Nov 26

Is that a Men in Black Noisy Cricket gun?Click for full image

Tat Wood Comments: “Allo, oui, c’est vous Monsieur Siudmak? Ah, bonjour, nous avons un livre que je devrais acheter un… um… we need a cover, comprend? C’est pour ‘The Stars Like Dust’. Er… ‘Les Etoiles Ame le Poudre’. C’est un histoire comme Genghis Khan mais dans le Nebula de la tete du… er… chevaux? Un grand nuage dans l’espace qui semblaient un… oh, there go the pips”
Published 1973

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.80 out of 10)

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Dec 12

Interpretive dance... the only way to talk to the mountain of light! Click for full image

Tom Noir Comments: Balzan, when your B.O. starts knocking out dragons, it’s time to take a bath. And I don’t mean by licking yourself.
Published 1975

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.62 out of 10)

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Aug 05

You get all types turning up at the emergency ward...Click for full image

Benjamin W Comments: Bow-tie typewriter disapproves of people instead of paper.
Published 1974

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 8.68 out of 10)

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May 28

I am NOT asking for directions... It's right over the next crater... I think...Click for full image

Tom Noir Comments: Look out! No brakes!
Published 2001

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.10 out of 10)

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May 13

If you thought cats and laser pens were fun... just wait for cats and dimensional space bubbles!Click for full image

Stephen Comments: I actually really like the door into summer one so not sure why Im sending it in.
Published 1970

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.22 out of 10)

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Apr 24

Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ballClick for full image

Tom H writes: The manuscript Brunner submitted was called The Dermatologists of Yech!, but Ace felt it sounded too much like another of his titles.
Published 1972

Thanks Tom!

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 6.73 out of 10)

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May 24

Out for his morning stroll, John waves to some passers by.Click for full image

Hex Comments: There’s really not much I can say about this one, except that _someone_ in the design process for this book was taking the piss.

Thanks to Hex!

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.74 out of 10)

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Mar 17

Ha! Try stop my magic juggling powers!

Art direction: Actually, I wasn’t really looking for an actual castle. Instead, could you have a couple of people juggling things with little water tentacle creatures and others watching them? And if we had a close up of one of the guys making you think “is he juggling those balls with magic… or just… well, juggling?” … anyway, if we had that, that’d be juuuust great.

Thanks to CSA!

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 6.63 out of 10)

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