New Internationalist

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Calling time on the MDGs

No development process succeeds without the participation of those it targets, argues Maggie Black.

Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

As the island of Lesvos is overwhelmed with immigrants, the world of aid looks on. Beulah Devaney reports.


Patricio Guzmán’s search for the truth

Roxana Olivera meets the documentary filmmaker renowned for delving into Chile’s dark past.

Southern Exposure: Daniel Patino Flor

The Ecuadorian photographer Daniel Patino captures a moment of relaxation on Santay Island.


‘The earthquake killed thousands but the blockade can kill millions’

The situation in Nepal is desperate, reports Emily Korstanje.

COP21 agreed to a climate-changed world

Recognition of global warming is one thing; taking genuine action is another, writes Nnimmo Bassey.


‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire’

Nithin Coca looks at the causes of an unfolding environmental and health catastrophe.

The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

Around the world, people are mobilizing against biotech bullies.


Making Waves: Catherine Hamlin

Sofi Lundin meets Catherine Hamlin, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and doctor extraordinaire.

Evergreening and how Big Pharma keeps drug prices high

Drug companies keep a tight leash on patenting, depriving tax-payers of millions each year. Deborah Gleeson and Hazel Moir explore the issue.


What’s hot and what’s not at Paris #COP21

Things and people that made us smile - and that raised our ire during the Paris climate talks.

Myth 7: Financial regulation will destroy a profitable banking sector

Why should financial markets be accountable only to themselves? asks David Ransom.


Walking in Bethlehem this Christmas when peace is absent

Giedre Steikunaite watches the city prepare for the most important day on the Christian calendar.

‘The earthquake killed thousands but the blockade can kill millions’

The situation in Nepal is desperate, reports Emily Korstanje.


For their eyes only

Michaela Whitton considers unlawful surveillance and the crushing of dissent.

Is social media doing social harm?

Meredith L Patterson and Deanna Zandt go head to head.


Walking in Bethlehem this Christmas when peace is absent

Giedre Steikunaite watches the city prepare for the most important day on the Christian calendar.

Moving from ‘no borders’ to broaderland for the borderless

Farzana Khan makes the case for a new way of being open.


Walking in Bethlehem this Christmas when peace is absent

Giedre Steikunaite watches the city prepare for the most important day on the Christian calendar.

Will Aung San Suu Kyi represent all Burma?

Religious and ethnic minorities expect the new government to restore their rights. Charlotte England wonders if such hopes are misplaced.

War and Peace

Fighting for a life free from fear

Guadalupe Cortés talks to women in El Salvador who are tackling male violence in gang territories.

In search of lost soldiers

Families of missing POWs are still waiting for answers after 44 years, says Jas Uppal.

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