Genetic history of P-M45: pre-proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians | 1
• Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII.
• Wells, Spencer et al. 2001
• http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC56946/
• http://maya-gaia.angelfire.com/journey_of_man.html
• http://htmlimg3.scribdassets.com/1fr92zwry8twjbs/images/4-5b30e9221e.jpg
• Wells' earlier expedition in 19
Genetic history of P-M45: Native American migration - Q-M242 people passing the Bering Strait | 2
Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII. •...
Ancient Turkic mythology Of The Turkish People
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, specially after Turkic mi...
Turkish migration to Middle East,Seljuq turks,Oghuz tribe,Ghazi warriors,turkomans
Funk Migration Project: Balkan Turks
Description of the Balkan Turks migration from 1783 to 1914.
1-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
2-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
3-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
A Closer Look To Turkish mythology
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, especially after Turkic migration some of the myths were decorated with Islamic symbols. It has many common points with Aegean and Anatolian mythologies (Greek and Hittite) as well as Mongol mythology. Turkic mythology was influenced by other local mythologies. For ex
What Is The Turkic tribal confederations?
The Turkic term oğuz or oğur (in z- and r-Turkic, respectively) is a historical term for "military division, clan, or tribe" among the Turkic peoples. The oguz were divisions of the early Turkic Nomadic empires of the 5th to 11th centuries, including Khazars, Avars, Bulgars and Uyghurs. With the Mongol invasions of 1206–21, the Turkic khaganates were replaced by Mongol or hybrid Turco-Mongol confe
4-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Roman
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
Beauty of Iraqi Turkmen Culture
The Iraqi Turkmens or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq who are the ethnic kin of the Turks....
Magyar • Uyghur • Bashkir - Ancient Turanian Roots (Sumer-Subartu)
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same haplogroup for 16,000 years. Comparison of R1b haplotypes of the Uigurs on the one hand, and Chuvashes, Bulgars, and Hungarians on the other, shows that the Uigurs usually have the more ancient subgroup R1b1b1, which predominantly remained in
Iraqi Turkmen
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq, are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey, Azerbaijan Republic, Iranian Azerbaijan, and the other Turkic countries. and linguistic ties with Azerbaijani, a Turkic language mutually intelligible with Istanbul
Home of Turkman
this celebration in Erbil and Turkish consulate take part he is happy
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq (Azerbaijani: İraq Türkmanları/İraq Türkləri, Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri), are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq[15][16] behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey
History Of The Turkish People
The Turkish people, or the Turks, (Turkish: Türkler), are a Turkic ethnic group primarily living in Turkey, and in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire whe...
ASMR - History of the Ottoman Empire
Hello all,
I am back after a little break with this history video about the Ottomans. From the migration of Turkic tribes to Anatolia and the collapse of Byzantium to the foundation of the modern State of Turkey in the XXth century, you are invited to travel through the centuries, relax, and maybe learn a couple of things. Hope you enjoy, and as always I welcome your comments and suggestions.
History The presence of Turks in the Americas dates to the 17th century. However, there is little authoritative evidence for this claim other than archives d...
Turkmen Folk Song: Kerkuk Divani by Iraqi Turkmen Community in Kirkuk
The Iraqi Turkmens (also spelled Turcomans, Turkomens, and Iraqi Turkmans), Iraqi Turks, or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the t...
Turkish Cypriot migration to Australia - A Moment With Jale Dellal
Turkish Cypriot migration to Australia - A Moment With Jale Dellal.
Native American - Türk - Brothership !!!
Turkic and Native Amerikan Languages are from the grammatical point of view agglutinative. Here are some similarities between the Vocabulary of Native Americ...
Latin Alphabet & Etruscans of proto-Turkic origin! - 700 B.C. Marsiliana Tablet - Rasena
This is only a non-scientific video for traffic purposes. So don't feel offended if you are not convinced with the content ;-) *You can also watch the scientific one.*
Etruscans - Ancient Mediterranean Türks of Eurasia (proto-Hungarian - proto-Türkic)
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory reassigns the Kurgan culture to a people of predominantly mixed Uralic and Turkic stock. This hypothesis is supported by th...
Genetic history of P-M45: pre-proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians | 1
• Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII.
• We...
• Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII.
• Wells, Spencer et al. 2001
• http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC56946/
• http://maya-gaia.angelfire.com/journey_of_man.html
• http://htmlimg3.scribdassets.com/1fr92zwry8twjbs/images/4-5b30e9221e.jpg
• Wells' earlier expedition in 1998 had provided blood samples from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan and he reconnects with a man named Niyazov -a Kazakh Turk who lives in Kazakhstan near the border of Kirgyzistan. Niyazov has African markers that go back 2000 generations and also has an important Y chromosome marker called P-M45, which is ancestral to R-M207 and Q-M242. That indicates Central Asia is where M45 originated and where both Europeans and Native Americans were descendant from. Niyazov is descended in an unbroken line from the people who originally occupied Central Asia 40 000 years ago.
• Dr. Spencer Wells who wrote a book titled "Journey of Man" claims he has evidence based on the Y-Chromosome tests, the first group followed the coast line of southern Asia all the way to Australia 50.000 years ago after Africa. Another group about 40.000 years ago walked again but took an inland route and first settled in Kazakhstan. This group then spread to west thru Russia, some to China and some to Siberia and Alaska, North&South; America and some to Pakistan/India. He states that he identified the M9 "Central asian" marker which first occurred among people of Central Asian (Turkestan) steppes 40.000 years ago. He claims that a man named Niyazov (a Kazak Turk) has the M9 but no subsequent markers, therefore he must have descended in an unbroken line from the people who originally occupied Central Asia 40.000 years ago. Wells states that Niyazov's gene was the father to most Europeans, most Asians, most Indians and many Native Americans.
• Apparently there are 2 subspecies of our species, a tropical one and a temperate one. The tropical subspecies is represented by sub-Saharan Africans, Melanesians, Australian Aborigines, and some Dravidians. The temperate subspecies includes all the rest of the world peoples, descended from one man who lived in Kazakhstan about 40,000 years ago.
• Caves in Southern France show the first to arrive in Europe: the Cro Magnon. They arrived from Africa 35,000 YA. They had a cold, dark life which explains lighter skin adaptations.
• One nomadic group left Khazakstan (central Asia) straight northeast into the Ice Age. 13,000 YA they crossed an ice sheet into Alaska. These descendants of Siberia (10-20 individuals) made their way down the American west coast over 800 years.
• Navaho indigenous people have their own Creation Story that say they are from the mountains. Yet they carry the same central Asian genetic marker as Niyazov from Kyrgystan.
Haplogroup R, the ancestral clade to R1 and R2, appeared on the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago.
R1, sister clade to R2, moved to the West from the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago. R1 pockets were established, from where R1a and R1b emerged.
Comment: Why is the man in Kazakhstan so important to the thesis of this film? I would say Proto-Turks (Tur people) were the origins of Euroasian Clan that most of the people on the northern hemisphere was descended from. Most of the Europeans, Asians and Indians are included in this group. Race concept has been destroyed after DNA researches.
The two major Eurasian haplogroups, R1a and R1b, diverged (or rather, formed and diverged) 20-16 thousand years ago, evolved linguistically from the common Nostratic languages, respectively into the Pra-Aryan (later called "Proto-Indo-European") and the Proto-Türkic, and then into Türkic.
And here the nature has played a cunning joke with the linguists. It seems that the two Caucasoid brotherly lines, R1a1 and R1b1, that came about 50-40 thousand years ago to the Eastern European Plain as a single branch of R (or, rather, as its upstream haplogroup P, or even NOP), and then went to the Southern Siberia at least 35,000 years ago and dispersed over time and over territories. One of them was a flexive Aryan language (language of the R1a1 tribe), which later became to be called Proto-Indo-European, and the other was an agglutinative Proto-Türkic language (language of the R1b1 tribe). Both tribes gestated in the Southern Siberia.
Source: Journal of Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy
wn.com/Genetic History Of P M45 Pre Proto Turkic Ancestors Of Europeans, Native Americans And Indians | 1
• Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII.
• Wells, Spencer et al. 2001
• http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC56946/
• http://maya-gaia.angelfire.com/journey_of_man.html
• http://htmlimg3.scribdassets.com/1fr92zwry8twjbs/images/4-5b30e9221e.jpg
• Wells' earlier expedition in 1998 had provided blood samples from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan and he reconnects with a man named Niyazov -a Kazakh Turk who lives in Kazakhstan near the border of Kirgyzistan. Niyazov has African markers that go back 2000 generations and also has an important Y chromosome marker called P-M45, which is ancestral to R-M207 and Q-M242. That indicates Central Asia is where M45 originated and where both Europeans and Native Americans were descendant from. Niyazov is descended in an unbroken line from the people who originally occupied Central Asia 40 000 years ago.
• Dr. Spencer Wells who wrote a book titled "Journey of Man" claims he has evidence based on the Y-Chromosome tests, the first group followed the coast line of southern Asia all the way to Australia 50.000 years ago after Africa. Another group about 40.000 years ago walked again but took an inland route and first settled in Kazakhstan. This group then spread to west thru Russia, some to China and some to Siberia and Alaska, North&South; America and some to Pakistan/India. He states that he identified the M9 "Central asian" marker which first occurred among people of Central Asian (Turkestan) steppes 40.000 years ago. He claims that a man named Niyazov (a Kazak Turk) has the M9 but no subsequent markers, therefore he must have descended in an unbroken line from the people who originally occupied Central Asia 40.000 years ago. Wells states that Niyazov's gene was the father to most Europeans, most Asians, most Indians and many Native Americans.
• Apparently there are 2 subspecies of our species, a tropical one and a temperate one. The tropical subspecies is represented by sub-Saharan Africans, Melanesians, Australian Aborigines, and some Dravidians. The temperate subspecies includes all the rest of the world peoples, descended from one man who lived in Kazakhstan about 40,000 years ago.
• Caves in Southern France show the first to arrive in Europe: the Cro Magnon. They arrived from Africa 35,000 YA. They had a cold, dark life which explains lighter skin adaptations.
• One nomadic group left Khazakstan (central Asia) straight northeast into the Ice Age. 13,000 YA they crossed an ice sheet into Alaska. These descendants of Siberia (10-20 individuals) made their way down the American west coast over 800 years.
• Navaho indigenous people have their own Creation Story that say they are from the mountains. Yet they carry the same central Asian genetic marker as Niyazov from Kyrgystan.
Haplogroup R, the ancestral clade to R1 and R2, appeared on the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago.
R1, sister clade to R2, moved to the West from the Central Asian Steppes around 35,000 to 30,000 years ago. R1 pockets were established, from where R1a and R1b emerged.
Comment: Why is the man in Kazakhstan so important to the thesis of this film? I would say Proto-Turks (Tur people) were the origins of Euroasian Clan that most of the people on the northern hemisphere was descended from. Most of the Europeans, Asians and Indians are included in this group. Race concept has been destroyed after DNA researches.
The two major Eurasian haplogroups, R1a and R1b, diverged (or rather, formed and diverged) 20-16 thousand years ago, evolved linguistically from the common Nostratic languages, respectively into the Pra-Aryan (later called "Proto-Indo-European") and the Proto-Türkic, and then into Türkic.
And here the nature has played a cunning joke with the linguists. It seems that the two Caucasoid brotherly lines, R1a1 and R1b1, that came about 50-40 thousand years ago to the Eastern European Plain as a single branch of R (or, rather, as its upstream haplogroup P, or even NOP), and then went to the Southern Siberia at least 35,000 years ago and dispersed over time and over territories. One of them was a flexive Aryan language (language of the R1a1 tribe), which later became to be called Proto-Indo-European, and the other was an agglutinative Proto-Türkic language (language of the R1b1 tribe). Both tribes gestated in the Southern Siberia.
Source: Journal of Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy
- published: 06 Jul 2014
- views: 3389
Genetic history of P-M45: Native American migration - Q-M242 people passing the Bering Strait | 2
Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII. •......
Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII. •...
wn.com/Genetic History Of P M45 Native American Migration Q M242 People Passing The Bering Strait | 2
Journey Of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, produced by tigress in association with PBS and National Geographic Channels International © tigress productions MMII. •...
Ancient Turkic mythology Of The Turkish People
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, specially after Turkic mi......
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, specially after Turkic mi...
wn.com/Ancient Turkic Mythology Of The Turkish People
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, specially after Turkic mi...
Funk Migration Project: Balkan Turks
Description of the Balkan Turks migration from 1783 to 1914....
Description of the Balkan Turks migration from 1783 to 1914.
wn.com/Funk Migration Project Balkan Turks
Description of the Balkan Turks migration from 1783 to 1914.
1-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good......
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
wn.com/1 5 Germanic Tribes 1 Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 64639
author: allisonpita
2-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good......
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
wn.com/2 5 Germanic Tribes 1 Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 24836
author: allisonpita
3-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good......
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
wn.com/3 5 Germanic Tribes 1 Barbarians Against Romans
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 23356
author: allisonpita
A Closer Look To Turkish mythology
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, especially after Turkic migr...
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, especially after Turkic migration some of the myths were decorated with Islamic symbols. It has many common points with Aegean and Anatolian mythologies (Greek and Hittite) as well as Mongol mythology. Turkic mythology was influenced by other local mythologies. For example, in Tatar mythology elements of Finnic and Indo-European myth co-exist. Subjects from Tatar mythology include Äbädä, Şüräle, Şekä, Pitsen, Tulpar, and Zilant. Besides Buddhism, Turkic mythology was influenced by Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism.
Irk Bitig, a 10th-century manuscript found in Dunhuang is one of the most important sources for Turkic mythology and religion. This book is written in Old Turkic alphabet like the Orkhon inscriptions.
Tengri is one of the names for the primary chief deity in the religion of the early Turkic people. The words Tengri and Sky were synonyms. It is unknown how Tengri looks. He rules the fates of entire people and acts freely. But he is fair as he awards and punishes. The well-being of people depends on his will. Tengri worship is first attested in the Old Turkic Orkhon inscriptions of the early 8th century.
As a result of the nomad culture, the Horse is also one of the main figures of Turkic mythology; Turks considered the horse an extension of the individual -though generally dedicated to the male- and see that one is complete with it. This might have led to or sourced from the term "At-Beyi" (Horse-Lord).
The Dragon (Evren, also Ebren), also expressed as a Snake or Lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tian Shan/Tengri Tagh and Altay. Dragons also symbolize the god Tengri (Tanrı) in ancient Turkic tradition, although dragons themselves are not worshiped as gods.
The World Tree or Tree of Life is a central symbol in Turkic mythology. According to the Altai Turks, human beings are descended from trees. According to the Yakuts, White Mother sits at the base of the Tree of Life, whose branches reach to the heavens where it is occupied by various creatures that have come to life there. The blue sky around the tree reflects the peaceful nature of the country and the red ring that surrounds all of the elements symbolizes the ancient faith of rebirth, growth and development of the Turkic peoples.
The Grey Wolf legend
The Wolf symbolizes honor and is also considered the mother of most Turkic peoples. Asena is the name of one of the ten sons who were given birth by a mythical wolf in Turkic mythology.
The legend tells of a young boy who survived a raid on his village. A she-wolf finds the injured child and nurses him back to health. He subsequently impregnates the wolf which then gives birth to ten half-wolf, half-human boys. One of these, Ashina, becomes their leader and instaures the Ashina clan which ruled the Göktürks and other Turkic nomadic empires. The wolf, pregnant with the boy's offspring, escaped her enemies by crossing the Western Sea to a cave near to the Qocho mountains, one of the cities of the Tocharians. The first Turks subsequently migrated to the Altai regions, where they are known as expert in ironworkers, as the Scythians are also known to have been.
Ergenekon legend
The Ergenekon legend tells about a great crisis of the ancient Turks. Following a military defeat, the Turks took refuge in the legendary Ergenekon valley where they were trapped for four centuries. They were finally released when a blacksmith created a passage by melting rock, allowing the gray wolf Asena to lead them out. A New Year's ceremony commemorates the legendary ancestral escape from Ergenekon.
Oghuz legends
The legend of Oghuz Khagan is a central political mythology for Turkic peoples of Central Asia and eventually the Oghuz Turks who ruled in Anatolia and Iran. Versions of this narrative have been found in the histories of Rashid ad-Din Tabib, in an anonymous 14th-century Uyghur vertical script manuscript now in Paris, and in Abu'l Ghazi's Shajara at-Turk and have been translated into Russian and German.
Dede Korkut stories
Book of Dede Korkut from the 11th century covers twelve legendary stories of the Oghuz Turks, one of the major branches of the Turkish Peoples. It originates from the pre-Islamic period of the Turks, in which the Tengrism elements in the Turkish culture still outweighed. It consists of a prologue and twelve different stories. The legendary story which begins in Central Asia is narrated by a dramatis personae, in most cases by Dede Korkut himself.
The legend of Timur
The legend of Timur (Temir) is the most ancient and well-known. Timur found a strange stone that fell from the sky (an iron ore meteorite), making the first iron sword from it. Today, the word "demir" means "iron".
wn.com/A Closer Look To Turkish Mythology
Turkic mythology embraces Tengriist and Shamanist traditions as well as all cultural and social subjects being a nomad folk. Later, especially after Turkic migration some of the myths were decorated with Islamic symbols. It has many common points with Aegean and Anatolian mythologies (Greek and Hittite) as well as Mongol mythology. Turkic mythology was influenced by other local mythologies. For example, in Tatar mythology elements of Finnic and Indo-European myth co-exist. Subjects from Tatar mythology include Äbädä, Şüräle, Şekä, Pitsen, Tulpar, and Zilant. Besides Buddhism, Turkic mythology was influenced by Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism.
Irk Bitig, a 10th-century manuscript found in Dunhuang is one of the most important sources for Turkic mythology and religion. This book is written in Old Turkic alphabet like the Orkhon inscriptions.
Tengri is one of the names for the primary chief deity in the religion of the early Turkic people. The words Tengri and Sky were synonyms. It is unknown how Tengri looks. He rules the fates of entire people and acts freely. But he is fair as he awards and punishes. The well-being of people depends on his will. Tengri worship is first attested in the Old Turkic Orkhon inscriptions of the early 8th century.
As a result of the nomad culture, the Horse is also one of the main figures of Turkic mythology; Turks considered the horse an extension of the individual -though generally dedicated to the male- and see that one is complete with it. This might have led to or sourced from the term "At-Beyi" (Horse-Lord).
The Dragon (Evren, also Ebren), also expressed as a Snake or Lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tian Shan/Tengri Tagh and Altay. Dragons also symbolize the god Tengri (Tanrı) in ancient Turkic tradition, although dragons themselves are not worshiped as gods.
The World Tree or Tree of Life is a central symbol in Turkic mythology. According to the Altai Turks, human beings are descended from trees. According to the Yakuts, White Mother sits at the base of the Tree of Life, whose branches reach to the heavens where it is occupied by various creatures that have come to life there. The blue sky around the tree reflects the peaceful nature of the country and the red ring that surrounds all of the elements symbolizes the ancient faith of rebirth, growth and development of the Turkic peoples.
The Grey Wolf legend
The Wolf symbolizes honor and is also considered the mother of most Turkic peoples. Asena is the name of one of the ten sons who were given birth by a mythical wolf in Turkic mythology.
The legend tells of a young boy who survived a raid on his village. A she-wolf finds the injured child and nurses him back to health. He subsequently impregnates the wolf which then gives birth to ten half-wolf, half-human boys. One of these, Ashina, becomes their leader and instaures the Ashina clan which ruled the Göktürks and other Turkic nomadic empires. The wolf, pregnant with the boy's offspring, escaped her enemies by crossing the Western Sea to a cave near to the Qocho mountains, one of the cities of the Tocharians. The first Turks subsequently migrated to the Altai regions, where they are known as expert in ironworkers, as the Scythians are also known to have been.
Ergenekon legend
The Ergenekon legend tells about a great crisis of the ancient Turks. Following a military defeat, the Turks took refuge in the legendary Ergenekon valley where they were trapped for four centuries. They were finally released when a blacksmith created a passage by melting rock, allowing the gray wolf Asena to lead them out. A New Year's ceremony commemorates the legendary ancestral escape from Ergenekon.
Oghuz legends
The legend of Oghuz Khagan is a central political mythology for Turkic peoples of Central Asia and eventually the Oghuz Turks who ruled in Anatolia and Iran. Versions of this narrative have been found in the histories of Rashid ad-Din Tabib, in an anonymous 14th-century Uyghur vertical script manuscript now in Paris, and in Abu'l Ghazi's Shajara at-Turk and have been translated into Russian and German.
Dede Korkut stories
Book of Dede Korkut from the 11th century covers twelve legendary stories of the Oghuz Turks, one of the major branches of the Turkish Peoples. It originates from the pre-Islamic period of the Turks, in which the Tengrism elements in the Turkish culture still outweighed. It consists of a prologue and twelve different stories. The legendary story which begins in Central Asia is narrated by a dramatis personae, in most cases by Dede Korkut himself.
The legend of Timur
The legend of Timur (Temir) is the most ancient and well-known. Timur found a strange stone that fell from the sky (an iron ore meteorite), making the first iron sword from it. Today, the word "demir" means "iron".
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 2
What Is The Turkic tribal confederations?
The Turkic term oğuz or oğur (in z- and r-Turkic, respectively) is a historical term for "military division, clan, or tribe" among the Turkic peoples. The oguz ...
The Turkic term oğuz or oğur (in z- and r-Turkic, respectively) is a historical term for "military division, clan, or tribe" among the Turkic peoples. The oguz were divisions of the early Turkic Nomadic empires of the 5th to 11th centuries, including Khazars, Avars, Bulgars and Uyghurs. With the Mongol invasions of 1206–21, the Turkic khaganates were replaced by Mongol or hybrid Turco-Mongol confederations, where the corresponding military division came to be known as orda.
The 8th-century Kül Tigin stela has the earliest attestation of the term in Old Turkic epigraphy, as Toquz Oghuz "nine tribes" The term occurs in numerous proper names of tribes or confederations of the time of the Turkic migration during the early medieval period, viz.
Onogur "ten tribes"
Toquz Oghuz "nine tribes"
The Old Turkic stem uq-, oq- "kin, tribe" is from a Proto-Turkic *uk. The Old Turkic word is sometimes connected with the Old Turkic word oq "arrow"; Pohl (2002) in explanation of this connection adduces the Chinese T'ang-shu chronicle, which reports that "the khan divided his realm into ten tribes. To the leader of each tribe, he sent an arrow. The name [of these ten leaders] was 'the ten she', but they were also called 'the ten arrows'." An oguz (ogur) was in origin a military division of a Nomadic empire, and only secondarily acquired tribal or ethnic connotations, by processes of ethnogenesis.
wn.com/What Is The Turkic Tribal Confederations
The Turkic term oğuz or oğur (in z- and r-Turkic, respectively) is a historical term for "military division, clan, or tribe" among the Turkic peoples. The oguz were divisions of the early Turkic Nomadic empires of the 5th to 11th centuries, including Khazars, Avars, Bulgars and Uyghurs. With the Mongol invasions of 1206–21, the Turkic khaganates were replaced by Mongol or hybrid Turco-Mongol confederations, where the corresponding military division came to be known as orda.
The 8th-century Kül Tigin stela has the earliest attestation of the term in Old Turkic epigraphy, as Toquz Oghuz "nine tribes" The term occurs in numerous proper names of tribes or confederations of the time of the Turkic migration during the early medieval period, viz.
Onogur "ten tribes"
Toquz Oghuz "nine tribes"
The Old Turkic stem uq-, oq- "kin, tribe" is from a Proto-Turkic *uk. The Old Turkic word is sometimes connected with the Old Turkic word oq "arrow"; Pohl (2002) in explanation of this connection adduces the Chinese T'ang-shu chronicle, which reports that "the khan divided his realm into ten tribes. To the leader of each tribe, he sent an arrow. The name [of these ten leaders] was 'the ten she', but they were also called 'the ten arrows'." An oguz (ogur) was in origin a military division of a Nomadic empire, and only secondarily acquired tribal or ethnic connotations, by processes of ethnogenesis.
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 0
4-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Roman
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good......
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
wn.com/4 5 Germanic Tribes 1 Barbarians Against Roman
Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising of the German Tribes in the first centuries CE (AD), We have good...
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 20551
author: allisonpita
Beauty of Iraqi Turkmen Culture
The Iraqi Turkmens or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq who are the ethnic kin of the Turks.......
The Iraqi Turkmens or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq who are the ethnic kin of the Turks....
wn.com/Beauty Of Iraqi Turkmen Culture
The Iraqi Turkmens or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq who are the ethnic kin of the Turks....
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 2618
author: Yeni nick
Magyar • Uyghur • Bashkir - Ancient Turanian Roots (Sumer-Subartu)
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same ha...
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same haplogroup for 16,000 years. Comparison of R1b haplotypes of the Uigurs on the one hand, and Chuvashes, Bulgars, and Hungarians on the other, shows that the Uigurs usually have the more ancient subgroup R1b1b1, which predominantly remained in Asia. The common ancestor of both Asian and European haplotypes lived in Asia 16000 years ago. That apparently is the minimum lower time limit for the Proto-Türkic languages. The R1b haplotypes in the Balkans have "12" in that marker in 50% of the cases, in Italy 27%. In Slovenia that parameter is 20%, with the "age" of the common ancestor 4250 ± 600 years. All these are a branch of the Türks, "Kurganians", "ancient Pit Gravers", that crossed from the Eastern European Plain either directly around the Black Sea to the Balkans, and further on to the the Apennines, or through the Asia Minor. The others, as was noted, went to Europe via Anatolia through the Middle East and then on through the North Africa on the way to the Pyrenees. That was a Beaker Culture.
18% of the Hungarian Szeklers have haplogroup R1b1, 15% have R1a1. Another one initial "Türkic" haplogroup Q numbers 4%. The first four haplotypes have allele 12 in the first marker (16% of the total, much higher than the typical European 3-5%), which corresponds to the "Kurgan Culture" ancient haplotype. Apparently, that is the starting point of the Hungarian Seklers ancestral migration. As a result, the Sekler haplotypes of the R1b1b2 haplogroup already represent a younger age of these Türkic carriers of the R1b (common ancestors 4000 ybp). The Türkic-lingual Asian carriers of R1b remained in Asia. 5700-5100 years ago in the North Kazakhstan they established Botai Archeological Culture, and according to the latest data 5500 years ago domesticated the horse (Archaeology, Jan-Feb 2010). In addition to the Botai settlement dated 3700-3100 BC, definitely haplogroup R1b, since the carriers of the R1a1 appeared in those places were only one and a half - two thousand years later. (http://s155239215.onlinehome.us/turkic/60_Genetics/Klyosov2010DNK-GenealogyEn.htm)
Bearers of R1b haplogroup along their migration route to the M. East and S. Mesopotamia apparently have established the Sumer culture (and the state), moving westward to Europe (5000-4500 ybp) carrying mainly the R-M269 subclade and its downstream L23 subclade.
Genetic evidence has linked early Magyars eastward as well to the Ujghurs, living in East-Eurasia around the town of Ürümqi (today in China, East Turkestan). The name of several Magyar tribes are of Oghur origin which may prove that Oghur tribes also joined to the Magyars.
Approaches based on "map-stratification" have compared burial sites, ornamental motifs (tulips, cranes), leather and felt garments, mythological images, sacrificial cauldrons, folk poetry, folk music, lullabies, together with written documents and genetic findings to narrow down the most likely Magyar urheimat to the grassy land surrounded by four freshwater lakes (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, and Baikal).
Scientists has been struggling with the ancient roots of the nomadic Turkic tribes for a long time, and while they lean toward Mesopotamian roots, at least in the case of their ruling caste, there were many tribes and we know little about these people or the route of their migration from the Near East to Mongolia due to an immense falsification of history. Obviously commited by "Power-X"-like organizations such as the Vatican.
We do know that reports of the "Turkic" Xiongnu, as the Chinese called these peoples collectively, appear in their annals around 1200 B.C. This would have, assumedly, been after the Trojan War which spurred so much movement of peoples around the Black Sea region.
Various myths and name-connections suggest that Subartu was the fount from where these Turkic nomadic tribes originated, and it's curious that this is where the Mittani appeared. We can't forget however that these tribes were, generally speaking, caucasian (i.e. blue eyed, red or blond haired) as noted in the Chinese annals and evident from mummies dug up in Mongolia. Should the nomadic "Turkic tribes" who eventually formed the kingdom of Khazaria in this "dragon-culture" narrative be pegged to Subartu, one of the "four quarters" named in Akkadian texts?
There is huge swath of real estate surrounding the Black Sea and the southern banks of the Caspian Sea including the Caucasus and parts of what would become Scythia, inhabited by related peoples sometimes referred to as "Gogi", from which the nomadic "Turkic" tribes sprang, many of whom migrated to Mongolia to become the Xiongnu and later (on their way back) the Hunnic federation which included the Magyars, Khazars, Bulgars etc.
wn.com/Magyar • Uyghur • Bashkir Ancient Turanian Roots (Sumer Subartu)
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same haplogroup for 16,000 years. Comparison of R1b haplotypes of the Uigurs on the one hand, and Chuvashes, Bulgars, and Hungarians on the other, shows that the Uigurs usually have the more ancient subgroup R1b1b1, which predominantly remained in Asia. The common ancestor of both Asian and European haplotypes lived in Asia 16000 years ago. That apparently is the minimum lower time limit for the Proto-Türkic languages. The R1b haplotypes in the Balkans have "12" in that marker in 50% of the cases, in Italy 27%. In Slovenia that parameter is 20%, with the "age" of the common ancestor 4250 ± 600 years. All these are a branch of the Türks, "Kurganians", "ancient Pit Gravers", that crossed from the Eastern European Plain either directly around the Black Sea to the Balkans, and further on to the the Apennines, or through the Asia Minor. The others, as was noted, went to Europe via Anatolia through the Middle East and then on through the North Africa on the way to the Pyrenees. That was a Beaker Culture.
18% of the Hungarian Szeklers have haplogroup R1b1, 15% have R1a1. Another one initial "Türkic" haplogroup Q numbers 4%. The first four haplotypes have allele 12 in the first marker (16% of the total, much higher than the typical European 3-5%), which corresponds to the "Kurgan Culture" ancient haplotype. Apparently, that is the starting point of the Hungarian Seklers ancestral migration. As a result, the Sekler haplotypes of the R1b1b2 haplogroup already represent a younger age of these Türkic carriers of the R1b (common ancestors 4000 ybp). The Türkic-lingual Asian carriers of R1b remained in Asia. 5700-5100 years ago in the North Kazakhstan they established Botai Archeological Culture, and according to the latest data 5500 years ago domesticated the horse (Archaeology, Jan-Feb 2010). In addition to the Botai settlement dated 3700-3100 BC, definitely haplogroup R1b, since the carriers of the R1a1 appeared in those places were only one and a half - two thousand years later. (http://s155239215.onlinehome.us/turkic/60_Genetics/Klyosov2010DNK-GenealogyEn.htm)
Bearers of R1b haplogroup along their migration route to the M. East and S. Mesopotamia apparently have established the Sumer culture (and the state), moving westward to Europe (5000-4500 ybp) carrying mainly the R-M269 subclade and its downstream L23 subclade.
Genetic evidence has linked early Magyars eastward as well to the Ujghurs, living in East-Eurasia around the town of Ürümqi (today in China, East Turkestan). The name of several Magyar tribes are of Oghur origin which may prove that Oghur tribes also joined to the Magyars.
Approaches based on "map-stratification" have compared burial sites, ornamental motifs (tulips, cranes), leather and felt garments, mythological images, sacrificial cauldrons, folk poetry, folk music, lullabies, together with written documents and genetic findings to narrow down the most likely Magyar urheimat to the grassy land surrounded by four freshwater lakes (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, and Baikal).
Scientists has been struggling with the ancient roots of the nomadic Turkic tribes for a long time, and while they lean toward Mesopotamian roots, at least in the case of their ruling caste, there were many tribes and we know little about these people or the route of their migration from the Near East to Mongolia due to an immense falsification of history. Obviously commited by "Power-X"-like organizations such as the Vatican.
We do know that reports of the "Turkic" Xiongnu, as the Chinese called these peoples collectively, appear in their annals around 1200 B.C. This would have, assumedly, been after the Trojan War which spurred so much movement of peoples around the Black Sea region.
Various myths and name-connections suggest that Subartu was the fount from where these Turkic nomadic tribes originated, and it's curious that this is where the Mittani appeared. We can't forget however that these tribes were, generally speaking, caucasian (i.e. blue eyed, red or blond haired) as noted in the Chinese annals and evident from mummies dug up in Mongolia. Should the nomadic "Turkic tribes" who eventually formed the kingdom of Khazaria in this "dragon-culture" narrative be pegged to Subartu, one of the "four quarters" named in Akkadian texts?
There is huge swath of real estate surrounding the Black Sea and the southern banks of the Caspian Sea including the Caucasus and parts of what would become Scythia, inhabited by related peoples sometimes referred to as "Gogi", from which the nomadic "Turkic" tribes sprang, many of whom migrated to Mongolia to become the Xiongnu and later (on their way back) the Hunnic federation which included the Magyars, Khazars, Bulgars etc.
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 43224
Iraqi Turkmen
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq, are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq behind Arabs and Kurds. The...
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq, are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey, Azerbaijan Republic, Iranian Azerbaijan, and the other Turkic countries. and linguistic ties with Azerbaijani, a Turkic language mutually intelligible with Istanbul Turkish, spoken mainly in Azerbaijan Republic and Iranian Azerbaijan.
The Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia dating from the 7th century until Ottoman rule. The first wave of migration dates back to the 7th century when some 5,000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad; however, most of today's descendants of these first migrants have been assimilated into the local Arab population. The second wave of migrants were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire; finally, the third wave, and largest number of Turkmen migrants into Iraq arose during the Ottoman Empire. With the conquest of Iraq by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534, followed by Sultan Murad IV's capture of Baghdad in 1638, a large influx of Turks settled down in the region. Thus, most of today's Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of the Ottoman soldiers, traders and civil servants who were brought into Iraq during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Iraqi Turkmen
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq, are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey, Azerbaijan Republic, Iranian Azerbaijan, and the other Turkic countries. and linguistic ties with Azerbaijani, a Turkic language mutually intelligible with Istanbul Turkish, spoken mainly in Azerbaijan Republic and Iranian Azerbaijan.
The Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia dating from the 7th century until Ottoman rule. The first wave of migration dates back to the 7th century when some 5,000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad; however, most of today's descendants of these first migrants have been assimilated into the local Arab population. The second wave of migrants were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire; finally, the third wave, and largest number of Turkmen migrants into Iraq arose during the Ottoman Empire. With the conquest of Iraq by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534, followed by Sultan Murad IV's capture of Baghdad in 1638, a large influx of Turks settled down in the region. Thus, most of today's Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of the Ottoman soldiers, traders and civil servants who were brought into Iraq during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Home of Turkman
this celebration in Erbil and Turkish consulate take part he is happy
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq (Azerbaijani: İraq Türkmanları/İ...
this celebration in Erbil and Turkish consulate take part he is happy
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq (Azerbaijani: İraq Türkmanları/İraq Türkləri, Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri), are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq[15][16] behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey, Azerbaijan Republic, Iranian Azerbaijan, and the other Turkic countries.[17] and linguistic ties with Azerbaijani, a Turkic language mutually intelligible with Istanbul Turkish, spoken mainly in Azerbaijan Republic and Iranian Azerbaijan.
The Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia dating from the 7th century until Ottoman rule. The first wave of migration dates back to the 7th century when some 5,000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad;[18][19] however, most of today's descendants of these first migrants have been assimilated into the local Arab population.[20] The second wave of migrants were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire;[21] finally, the third wave, and largest number of Turkmen migrants into Iraq arose during the Ottoman Empire.[21] With the conquest of Iraq by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534, followed by Sultan Murad IV's capture of Baghdad in 1638, a large influx of Turks settled down in the region.[19][11] Thus, most of today's Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of the Ottoman soldiers, traders and civil servants who were brought into Iraq during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.[22][23][11][21]
Following the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the Iraqi Turkmen wanted Turkey to annex the Mosul Vilayet and for them to become part of an expanded Turkish state.[24][25] However, due to the end of the Ottoman monarchy, the Iraqi Turkmen found themselves increasingly discriminated against by policies of successive regimes, such as the Kirkuk Massacre of 1923, 1947, 1959 and in 1979 when the Ba'th Party increasingly discriminated against the community.[24] Although they were recognized as a constitutive entity of Iraq (alongside the Arabs and Kurds) in the constitution of 1925, the Iraqi Turkmen were later denied this status.[24]
Claims of their population range between 500,000 to 3 million, regardless of this uncertainty, the Iraqi Turkmen are considered to be the third or the fourth largest ethnic group in Iraq.[6][26][27][28] According to the 1957 census, which is recognized as the last reliable census, as later censuses were reflections of the Arabization policies of the Ba'ath regime,[29] Arabs formed the largest ethnicity followed by Kurds (21%) and Iraqi Turkmen (2%).[30]
The Iraqi Turkmen predominantly live in the north of Iraq, especially in Tal Afar, Mosul, Arbil, Altunkupri, Kirkuk, and Baghdad.
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wn.com/Home Of Turkman
this celebration in Erbil and Turkish consulate take part he is happy
The Iraqi Turkmens, Iraqi Azerbaijanis, or Turks of Iraq (Azerbaijani: İraq Türkmanları/İraq Türkləri, Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri), are the ethnic kin of the Turks and the third largest ethnic group in Iraq[15][16] behind Arabs and Kurds. They mainly reside in northern Iraq and share close cultural ties with Turkey, Azerbaijan Republic, Iranian Azerbaijan, and the other Turkic countries.[17] and linguistic ties with Azerbaijani, a Turkic language mutually intelligible with Istanbul Turkish, spoken mainly in Azerbaijan Republic and Iranian Azerbaijan.
The Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia dating from the 7th century until Ottoman rule. The first wave of migration dates back to the 7th century when some 5,000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad;[18][19] however, most of today's descendants of these first migrants have been assimilated into the local Arab population.[20] The second wave of migrants were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire;[21] finally, the third wave, and largest number of Turkmen migrants into Iraq arose during the Ottoman Empire.[21] With the conquest of Iraq by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534, followed by Sultan Murad IV's capture of Baghdad in 1638, a large influx of Turks settled down in the region.[19][11] Thus, most of today's Iraqi Turkmen are the descendants of the Ottoman soldiers, traders and civil servants who were brought into Iraq during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.[22][23][11][21]
Following the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the Iraqi Turkmen wanted Turkey to annex the Mosul Vilayet and for them to become part of an expanded Turkish state.[24][25] However, due to the end of the Ottoman monarchy, the Iraqi Turkmen found themselves increasingly discriminated against by policies of successive regimes, such as the Kirkuk Massacre of 1923, 1947, 1959 and in 1979 when the Ba'th Party increasingly discriminated against the community.[24] Although they were recognized as a constitutive entity of Iraq (alongside the Arabs and Kurds) in the constitution of 1925, the Iraqi Turkmen were later denied this status.[24]
Claims of their population range between 500,000 to 3 million, regardless of this uncertainty, the Iraqi Turkmen are considered to be the third or the fourth largest ethnic group in Iraq.[6][26][27][28] According to the 1957 census, which is recognized as the last reliable census, as later censuses were reflections of the Arabization policies of the Ba'ath regime,[29] Arabs formed the largest ethnicity followed by Kurds (21%) and Iraqi Turkmen (2%).[30]
The Iraqi Turkmen predominantly live in the north of Iraq, especially in Tal Afar, Mosul, Arbil, Altunkupri, Kirkuk, and Baghdad.
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- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 2
History Of The Turkish People
The Turkish people, or the Turks, (Turkish: Türkler), are a Turkic ethnic group primarily living in Turkey, and in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire whe......
The Turkish people, or the Turks, (Turkish: Türkler), are a Turkic ethnic group primarily living in Turkey, and in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire whe...
wn.com/History Of The Turkish People
The Turkish people, or the Turks, (Turkish: Türkler), are a Turkic ethnic group primarily living in Turkey, and in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire whe...
ASMR - History of the Ottoman Empire
Hello all,
I am back after a little break with this history video about the Ottomans. From the migration of Turkic tribes to Anatolia and the collapse of Byzan...
Hello all,
I am back after a little break with this history video about the Ottomans. From the migration of Turkic tribes to Anatolia and the collapse of Byzantium to the foundation of the modern State of Turkey in the XXth century, you are invited to travel through the centuries, relax, and maybe learn a couple of things. Hope you enjoy, and as always I welcome your comments and suggestions.
Other ASMR videos mentioned, related to this topic, or that you may be interested in if you liked this one:
- ASMR - History of the Silk Road
- ASMR - History of Babylon
- ASMR - History of Venice
- ASMR - Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights)
(about Orientalism and the perception of the Muslim world by the European public)
- ASMR - Model Ship Of The Line Show and Tell
(talk about galleys and the evolution of warfare in the Mediterranean Sea)
- ASMR - Middle-Eastern Objects Show & Tell
wn.com/Asmr History Of The Ottoman Empire
Hello all,
I am back after a little break with this history video about the Ottomans. From the migration of Turkic tribes to Anatolia and the collapse of Byzantium to the foundation of the modern State of Turkey in the XXth century, you are invited to travel through the centuries, relax, and maybe learn a couple of things. Hope you enjoy, and as always I welcome your comments and suggestions.
Other ASMR videos mentioned, related to this topic, or that you may be interested in if you liked this one:
- ASMR - History of the Silk Road
- ASMR - History of Babylon
- ASMR - History of Venice
- ASMR - Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights)
(about Orientalism and the perception of the Muslim world by the European public)
- ASMR - Model Ship Of The Line Show and Tell
(talk about galleys and the evolution of warfare in the Mediterranean Sea)
- ASMR - Middle-Eastern Objects Show & Tell
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 15966
History The presence of Turks in the Americas dates to the 17th century. However, there is little authoritative evidence for this claim other than archives d......
History The presence of Turks in the Americas dates to the 17th century. However, there is little authoritative evidence for this claim other than archives d...
wn.com/Famous Turkish Americans Turks In America
History The presence of Turks in the Americas dates to the 17th century. However, there is little authoritative evidence for this claim other than archives d...
Turkmen Folk Song: Kerkuk Divani by Iraqi Turkmen Community in Kirkuk
The Iraqi Turkmens (also spelled Turcomans, Turkomens, and Iraqi Turkmans), Iraqi Turks, or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the t......
The Iraqi Turkmens (also spelled Turcomans, Turkomens, and Iraqi Turkmans), Iraqi Turks, or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the t...
wn.com/Turkmen Folk Song Kerkuk Divani By Iraqi Turkmen Community In Kirkuk
The Iraqi Turkmens (also spelled Turcomans, Turkomens, and Iraqi Turkmans), Iraqi Turks, or Turks of Iraq (Turkish: Irak Türkmenleri/Irak Türkleri) are the t...
Native American - Türk - Brothership !!!
Turkic and Native Amerikan Languages are from the grammatical point of view agglutinative. Here are some similarities between the Vocabulary of Native Americ......
Turkic and Native Amerikan Languages are from the grammatical point of view agglutinative. Here are some similarities between the Vocabulary of Native Americ...
wn.com/Native American Türk Brothership
Turkic and Native Amerikan Languages are from the grammatical point of view agglutinative. Here are some similarities between the Vocabulary of Native Americ...
Latin Alphabet & Etruscans of proto-Turkic origin! - 700 B.C. Marsiliana Tablet - Rasena
This is only a non-scientific video for traffic purposes. So don't feel offended if you are not convinced with the content ;-) *You can also watch the scientifi...
This is only a non-scientific video for traffic purposes. So don't feel offended if you are not convinced with the content ;-) *You can also watch the scientific one.*
It is high Time to Rewrite History !!! Europe AWAKE !!!
The Turks taught Europeans to write and to govern themselves.
Tyrhennian Sea = Türkkan Sea
Etruscan = Rasena
Migration of the Etruscans: From Northern Kazakhstan to Central Europe (Insburg) and from there to North Italy and then to Rome (Uq Urum).
Turkic Etruscan Inventions:
Greco-Roman Wrestling
Emancipation of Woman
Modern Architecture
Alphabet (Tamga Writing System of Central Asian Turks)
First Horse Breeding in Europe
Highly advanced Metallurgy
Supply of Water (Aqueducts)
Data Processing System
* Linguistic Devices:
Decryption of Marsiliana Tablet consisting 26 Tamgas !! and not Letters:
"At ök oduç ebil uqunuşug olumun oquşunupult esinir ezisig uqusunuç."
The result is an Agglutinative Turkic Language !
Etruscan # Clan (Son) | Clen-ar (Sons) | Clen-ar-asi (the Sons)
Turkic # Oğul (Son) | Oğul-lar (Sons) | Oğul-lar-i (the Sons)
* Genetical Devices:
North Italian Population are the descendents of the Etruscans. And exactly 97% of this North Italian Genes are similar to the todays Turkish Population in West-Anatolia !
* Mythology Devices:
In the founding Myth of Rome, namely "Romulus and Remus" a She-Wolf suckled 2 little children.
This Myth is similar to the Turkic Version from Central Asia, namely the "Asena Legend", which is concerning the same plot: A She-Wolf named Asena suckled 1 little child.
As we can see the Etruscans took their name from this Legend of Asena, thats the reason why Etruscans called themselves Rasena.
wn.com/Latin Alphabet Etruscans Of Proto Turkic Origin 700 B.C. Marsiliana Tablet Rasena
This is only a non-scientific video for traffic purposes. So don't feel offended if you are not convinced with the content ;-) *You can also watch the scientific one.*
It is high Time to Rewrite History !!! Europe AWAKE !!!
The Turks taught Europeans to write and to govern themselves.
Tyrhennian Sea = Türkkan Sea
Etruscan = Rasena
Migration of the Etruscans: From Northern Kazakhstan to Central Europe (Insburg) and from there to North Italy and then to Rome (Uq Urum).
Turkic Etruscan Inventions:
Greco-Roman Wrestling
Emancipation of Woman
Modern Architecture
Alphabet (Tamga Writing System of Central Asian Turks)
First Horse Breeding in Europe
Highly advanced Metallurgy
Supply of Water (Aqueducts)
Data Processing System
* Linguistic Devices:
Decryption of Marsiliana Tablet consisting 26 Tamgas !! and not Letters:
"At ök oduç ebil uqunuşug olumun oquşunupult esinir ezisig uqusunuç."
The result is an Agglutinative Turkic Language !
Etruscan # Clan (Son) | Clen-ar (Sons) | Clen-ar-asi (the Sons)
Turkic # Oğul (Son) | Oğul-lar (Sons) | Oğul-lar-i (the Sons)
* Genetical Devices:
North Italian Population are the descendents of the Etruscans. And exactly 97% of this North Italian Genes are similar to the todays Turkish Population in West-Anatolia !
* Mythology Devices:
In the founding Myth of Rome, namely "Romulus and Remus" a She-Wolf suckled 2 little children.
This Myth is similar to the Turkic Version from Central Asia, namely the "Asena Legend", which is concerning the same plot: A She-Wolf named Asena suckled 1 little child.
As we can see the Etruscans took their name from this Legend of Asena, thats the reason why Etruscans called themselves Rasena.
- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 28123
Etruscans - Ancient Mediterranean Türks of Eurasia (proto-Hungarian - proto-Türkic)
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory reassigns the Kurgan culture to a people of predominantly mixed Uralic and Turkic stock. This hypothesis is supported by th......
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory reassigns the Kurgan culture to a people of predominantly mixed Uralic and Turkic stock. This hypothesis is supported by th...
wn.com/Etruscans Ancient Mediterranean Türks Of Eurasia (Proto Hungarian Proto Türkic)
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory reassigns the Kurgan culture to a people of predominantly mixed Uralic and Turkic stock. This hypothesis is supported by th...
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - murdered 30 days after this interview
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - Harold was murdered 30 days after this interview
Before reading this interview, it is very important to be aware that there are three types of people who call themselves Jews:
1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews)
2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Je
Ancestors of Europeans, many Indians, Native Americans are Proto Turks
Zakirzhan Niyazov a Turc living in Kazakhstan was identified by the geneticist Spencer Wells from Genographic Project as one of the direct descendants of the first modern human settlers in Central Asia. His Y chromosome marker provides for the common ancestors the ancestors of Central Asia, Europeans, many many Indians and native Americans by 40,000 years ago. Ancestors of Chuchi tribes journeyed
Growing Numbers of Turks Discover Armenian Ancestry
In a climate of improved tolerance, growing numbers of people in Turkey are discovering their grandmothers were Armenian. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians escaped the mass deportations and slaughter of the early 1990's by forced conversion to Islam. Or, Armenian children were taken in by Turkish families and assimilated. Now their stories are increasingly being heard. Dorian Jones reports from
Turkish Buddhism
Buddhism among the Turkic People http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/buddhism_central_asia/buddhism_turkic.html It is estima...
Proto-Türkic ancestors • Andronovo, Tashtyk, Tagar, Karassuk, Botai
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки) The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples: http://archive.is/Kt533 http://img.archive.is/Kt533/e0e604e8198310...
Interview with Uighur scholar barred from going to US by Chinese border officials
1. Various of Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti showing boarding pass for flight
2. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"I organised this trip following all the rules. To leave, I used their customs channel, their identification papers, their passport, and I had a proper visa. I am a visiting scholar, I am not a criminal. But they treated me violently (after I was detained) they would n
PLURAL+ Turkish Cultural Center New York "Friendship Award"
On November 10, 2011, the PLURAL+ 2011 Youth Video Festival Awards Ceremony was held at The Paley Center for Media in New York City. The PLURAL+ Youth Video ...
The Long Migration: Reindeer Girls - Burning Gold productions for BBC2
The Sami People and their reindeer herds go on the annual Lapland migration. Original music by Steven Faux.
Resist Turkiye Australian Turks are with you...
Avustralya'da Melbourne'da Gezi Parkina destek!
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, a leader of indigenous people in Siberia and Far East
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, vice president of the Russian Association of the Indigenous People of North Siberia and the Far East.
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages Disease-mapping methods add geographical history to language family tree. Nature 23 August 2012 doi:10.1038/natu...
What Is The Ottoman Turkish language?
Ottoman Turkish /ˈɒtəmən/, or the Ottoman language (لسان عثمانى Lisân-ı Osmânî) (also known as تركچه Türkçe or تركی Türkî, "Turkish"), is the variety of the Turkish language that was used in the Ottoman Empire. It borrows extensively from Arabic and Persian, and was written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. During the peak of Ottoman power, Persian and Arabic vocabulary amounted for up to 88% o
RE: Proof: Turks are neither Indo-European,not Native Anatolian !
Yörük Turkmen of Anatolia and Balkan / Ottomans /Uyghurs
Blue eyed Anatolians
The first blue eyed people, who migrated to Europe were from Anatolia,modern day Turkey.Here some examples...
New Year's occasion 2013, (Afghani Turks) Oğuz Türk's speech
Oğuz Türk, Yeni İl danışığı Türkistan (Afqanistan Turkleri) yeni il bayrami, London, Canada,
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey Fri 19 March 2010 | 06:30 GMT Many migrants send the money they earn in Turkey to their families in Armenia, supporting that countrys...
Support ADAPP
The Association for the Defence of Azerbaijani Political Prisoners (ADAPP) works on the human rights situation facing Iran's minorities, and in particular, t...
Turkish officials remember Tatars who faced mass deportation from Crimea during WWII
Marking the 71st anniversary of the deportation of more than 2 million Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union upon orders from former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a statement released on May 18, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has criticized violations of Crimean Tatars' cultural rights following the annexation of the peninsula by Russia.
"I remember with great respect those Crimean Tatars who lost
VON ZYKLEN LERNEN: Lemuria, Y-DNA Haplo E1b1b1 (E3b1) , Freimaurer, die Turanischen Adepten
Y-DNA Haplogroups, Lemuria, Freemasonry & The Turanian Adepts
(Bütün medeniyetler'in Türk kökenli olduğunu gösteren genetik, esoterik ve tarihi bir araştırmadır)
Brachiocephalic type of E1B1B , Lemuria, Turkic haplogroup E-M84 E1b1b1c1* , E1b1b1b2a1, E1b1b1c1a , E1b1b1b2a1a , E1b1b1, E3B Turkic, Turan, Turkist, Water God, Shiva, Sky God, Altai, Gök Tengri, Blue God, Turchus Torquotus Teucri Gentem
Intv with Uighur Activist Rebiya Kadeer candidate for Nobel Peace Prize
12 October 2006
1. Rebiya Kadeer walking down officer corridor with Alim Seytoff of the Uighur American Association
2. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee:
"With the help of God and the freedom loving peoples around the world, the US government, European Union and all the human rights organisations with their help I became free and became the voice for my voiceless peo
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - murdered 30 days after this interview
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - Harold was murdered 30 days after this interview
Before reading this interview, it is very important ...
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - Harold was murdered 30 days after this interview
Before reading this interview, it is very important to be aware that there are three types of people who call themselves Jews:
1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews)
2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Turkic idol/phallic worshiping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 7th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (about 90%-95% of all Jews)
3. Zionist Jews: these are the ones from the 2 above who are pretending to be Jews for political reasons but who’re are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview.
They are led by the neo-Pharisees (occult-priest-banklords). They want to establish a Zionist Luciferian state from the Nile to the Euphrates from where they plan to rule the Earth. The new Israeli Supreme Court funded by the Rothschilds Banklords is full of Masonic Symbols, just like the B.I.S. Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, which is the Mother of All Private Central Banks.
The hexagram symbol on the Israeli flag is the ancient Star of Moloch, a Satanic-Baal deity to which people were sacrificed. There is no such thing as a Star of David which the modern Jews have been fooled into believing; however, the True Torah Jews are not fooled by the Zionists Illuminatis and you can visit their websites for more info .
Harold Wallace Rosenthal (November 2, 1947 – August 11, 1976), was a senior aide to then-Senator Jacob K. Javits when Rosenthal was murdered in a terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenthal graduated from Cambridge University and Harvard University graduate school, both on scholarships. After working for Congressman Hugh Carey (D-NY) he moved to the office of Senator Walter Mondale (D-MN) where he directed the senators legislative agenda.
After a stint at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rosenthal returned to the Senate to work as a senior aide to Jacob K. Javits of New York. On August 11, 1976, Rosenthal was murdered in a terrorist attack at the El Al gate in Istanbul, Turkey. The attack was blamed upon the Palestine Liberation Organization.
In his honor, the Harold Rosenthal Fellowship in International Relations has been established. Each year 9 to 13 qualified students are given the opportunity to spend the summer in professional fellowships with a members of Congress or in a government department. Applications are encouraged from graduate students interested in all branches of government.
(no money is made from this video, educational purposes only)
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
meta tags
america, united states, wwe, wrestling, gameplay, new, united states of america (country), war, stability, united states marine corps, united states marine corps boot camp, united states marine corps training, usmc, recruit training, us marines (armed force), united states marine corps recruit training, foxtrotalpha, news, discovery, trace dominguez, test tube, testtube, security council, un, china, iran, failure, covert operations, history, embassies, iraq, wwii, japan, conflict, crimea, ukraine, russia, isis, al qaeda, attack, jew, jewish, money, christ, jesus, church, christian, gold, money, family, poverty, truth, conspiracy, control, society, audiobook, races, impoverish, chosen people, races, love, light, happiness, bank, bankers,
wn.com/The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) Audiobook Murdered 30 Days After This Interview
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview (1976) audiobook - Harold was murdered 30 days after this interview
Before reading this interview, it is very important to be aware that there are three types of people who call themselves Jews:
1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews)
2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Turkic idol/phallic worshiping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 7th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (about 90%-95% of all Jews)
3. Zionist Jews: these are the ones from the 2 above who are pretending to be Jews for political reasons but who’re are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview.
They are led by the neo-Pharisees (occult-priest-banklords). They want to establish a Zionist Luciferian state from the Nile to the Euphrates from where they plan to rule the Earth. The new Israeli Supreme Court funded by the Rothschilds Banklords is full of Masonic Symbols, just like the B.I.S. Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, which is the Mother of All Private Central Banks.
The hexagram symbol on the Israeli flag is the ancient Star of Moloch, a Satanic-Baal deity to which people were sacrificed. There is no such thing as a Star of David which the modern Jews have been fooled into believing; however, the True Torah Jews are not fooled by the Zionists Illuminatis and you can visit their websites for more info .
Harold Wallace Rosenthal (November 2, 1947 – August 11, 1976), was a senior aide to then-Senator Jacob K. Javits when Rosenthal was murdered in a terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenthal graduated from Cambridge University and Harvard University graduate school, both on scholarships. After working for Congressman Hugh Carey (D-NY) he moved to the office of Senator Walter Mondale (D-MN) where he directed the senators legislative agenda.
After a stint at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rosenthal returned to the Senate to work as a senior aide to Jacob K. Javits of New York. On August 11, 1976, Rosenthal was murdered in a terrorist attack at the El Al gate in Istanbul, Turkey. The attack was blamed upon the Palestine Liberation Organization.
In his honor, the Harold Rosenthal Fellowship in International Relations has been established. Each year 9 to 13 qualified students are given the opportunity to spend the summer in professional fellowships with a members of Congress or in a government department. Applications are encouraged from graduate students interested in all branches of government.
(no money is made from this video, educational purposes only)
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
meta tags
america, united states, wwe, wrestling, gameplay, new, united states of america (country), war, stability, united states marine corps, united states marine corps boot camp, united states marine corps training, usmc, recruit training, us marines (armed force), united states marine corps recruit training, foxtrotalpha, news, discovery, trace dominguez, test tube, testtube, security council, un, china, iran, failure, covert operations, history, embassies, iraq, wwii, japan, conflict, crimea, ukraine, russia, isis, al qaeda, attack, jew, jewish, money, christ, jesus, church, christian, gold, money, family, poverty, truth, conspiracy, control, society, audiobook, races, impoverish, chosen people, races, love, light, happiness, bank, bankers,
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Ancestors of Europeans, many Indians, Native Americans are Proto Turks
Zakirzhan Niyazov a Turc living in Kazakhstan was identified by the geneticist Spencer Wells from Genographic Project as one of the direct descendants of the fi...
Zakirzhan Niyazov a Turc living in Kazakhstan was identified by the geneticist Spencer Wells from Genographic Project as one of the direct descendants of the first modern human settlers in Central Asia. His Y chromosome marker provides for the common ancestors the ancestors of Central Asia, Europeans, many many Indians and native Americans by 40,000 years ago. Ancestors of Chuchi tribes journeyed across Beringia to Northern Alaska 13000years ago.all of North and South America were populated by their descendants - from Inuit to Inca - with the Chukchi haplogroup marker. http://bpakman.wordpress.com/turk-dunyasi/eski-turk-devletleri-turk-yurtlari-turk-topluluklari/on-turkler/avrupali-kizilderili-hintlilerin-kokeni-on-turkler/
wn.com/Ancestors Of Europeans, Many Indians, Native Americans Are Proto Turks
Zakirzhan Niyazov a Turc living in Kazakhstan was identified by the geneticist Spencer Wells from Genographic Project as one of the direct descendants of the first modern human settlers in Central Asia. His Y chromosome marker provides for the common ancestors the ancestors of Central Asia, Europeans, many many Indians and native Americans by 40,000 years ago. Ancestors of Chuchi tribes journeyed across Beringia to Northern Alaska 13000years ago.all of North and South America were populated by their descendants - from Inuit to Inca - with the Chukchi haplogroup marker. http://bpakman.wordpress.com/turk-dunyasi/eski-turk-devletleri-turk-yurtlari-turk-topluluklari/on-turkler/avrupali-kizilderili-hintlilerin-kokeni-on-turkler/
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 3
Growing Numbers of Turks Discover Armenian Ancestry
In a climate of improved tolerance, growing numbers of people in Turkey are discovering their grandmothers were Armenian. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians esc...
In a climate of improved tolerance, growing numbers of people in Turkey are discovering their grandmothers were Armenian. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians escaped the mass deportations and slaughter of the early 1990's by forced conversion to Islam. Or, Armenian children were taken in by Turkish families and assimilated. Now their stories are increasingly being heard. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul that the revelations are viewed as an important step.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/growing-numbers-of-turks-discover-armenian-ancestry/2731223.html
wn.com/Growing Numbers Of Turks Discover Armenian Ancestry
In a climate of improved tolerance, growing numbers of people in Turkey are discovering their grandmothers were Armenian. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians escaped the mass deportations and slaughter of the early 1990's by forced conversion to Islam. Or, Armenian children were taken in by Turkish families and assimilated. Now their stories are increasingly being heard. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul that the revelations are viewed as an important step.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/growing-numbers-of-turks-discover-armenian-ancestry/2731223.html
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 2
Turkish Buddhism
Buddhism among the Turkic People http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/buddhism_central_asia/buddhism_turkic.html It is estima......
Buddhism among the Turkic People http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/buddhism_central_asia/buddhism_turkic.html It is estima...
wn.com/Turkish Buddhism
Buddhism among the Turkic People http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/buddhism_central_asia/buddhism_turkic.html It is estima...
Proto-Türkic ancestors • Andronovo, Tashtyk, Tagar, Karassuk, Botai
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки) The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples: http://archive.is/Kt533 http://img.archive.is/Kt533/e0e604e8198310......
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки) The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples: http://archive.is/Kt533 http://img.archive.is/Kt533/e0e604e8198310...
wn.com/Proto Türkic Ancestors • Andronovo, Tashtyk, Tagar, Karassuk, Botai
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки) The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples: http://archive.is/Kt533 http://img.archive.is/Kt533/e0e604e8198310...
Interview with Uighur scholar barred from going to US by Chinese border officials
1. Various of Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti showing boarding pass for flight
2. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"I organised this trip follow...
1. Various of Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti showing boarding pass for flight
2. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"I organised this trip following all the rules. To leave, I used their customs channel, their identification papers, their passport, and I had a proper visa. I am a visiting scholar, I am not a criminal. But they treated me violently (after I was detained) they would not let me have water and would not let me go to the toilet."
3. Close-up of picture of Tohti's son and daughter
4. Various of Tohti working on computer
5. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"Would you want to stay in a place like this? They don't let my son register in school. Because of the interviews I did, (the authorities) barred my son from from going to school for half a year, without a proper explanation."
6. Cutaway of Tohti's hand
7. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"My wish is to return and live in China, if the conditions allow. The reason is simple, Uighur people live here, they are the people for whom I continue my struggle. I am ready to make all types of sacrifices for this, that is not the problem. The real issue here is that I must exercise my right to leave China. This is my right, and I am not fighting only for me. Even it is for a short period of time, even if it is to leave for one year as a visiting scholar. This is my right."
8. Various of Tohti looking at mobile phone
9. Close-up of Tohti's hand on computer keyboard
10. Wide of Tohti working on computer
A prominent scholar from China's Turkic Uighur ethnic minority, stopped from boarding a flight to the US, said on Monday that he was detained for more than 12 hours at Beijing's airport and was not even allowed to go to the toilet.
Ilham Tohti said he was planning to take up a year-long fellowship at Indiana University when he was prevented from leaving Beijing on Saturday.
"They treated me violently (after I was detained), they would not let me have water and would not let me go to the toilet," he said in an interview with The Associated Press on Monday.
It was the latest in a series of apparent punishments in retaliation for his criticism of ruling Communist Party policies.
"I organised this trip following all the rules. To leave, I used their customs channel, their identification papers, their passport, and I had a proper visa. I am a visiting scholar, I am not a criminal," said Tohti.
According to Tohti, he was held for more than 12 hours at Beijing's airport and then sent home.
He said he was interrogated by three separate groups of officers, none of whom gave him a reason for why he was being detained.
"The real issue here is that I must exercise my right to leave China. This is my right, and I am not fighting only for me. Even it is for a short period of time, even if it is to leave for one year as a visiting scholar. This is my right," said Tohti.
A Beijing-based economist, the scholar has been barred from travelling and placed under house arrest numerous times in the wake of deadly ethnic rioting in the capital of the Uighur ethnic homeland of Xinjiang in 2009 that sparked a nationwide crackdown on Uighur activists.
Muslim Uighurs, who are ethnically, culturally, religiously, and linguistically distinct from China's Han majority, have long chafed under heavy-handed communist rule.
Many Uighurs allege frequent discrimination, including travel restrictions and an inability to obtain passports, and also resent the presence and relative prosperity of Han migrants who have flooded into Xinjiang since the Communist revolution in 1949.
While Tohti has not joined in calls for Xinjiang's independence, his outspokenness on ethnic policies has made him a target of the security services.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4b6306df12a24efa5bd28a60ea0570df
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Interview With Uighur Scholar Barred From Going To US By Chinese Border Officials
1. Various of Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti showing boarding pass for flight
2. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"I organised this trip following all the rules. To leave, I used their customs channel, their identification papers, their passport, and I had a proper visa. I am a visiting scholar, I am not a criminal. But they treated me violently (after I was detained) they would not let me have water and would not let me go to the toilet."
3. Close-up of picture of Tohti's son and daughter
4. Various of Tohti working on computer
5. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"Would you want to stay in a place like this? They don't let my son register in school. Because of the interviews I did, (the authorities) barred my son from from going to school for half a year, without a proper explanation."
6. Cutaway of Tohti's hand
7. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Ilham Tohti, Uighur scholar:
"My wish is to return and live in China, if the conditions allow. The reason is simple, Uighur people live here, they are the people for whom I continue my struggle. I am ready to make all types of sacrifices for this, that is not the problem. The real issue here is that I must exercise my right to leave China. This is my right, and I am not fighting only for me. Even it is for a short period of time, even if it is to leave for one year as a visiting scholar. This is my right."
8. Various of Tohti looking at mobile phone
9. Close-up of Tohti's hand on computer keyboard
10. Wide of Tohti working on computer
A prominent scholar from China's Turkic Uighur ethnic minority, stopped from boarding a flight to the US, said on Monday that he was detained for more than 12 hours at Beijing's airport and was not even allowed to go to the toilet.
Ilham Tohti said he was planning to take up a year-long fellowship at Indiana University when he was prevented from leaving Beijing on Saturday.
"They treated me violently (after I was detained), they would not let me have water and would not let me go to the toilet," he said in an interview with The Associated Press on Monday.
It was the latest in a series of apparent punishments in retaliation for his criticism of ruling Communist Party policies.
"I organised this trip following all the rules. To leave, I used their customs channel, their identification papers, their passport, and I had a proper visa. I am a visiting scholar, I am not a criminal," said Tohti.
According to Tohti, he was held for more than 12 hours at Beijing's airport and then sent home.
He said he was interrogated by three separate groups of officers, none of whom gave him a reason for why he was being detained.
"The real issue here is that I must exercise my right to leave China. This is my right, and I am not fighting only for me. Even it is for a short period of time, even if it is to leave for one year as a visiting scholar. This is my right," said Tohti.
A Beijing-based economist, the scholar has been barred from travelling and placed under house arrest numerous times in the wake of deadly ethnic rioting in the capital of the Uighur ethnic homeland of Xinjiang in 2009 that sparked a nationwide crackdown on Uighur activists.
Muslim Uighurs, who are ethnically, culturally, religiously, and linguistically distinct from China's Han majority, have long chafed under heavy-handed communist rule.
Many Uighurs allege frequent discrimination, including travel restrictions and an inability to obtain passports, and also resent the presence and relative prosperity of Han migrants who have flooded into Xinjiang since the Communist revolution in 1949.
While Tohti has not joined in calls for Xinjiang's independence, his outspokenness on ethnic policies has made him a target of the security services.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4b6306df12a24efa5bd28a60ea0570df
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 0
PLURAL+ Turkish Cultural Center New York "Friendship Award"
On November 10, 2011, the PLURAL+ 2011 Youth Video Festival Awards Ceremony was held at The Paley Center for Media in New York City. The PLURAL+ Youth Video ......
On November 10, 2011, the PLURAL+ 2011 Youth Video Festival Awards Ceremony was held at The Paley Center for Media in New York City. The PLURAL+ Youth Video ...
wn.com/Plural Turkish Cultural Center New York Friendship Award
On November 10, 2011, the PLURAL+ 2011 Youth Video Festival Awards Ceremony was held at The Paley Center for Media in New York City. The PLURAL+ Youth Video ...
The Long Migration: Reindeer Girls - Burning Gold productions for BBC2
The Sami People and their reindeer herds go on the annual Lapland migration. Original music by Steven Faux....
The Sami People and their reindeer herds go on the annual Lapland migration. Original music by Steven Faux.
wn.com/The Long Migration Reindeer Girls Burning Gold Productions For Bbc2
The Sami People and their reindeer herds go on the annual Lapland migration. Original music by Steven Faux.
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 179
author: stevenfaux
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, a leader of indigenous people in Siberia and Far East
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, vice president of the Russian Association of the Indigenous People of North Siberia and the Far East....
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, vice president of the Russian Association of the Indigenous People of North Siberia and the Far East.
wn.com/Interview With Radion Sulyanziga, A Leader Of Indigenous People In Siberia And Far East
Interview with Radion Sulyanziga, vice president of the Russian Association of the Indigenous People of North Siberia and the Far East.
- published: 09 Sep 2012
- views: 154
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages Disease-mapping methods add geographical history to language family tree. Nature 23 August 2012 doi:10.1038/natu......
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages Disease-mapping methods add geographical history to language family tree. Nature 23 August 2012 doi:10.1038/natu...
wn.com/A Turkish Origin For Indo European Languages
A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages Disease-mapping methods add geographical history to language family tree. Nature 23 August 2012 doi:10.1038/natu...
What Is The Ottoman Turkish language?
Ottoman Turkish /ˈɒtəmən/, or the Ottoman language (لسان عثمانى Lisân-ı Osmânî) (also known as تركچه Türkçe or تركی Türkî, "Turkish"), is the variety of the...
Ottoman Turkish /ˈɒtəmən/, or the Ottoman language (لسان عثمانى Lisân-ı Osmânî) (also known as تركچه Türkçe or تركی Türkî, "Turkish"), is the variety of the Turkish language that was used in the Ottoman Empire. It borrows extensively from Arabic and Persian, and was written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. During the peak of Ottoman power, Persian and Arabic vocabulary amounted for up to 88% of its vocabulary, while words of Arabic origins heavily outnumbered native Turkish words. Consequently, Ottoman Turkish was largely unintelligible to the less-educated lower-class and rural Turks, who continued to use kaba Türkçe ("raw Turkish"), which used far fewer foreign loanwords and which is the basis of the modern Turkish language. The Tanzimât era saw the application of the term "Ottoman" when referring to the language (لسان عثمانی lisân-ı Osmânî or عثمانلوجه Osmanlıca) and the same distinction is made in Modern Turkish (Osmanlıca and Osmanlı Türkçesi).
Ottoman Turkish was highly influenced by Persian and Arabic. At a point, Arabic and Persian words in the language amounted for up to 88% of its vocabulary, at a peak. As in most other Turkic and other foreign languages of Islamic communities, initially the Arabic borrowings were not the result of a direct exposure of Ottoman Turkish to Arabic, a fact that is evidenced by the typically Persian phonological mutation of the words of Arabic origin. The conservation of archaic phonological features of the Arabic borrowings furthermore suggests that Arabic-incorporated Persian was absorbed into pre-Ottoman Turkic at an early stage, when the speakers were still located to the northeast of Persia, prior to the westward migration of the Islamic Turkic tribes. An additional argument for this is that Ottoman Turkish shares the Persian character of its Arabic borrowings with other Turkic languages that had even less interaction with Arabic, such as Tatar and Uygur. From the early ages of the Ottoman Empire, borrowings from Arabic and Persian were so abundant that original Turkish words may be hard to find. In Ottoman, one may find whole passages in Arabic incorporated into the text.
In a social and pragmatic sense, there were (at least) three variants of Ottoman Turkish:
Fasih Türkçe (Eloquent Turkish): the language of poetry and administration, Ottoman Turkish in its strict sense;
Orta Türkçe (Middle Turkish): the language of higher classes and trade;
Kaba Türkçe (Rough Turkish): the language of lower classes.
A person would use each of the varieties above for different purposes. For example, a scribe would use the Arabic asel (عسل) to refer to honey when writing a document, but would use the native Turkish word bal when buying it.
Historically, Ottoman Turkish was transformed in three eras:
Eski Osmanlı Türkçesi (Old Ottoman Turkish): The version of Ottoman Turkish used until the 16th century. It was almost identical with the Turkish used by Seljuks[clarification needed] and Anatolian beyliks, thus often regarded as part of Eski Anadolu Türkçesi (Old Anatolian Turkish).
Orta Osmanlı Türkçesi (Middle Ottoman Turkish) or Klasik Osmanlıca (Classical Ottoman Turkish): Language of poetry and administration from the 16th century until Tanzimat. This is the version of Ottoman Turkish that comes to most people's minds.
Yeni Osmanlı Türkçesi (New Ottoman Turkish): Shaped from the 1850s to the 20th century under the influence of journalism and Western-oriented literature.
Language reform
For more details on this topic, see Turkish language.
In 1928, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the establishment of Republic of Turkey, widespread language reforms (a part in the greater framework of Atatürk's Reforms) instituted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk saw the replacement of many Persian and Arabic origin loanwords in the language with their Turkish equivalents. It also saw the replacement of the Perso-Arabic script with the extended Latin alphabet. The changes were meant to encourage the growth of a new variety of written Turkish that more closely reflected the spoken vernacular, as well as to foster a new variety of spoken Turkish that more explicitly reflected Turkey's new national identity as being a post-Ottoman state.
wn.com/What Is The Ottoman Turkish Language
Ottoman Turkish /ˈɒtəmən/, or the Ottoman language (لسان عثمانى Lisân-ı Osmânî) (also known as تركچه Türkçe or تركی Türkî, "Turkish"), is the variety of the Turkish language that was used in the Ottoman Empire. It borrows extensively from Arabic and Persian, and was written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. During the peak of Ottoman power, Persian and Arabic vocabulary amounted for up to 88% of its vocabulary, while words of Arabic origins heavily outnumbered native Turkish words. Consequently, Ottoman Turkish was largely unintelligible to the less-educated lower-class and rural Turks, who continued to use kaba Türkçe ("raw Turkish"), which used far fewer foreign loanwords and which is the basis of the modern Turkish language. The Tanzimât era saw the application of the term "Ottoman" when referring to the language (لسان عثمانی lisân-ı Osmânî or عثمانلوجه Osmanlıca) and the same distinction is made in Modern Turkish (Osmanlıca and Osmanlı Türkçesi).
Ottoman Turkish was highly influenced by Persian and Arabic. At a point, Arabic and Persian words in the language amounted for up to 88% of its vocabulary, at a peak. As in most other Turkic and other foreign languages of Islamic communities, initially the Arabic borrowings were not the result of a direct exposure of Ottoman Turkish to Arabic, a fact that is evidenced by the typically Persian phonological mutation of the words of Arabic origin. The conservation of archaic phonological features of the Arabic borrowings furthermore suggests that Arabic-incorporated Persian was absorbed into pre-Ottoman Turkic at an early stage, when the speakers were still located to the northeast of Persia, prior to the westward migration of the Islamic Turkic tribes. An additional argument for this is that Ottoman Turkish shares the Persian character of its Arabic borrowings with other Turkic languages that had even less interaction with Arabic, such as Tatar and Uygur. From the early ages of the Ottoman Empire, borrowings from Arabic and Persian were so abundant that original Turkish words may be hard to find. In Ottoman, one may find whole passages in Arabic incorporated into the text.
In a social and pragmatic sense, there were (at least) three variants of Ottoman Turkish:
Fasih Türkçe (Eloquent Turkish): the language of poetry and administration, Ottoman Turkish in its strict sense;
Orta Türkçe (Middle Turkish): the language of higher classes and trade;
Kaba Türkçe (Rough Turkish): the language of lower classes.
A person would use each of the varieties above for different purposes. For example, a scribe would use the Arabic asel (عسل) to refer to honey when writing a document, but would use the native Turkish word bal when buying it.
Historically, Ottoman Turkish was transformed in three eras:
Eski Osmanlı Türkçesi (Old Ottoman Turkish): The version of Ottoman Turkish used until the 16th century. It was almost identical with the Turkish used by Seljuks[clarification needed] and Anatolian beyliks, thus often regarded as part of Eski Anadolu Türkçesi (Old Anatolian Turkish).
Orta Osmanlı Türkçesi (Middle Ottoman Turkish) or Klasik Osmanlıca (Classical Ottoman Turkish): Language of poetry and administration from the 16th century until Tanzimat. This is the version of Ottoman Turkish that comes to most people's minds.
Yeni Osmanlı Türkçesi (New Ottoman Turkish): Shaped from the 1850s to the 20th century under the influence of journalism and Western-oriented literature.
Language reform
For more details on this topic, see Turkish language.
In 1928, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the establishment of Republic of Turkey, widespread language reforms (a part in the greater framework of Atatürk's Reforms) instituted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk saw the replacement of many Persian and Arabic origin loanwords in the language with their Turkish equivalents. It also saw the replacement of the Perso-Arabic script with the extended Latin alphabet. The changes were meant to encourage the growth of a new variety of written Turkish that more closely reflected the spoken vernacular, as well as to foster a new variety of spoken Turkish that more explicitly reflected Turkey's new national identity as being a post-Ottoman state.
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 2
RE: Proof: Turks are neither Indo-European,not Native Anatolian !
wn.com/Re Proof Turks Are Neither Indo European,Not Native Anatolian
- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 170
Yörük Turkmen of Anatolia and Balkan / Ottomans /Uyghurs
wn.com/Yörük Turkmen Of Anatolia And Balkan Ottomans Uyghurs
Blue eyed Anatolians
The first blue eyed people, who migrated to Europe were from Anatolia,modern day Turkey.Here some examples......
The first blue eyed people, who migrated to Europe were from Anatolia,modern day Turkey.Here some examples...
wn.com/Blue Eyed Anatolians
The first blue eyed people, who migrated to Europe were from Anatolia,modern day Turkey.Here some examples...
New Year's occasion 2013, (Afghani Turks) Oğuz Türk's speech
Oğuz Türk, Yeni İl danışığı Türkistan (Afqanistan Turkleri) yeni il bayrami, London, Canada,...
Oğuz Türk, Yeni İl danışığı Türkistan (Afqanistan Turkleri) yeni il bayrami, London, Canada,
wn.com/New Year's Occasion 2013, (Afghani Turks) Oğuz Türk's Speech
Oğuz Türk, Yeni İl danışığı Türkistan (Afqanistan Turkleri) yeni il bayrami, London, Canada,
- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 22
author: Oğuz Türk
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey Fri 19 March 2010 | 06:30 GMT Many migrants send the money they earn in Turkey to their families in Armen...
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey Fri 19 March 2010 | 06:30 GMT Many migrants send the money they earn in Turkey to their families in Armenia, supporting that countrys...
wn.com/Erdogan's Statements Worry Armenian Illegals In Turkey
Erdogan's statements worry Armenian illegals in Turkey Fri 19 March 2010 | 06:30 GMT Many migrants send the money they earn in Turkey to their families in Armenia, supporting that countrys...
- published: 30 Mar 2010
- views: 3314
author: Khan Araz
Support ADAPP
The Association for the Defence of Azerbaijani Political Prisoners (ADAPP) works on the human rights situation facing Iran's minorities, and in particular, t......
The Association for the Defence of Azerbaijani Political Prisoners (ADAPP) works on the human rights situation facing Iran's minorities, and in particular, t...
wn.com/Support Adapp
The Association for the Defence of Azerbaijani Political Prisoners (ADAPP) works on the human rights situation facing Iran's minorities, and in particular, t...
Turkish officials remember Tatars who faced mass deportation from Crimea during WWII
Marking the 71st anniversary of the deportation of more than 2 million Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union upon orders from former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in...
Marking the 71st anniversary of the deportation of more than 2 million Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union upon orders from former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a statement released on May 18, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has criticized violations of Crimean Tatars' cultural rights following the annexation of the peninsula by Russia.
"I remember with great respect those Crimean Tatars who lost their lives far from their homeland 71 years ago today. It is our duty to respect the legacy of Crimean Tatar Turks," said Erdoğan. The president went on to say that Tatars face another ordeal 70 years after the deportation, reminiscent of past traumas.
Without mentioning Russia, Erdoğan criticized the annexation of Crimea by Moscow and said international laws are being violated in the peninsula.
"Crimea was annexed in 2014 in defiance of international laws, and rights violations on the peninsula re-emerged," Erdoğan said in an implicit reference to Russia's growing pressure on minorities in Crimea after annexing it in a stealth move last year. Erdoğan said Turkey would stand in solidarity with the Crimean Tatars.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu was scheduled to attend an event in Kiev on Monday to mark the 71st anniversary of the deportation.
The event aims to bring international attention to one of the forgotten chapters of World War II, the mass forced migration of Tatars. Crimean Tatars as well as Ukrainians will join the event at a time of renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine between government forces and separatist groups despite a truce.
The Ukrainian government accuses Russia of violating the cultural rights of Crimean Tatars, a claim rejected by Moscow. A TV channel in Crimea broadcasting in the Tatar language went off the air in March, drawing criticism from Ankara.
Toward the end of World War II, the Soviets punished locals in a number of countries whom they suspected to have collaborated with Nazi Germany. In 1944, more than 2 million Tatars -- a Turkic people -- living in Crimea faced collective punishment and were forced to board Siberia-bound trains, which normally carried animals and equipment, in unlivable conditions. Many of them were forced to settle in Uzbekistan.
Of the entire population, only a few hundred thousand were able to return home again following the collapse of the Soviet Union with the end of the Cold War. The majority of the Tatars perished in dire conditions in labor camps and other places in Siberia.
Today, Crimean Tatars are faced with another challenge, the annexation of the peninsula by Russia. The Tatars objected to the annexation, but their opposition made little difference on the ground.
While Turkey has conveyed its concerns over the Tatars' well being and the territorial integrity of Ukraine through diplomatic channels to Russia, Ankara, in public, has carefully worded its views on the matter, which pits Moscow against the Western world.
wn.com/Turkish Officials Remember Tatars Who Faced Mass Deportation From Crimea During Wwii
Marking the 71st anniversary of the deportation of more than 2 million Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union upon orders from former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a statement released on May 18, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has criticized violations of Crimean Tatars' cultural rights following the annexation of the peninsula by Russia.
"I remember with great respect those Crimean Tatars who lost their lives far from their homeland 71 years ago today. It is our duty to respect the legacy of Crimean Tatar Turks," said Erdoğan. The president went on to say that Tatars face another ordeal 70 years after the deportation, reminiscent of past traumas.
Without mentioning Russia, Erdoğan criticized the annexation of Crimea by Moscow and said international laws are being violated in the peninsula.
"Crimea was annexed in 2014 in defiance of international laws, and rights violations on the peninsula re-emerged," Erdoğan said in an implicit reference to Russia's growing pressure on minorities in Crimea after annexing it in a stealth move last year. Erdoğan said Turkey would stand in solidarity with the Crimean Tatars.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu was scheduled to attend an event in Kiev on Monday to mark the 71st anniversary of the deportation.
The event aims to bring international attention to one of the forgotten chapters of World War II, the mass forced migration of Tatars. Crimean Tatars as well as Ukrainians will join the event at a time of renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine between government forces and separatist groups despite a truce.
The Ukrainian government accuses Russia of violating the cultural rights of Crimean Tatars, a claim rejected by Moscow. A TV channel in Crimea broadcasting in the Tatar language went off the air in March, drawing criticism from Ankara.
Toward the end of World War II, the Soviets punished locals in a number of countries whom they suspected to have collaborated with Nazi Germany. In 1944, more than 2 million Tatars -- a Turkic people -- living in Crimea faced collective punishment and were forced to board Siberia-bound trains, which normally carried animals and equipment, in unlivable conditions. Many of them were forced to settle in Uzbekistan.
Of the entire population, only a few hundred thousand were able to return home again following the collapse of the Soviet Union with the end of the Cold War. The majority of the Tatars perished in dire conditions in labor camps and other places in Siberia.
Today, Crimean Tatars are faced with another challenge, the annexation of the peninsula by Russia. The Tatars objected to the annexation, but their opposition made little difference on the ground.
While Turkey has conveyed its concerns over the Tatars' well being and the territorial integrity of Ukraine through diplomatic channels to Russia, Ankara, in public, has carefully worded its views on the matter, which pits Moscow against the Western world.
- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 6
VON ZYKLEN LERNEN: Lemuria, Y-DNA Haplo E1b1b1 (E3b1) , Freimaurer, die Turanischen Adepten
Y-DNA Haplogroups, Lemuria, Freemasonry & The Turanian Adepts
(Bütün medeniyetler'in Türk kökenli olduğunu gösteren genetik, esoterik ve tarihi bir araştırmadır...
Y-DNA Haplogroups, Lemuria, Freemasonry & The Turanian Adepts
(Bütün medeniyetler'in Türk kökenli olduğunu gösteren genetik, esoterik ve tarihi bir araştırmadır)
Brachiocephalic type of E1B1B , Lemuria, Turkic haplogroup E-M84 E1b1b1c1* , E1b1b1b2a1, E1b1b1c1a , E1b1b1b2a1a , E1b1b1, E3B Turkic, Turan, Turkist, Water God, Shiva, Sky God, Altai, Gök Tengri, Blue God, Turchus Torquotus Teucri Gentem Torcorum Torci Torkoth Touronoi Turrhenoi Turonen Thüringia Turehu Tahtaci Tor-Hassa Durhasandede
wn.com/Von Zyklen Lernen Lemuria, Y Dna Haplo E1B1B1 (E3B1) , Freimaurer, Die Turanischen Adepten
Y-DNA Haplogroups, Lemuria, Freemasonry & The Turanian Adepts
(Bütün medeniyetler'in Türk kökenli olduğunu gösteren genetik, esoterik ve tarihi bir araştırmadır)
Brachiocephalic type of E1B1B , Lemuria, Turkic haplogroup E-M84 E1b1b1c1* , E1b1b1b2a1, E1b1b1c1a , E1b1b1b2a1a , E1b1b1, E3B Turkic, Turan, Turkist, Water God, Shiva, Sky God, Altai, Gök Tengri, Blue God, Turchus Torquotus Teucri Gentem Torcorum Torci Torkoth Touronoi Turrhenoi Turonen Thüringia Turehu Tahtaci Tor-Hassa Durhasandede
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Intv with Uighur Activist Rebiya Kadeer candidate for Nobel Peace Prize
12 October 2006
1. Rebiya Kadeer walking down officer corridor with Alim Seytoff of the Uighur American Association
2. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nob...
12 October 2006
1. Rebiya Kadeer walking down officer corridor with Alim Seytoff of the Uighur American Association
2. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee:
"With the help of God and the freedom loving peoples around the world, the US government, European Union and all the human rights organisations with their help I became free and became the voice for my voiceless people."
3. Close-up Kadeer's hands
4. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"If I were given this Nobel Peace Prize it means so much to my people because my people are facing cultural genocide in this world. It is a recognition of the plight of my people. And I believe that is going to help the Uighur people to have freedom of speech and to live like a human being."
5. Close-up of map, Kadeer showing areas where she lived with her children
6. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"The Chinese government even claims that I am a terrorist. Actually I am opposed to all forms of terrorism, whether it is conducted by Chinese, by Uighur or by any person in violence. I have been campaigning for the human rights and freedom of the Uighur people peacefully and patiently. My hope is to conduct a dialogue directly with the Chinese government so that the Uighur problem will be resolved. Yet the Chinese government charged me as a terrorist."
7. Kadeer showing photograph of her four children, who were imprisoned by Chinese authorities after she left the country
8. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"But all of a sudden one day they removed me from the solitary confinement to a nice ... bright ... and at that time I felt that (the) outside world was raising my case. In prison I always thought that if I come out alive I would help my people."
FILE: 25 August 2005
9. Exterior US District Court
10. Rebiya Kadeer with her daughter Akida campaigning on behalf of Uighurs held in Guantanamo Bay
11. Cutaway photographers
A Chinese Muslim businesswoman who spent almost six years in prison without ever being told why, said on Thursday if she were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize it might help her people against "cultural genocide" that China is waging on her people.
Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer, is among an undisclosed number of nominees for the prize to be announced Friday in Oslo, Norway.
Continuing her campaign to be the "voice of her voiceless people" Kadeer told the Associated Press in an interview on Thursday she has been delighted with the attention her cause has received since word of her candidacy has spread.
Kadeer, currently the president of the Washington-based Uighur American Association, has been an outspoken critic of China's treatment of Uighurs, Turkic-speaking Muslims, who have a language and culture distinct from the rest of the country.
There are estimated to be about nine million Uighurs in western China and another two million found mostly in Central Asia and they claim they are being displaced by Chinese migration and development.
Rebiya Kadeer arrived in the United States in March 2005 after spending nearly six years in a Chinese prison.
Once a prominent businesswoman, 58-year old Kadeer was arrested in 1999 in Xinjiang as she approached a hotel where staff members
of the US.Congressional Research Service waited to meet with her.
She was sentenced to eight years in prison but was given early release in March 2005 and allowed to leave for the US.
She said the only reason she was given for her arrest was that she had sent Chinese-language newspapers to her husband in the United States.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4bb751d80c8fb1aff52e9e304f75cf75
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Intv With Uighur Activist Rebiya Kadeer Candidate For Nobel Peace Prize
12 October 2006
1. Rebiya Kadeer walking down officer corridor with Alim Seytoff of the Uighur American Association
2. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee:
"With the help of God and the freedom loving peoples around the world, the US government, European Union and all the human rights organisations with their help I became free and became the voice for my voiceless people."
3. Close-up Kadeer's hands
4. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"If I were given this Nobel Peace Prize it means so much to my people because my people are facing cultural genocide in this world. It is a recognition of the plight of my people. And I believe that is going to help the Uighur people to have freedom of speech and to live like a human being."
5. Close-up of map, Kadeer showing areas where she lived with her children
6. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"The Chinese government even claims that I am a terrorist. Actually I am opposed to all forms of terrorism, whether it is conducted by Chinese, by Uighur or by any person in violence. I have been campaigning for the human rights and freedom of the Uighur people peacefully and patiently. My hope is to conduct a dialogue directly with the Chinese government so that the Uighur problem will be resolved. Yet the Chinese government charged me as a terrorist."
7. Kadeer showing photograph of her four children, who were imprisoned by Chinese authorities after she left the country
8. SOUNDBITE: (Uighur) Rebiya Kadeer, Nobel Peace Prize nominee: (transcribes English translation)
"But all of a sudden one day they removed me from the solitary confinement to a nice ... bright ... and at that time I felt that (the) outside world was raising my case. In prison I always thought that if I come out alive I would help my people."
FILE: 25 August 2005
9. Exterior US District Court
10. Rebiya Kadeer with her daughter Akida campaigning on behalf of Uighurs held in Guantanamo Bay
11. Cutaway photographers
A Chinese Muslim businesswoman who spent almost six years in prison without ever being told why, said on Thursday if she were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize it might help her people against "cultural genocide" that China is waging on her people.
Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer, is among an undisclosed number of nominees for the prize to be announced Friday in Oslo, Norway.
Continuing her campaign to be the "voice of her voiceless people" Kadeer told the Associated Press in an interview on Thursday she has been delighted with the attention her cause has received since word of her candidacy has spread.
Kadeer, currently the president of the Washington-based Uighur American Association, has been an outspoken critic of China's treatment of Uighurs, Turkic-speaking Muslims, who have a language and culture distinct from the rest of the country.
There are estimated to be about nine million Uighurs in western China and another two million found mostly in Central Asia and they claim they are being displaced by Chinese migration and development.
Rebiya Kadeer arrived in the United States in March 2005 after spending nearly six years in a Chinese prison.
Once a prominent businesswoman, 58-year old Kadeer was arrested in 1999 in Xinjiang as she approached a hotel where staff members
of the US.Congressional Research Service waited to meet with her.
She was sentenced to eight years in prison but was given early release in March 2005 and allowed to leave for the US.
She said the only reason she was given for her arrest was that she had sent Chinese-language newspapers to her husband in the United States.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4bb751d80c8fb1aff52e9e304f75cf75
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 3