Funny video footage of confused Chinese traveller climbing into airport security bag scanner

Man jumps into airport X-ray scanner

A confused Chinese traveller hilariously climbs into an airport X-ray scanner.

The vast majority of us are all too au fait with the rigmarole of air travel. Put liquids above 100ml into the hold. Remove your laptop from your bag. Take off your jacket and belt. No scissors allowed.

Not so this chap in China, who apparently didn't realise that airport security scanners are designed to check luggage - not humans.

In the all-too-brief CCTV clip, the man attempts to climb into the X-ray machine while carrying his luggage. A presumably stunned security worker makes a half-hearted attempt to stop him, but he appears to succeed in his folly.

The confused traveller follows his bags climbing into the airport security scanner.
The confused traveller follows his bags climbing into the airport security scanner. Photo: YouTube/NewsVidsAZ

The video has gone viral in recent days, but it is unclear where the footage was shot.

The rapid growth of China's middle class has seen many of the country's citizens who previously could not afford to travel do so now.

In 2013, following accusations of boorish behaviour overseas, the Chinese government issued its people with a "Guidebook for Civilised Tourism". Its advice ranged from the commonsensical – "do not curse locals" – to the bizarre - "don't leave footprints on the toilet seat" and "[when in] Scotland, don't buy stones as souvenirs."

Presumably "Don't climb into the airport X-ray machine" will be included in the second edition.

The Telegraph, London

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