Hot Off the Press

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

New year, new blog? Start on the right foot.

Our popular get-started course, Blogging 101, returns in January. Learn more and register.

What Was Your Favorite Post You Wrote in 2015?

With the end of the year approaching, we asked a few writers and artists to tell us about their favorite blog post they put together in 2015.

New Theme: Pique

Say hello to Pique, a brand new free theme for small businesses!

What Are Your Blogging Goals for 2016?

A new year, a new set of resolutions. Writers and artists on tell us their most important goals for 2016.

New Theme: Twenty Sixteen

Meet Twenty Sixteen, the brand new WordPress default theme.

The New App for Windows Is Here

Everything you love about writing and publishing, now in the Start Menu.

Three WordPressers Making a Splash

From new books to prestigious awards, bloggers have been busy this fall.

Faster-Loading Images on Your Site

All sites now support the WebP image format, serving high-quality images with shorter loading times.

Field Notes: Wine Tourism Conference 2015

At the fifth annual Wine Tourism Conference in Virginia, Happiness Engineers Andrea Badgley and Marjorie R. Asturias talked about wine tourism and digital marketing with industry professionals.

Welcome to the New and App for Mac

You have big dreams for your websites. We want to see them come true. Introducing: the new and desktop app.

“Don’t be who ISIS wants you to be”: Bloggers on Paris and Beirut

Bloggers in France, Lebanon, and beyond share their stories, analyses, and art after a week of violence.


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