the clear stream), a Bosnian folksong. Folk Music@Planet Earth is a Euroradio project specially conceived for the UN Climate Change Conference (#COP21). More info here: http://www3.ebu.ch/folk-music-planet-earth
wn.com/Folk Music Planet Earth Serbia
Contribution from Serbian Radio - The vocalist Bilja Krstik and her Bistric Orchestra offer a rendition of "Kraj potoka bistre vode" (By the clear stream), a Bosnian folksong. Folk Music@Planet Earth is a Euroradio project specially conceived for the UN Climate Change Conference (#COP21). More info here: http://www3.ebu.ch/folk-music-planet-earth
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 91
Best of 2015 - Solid Srecko Serbia’s supreme blocking machine
At just 23 it is hard to imagine Srecko Lisinac as a veteran of the Serbian men’s team, but his performance at the FIVB Volleyball World League Finals Rio 2015 ...
At just 23 it is hard to imagine Srecko Lisinac as a veteran of the Serbian men’s team, but his performance at the FIVB Volleyball World League Finals Rio 2015 - where he claimed the best blocker prize - cemented his place as one of his country’s vital cogs.
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
wn.com/Best Of 2015 Solid Srecko Serbia’S Supreme Blocking Machine
At just 23 it is hard to imagine Srecko Lisinac as a veteran of the Serbian men’s team, but his performance at the FIVB Volleyball World League Finals Rio 2015 - where he claimed the best blocker prize - cemented his place as one of his country’s vital cogs.
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 3392
Amazing Rally between Brazil and Serbia
You still see this video that means you are one of my Those followers sincerely .
as you know i want move to my new channel because i have some problems with th...
You still see this video that means you are one of my Those followers sincerely .
as you know i want move to my new channel because i have some problems with this account so i hope you enjoy my new channel :
Volleyball | Epic volleyball |Best Actions | Motivation | Inspiration | Education | Personal Growth | Self | Volleyball Is your way
DAILY Volleyball VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/c/VolleyballFocus
FACEBOOK Volleyball Pages - https://www.facebook.com/Epicvolleyballstars?ref=bookmarks
wn.com/Amazing Rally Between Brazil And Serbia
You still see this video that means you are one of my Those followers sincerely .
as you know i want move to my new channel because i have some problems with this account so i hope you enjoy my new channel :
Volleyball | Epic volleyball |Best Actions | Motivation | Inspiration | Education | Personal Growth | Self | Volleyball Is your way
DAILY Volleyball VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/c/VolleyballFocus
FACEBOOK Volleyball Pages - https://www.facebook.com/Epicvolleyballstars?ref=bookmarks
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 2987
Watch Serbian Police Demand a Bribe
After visiting Liberland (the new micro state between Serbia and Croatia), Serbian police pull over our car and accuse us of speeding.
Without any evidence of speeding, they demand 2500 Dinars in cash or 50 euros outright (a huge increased amount, obviously a bribe). Upon offering 2500 Dinars, the officer then asks for 3500 instead, a clear attempt at extracting a bribe in order to release my pa
Live: USA vs Serbia - FIVB Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
Russia vs Serbia | 31 Aug 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Russia vs Serbia (31 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host co
CS:GO World Championship - Serbia vs Indonesia (Funny Aftermatch Talk)
The match is in the middle of the video
Serbia vs USA | 23 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs USA ( 23 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as t
Japan vs Serbia | 01 Sep 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Japan vs Serbia (01 Sep 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host cou
[2015 IESF] LOL Semi-Final Match2 Set2 Team Serbia vs FOG -EsportsTV
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
Argentina vs Serbia | 06 Sep 2015 | Final Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Third Round - Site B : Argentina vs Serbia (06 Sep 2015 )
Venue: Park Arena Komaki, Komaki
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host
Españoles en Serbia para foroxd.com
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciudad no sería lo mismo sin "Casa García", el bar español que ha montado Roberto junto con su mujer serbia. Un auténtico templo de lo español donde se juntan tanto serbios como la amplia comunidad de españoles que allí viven.
Greece v Serbia - Game of the Day - 3x3 Basketball - Baku 2015 European Games
Relive the Game of the day from the 2015 European Games in Baku with some really incredible moments: Greece vs. Serbia.
Subscribe to the FIBA 3x3 channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/3x3planet?sub_confirmation=1
More on:
FIBA EuroBasket 2015 Spain vs Serbia 720p HD
First Round, Group B
Serbia vs China | 22 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs China ( 22 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as
Korea vs Serbia | 27 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Korea vs Serbia ( 27 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as
Live: Serbia vs Poland - FIVB Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil vs Serbia HD
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil 56 Serbia 84
Belgrado oggi documentario, Serbia nightlife
I viaggi in giro per il mondo continuano e questa volta " I viaggi di Ale" vi porta a Belgrado, in Serbia, vi porta a scoprire la nightlife, i suoi cibi tipici, lo shopping di una Belgrado oggi, siete pronti?
Dominican Republic vs Serbia | 30 Aug 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Domnican Republic vs Serbia (30 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as
[2015 IESF] LOL 3rd Place Match Set3 Dead Pixels vs Team Serbia -EsportsTV
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
Perú Vs Serbia Mundial de Vóley Sub 20 partido completo 11/09/2015
La Selección Peruana de Vóley arrancó con el pie derecho su participación en el Mundial de Vóley sub 20 de Puerto Rico, tras imponerse por 3-0 (25-18, 25-21 y 28-26) a Serbia en la primera fecha del grupo B.
La Selección Peruana de Vóley, dirigida por Natalia Málaga, se mostró muy contundente en el ataque. Las figuras del sexteto bicolor fueron Ángela Leyva, Maguilaura Frías y la armadora Shiamar
FIBA EuroBasket 2015 Serbia vs Germany HD
First Round; Group B
lithuania-serbia Eurobasket 2015 HD
Live: Serbia vs France - FIVB Volleyball World League Finals 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
Serbia v USA - FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup Japan 2015
Lots more coverage on http://http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
Watch Serbian Police Demand a Bribe
After visiting Liberland (the new micro state between Serbia and Croatia), Serbian police pull over our car and accuse us of speeding.
Without any evidence of...
After visiting Liberland (the new micro state between Serbia and Croatia), Serbian police pull over our car and accuse us of speeding.
Without any evidence of speeding, they demand 2500 Dinars in cash or 50 euros outright (a huge increased amount, obviously a bribe). Upon offering 2500 Dinars, the officer then asks for 3500 instead, a clear attempt at extracting a bribe in order to release my passport and car documents.
They demand us to drive to the post office ATM and withdraw more cash to give them.
By refusing to pay and refusing to sign documents written completely in Serbian, the officers who only speak Serbian try every method of extraction, eventually calling their chief over (who actually speaks English very well and was watching the entire situation). She threatened they would keep my passport for 5 days and not allow me to leave the country.
Eventually we drove to the nearest exchange, got the full amount and paid the officers in order to get back on the road.
We were pulled over for the total time of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Near Subotica, Serbia (8 kilometers from the Hungarian border)
In the course of being stopped, we witnessed at least 5 other vehicles getting stopped by the police -- all with foreign plates.
Let this be a warning to any foreigner attempting to drive through Serbia. Know your rights and refuse to sign documents you can't read. And don't give them your passport.
21. May 2015
wn.com/Watch Serbian Police Demand A Bribe
After visiting Liberland (the new micro state between Serbia and Croatia), Serbian police pull over our car and accuse us of speeding.
Without any evidence of speeding, they demand 2500 Dinars in cash or 50 euros outright (a huge increased amount, obviously a bribe). Upon offering 2500 Dinars, the officer then asks for 3500 instead, a clear attempt at extracting a bribe in order to release my passport and car documents.
They demand us to drive to the post office ATM and withdraw more cash to give them.
By refusing to pay and refusing to sign documents written completely in Serbian, the officers who only speak Serbian try every method of extraction, eventually calling their chief over (who actually speaks English very well and was watching the entire situation). She threatened they would keep my passport for 5 days and not allow me to leave the country.
Eventually we drove to the nearest exchange, got the full amount and paid the officers in order to get back on the road.
We were pulled over for the total time of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Near Subotica, Serbia (8 kilometers from the Hungarian border)
In the course of being stopped, we witnessed at least 5 other vehicles getting stopped by the police -- all with foreign plates.
Let this be a warning to any foreigner attempting to drive through Serbia. Know your rights and refuse to sign documents you can't read. And don't give them your passport.
21. May 2015
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 2146
Live: USA vs Serbia - FIVB Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com...
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
wn.com/Live USA Vs Serbia Fivb Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 4
Russia vs Serbia | 31 Aug 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Russia vs Serbia (31 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 2...
Second Round - Site A : Russia vs Serbia (31 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Russia Vs Serbia | 31 Aug 2015 | 2Nd Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Russia vs Serbia (31 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Serbia vs USA | 23 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs USA ( 23 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played fro...
First round - Site B : Serbia vs USA ( 23 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Serbia Vs USA | 23 Aug 2015 | 1St Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs USA ( 23 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Japan vs Serbia | 01 Sep 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Japan vs Serbia (01 Sep 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22...
Second Round - Site A : Japan vs Serbia (01 Sep 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Japan Vs Serbia | 01 Sep 2015 | 2Nd Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Japan vs Serbia (01 Sep 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 4
[2015 IESF] LOL Semi-Final Match2 Set2 Team Serbia vs FOG -EsportsTV
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena...
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
wn.com/2015 Iesf Lol Semi Final Match2 Set2 Team Serbia Vs Fog Esportstv
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 497
Argentina vs Serbia | 06 Sep 2015 | Final Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Third Round - Site B : Argentina vs Serbia (06 Sep 2015 )
Venue: Park Arena Komaki, Komaki
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from Augus...
Third Round - Site B : Argentina vs Serbia (06 Sep 2015 )
Venue: Park Arena Komaki, Komaki
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Argentina Vs Serbia | 06 Sep 2015 | Final Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
Third Round - Site B : Argentina vs Serbia (06 Sep 2015 )
Venue: Park Arena Komaki, Komaki
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Españoles en Serbia para foroxd.com
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciudad no sería lo mismo sin "Casa García", el bar español que ha montado ...
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciudad no sería lo mismo sin "Casa García", el bar español que ha montado Roberto junto con su mujer serbia. Un auténtico templo de lo español donde se juntan tanto serbios como la amplia comunidad de españoles que allí viven.
wn.com/Españoles En Serbia Para Foroxd.Com
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciudad no sería lo mismo sin "Casa García", el bar español que ha montado Roberto junto con su mujer serbia. Un auténtico templo de lo español donde se juntan tanto serbios como la amplia comunidad de españoles que allí viven.
- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 12334
Greece v Serbia - Game of the Day - 3x3 Basketball - Baku 2015 European Games
Relive the Game of the day from the 2015 European Games in Baku with some really incredible moments: Greece vs. Serbia.
Subscribe to the FIBA 3x3 channel: http...
Relive the Game of the day from the 2015 European Games in Baku with some really incredible moments: Greece vs. Serbia.
Subscribe to the FIBA 3x3 channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/3x3planet?sub_confirmation=1
More on:
wn.com/Greece V Serbia Game Of The Day 3X3 Basketball Baku 2015 European Games
Relive the Game of the day from the 2015 European Games in Baku with some really incredible moments: Greece vs. Serbia.
Subscribe to the FIBA 3x3 channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/3x3planet?sub_confirmation=1
More on:
- published: 24 Jun 2015
- views: 6829
Serbia vs China | 22 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs China ( 22 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played f...
First round - Site B : Serbia vs China ( 22 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Serbia Vs China | 22 Aug 2015 | 1St Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Serbia vs China ( 22 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 13078
Korea vs Serbia | 27 Aug 2015 | 1st Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Korea vs Serbia ( 27 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played f...
First round - Site B : Korea vs Serbia ( 27 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Korea Vs Serbia | 27 Aug 2015 | 1St Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
First round - Site B : Korea vs Serbia ( 27 August 2015)
Venue: Matsumoto City Gymnasium, Matsumoto
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 3
Live: Serbia vs Poland - FIVB Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com...
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
wn.com/Live Serbia Vs Poland Fivb Volleyball World League Final 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 40407
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil vs Serbia HD
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil 56 Serbia 84...
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil 56 Serbia 84
wn.com/Fiba World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil Vs Serbia Hd
FIBA World Cup 2014 Quarterfinal Brazil 56 Serbia 84
- published: 11 Sep 2014
- views: 286
Belgrado oggi documentario, Serbia nightlife
I viaggi in giro per il mondo continuano e questa volta " I viaggi di Ale" vi porta a Belgrado, in Serbia, vi porta a scoprire la nightlife, i suoi cibi tipici,...
I viaggi in giro per il mondo continuano e questa volta " I viaggi di Ale" vi porta a Belgrado, in Serbia, vi porta a scoprire la nightlife, i suoi cibi tipici, lo shopping di una Belgrado oggi, siete pronti?
wn.com/Belgrado Oggi Documentario, Serbia Nightlife
I viaggi in giro per il mondo continuano e questa volta " I viaggi di Ale" vi porta a Belgrado, in Serbia, vi porta a scoprire la nightlife, i suoi cibi tipici, lo shopping di una Belgrado oggi, siete pronti?
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 500
Dominican Republic vs Serbia | 30 Aug 2015 | 2nd Round | 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Domnican Republic vs Serbia (30 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played fr...
Second Round - Site A : Domnican Republic vs Serbia (30 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
wn.com/Dominican Republic Vs Serbia | 30 Aug 2015 | 2Nd Round | 2015 Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup
Second Round - Site A : Domnican Republic vs Serbia (30 Aug 2015)
Venue: Sendai Gymnasium , Sendai
The 2015 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup will be played from August 22 to September 6 in Japan. The tournament is a qualification process for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The top two teams will qualify for the Olympics and join Brazil as they have already secured a berth as the host country.
- http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIVB_Volleyball_Women%27s_World_Cup
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 1648
[2015 IESF] LOL 3rd Place Match Set3 Dead Pixels vs Team Serbia -EsportsTV
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena...
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
wn.com/2015 Iesf Lol 3Rd Place Match Set3 Dead Pixels Vs Team Serbia Esportstv
2015 IESF
7th e-Sports World Championship
December 2~5
Seoul Nexon Arena
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 617
Perú Vs Serbia Mundial de Vóley Sub 20 partido completo 11/09/2015
La Selección Peruana de Vóley arrancó con el pie derecho su participación en el Mundial de Vóley sub 20 de Puerto Rico, tras imponerse por 3-0 (25-18, 25-21 y 2...
La Selección Peruana de Vóley arrancó con el pie derecho su participación en el Mundial de Vóley sub 20 de Puerto Rico, tras imponerse por 3-0 (25-18, 25-21 y 28-26) a Serbia en la primera fecha del grupo B.
La Selección Peruana de Vóley, dirigida por Natalia Málaga, se mostró muy contundente en el ataque. Las figuras del sexteto bicolor fueron Ángela Leyva, Maguilaura Frías y la armadora Shiamara Almeida.
Las jugadoras de la Selección Peruana de Vóley demostraron que el rodaje que han ganado en los campeonatos de mayores les ha permitido crecer mucho. Y supieron sacar adelante el partido, incluso en un tercer set que por momentos se complicó bastante.
wn.com/Perú Vs Serbia Mundial De Vóley Sub 20 Partido Completo 11 09 2015
La Selección Peruana de Vóley arrancó con el pie derecho su participación en el Mundial de Vóley sub 20 de Puerto Rico, tras imponerse por 3-0 (25-18, 25-21 y 28-26) a Serbia en la primera fecha del grupo B.
La Selección Peruana de Vóley, dirigida por Natalia Málaga, se mostró muy contundente en el ataque. Las figuras del sexteto bicolor fueron Ángela Leyva, Maguilaura Frías y la armadora Shiamara Almeida.
Las jugadoras de la Selección Peruana de Vóley demostraron que el rodaje que han ganado en los campeonatos de mayores les ha permitido crecer mucho. Y supieron sacar adelante el partido, incluso en un tercer set que por momentos se complicó bastante.
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 268
Live: Serbia vs France - FIVB Volleyball World League Finals 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com...
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
wn.com/Live Serbia Vs France Fivb Volleyball World League Finals 2015
Lots more coverage on http://worldleague.2015.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
- published: 18 Jul 2015
- views: 2
Serbia v USA - FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup Japan 2015
Lots more coverage on http://http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://t...
Lots more coverage on http://http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
wn.com/Serbia V USA Fivb Volleyball Women's World Cup Japan 2015
Lots more coverage on http://http://worldcup.2015.women.fivb.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIVB.InternationalVolleyballFederation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivbvolleyball
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 1