• CONTENT IN CONTEXT - 4 X MORE TRUST! Advertising on websites powered by recognised brands is trusted by almost four times as many women as ads on sites which are seen while surfing the net ‘I trust advertising a great deal on …’ 1) Websites I come across while ‘surfing’ 5% 2) Social media 7% 3) Websites from a recognisable brand 19% Source: Bauer 2015 Media Study, n=1,063 women 18+ years
  • ADVERTISING IN MAGAZINE MEDIA INCREASES SALES - Households exposed to the magazine media campaign spent significantly more than those not exposed. A US study showed positive ROI for all brands ranged from $1.59 to $19.99 incremental for every media dollar spent. Average ROI: $7.45. Campaign Period: 2009-2015 Source: Meredith Corporation/Nielsen Catalina Solutions"
  • DID YOU KNOW: Magazines are THE MOST EFFICIENT MEDIA for reaching w18-39 who are Early Adopters of Fashion? Based on all media typology as defined by Roy Morgan Single Source
  • Wheels’ is described by Editor Glenn Butler as “Written by Australia’s most dedicated, knowledgeable and respected team of car critics. A Wheels opinion is the only one car buyers should trust.” The numbers speak for themselves! Whichever car make Wheels features on its cover the readers want to buy it! Asked “which make of car are you most likely to get?” the correlation between intention and editorial influence is undeniable. MAGAZINES DRIVE DESIRE
  • Women who have consumed ‘magazine, blog or newspaper’ content on their mobile phone in the last 30 days are TWICE AS LIKELY as the general population to: ‘Spend a lot of time researching brands before making a major purchase’ & ‘Go out of their way to tell other people about products and services they really like’ Source: GfK ConsumerLife 2014-15, age 15+ yrs, n=2,004
  • Women who have consumed ‘magazine, blog or newspaper’ content on their tablet in the last 30 days are TWICE AS LIKELY as the general population: To be MOST INFLUENCED by what they see/hear in magazines, the Internet, TV or radio (content and ads) when it comes to what clothing they wear and to be ‘really PASSIONATE about shopping’ Source: GfK ConsumerLife 2014-15, age 15+ yrs, n=2,004