PubMed Central (Basic Searching)- Video 6 for NURB 327
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central
PubMed Centralの使い方
高画質版はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20100610.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ...
PubMed Central
Learn about the free biomedical and life sciences journal articles you can access for your classes at PubMed Central.
Ten Years of PubMed Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of ...
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
El sistema de búsqueda PubMed es un proyecto desarrollado por la National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) en la National Library of Medicine (NLM). Permite el acceso a bases de datos bibliográficas compiladas por la NLM: MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE (citas enviadas por los editores), Genbak y Complete Genoma. Medline contiene subbases: AIDS, Bioethics, Cancer,
UK PubMed Central: the resource of choice for the UK's biomedical and health research community
Dr Ingo Schiessl and Dr Stuart Allan, research scienitists and lecturers at the University of Manchester, meet to discuss the merits of using UK PubMed Centr...
Exporting Citations from PubMed Central to RefWorks
Instructions for exporting citations to RefWorks.
Webinar: NCBI and the NIH Public Access Policy
Subtitle: PubMed Central Submissions, My NCBI, My Bibliography
and SciENcv (March 5, 2015).
Visit us at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/education/webinars
Europe PubMed Central and Linked Data@Biohackathon2015
Original website http://togotv.dbcls.jp/ja/20151216.html
DBCLS BioHackathon 2015 was held at the Nagasaki University and the Luke Plaza Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan.
Public symposium of the BioHackathon 2015 will be held at the Ryojun Kaikan, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, on Sep 13 (Sun).
In this talk, Jee-Hyub Kim (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK) make
Europe PubMed Central Expanding access to publicly funded research Anna Kinsey
Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is a unique, free information resource for life sciences researchers, backed by a growing number of European funders, who expect their grantholders to make their published research available to the widest possible audience. It enables anyone with internet access the ability to search and discover over 26 million abstracts and full-text articles from aro
本家はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20130522.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ7,...
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe PubMed Central -- Lucia Monaco
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe pubmed Central -- Lucia Monaco, Fondazione Telethon.
PubMed Central Top # 9 Facts
6 Dr Girish KJ pubmedcentral search through pubmed
7 Dr Girish KJ pubmedcentral direct search and saving
Europe PubMed Central Top # 5 Facts
Bilimsel dergilerde yayımlanan makalemizi nasıl bulacağız ? Pubmed, SCI, SCI-E, GOOGLE SCHOLAR
How to find our article published in a scientific journal ?
Merhaba Dostlar,
Günümüzde, tıbbi dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm makalelerin literatürde taraması için en geçerli yol internette tarama yapılmasıdır.
“United States National Library of Medicine” (www.nlm.nih.gov) portalı aracılığıyla, arama motoru olan “MEDLINE/PubMed” (www.
pubmed.gov), “Pub-Med Central” (www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov)
ve “Lo
umh1342 2013-14 U12.10 La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1fHl1ZL La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central. Asignatura: Documentación ...
PubMed Literature Database
http://www.abnova.com ) - PubMed is a free literature database which comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life ...
UK Pub Med Central
UK PubMed Central (www.ukpmc.ac.uk) is a UK free archive of life sciences journals developed by the National Institutes of Health National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). NCBI is based at the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Read more on PubMed Centrals international initiative here: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/about/pmci.html
Business & IP Centre is a gateway
Ten Years of Pub Med Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine, gives an overview of the past, present, and future of the National Institutes of Health's archive of biomedical research articles. On its 10th anniversary, PubMed Central is one of the world's largest archives of freely accessible fu
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central...
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central
wn.com/How To Do Search Articles In Pubmed Central
How to do Search articles in Pubmed Central
- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 975
PubMed Centralの使い方
高画質版はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20100610.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ......
高画質版はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20100610.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ...
wn.com/Pubmed Centralの使い方
高画質版はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20100610.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ...
- published: 01 Jul 2010
- views: 672
author: togotv
PubMed Central
Learn about the free biomedical and life sciences journal articles you can access for your classes at PubMed Central....
Learn about the free biomedical and life sciences journal articles you can access for your classes at PubMed Central.
wn.com/Pubmed Central
Learn about the free biomedical and life sciences journal articles you can access for your classes at PubMed Central.
- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 0
Ten Years of PubMed Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of ......
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of ...
wn.com/Ten Years Of Pubmed Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of ...
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
El sistema de búsqueda PubMed es un proyecto desarrollado por la National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) en la Nat...
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
El sistema de búsqueda PubMed es un proyecto desarrollado por la National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) en la National Library of Medicine (NLM). Permite el acceso a bases de datos bibliográficas compiladas por la NLM: MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE (citas enviadas por los editores), Genbak y Complete Genoma. Medline contiene subbases: AIDS, Bioethics, Cancer, Complementary Medicine, Core Clinical Journals, Dental Journals, Nursing Journals, PubMed Central que podemos consultarlas individualmente pulsando la opción Limits y seleccionar Subsets.
MEDLINE es la base de datos más importante de la NLM abarcando los campos de la medicina, oncología, enfermería, odontología, veterinaria, salud pública y ciencias preclínicas. Actualmente contiene más de 15 millones de referencias bibliográficas de artículos de revistas desde el año 1960, provenientes de 4800 revistas internacionales de ciencias de la salud (datos 2006).
PubMed dispone de varias modalidades de búsqueda. En la pantalla de inicio podemos buscar por términos, frases, autores etc. Los límites (Limits), permiten acotar la búsqueda por tipo de documentos, idiomas, edad, etc. La opción de índices (Index) visualiza los términos presentes en los diferentes índices: descriptor (MeSH), autor, palabra del título o resumen, revista etc. También podemos optar por consultar directamente el descriptor pulsando en el menú MeSH Database¸ consultar una revista en Journal Database. Resulta de gran utilidad para las búsquedas de información clínica el filtro metodológico CLINICAL QUERIES, elaborado con una metodología de MBE, poniendo el énfasis en la terapia, diagnóstico, etiología o pronóstico o localizar revisiones sistemáticas o meta-análisis.
En 1996 se creó PREMEDLINE, una base de datos que suministra datos básicos y resúmenes antes de que se añadan todos los campos en los registros completos y sean incorporados a Medline. Diariamente se introducen nuevos registros en Premedline. Cada registro recibe un número de identificación PMID. Una vez que se les incorpore los términos MeSH y otros datos de la indización, se suprimen de Premedline y se incorporan en Medline.
¿Cómo iniciar una búsqueda en PubMed?
Para iniciar la búsqueda en PubMed, introduzca el término o frase en el cuadro de búsqueda y pulse el botón Go o la tecla enter. Si el término está compuesto por más de una palabra (ej. HIV Seropositivy), PubMed automáticamente combina mediante el operador lógico (AND) los términos introducidos utilizando el sistema de mapeo automático de términos (véase al final del documento "Mapeo automático de términos"). Por el contrario, si lo que deseamos es buscar una frase, debemos escribirla entre comillas (ej. "rheumatic diseases").
Podemos modificar nuestra estrategia de búsqueda añadiendo o eliminando términos en el cuadro de búsqueda, combinar términos mediante los operadores lógicos o booleanos (AND, OR, NOT) y truncar términos.
¿Cómo se presentan las referencias?
Las referencias se presentan con unas etiquetas que nos indican el estado del proceso de esa cita. La mayoría de las referencias suelen publicarse como “Publisher”, posteriormente se encuentran “in process” y una vez adjudicados los términos de indización se convierten en un registro MEDLINE. Las suministradas por el editor [PubMed - as supplied by publisher], pueden encontrarse en formato electrónico [Epub ahead of print], una vez que se publiquen en formato impreso la referencia se modifica apareciendo los datos de la edición impresa, seguida de la electrónica Epub.
¿Cómo utilizar los Operadores booleanos?
Nos van a permitir combinar (AND), sumar (OR) o excluir (NOT) términos.
Intersección (AND) - recupera solo aquellas citas que contengan los términos.
Ej.: "rheumatic diseases" AND pregnancy
Unión (OR) - recupera citas que contengan los dos términos, o al menos uno de ellos
Ej.: fever OR hyperthermia
Exclusión (NOT) - excluye las citas que contengan el término
Ej.: Hypertension NOT pulmonary
Importante: Los operadores booleanos AND, OR, NOT deben escribirse en mayúscula, ejemplo: fever OR hyperthermia, o bien FEVER OR HYPERTHERMIA.
He creado este vídeo con el Editor de vídeo de YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor).
wn.com/Tutorial Pubmed En Español 2014
Tutorial Pubmed en Español 2014
El sistema de búsqueda PubMed es un proyecto desarrollado por la National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) en la National Library of Medicine (NLM). Permite el acceso a bases de datos bibliográficas compiladas por la NLM: MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE (citas enviadas por los editores), Genbak y Complete Genoma. Medline contiene subbases: AIDS, Bioethics, Cancer, Complementary Medicine, Core Clinical Journals, Dental Journals, Nursing Journals, PubMed Central que podemos consultarlas individualmente pulsando la opción Limits y seleccionar Subsets.
MEDLINE es la base de datos más importante de la NLM abarcando los campos de la medicina, oncología, enfermería, odontología, veterinaria, salud pública y ciencias preclínicas. Actualmente contiene más de 15 millones de referencias bibliográficas de artículos de revistas desde el año 1960, provenientes de 4800 revistas internacionales de ciencias de la salud (datos 2006).
PubMed dispone de varias modalidades de búsqueda. En la pantalla de inicio podemos buscar por términos, frases, autores etc. Los límites (Limits), permiten acotar la búsqueda por tipo de documentos, idiomas, edad, etc. La opción de índices (Index) visualiza los términos presentes en los diferentes índices: descriptor (MeSH), autor, palabra del título o resumen, revista etc. También podemos optar por consultar directamente el descriptor pulsando en el menú MeSH Database¸ consultar una revista en Journal Database. Resulta de gran utilidad para las búsquedas de información clínica el filtro metodológico CLINICAL QUERIES, elaborado con una metodología de MBE, poniendo el énfasis en la terapia, diagnóstico, etiología o pronóstico o localizar revisiones sistemáticas o meta-análisis.
En 1996 se creó PREMEDLINE, una base de datos que suministra datos básicos y resúmenes antes de que se añadan todos los campos en los registros completos y sean incorporados a Medline. Diariamente se introducen nuevos registros en Premedline. Cada registro recibe un número de identificación PMID. Una vez que se les incorpore los términos MeSH y otros datos de la indización, se suprimen de Premedline y se incorporan en Medline.
¿Cómo iniciar una búsqueda en PubMed?
Para iniciar la búsqueda en PubMed, introduzca el término o frase en el cuadro de búsqueda y pulse el botón Go o la tecla enter. Si el término está compuesto por más de una palabra (ej. HIV Seropositivy), PubMed automáticamente combina mediante el operador lógico (AND) los términos introducidos utilizando el sistema de mapeo automático de términos (véase al final del documento "Mapeo automático de términos"). Por el contrario, si lo que deseamos es buscar una frase, debemos escribirla entre comillas (ej. "rheumatic diseases").
Podemos modificar nuestra estrategia de búsqueda añadiendo o eliminando términos en el cuadro de búsqueda, combinar términos mediante los operadores lógicos o booleanos (AND, OR, NOT) y truncar términos.
¿Cómo se presentan las referencias?
Las referencias se presentan con unas etiquetas que nos indican el estado del proceso de esa cita. La mayoría de las referencias suelen publicarse como “Publisher”, posteriormente se encuentran “in process” y una vez adjudicados los términos de indización se convierten en un registro MEDLINE. Las suministradas por el editor [PubMed - as supplied by publisher], pueden encontrarse en formato electrónico [Epub ahead of print], una vez que se publiquen en formato impreso la referencia se modifica apareciendo los datos de la edición impresa, seguida de la electrónica Epub.
¿Cómo utilizar los Operadores booleanos?
Nos van a permitir combinar (AND), sumar (OR) o excluir (NOT) términos.
Intersección (AND) - recupera solo aquellas citas que contengan los términos.
Ej.: "rheumatic diseases" AND pregnancy
Unión (OR) - recupera citas que contengan los dos términos, o al menos uno de ellos
Ej.: fever OR hyperthermia
Exclusión (NOT) - excluye las citas que contengan el término
Ej.: Hypertension NOT pulmonary
Importante: Los operadores booleanos AND, OR, NOT deben escribirse en mayúscula, ejemplo: fever OR hyperthermia, o bien FEVER OR HYPERTHERMIA.
He creado este vídeo con el Editor de vídeo de YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor).
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 1600
UK PubMed Central: the resource of choice for the UK's biomedical and health research community
Dr Ingo Schiessl and Dr Stuart Allan, research scienitists and lecturers at the University of Manchester, meet to discuss the merits of using UK PubMed Centr......
Dr Ingo Schiessl and Dr Stuart Allan, research scienitists and lecturers at the University of Manchester, meet to discuss the merits of using UK PubMed Centr...
wn.com/UK Pubmed Central The Resource Of Choice For The Uk's Biomedical And Health Research Community
Dr Ingo Schiessl and Dr Stuart Allan, research scienitists and lecturers at the University of Manchester, meet to discuss the merits of using UK PubMed Centr...
- published: 25 Aug 2010
- views: 1913
author: UKPMC
Webinar: NCBI and the NIH Public Access Policy
Subtitle: PubMed Central Submissions, My NCBI, My Bibliography
and SciENcv (March 5, 2015).
Visit us at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/education/webinars...
Subtitle: PubMed Central Submissions, My NCBI, My Bibliography
and SciENcv (March 5, 2015).
Visit us at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/education/webinars
wn.com/Webinar Ncbi And The Nih Public Access Policy
Subtitle: PubMed Central Submissions, My NCBI, My Bibliography
and SciENcv (March 5, 2015).
Visit us at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/education/webinars
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 239
Europe PubMed Central and Linked Data@Biohackathon2015
Original website http://togotv.dbcls.jp/ja/20151216.html
DBCLS BioHackathon 2015 was held at the Nagasaki University and the Luke Plaza Hotel in Nagasaki, Japa...
Original website http://togotv.dbcls.jp/ja/20151216.html
DBCLS BioHackathon 2015 was held at the Nagasaki University and the Luke Plaza Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan.
Public symposium of the BioHackathon 2015 will be held at the Ryojun Kaikan, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, on Sep 13 (Sun).
In this talk, Jee-Hyub Kim (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK) makes a presentation entitled "Europe PubMed Central and Linked Data". (10:36)
wn.com/Europe Pubmed Central And Linked Data Biohackathon2015
Original website http://togotv.dbcls.jp/ja/20151216.html
DBCLS BioHackathon 2015 was held at the Nagasaki University and the Luke Plaza Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan.
Public symposium of the BioHackathon 2015 will be held at the Ryojun Kaikan, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, on Sep 13 (Sun).
In this talk, Jee-Hyub Kim (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK) makes a presentation entitled "Europe PubMed Central and Linked Data". (10:36)
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 8
Europe PubMed Central Expanding access to publicly funded research Anna Kinsey
Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is a unique, free information resource for life sciences researchers, backed by a growing number of European funder...
Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is a unique, free information resource for life sciences researchers, backed by a growing number of European funders, who expect their grantholders to make their published research available to the widest possible audience. It enables anyone with internet access the ability to search and discover over 26 million abstracts and full-text articles from around the world. Europe PMC (formerly UK PubMed Central) launched its new site (europepmc.org) on November 1st 2012.
An important objective of Europe PMC is an ongoing development programme enabling incorporation of advanced technologies, which meet the specific requirements of the research community. These include additional content and fully navigable search results. Text mining enriches the way that users navigate literature and allows seamless discovery of gene, protein, chemical and other database resources. Text mining technologies are also being developed in an experimental setting within the Europe PMC labs site; for example, EvidenceFinder provides a new approach to discover interesting facts, relationships and patterns across a large number of articles.
Europe PMC utilises various methods to engage with global users including user demonstrations and social media, as well as providing primary stakeholders with resources to engage with their own communities.
Europe PMC is supported by 19 funders of life sciences research, including charities and government organisations, led by the Wellcome Trust, and joined most recently by the European Research Council. The partner organizations who deliver Europe PMC are the European Bioinformatics Institute, the University of Manchester, and the British Library.
wn.com/Europe Pubmed Central Expanding Access To Publicly Funded Research Anna Kinsey
Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is a unique, free information resource for life sciences researchers, backed by a growing number of European funders, who expect their grantholders to make their published research available to the widest possible audience. It enables anyone with internet access the ability to search and discover over 26 million abstracts and full-text articles from around the world. Europe PMC (formerly UK PubMed Central) launched its new site (europepmc.org) on November 1st 2012.
An important objective of Europe PMC is an ongoing development programme enabling incorporation of advanced technologies, which meet the specific requirements of the research community. These include additional content and fully navigable search results. Text mining enriches the way that users navigate literature and allows seamless discovery of gene, protein, chemical and other database resources. Text mining technologies are also being developed in an experimental setting within the Europe PMC labs site; for example, EvidenceFinder provides a new approach to discover interesting facts, relationships and patterns across a large number of articles.
Europe PMC utilises various methods to engage with global users including user demonstrations and social media, as well as providing primary stakeholders with resources to engage with their own communities.
Europe PMC is supported by 19 funders of life sciences research, including charities and government organisations, led by the Wellcome Trust, and joined most recently by the European Research Council. The partner organizations who deliver Europe PMC are the European Bioinformatics Institute, the University of Manchester, and the British Library.
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 90
本家はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20130522.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ7,......
本家はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20130522.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ7,...
本家はこちら http://togotv.dbcls.jp/20130522.html#p01 PubMedは米国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)が維持・管理している文献情報データベースで、2010年4月でおよそ 2000万件の文献情報を提供しており、検索が月におよそ7,...
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 138
author: togotv
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe PubMed Central -- Lucia Monaco
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe pubmed Central -- Lucia Monaco, Fondazione Telethon....
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe pubmed Central -- Lucia Monaco, Fondazione Telethon.
wn.com/Open Access To Telethon Publications In The Framework Of Europe Pubmed Central Lucia Monaco
Open access to Telethon publications in the framework of Europe pubmed Central -- Lucia Monaco, Fondazione Telethon.
Bilimsel dergilerde yayımlanan makalemizi nasıl bulacağız ? Pubmed, SCI, SCI-E, GOOGLE SCHOLAR
How to find our article published in a scientific journal ?
Merhaba Dostlar,
Günümüzde, tıbbi dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm makalelerin literatürde taraması için...
How to find our article published in a scientific journal ?
Merhaba Dostlar,
Günümüzde, tıbbi dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm makalelerin literatürde taraması için en geçerli yol internette tarama yapılmasıdır.
“United States National Library of Medicine” (www.nlm.nih.gov) portalı aracılığıyla, arama motoru olan “MEDLINE/PubMed” (www.
pubmed.gov), “Pub-Med Central” (www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov)
ve “LocatorPlus” (www.locatorplus.gov) gibi sitelere ulaşılabilir.
“MEDLINE/PubMed” sitesinin arama motoruyla, 1950 yılından başlayarak Index Medicus’ta dizinlenen dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm yayınların özetlerine ulaşılabilir.
“PubMed Central” sitesinde daha kapsamlı medline taraması yapılabilmekte, “LocatorPlus” sitesi ile de süreli yayınlar dışında, kitaplara ve işitsel ve görsel materyallere ulaşılabilmektedir. “ClinMed NetPrints” (http://clinmed.netprints.org) sitesinde
ise henüz yayımlanmamış çalışmalara ulaşılabilmektedir.
“Science Direct = WEB of SCIENCE)” (www.sciencedirect.com) sitelerine üyelikle pek çok dergideki makalelerin tam metinlerine
ulaşılabilir. Uluslararası internet sitelerinin yanı sıra ulusal siteler ile (“www.ulakbim.gov.tr”, “www.turkishmedline.com” gibi) de hem
yabancı hem de ulusal yayınlara ulaşmak olasıdır.
Literatür tararken hedef, konu ile ilgili 15-20 makalenin bulunmasıdır. Konuyla ilişkili en önemli makaleler seçilmeli ve son 5-10 yıl içindeki güncel yayınlar tercih edilmelidir. Daha eski yayınlar genelde değişen tedavi ve teknolojik seçenekleri vurgulamak için tercih edilmelidir.
Yalnızca özetler değil yazılı metinlerin tamamına ulaşılmalı, literatür taranırken, gözden kaçmış olan yayınlar için seçilen yayınların referansları da göz önüne alınmalıdır.
Daha fazlası için YORUMLARINIZI bekliyorum..
wn.com/Bilimsel Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makalemizi Nasıl Bulacağız Pubmed, Sci, Sci E, Google Scholar
How to find our article published in a scientific journal ?
Merhaba Dostlar,
Günümüzde, tıbbi dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm makalelerin literatürde taraması için en geçerli yol internette tarama yapılmasıdır.
“United States National Library of Medicine” (www.nlm.nih.gov) portalı aracılığıyla, arama motoru olan “MEDLINE/PubMed” (www.
pubmed.gov), “Pub-Med Central” (www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov)
ve “LocatorPlus” (www.locatorplus.gov) gibi sitelere ulaşılabilir.
“MEDLINE/PubMed” sitesinin arama motoruyla, 1950 yılından başlayarak Index Medicus’ta dizinlenen dergilerde yayımlanmış tüm yayınların özetlerine ulaşılabilir.
“PubMed Central” sitesinde daha kapsamlı medline taraması yapılabilmekte, “LocatorPlus” sitesi ile de süreli yayınlar dışında, kitaplara ve işitsel ve görsel materyallere ulaşılabilmektedir. “ClinMed NetPrints” (http://clinmed.netprints.org) sitesinde
ise henüz yayımlanmamış çalışmalara ulaşılabilmektedir.
“Science Direct = WEB of SCIENCE)” (www.sciencedirect.com) sitelerine üyelikle pek çok dergideki makalelerin tam metinlerine
ulaşılabilir. Uluslararası internet sitelerinin yanı sıra ulusal siteler ile (“www.ulakbim.gov.tr”, “www.turkishmedline.com” gibi) de hem
yabancı hem de ulusal yayınlara ulaşmak olasıdır.
Literatür tararken hedef, konu ile ilgili 15-20 makalenin bulunmasıdır. Konuyla ilişkili en önemli makaleler seçilmeli ve son 5-10 yıl içindeki güncel yayınlar tercih edilmelidir. Daha eski yayınlar genelde değişen tedavi ve teknolojik seçenekleri vurgulamak için tercih edilmelidir.
Yalnızca özetler değil yazılı metinlerin tamamına ulaşılmalı, literatür taranırken, gözden kaçmış olan yayınlar için seçilen yayınların referansları da göz önüne alınmalıdır.
Daha fazlası için YORUMLARINIZI bekliyorum..
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 14
umh1342 2013-14 U12.10 La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1fHl1ZL La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central. Asignatura: Documentación ......
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1fHl1ZL La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central. Asignatura: Documentación ...
wn.com/Umh1342 2013 14 U12.10 La Recuperación De Los Documentos Primarios Pubmed Central
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1fHl1ZL La recuperación de los documentos primarios PubMed Central. Asignatura: Documentación ...
PubMed Literature Database
http://www.abnova.com ) - PubMed is a free literature database which comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life ......
http://www.abnova.com ) - PubMed is a free literature database which comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life ...
wn.com/Pubmed Literature Database
http://www.abnova.com ) - PubMed is a free literature database which comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life ...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 368
author: Abnova
UK Pub Med Central
UK PubMed Central (www.ukpmc.ac.uk) is a UK free archive of life sciences journals developed by the National Institutes of Health National Centre for Biotechnol...
UK PubMed Central (www.ukpmc.ac.uk) is a UK free archive of life sciences journals developed by the National Institutes of Health National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). NCBI is based at the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Read more on PubMed Centrals international initiative here: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/about/pmci.html
Business & IP Centre is a gateway to help start, run and grow your business.
Visit: http://www.bl.uk/bipc/
wn.com/UK Pub Med Central
UK PubMed Central (www.ukpmc.ac.uk) is a UK free archive of life sciences journals developed by the National Institutes of Health National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). NCBI is based at the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Read more on PubMed Centrals international initiative here: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/about/pmci.html
Business & IP Centre is a gateway to help start, run and grow your business.
Visit: http://www.bl.uk/bipc/
- published: 08 Jan 2010
- views: 704
Ten Years of Pub Med Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Med...
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine, gives an overview of the past, present, and future of the National Institutes of Health's archive of biomedical research articles. On its 10th anniversary, PubMed Central is one of the world's largest archives of freely accessible full-text journal articles. Its launch in February 2000 marked a major step toward providing greater access to the results of publicly funded research.
Date: February 23, 2010
Sponsor: Columbia University Scholarly Communication Program
Cosponsor: Mailman School of Public Health
wn.com/Ten Years Of Pub Med Central
What can researchers expect next from PubMed Central? David Lipman, Director of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine, gives an overview of the past, present, and future of the National Institutes of Health's archive of biomedical research articles. On its 10th anniversary, PubMed Central is one of the world's largest archives of freely accessible full-text journal articles. Its launch in February 2000 marked a major step toward providing greater access to the results of publicly funded research.
Date: February 23, 2010
Sponsor: Columbia University Scholarly Communication Program
Cosponsor: Mailman School of Public Health
- published: 03 Aug 2010
- views: 520
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
NIH Journal Methods
This video explains the 4 basic methods that journals use for submitting articles to PubMed Central (PMC).
Adolesence Presentation
Elias, M. J. (2006). The connection between academic and social-emotional learning. In M. J. Elias & H. Arnold (Eds.), The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: Social-emotional learning in the classroom (pp. 4-14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Nihgov. (2015). PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved 28 April, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC153192
umh0002PD Bases de la Investigación Científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed. Documentos primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1ke6ep6
Bases de la investigación científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed: La recuperación de los documentos primarios. PubMed Central.
Estudios de Doctorado.
Enrique Perdiguero Gil.
10.- Cómo utilizar PubMed. La recuperación de los documentos primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1dCvLb1
PubMed nos permite en muchas ocasiones obtener el texto completo de los artículos que no interesan. Va a depender de las suscripciones a revistas que tenga la institución desde la que usamos PubMed y de la disponibilidad en Open Access de los artículos. Muchos de los artículos de PubMed están disponibles en el repositorio abie
Access to Understanding 2013
Competition entrants were challenged to summarise a cutting-edge research article for a non-specialist audience. Entries were based on articles selected by t...
Tutorial PMC
Video tutorial de búsqueda en PubMed Central para la página web de bases de datos.
Awardee Task
What the policy applies to • An overview of ways to post papers to PubMed Central • How to report compliance to NIH.
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell....
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell....
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
Ticau S, Friedman LJ, Ivica NA, Gelles J, Bell SP. Single-molecule studies of
origin licensing reveal mechanisms ensuring bidirectional helicase loading. Cell.
2015 Apr 23;161(3):513-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
PubMed PMID: 25892223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4445235.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 1
NIH Journal Methods
This video explains the 4 basic methods that journals use for submitting articles to PubMed Central (PMC)....
This video explains the 4 basic methods that journals use for submitting articles to PubMed Central (PMC).
wn.com/Nih Journal Methods
This video explains the 4 basic methods that journals use for submitting articles to PubMed Central (PMC).
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 6
Adolesence Presentation
Elias, M. J. (2006). The connection between academic and social-emotional learning. In M. J. Elias & H. Arnold (Eds.), The educator's guide to emotional intelli...
Elias, M. J. (2006). The connection between academic and social-emotional learning. In M. J. Elias & H. Arnold (Eds.), The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: Social-emotional learning in the classroom (pp. 4-14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Nihgov. (2015). PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved 28 April, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1531923/?page=2
Sydneyeduau. (2015). Sydneyeduau. Retrieved 28 April, 2015, from http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/psychiatry/workshops/presentations/cbt.pdf
White, R., & Wright, D. (1998). Addiction Intervention. Retrieved 20 April 2015, from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr;=&id;=ITjKAgAAQBAJ&oi;=fnd&pg;=PA87&dq;=adolescent+intervention+strategies&ots;=ccaf7GW6A3&sig;=KZNG7Pk1Jv_g1ZyHpAuUcs4LdNM#v=onepage&q;=adolescent%20intervention%20strategies&f;=false
wn.com/Adolesence Presentation
Elias, M. J. (2006). The connection between academic and social-emotional learning. In M. J. Elias & H. Arnold (Eds.), The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: Social-emotional learning in the classroom (pp. 4-14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Nihgov. (2015). PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved 28 April, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1531923/?page=2
Sydneyeduau. (2015). Sydneyeduau. Retrieved 28 April, 2015, from http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/psychiatry/workshops/presentations/cbt.pdf
White, R., & Wright, D. (1998). Addiction Intervention. Retrieved 20 April 2015, from http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr;=&id;=ITjKAgAAQBAJ&oi;=fnd&pg;=PA87&dq;=adolescent+intervention+strategies&ots;=ccaf7GW6A3&sig;=KZNG7Pk1Jv_g1ZyHpAuUcs4LdNM#v=onepage&q;=adolescent%20intervention%20strategies&f;=false
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 2
umh0002PD Bases de la Investigación Científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed. Documentos primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1ke6ep6
Bases de la investigación científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed: La recuperación de los documento...
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1ke6ep6
Bases de la investigación científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed: La recuperación de los documentos primarios. PubMed Central.
Estudios de Doctorado.
Enrique Perdiguero Gil.
wn.com/Umh0002Pd Bases De La Investigación Científica. U3.6.1.10 Pubmed. Documentos Primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1ke6ep6
Bases de la investigación científica. U3.6.1.10 PubMed: La recuperación de los documentos primarios. PubMed Central.
Estudios de Doctorado.
Enrique Perdiguero Gil.
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 3
10.- Cómo utilizar PubMed. La recuperación de los documentos primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1dCvLb1
PubMed nos permite en muchas ocasiones obtener el texto completo de los artículos que no...
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1dCvLb1
PubMed nos permite en muchas ocasiones obtener el texto completo de los artículos que no interesan. Va a depender de las suscripciones a revistas que tenga la institución desde la que usamos PubMed y de la disponibilidad en Open Access de los artículos. Muchos de los artículos de PubMed están disponibles en el repositorio abierto PubMed Central.
wn.com/10. Cómo Utilizar Pubmed. La Recuperación De Los Documentos Primarios
Más vídeos de la colección en el siguiente link: http://bit.ly/1dCvLb1
PubMed nos permite en muchas ocasiones obtener el texto completo de los artículos que no interesan. Va a depender de las suscripciones a revistas que tenga la institución desde la que usamos PubMed y de la disponibilidad en Open Access de los artículos. Muchos de los artículos de PubMed están disponibles en el repositorio abierto PubMed Central.
- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 10
Access to Understanding 2013
Competition entrants were challenged to summarise a cutting-edge research article for a non-specialist audience. Entries were based on articles selected by t......
Competition entrants were challenged to summarise a cutting-edge research article for a non-specialist audience. Entries were based on articles selected by t...
wn.com/Access To Understanding 2013
Competition entrants were challenged to summarise a cutting-edge research article for a non-specialist audience. Entries were based on articles selected by t...
- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 222
author: EuropePMC
Tutorial PMC
Video tutorial de búsqueda en PubMed Central para la página web de bases de datos....
Video tutorial de búsqueda en PubMed Central para la página web de bases de datos.
wn.com/Tutorial Pmc
Video tutorial de búsqueda en PubMed Central para la página web de bases de datos.
- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 17
author: ztranger9
Awardee Task
What the policy applies to • An overview of ways to post papers to PubMed Central • How to report compliance to NIH....
What the policy applies to • An overview of ways to post papers to PubMed Central • How to report compliance to NIH.
wn.com/Awardee Task
What the policy applies to • An overview of ways to post papers to PubMed Central • How to report compliance to NIH.
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 2009
author: NIH Grants
New Positive Effects of Ginkgo Biloba on Vitiligo
Nathalie speaks with Dr. Orest Szczurko, from the Noumena Naturopathic Health & Wellness Centre in Toronto, Canada, about his clinical trials testing the res...
UCLA Biomedical Library - NIH Public Access Policy: How to Comply
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced that it would delay processing of renewals to PIs who are not in compliance with the NIH Public Ac...
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (dt.)
Sharon F. Terry ist Vorsitzende und CEO von Genetic Alliance, ein Netzwerk von mehr als 10.000 Organisationen, darunter 1.200 Interessenorganisationen zu bes...
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (it.)
Sharon F. Terry è presidente e CEO of Genetic Alliance, una rete che conta più di 10.000 organizzazioni, 1.200 delle quali sono organizzazioni a sostegno di ...
Mark Davies (EMBL - EBI): SureChEMBL -- Open Patent Data
Historically the cost of access to structured chemical data extracted from patents has been prohibitively high to many researchers working in the field of Dr...
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (engl.)
Sharon F. Terry is President and CEO of Genetic Alliance, a network of more than 10000 organizations, of which 1200 are disease advocacy organizations. Gen...
Webinar: Pubmed for Scientists
Presented November 12, 2015. In this Webinar designed for scientists you will learn to more efficiently search by author; explore a subject; use filters to narrow your search; find the full text article; and set up an e-mail alert for new research on your topic. Includes an informative question and answer period.
For video updates, subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Christopher Southan: Synergies between ChemAxon's chemicalize and other open resources
Evaluation of chemicalize.org indicates it not only complements and benchmarks commercial patent databases but also for academic groups interested in interro...
Búsqueda avanzada en PubMed
OpenWorm Journal Club: How A Neuron Talks To A Muscle
What makes a muscle cell decide to squeeze? Today we'll look at a paper that talks about the connection between a muscle cell in the worm and neurons that talk to it.
Specifically, we'll be talking about a paper describing the neuromuscular synapse of a c. elegans. Paper link is:
Webinar: Locus of Control: Are You in Control of Your Simulations?
How the central nervous system coordinates muscles during normal and abnormal movement to achieve a behavioral task is an open question and computer simulation is a vital tool for providing answers. This presentation given by Jeff Reinbolt (University of Tennessee) and Misagh Mansouri (University of Pittsburgh) describes the MATLAB/Simulink interface they have developed to connect with the open-s
PCRF Journal Club: 7/20/15 - The Compensatory Reserve
For this webinar, we were very excited to have Dr. Victor A. Convertino join us for a discussion of his research on the Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI), a machine model that detects and trends central blood volume reduction in real time and permits a more specific picture of blood loss than traditional vital signs.
This study, entitled "Individual-Specific, Beat-to-Beat Trending of Significant
El Glutation y la Riboceina- Dr. Reimundo Llanes
Visite: http://www.glutationriboceina.com/ Dr. Reimundo Llanes El Glutation y la Riboceina. ! El Descubrimiento Científico Para La Salud Mas Importante Del M...
PubMed® For Librarians - Introduction (June 9, 2015)
This is a recording of a synchronous online session that included hands-on exercises. Watch this video to learn about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE, how to run a PubMed search, assess your search retrieval, analyze search details, customize with My NCBI, discover and employ three ways to search for a known citation and use the Clinical Queries search tool.
This program brought to you by the Letter P
Over the next few months we will add to our Database of the Month webinars, a look at some resources that only go together alphabetically. You may not have c...
Workshop 3 - Search Pubmed - Advanced search, filters, clinical trials (Session in Portuguese)
Workshop para utlização de ferramentas para pesquisa da literatura científica da área da saúde.
Dr. Tami Mergalia: Testosterone Supplementation, Skinny Fat, & Adrenal Fatigue - #206
Why you should listen:
Dr. Tami Mergalia comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss adrenal fatigue, the importance of your circadian rhythm, what it means to be skinny fat, and the pros and cons of testosterone supplementation. Enjoy the show!
Dr. Tami Mergalia is a double board certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine, Integrative & Natural Medicine, and the owner of Vitality Medical Clinic in Seat
cybermikan about inedia (breatharianism)
Prevođenje snimka platio Miroslav Kiš Cybermikan http://www.cybermikan-sungazing.org For more informations about pineal gland and long living (for several hu...
Run From The Cure Full Length Version
A Film By Christian Laurette - After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal cannabis oil. When Rick discovered that the cannabis oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C. and C.B.D) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge - curing and controlling literally hund
Lecture capture at The University of Manchester. Opting (-out) to enhance the student experience
Presented by Professor Richard J. Reece
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Students
The University of Manchester is a large, comprehensive research-intensive institution that currently has over 36,000 students on campus and 6,400 staff, including 2,200 academics. Disciplines across the University range from anthropology to zoology, and almost everything else in between. Teaching
New Positive Effects of Ginkgo Biloba on Vitiligo
Nathalie speaks with Dr. Orest Szczurko, from the Noumena Naturopathic Health & Wellness Centre in Toronto, Canada, about his clinical trials testing the res......
Nathalie speaks with Dr. Orest Szczurko, from the Noumena Naturopathic Health & Wellness Centre in Toronto, Canada, about his clinical trials testing the res...
wn.com/New Positive Effects Of Ginkgo Biloba On Vitiligo
Nathalie speaks with Dr. Orest Szczurko, from the Noumena Naturopathic Health & Wellness Centre in Toronto, Canada, about his clinical trials testing the res...
UCLA Biomedical Library - NIH Public Access Policy: How to Comply
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced that it would delay processing of renewals to PIs who are not in compliance with the NIH Public Ac......
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced that it would delay processing of renewals to PIs who are not in compliance with the NIH Public Ac...
wn.com/Ucla Biomedical Library Nih Public Access Policy How To Comply
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced that it would delay processing of renewals to PIs who are not in compliance with the NIH Public Ac...
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (dt.)
Sharon F. Terry ist Vorsitzende und CEO von Genetic Alliance, ein Netzwerk von mehr als 10.000 Organisationen, darunter 1.200 Interessenorganisationen zu bes......
Sharon F. Terry ist Vorsitzende und CEO von Genetic Alliance, ein Netzwerk von mehr als 10.000 Organisationen, darunter 1.200 Interessenorganisationen zu bes...
wn.com/Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (Dt.)
Sharon F. Terry ist Vorsitzende und CEO von Genetic Alliance, ein Netzwerk von mehr als 10.000 Organisationen, darunter 1.200 Interessenorganisationen zu bes...
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 45
author: ceberlin
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (it.)
Sharon F. Terry è presidente e CEO of Genetic Alliance, una rete che conta più di 10.000 organizzazioni, 1.200 delle quali sono organizzazioni a sostegno di ......
Sharon F. Terry è presidente e CEO of Genetic Alliance, una rete che conta più di 10.000 organizzazioni, 1.200 delle quali sono organizzazioni a sostegno di ...
wn.com/Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (It.)
Sharon F. Terry è presidente e CEO of Genetic Alliance, una rete che conta più di 10.000 organizzazioni, 1.200 delle quali sono organizzazioni a sostegno di ...
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 38
author: ceberlin
Mark Davies (EMBL - EBI): SureChEMBL -- Open Patent Data
Historically the cost of access to structured chemical data extracted from patents has been prohibitively high to many researchers working in the field of Dr......
Historically the cost of access to structured chemical data extracted from patents has been prohibitively high to many researchers working in the field of Dr...
wn.com/Mark Davies (Embl Ebi) Surechembl Open Patent Data
Historically the cost of access to structured chemical data extracted from patents has been prohibitively high to many researchers working in the field of Dr...
- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 27
author: Chem Axon
Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (engl.)
Sharon F. Terry is President and CEO of Genetic Alliance, a network of more than 10000 organizations, of which 1200 are disease advocacy organizations. Gen......
Sharon F. Terry is President and CEO of Genetic Alliance, a network of more than 10000 organizations, of which 1200 are disease advocacy organizations. Gen...
wn.com/Interview Sharon Terry, Berlin, 06.05.2014 (Engl.)
Sharon F. Terry is President and CEO of Genetic Alliance, a network of more than 10000 organizations, of which 1200 are disease advocacy organizations. Gen...
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 350
author: ceberlin
Webinar: Pubmed for Scientists
Presented November 12, 2015. In this Webinar designed for scientists you will learn to more efficiently search by author; explore a subject; use filters to narr...
Presented November 12, 2015. In this Webinar designed for scientists you will learn to more efficiently search by author; explore a subject; use filters to narrow your search; find the full text article; and set up an e-mail alert for new research on your topic. Includes an informative question and answer period.
For video updates, subscribe to our YouTube channel:
wn.com/Webinar Pubmed For Scientists
Presented November 12, 2015. In this Webinar designed for scientists you will learn to more efficiently search by author; explore a subject; use filters to narrow your search; find the full text article; and set up an e-mail alert for new research on your topic. Includes an informative question and answer period.
For video updates, subscribe to our YouTube channel:
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 156
Christopher Southan: Synergies between ChemAxon's chemicalize and other open resources
Evaluation of chemicalize.org indicates it not only complements and benchmarks commercial patent databases but also for academic groups interested in interro......
Evaluation of chemicalize.org indicates it not only complements and benchmarks commercial patent databases but also for academic groups interested in interro...
wn.com/Christopher Southan Synergies Between Chemaxon's Chemicalize And Other Open Resources
Evaluation of chemicalize.org indicates it not only complements and benchmarks commercial patent databases but also for academic groups interested in interro...
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 171
author: Chem Axon
OpenWorm Journal Club: How A Neuron Talks To A Muscle
What makes a muscle cell decide to squeeze? Today we'll look at a paper that talks about the connection between a muscle cell in the worm and neurons that talk...
What makes a muscle cell decide to squeeze? Today we'll look at a paper that talks about the connection between a muscle cell in the worm and neurons that talk to it.
Specifically, we'll be talking about a paper describing the neuromuscular synapse of a c. elegans. Paper link is:
wn.com/Openworm Journal Club How A Neuron Talks To A Muscle
What makes a muscle cell decide to squeeze? Today we'll look at a paper that talks about the connection between a muscle cell in the worm and neurons that talk to it.
Specifically, we'll be talking about a paper describing the neuromuscular synapse of a c. elegans. Paper link is:
- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 30
Webinar: Locus of Control: Are You in Control of Your Simulations?
How the central nervous system coordinates muscles during normal and abnormal movement to achieve a behavioral task is an open question and computer simulation ...
How the central nervous system coordinates muscles during normal and abnormal movement to achieve a behavioral task is an open question and computer simulation is a vital tool for providing answers. This presentation given by Jeff Reinbolt (University of Tennessee) and Misagh Mansouri (University of Pittsburgh) describes the MATLAB/Simulink interface they have developed to connect with the open-source neuromusculoskeletal simulation software OpenSim, enabling rapid model-based design of control algorithms for the neuromusculoskeletal system.
To learn more about the interface, check out the article "A platform for dynamic simulation and control of movement based on OpenSim and MATLAB" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22464351). To learn more about the research being done in the Reinbolt lab, visit http://rrg.utk.edu. The website for the interface is https://simtk.org/home/opensim-matlab.
wn.com/Webinar Locus Of Control Are You In Control Of Your Simulations
How the central nervous system coordinates muscles during normal and abnormal movement to achieve a behavioral task is an open question and computer simulation is a vital tool for providing answers. This presentation given by Jeff Reinbolt (University of Tennessee) and Misagh Mansouri (University of Pittsburgh) describes the MATLAB/Simulink interface they have developed to connect with the open-source neuromusculoskeletal simulation software OpenSim, enabling rapid model-based design of control algorithms for the neuromusculoskeletal system.
To learn more about the interface, check out the article "A platform for dynamic simulation and control of movement based on OpenSim and MATLAB" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22464351). To learn more about the research being done in the Reinbolt lab, visit http://rrg.utk.edu. The website for the interface is https://simtk.org/home/opensim-matlab.
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 59
PCRF Journal Club: 7/20/15 - The Compensatory Reserve
For this webinar, we were very excited to have Dr. Victor A. Convertino join us for a discussion of his research on the Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI), a mach...
For this webinar, we were very excited to have Dr. Victor A. Convertino join us for a discussion of his research on the Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI), a machine model that detects and trends central blood volume reduction in real time and permits a more specific picture of blood loss than traditional vital signs.
This study, entitled "Individual-Specific, Beat-to-Beat Trending of Significant Human Blood Loss: The Compensatory Reserve," was authored by Victor A. Convertino, Jeffrey T. Howard, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, Sylvain Cardin, Paul Batchelder, Jane Mulligan, Gregory Z. Grudic, Steven L. Moulton, and David B. MacLeod, and was published January 2015 in Shock: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25565640
wn.com/Pcrf Journal Club 7 20 15 The Compensatory Reserve
For this webinar, we were very excited to have Dr. Victor A. Convertino join us for a discussion of his research on the Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI), a machine model that detects and trends central blood volume reduction in real time and permits a more specific picture of blood loss than traditional vital signs.
This study, entitled "Individual-Specific, Beat-to-Beat Trending of Significant Human Blood Loss: The Compensatory Reserve," was authored by Victor A. Convertino, Jeffrey T. Howard, Carmen Hinojosa-Laborde, Sylvain Cardin, Paul Batchelder, Jane Mulligan, Gregory Z. Grudic, Steven L. Moulton, and David B. MacLeod, and was published January 2015 in Shock: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25565640
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 4
El Glutation y la Riboceina- Dr. Reimundo Llanes
Visite: http://www.glutationriboceina.com/ Dr. Reimundo Llanes El Glutation y la Riboceina. ! El Descubrimiento Científico Para La Salud Mas Importante Del M......
Visite: http://www.glutationriboceina.com/ Dr. Reimundo Llanes El Glutation y la Riboceina. ! El Descubrimiento Científico Para La Salud Mas Importante Del M...
wn.com/El Glutation Y La Riboceina Dr. Reimundo Llanes
Visite: http://www.glutationriboceina.com/ Dr. Reimundo Llanes El Glutation y la Riboceina. ! El Descubrimiento Científico Para La Salud Mas Importante Del M...
PubMed® For Librarians - Introduction (June 9, 2015)
This is a recording of a synchronous online session that included hands-on exercises. Watch this video to learn about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE,...
This is a recording of a synchronous online session that included hands-on exercises. Watch this video to learn about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE, how to run a PubMed search, assess your search retrieval, analyze search details, customize with My NCBI, discover and employ three ways to search for a known citation and use the Clinical Queries search tool.
wn.com/Pubmed® For Librarians Introduction (June 9, 2015)
This is a recording of a synchronous online session that included hands-on exercises. Watch this video to learn about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE, how to run a PubMed search, assess your search retrieval, analyze search details, customize with My NCBI, discover and employ three ways to search for a known citation and use the Clinical Queries search tool.
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 2
This program brought to you by the Letter P
Over the next few months we will add to our Database of the Month webinars, a look at some resources that only go together alphabetically. You may not have c......
Over the next few months we will add to our Database of the Month webinars, a look at some resources that only go together alphabetically. You may not have c...
wn.com/This Program Brought To You By The Letter P
Over the next few months we will add to our Database of the Month webinars, a look at some resources that only go together alphabetically. You may not have c...
Dr. Tami Mergalia: Testosterone Supplementation, Skinny Fat, & Adrenal Fatigue - #206
Why you should listen:
Dr. Tami Mergalia comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss adrenal fatigue, the importance of your circadian rhythm, what it means to be ski...
Why you should listen:
Dr. Tami Mergalia comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss adrenal fatigue, the importance of your circadian rhythm, what it means to be skinny fat, and the pros and cons of testosterone supplementation. Enjoy the show!
Dr. Tami Mergalia is a double board certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine, Integrative & Natural Medicine, and the owner of Vitality Medical Clinic in Seattle. She is a faculty member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and a national trainer in Medicis. She has travelled the world as a trainer in advanced injection techniques and lecturing on aesthetics and bioidentical hormones for men and women. She has been featured in Shape Magazine, Fox News and her new book, The Hormone Secret, lays out the secret weapons for anti aging, weight loss, and increased vitality.
For more info & to follow Dr. Tami:
Dr. Tami Mergalia - http://drtami.com/about/
The Hormone Secret - http://drtami.com/bulletproof
Dr. Tami Blog - http://drtami.com/blog/
Dr. Tami on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AskDrTami
Dr. Tami on Twitter - https://twitter.com/askdrtami
Dr. Tami on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/askdrtami/
Estrogen - http://www.livescience.com/38324-what-is-estrogen.html
Progesterone - http://www.lef.org/Magazine/2006/4/report_progesterone/Page-01
Silicon Valley Health Institute (SVHI) - http://www.svhi.com/
Testosterone - http://www.lef.org/Protocols/Male-Reproductive/Male-Hormone-Restoration/Page-01
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/81479
Osteoporosis - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000360.htm
Testosterone deficiency - http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/sexual-health/in-depth/testosterone-therapy/art-20045728
Vasodilator - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure-medication/art-20048154
Scream Cream - http://www.sumnerdietrx.com/wellness-rx/scream-cream-for-low-libido/
Maca - http://www.vegkitchen.com/nutrition/7-top-health-benefits-of-maca/
Ashwagandha - http://www.lef.org/magazine/2006/6/report_ashwa/Page-01
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/331.html
Body caliper test - http://amzn.to/1NwTnNA
5 things I learned from being a ballet dancer - http://drtami.com/5-things-being-a-professional-ballet-dancer-taught-me-about-my-body/
Circadian rhythm - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/circadian-rhythms-zeitgebers-entrainment-and-non-photic-stimuli/#axzz3VLLwZPka
Central & Peripheral circadian (Bill Legakos blog) - http://caloriesproper.com/entraining-central-and-peripheral-circadian-rhythms/
Leptin resistance - http://www.jackkruse.com/my-leptin-prescription/
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/basics/symptoms/con-20021047
TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701485/
Xenoestrogens - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24269739
Remixed estrogen blocker - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/breast-cancer/basics/treatment/con-20029275
Hypogonadism - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001195.htm
HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) - http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/weight-loss/expert-answers/hcg-diet/faq-20058164
Calcium D Glucarate - http://www.amazon.com/Source-Naturals-Calcium-D-Glucarate-Tablets/dp/B000GFSVSW/bulletpexecut-20
Chrysin - http://examine.com/supplements/Chrysin/
Adrenal fatigue - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/addisons-disease/expert-answers/adrenal-fatigue/faq-20057906
Bulletproof Vibe - http://bit.ly/1BCJbdZ
Geoffrey Miller: Sex, Power, and Domination – #138 - http://bit.ly/1CBAyVS
4 Reasons Bulletproof (and Paleo) People Should Take Calcium-D-Glucarate - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/calcium-d-glucarate/
Mineral Water Benefits: Why Drink San Pellegrino Bubbly Water Every Day? - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/mineral-water-benefits-pellegrino-sulphates/
Bulletproof Diet Book - http://bulletproofdietbook.com/
Moldy Documentary - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/moldy
Upgraded Coffee - http://bit.ly/19yVGAk
Collagen Protein - http://bit.ly/1CBzFwx
Bulletproof Conference - http://bulletproofconference.com/
wn.com/Dr. Tami Mergalia Testosterone Supplementation, Skinny Fat, Adrenal Fatigue 206
Why you should listen:
Dr. Tami Mergalia comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss adrenal fatigue, the importance of your circadian rhythm, what it means to be skinny fat, and the pros and cons of testosterone supplementation. Enjoy the show!
Dr. Tami Mergalia is a double board certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine, Integrative & Natural Medicine, and the owner of Vitality Medical Clinic in Seattle. She is a faculty member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and a national trainer in Medicis. She has travelled the world as a trainer in advanced injection techniques and lecturing on aesthetics and bioidentical hormones for men and women. She has been featured in Shape Magazine, Fox News and her new book, The Hormone Secret, lays out the secret weapons for anti aging, weight loss, and increased vitality.
For more info & to follow Dr. Tami:
Dr. Tami Mergalia - http://drtami.com/about/
The Hormone Secret - http://drtami.com/bulletproof
Dr. Tami Blog - http://drtami.com/blog/
Dr. Tami on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AskDrTami
Dr. Tami on Twitter - https://twitter.com/askdrtami
Dr. Tami on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/askdrtami/
Estrogen - http://www.livescience.com/38324-what-is-estrogen.html
Progesterone - http://www.lef.org/Magazine/2006/4/report_progesterone/Page-01
Silicon Valley Health Institute (SVHI) - http://www.svhi.com/
Testosterone - http://www.lef.org/Protocols/Male-Reproductive/Male-Hormone-Restoration/Page-01
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/81479
Osteoporosis - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000360.htm
Testosterone deficiency - http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/sexual-health/in-depth/testosterone-therapy/art-20045728
Vasodilator - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure-medication/art-20048154
Scream Cream - http://www.sumnerdietrx.com/wellness-rx/scream-cream-for-low-libido/
Maca - http://www.vegkitchen.com/nutrition/7-top-health-benefits-of-maca/
Ashwagandha - http://www.lef.org/magazine/2006/6/report_ashwa/Page-01
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/331.html
Body caliper test - http://amzn.to/1NwTnNA
5 things I learned from being a ballet dancer - http://drtami.com/5-things-being-a-professional-ballet-dancer-taught-me-about-my-body/
Circadian rhythm - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/circadian-rhythms-zeitgebers-entrainment-and-non-photic-stimuli/#axzz3VLLwZPka
Central & Peripheral circadian (Bill Legakos blog) - http://caloriesproper.com/entraining-central-and-peripheral-circadian-rhythms/
Leptin resistance - http://www.jackkruse.com/my-leptin-prescription/
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/basics/symptoms/con-20021047
TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701485/
Xenoestrogens - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24269739
Remixed estrogen blocker - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/breast-cancer/basics/treatment/con-20029275
Hypogonadism - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001195.htm
HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) - http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/weight-loss/expert-answers/hcg-diet/faq-20058164
Calcium D Glucarate - http://www.amazon.com/Source-Naturals-Calcium-D-Glucarate-Tablets/dp/B000GFSVSW/bulletpexecut-20
Chrysin - http://examine.com/supplements/Chrysin/
Adrenal fatigue - http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/addisons-disease/expert-answers/adrenal-fatigue/faq-20057906
Bulletproof Vibe - http://bit.ly/1BCJbdZ
Geoffrey Miller: Sex, Power, and Domination – #138 - http://bit.ly/1CBAyVS
4 Reasons Bulletproof (and Paleo) People Should Take Calcium-D-Glucarate - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/calcium-d-glucarate/
Mineral Water Benefits: Why Drink San Pellegrino Bubbly Water Every Day? - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/mineral-water-benefits-pellegrino-sulphates/
Bulletproof Diet Book - http://bulletproofdietbook.com/
Moldy Documentary - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/moldy
Upgraded Coffee - http://bit.ly/19yVGAk
Collagen Protein - http://bit.ly/1CBzFwx
Bulletproof Conference - http://bulletproofconference.com/
- published: 30 Mar 2015
- views: 130
cybermikan about inedia (breatharianism)
Prevođenje snimka platio Miroslav Kiš Cybermikan http://www.cybermikan-sungazing.org For more informations about pineal gland and long living (for several hu......
Prevođenje snimka platio Miroslav Kiš Cybermikan http://www.cybermikan-sungazing.org For more informations about pineal gland and long living (for several hu...
wn.com/Cybermikan About Inedia (Breatharianism)
Prevođenje snimka platio Miroslav Kiš Cybermikan http://www.cybermikan-sungazing.org For more informations about pineal gland and long living (for several hu...
Run From The Cure Full Length Version
A Film By Christian Laurette - After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal cannabis ...
A Film By Christian Laurette - After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal cannabis oil. When Rick discovered that the cannabis oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C. and C.B.D) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge - curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!
Canada is in the middle of a CANCER EPIDEMIC! Meet the people who were not allowed to testify on Rick's behalf at the Supreme Court of Canada's Infamous Rick Simpson Trial on September 10, 2007... INCLUDING A MAN WHO WAS CURED OF TERMINAL CANCER USING HEMP/CANNABIS OIL!
Download the whole movie for free and share it... at http://www.phoenixtearsmovie.com
PubMed Research credit to EssiacHempLaetrile :)
wn.com/Run From The Cure Full Length Version
A Film By Christian Laurette - After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal cannabis oil. When Rick discovered that the cannabis oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C. and C.B.D) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge - curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!
Canada is in the middle of a CANCER EPIDEMIC! Meet the people who were not allowed to testify on Rick's behalf at the Supreme Court of Canada's Infamous Rick Simpson Trial on September 10, 2007... INCLUDING A MAN WHO WAS CURED OF TERMINAL CANCER USING HEMP/CANNABIS OIL!
Download the whole movie for free and share it... at http://www.phoenixtearsmovie.com
PubMed Research credit to EssiacHempLaetrile :)
- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 616
Lecture capture at The University of Manchester. Opting (-out) to enhance the student experience
Presented by Professor Richard J. Reece
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Students
The University of Manchester is a large, comprehensive res...
Presented by Professor Richard J. Reece
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Students
The University of Manchester is a large, comprehensive research-intensive institution that currently has over 36,000 students on campus and 6,400 staff, including 2,200 academics. Disciplines across the University range from anthropology to zoology, and almost everything else in between. Teaching and learning activities take place in a wide-range of classroom and lecture theatre settings, with the largest spaces capable of seating 750 students at a time. Lecture recording at the University began as an enthusiasts-only venture but, over the course of the last two years in particular has become an expected mainstream. Manchester has all of its 340 central teaching spaces equipped with lecture capture technology. We record something approaching 40,000 hours of teaching and learning activities per academic year, and these recordings are accessed in excess of 2 million times by students. During this talk I will highlight some of the technological and cultural difficulties in such wide-scale adoption of lecture capture technology over a comparatively short space of time.
wn.com/Lecture Capture At The University Of Manchester. Opting ( Out) To Enhance The Student Experience
Presented by Professor Richard J. Reece
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Students
The University of Manchester is a large, comprehensive research-intensive institution that currently has over 36,000 students on campus and 6,400 staff, including 2,200 academics. Disciplines across the University range from anthropology to zoology, and almost everything else in between. Teaching and learning activities take place in a wide-range of classroom and lecture theatre settings, with the largest spaces capable of seating 750 students at a time. Lecture recording at the University began as an enthusiasts-only venture but, over the course of the last two years in particular has become an expected mainstream. Manchester has all of its 340 central teaching spaces equipped with lecture capture technology. We record something approaching 40,000 hours of teaching and learning activities per academic year, and these recordings are accessed in excess of 2 million times by students. During this talk I will highlight some of the technological and cultural difficulties in such wide-scale adoption of lecture capture technology over a comparatively short space of time.
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 94