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Former Neighbours, Underbelly actress Eliza Szonert calls for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's help

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Eliza Szonert entering Malaysian police station

Phone vision recorded by the Australian actress shows her entering a police station in Kuala Lumpur before she was taken into custody.

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Australian actress Eliza Szonert who snatched her son in Malaysia has been released from the local jail where she had been locked up for refusing to reveal the boy's whereabouts.

But on Thursday she was in the process of following police directions to take the child to a local doctor for a welfare check in the presence of officers.

Earlier, after she had been released, she issued an appeal to Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop to intervene to fast track the issuing of special travel documents for her son who has been unable to leave the country because his father is refusing to release his passport.

Eliza Szonert and her former partner are embroiled in a row over a child and a passport in Malaysia.

Eliza Szonert and her former partner are embroiled in a row over a child and a passport in Malaysia. Photo: Shaney Balcombe

Ms Szonert, a former Neighbours and Underbelly actress, had been jailed 24 hours earlier by Malaysian authorities who were investigating her move to snatch her son from the boy's father Australian businessman and musician Ashley Crick on December 10.

The couple had been separated since 2012 but had moved back in together with the boy in Malaysia after Ms Szonert spent time at a rehabilitation facility called The Cabin, sometimes known as the "Betty Ford Clinic of Asia".

Ms Szonert came to stay with Mr Crick and their son in Kuala Lumpur however a dispute between the pair occurred which led to Ms Szonert being locked out of their accommodation without the child and both their passports.

Ms Szonert, 41, then engaged an Australian child recovery operative to assist her to snatch the child from Mr Crick while he ate breakfast with the boy at a local restaurant.

After the snatch, Mr Crick refused to release the boy's passport and made an official complaint to Malaysian police who launched an investigation and ordered Ms Szonert to report to a police station to give statement.

When Ms Szonert turned up without the child at the police station she said police demanded to know the boy's whereabouts or they would put her in jail.

She refused and was jailed overnight but was released late Wednesday.

Her mother Kay Szonert is in Malaysia assisting to care for the boy in a secret location.

A spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Department said the department was providing consular assistance in this case in accordance with the Consular Services Charter.

"Disputes over child custody or who holds a child's passport are private legal matters and the parties concerned may wish to seek legal advice. Any passport application received by DFAT will be processed in accordance with the Passports Act. For privacy reasons we will not be providing further comment," he said.

Mr Crick, 43, who is an executive with iflix, a video streaming venture in Asia, last week told Australian media that he had filed a statement with Malaysian police after his son was snatched.

He said it was a parent's worst nightmare and he expressed fears for his son's safety. He is understood to be taking legal action in a bid to obtain greater access to the child.

On Thursday an anonymous source provided Fairfax with a document purporting to show Ms Szonert had spent time at The Cabin for treatment for methamphetamine and depression.

The document dated October 23, 2015, is headed "To Whom it may concern" and appeared to link Ms Szonert to having received treatment for "Methamphetamine dependence".

But a furious Ms Szonert on Thursday told Fairfax that: "I deny these false allegations. This letter purporting to be from The Cabin has obviously been doctored and is very clearly Photoshopped or fabricated. I am mortified that someone could do such a thing."

She said she was very nervous about taking her son to the welfare check fearing authorities might try to take him into their care or hand him back to his father.

Previously Ms Szonert and her family have denied she received any treatment for drug addiction at The Cabin, saying it was only for exhaustion and depression.

Mr Crick has reportedly said he hoped Ms Szonert would comply with authorities to allow him to return to Australia with his son where he would fight for custody through the Australian court system.

The case sparked controversy after a video of the snatch was circulated.

The experience, captured on video given to Fairfax Media, showed Eliza Szonert calmly walking into the restaurant, picking up her son and walking out again, as Mr Crick stood talking with the man who accompanied her.

It is this incident, in which Mr Crick is seen to be standing close to the two men who assisted in the snatch operation, that Malaysian Police are concerned may be a case of "wrongful confinement"'.

The couple separated in 2012.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has been contacted for comment.

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