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AFL Home and Away, Sunday, 23 August 2015 - Round 21 - Etihad Stadium

Q4 29:39
North Melbourne
North Melbourne versus Fremantle
Quarters 3.2.20 Q1 7.2.44
Quarters 6.5.41 Q2 8.6.54
Quarters 9.8.62 Q3 10.8.68
Quarters 14.10.94 Q4 12.11.83
Players Harvey (4.1), Waite (3.0), Brown (2.1), Goldstein (2.0), Nahas (2.0), Higgins (1.0), Dal Santo (0.1), Macmillan (0.1), Petrie (0.1), Thomas (0.1) Scorers Griffin (2.0), Sandilands (2.0), Walters (2.0), Barlow (1.1), Hill (1.1), Mayne (1.1), Fyfe (1.0), Johnson (1.0), Pearce (1.0), Mundy (0.1), Mzungu (0.1), Neale (0.1), Suban (0.1), Sutcliffe (0.1)


Match Tracker


  1. 1 minute : Goal Robin Nahas
  2. 2 minute
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute : Behind Lindsay Thomas
  6. 6 minute : Goal Jonathon Griffin
  7. 7 minute
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute : Goal Aaron Sandilands
  10. 10 minute
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute : Goal Nat Fyfe
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute : Goal Michael Barlow
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute : Goal Brent Harvey
  20. 20 minute
  21. 21 minute : Goal Chris Mayne
  22. 22 minute : Goal Alex Pearce
  23. 23 minute : Rushed Behind
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute : Goal Jarrad Waite
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute : Goal Aaron Sandilands
  28. 28 minute
  29. 29 minute : Behind Cameron Sutcliffe
  30. 30 minute : Behind Lachie Neale
  31. QT Qtr time
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minute
  3. 3 minute : Goal Ben Brown
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute : Rushed Behind
  7. 7 minute
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute : Behind Michael Barlow
  15. 15 minute : Goal Brent Harvey
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute : Goal Michael Walters
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute
  20. 20 minute : Behind Brent Harvey : Rushed Behind
  21. 21 minute : Goal Brent Harvey
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute : Behind Ben Brown
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute
  28. 28 minute : Rushed Behind
  29. 29 minute
  30. QT Qtr time : Behind Nick Suban
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minute : Goal Michael Johnson
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute
  7. 7 minute : Behind Jamie Macmillan
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute : Behind Chris Mayne
  11. 11 minute : Goal Shaun Higgins
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute : Behind Drew Petrie
  15. 15 minute
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute : Goal Jarrad Waite
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute : Behind David Mundy
  20. 20 minute : Goal Stephen Hill
  21. 21 minute
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute : Goal Robin Nahas
  28. 28 minute
  29. QT Qtr time : Rushed Behind
  30. 30 minute
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute : Behind Tendai Mzungu
  2. 2 minute : Goal Jonathon Griffin
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute : Goal Ben Brown
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute
  7. 7 minute
  8. 8 minute : Goal Todd Goldstein
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute : Goal Jarrad Waite
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute : Rushed Behind
  16. 16 minute : Rushed Behind
  17. 17 minute : Behind Stephen Hill
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute : Behind Nick Dal Santo
  20. 20 minute
  21. 21 minute
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute : Goal Brent Harvey
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute : Goal Michael Walters
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute
  28. 28 minute
  29. 29 minute
  30. FT Full time : Goal Todd Goldstein
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



Match Statistics
North MelbourneFremantle

Shaun Atley

Michael Barlow


Ryan Bastinac

Hayden Crozier

Ben Brown


Zac Dawson

Ben Cunnington

Matt de Boer

Nick Dal Santo


Nat Fyfe


Michael Firrito

Jonathon Griffin


Sam Gibson

Stephen Hill


Todd Goldstein


Garrick Ibbotson

Lachlan Hansen

Michael Johnson


Brent Harvey


Chris Mayne


Shaun Higgins


Luke McPharlin

Ben Jacobs

David Mundy


Jamie Macmillan


Tendai Mzungu


Luke McDonald

Lachie Neale


Robin Nahas


Alex Pearce


Drew Petrie


Danyle Pearce

Andrew Swallow

Aaron Sandilands


Robbie Tarrant

Tommy Sheridan

Lindsay Thomas


Lee Spurr

Scott D. Thompson

Nick Suban


Jarrad Waite


Cameron Sutcliffe


Sam Wright

Michael Walters


North Melbourne vs Fremantle

  • Goals

    North Melbourne14
    54% 46%
  • Behinds

    North Melbourne10
    48% 52%
  • Scoring shots

    North Melbourne26
    51% 49%
  • Goals/scoring shots

    North Melbourne54%
    53% 47%
  • Disposals

    North Melbourne353
    53% 47%
  • Kicks

    North Melbourne208
    53% 47%
  • Handballs

    North Melbourne145
    53% 47%
  • Contested Possessions

    North Melbourne128
    51% 49%
  • Uncontested Possessions

    North Melbourne233
    54% 46%
  • Marks

    North Melbourne108
    53% 47%
  • Tackles

    North Melbourne68
    53% 47%
  • Hit-outs

    North Melbourne28
    34% 66%
  • Clearances

    North Melbourne28
    41% 59%
  • Frees for

    North Melbourne15
    58% 42%
  • Frees against

    North Melbourne11
    42% 58%
  • |
    North Melbourne statistics
    Players D K M H CP UP T G B GB FF FA HO CL
    Shaun Atley 16 9 6 7 2 13 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Ryan Bastinac 7 2 3 5 3 4 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 2
    Ben Brown 16 11 9 5 8 9 0 2 1 2.1 0 0 0 0
    Ben Cunnington 26 12 2 14 15 11 4 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 6
    Nick Dal Santo 22 11 7 11 7 15 4 0 1 0.1 0 1 0 3
    Michael Firrito 13 5 5 8 3 10 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0
    Sam Gibson 16 10 0 6 4 12 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1
    Todd Goldstein 15 9 6 6 6 10 5 2 0 2.0 0 2 28 3
    Lachlan Hansen 19 10 6 9 5 16 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Brent Harvey 17 15 4 2 4 14 1 4 1 4.1 0 1 0 1
    Shaun Higgins 14 10 6 4 3 13 4 1 0 1.0 0 0 0 2
    Ben Jacobs 16 8 4 8 5 11 4 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0
    Jamie Macmillan 19 9 6 10 7 12 2 0 1 0.1 1 1 0 0
    Luke McDonald 14 9 3 5 3 11 4 0 0 0.0 2 1 0 1
    Robin Nahas 18 10 6 8 4 14 2 2 0 2.0 1 0 0 0
    Drew Petrie 12 8 6 4 4 9 0 0 1 0.1 0 0 0 0
    Andrew Swallow 21 13 2 8 15 6 12 0 0 0.0 5 1 0 9
    Robbie Tarrant 14 12 10 2 3 11 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Lindsay Thomas 5 3 0 2 3 2 2 0 1 0.1 1 1 0 0
    Scott D. Thompson 17 10 4 7 9 8 4 0 0 0.0 2 1 0 0
    Jarrad Waite 17 11 7 6 7 10 2 3 0 3.0 1 0 0 0
    Sam Wright 19 11 6 8 8 12 3 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Fremantle statistics
    Players D K M H CP UP T G B GB FF FA HO CL
    Michael Barlow 23 12 6 11 10 14 5 1 1 1.1 0 1 0 0
    Hayden Crozier 7 5 2 2 3 5 4 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 1
    Zac Dawson 4 1 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Matt de Boer 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Nat Fyfe 21 5 4 16 12 9 7 1 0 1.0 0 2 3 8
    Jonathon Griffin 7 5 4 2 3 3 1 2 0 2.0 1 2 5 1
    Stephen Hill 23 17 2 6 10 11 2 1 1 1.1 0 3 0 2
    Garrick Ibbotson 13 10 6 3 2 11 1 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 1
    Michael Johnson 24 16 7 8 8 14 0 1 0 1.0 1 0 0 0
    Chris Mayne 13 10 6 3 5 8 6 1 1 1.1 2 0 0 0
    Luke McPharlin 10 6 5 4 1 9 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    David Mundy 23 11 4 12 9 15 3 0 1 0.1 0 1 3 6
    Tendai Mzungu 10 5 3 5 2 10 2 0 1 0.1 0 2 0 1
    Lachie Neale 29 14 5 15 12 18 3 0 1 0.1 0 1 0 8
    Alex Pearce 5 3 2 2 4 1 2 1 0 1.0 0 0 0 0
    Danyle Pearce 12 10 2 2 3 9 0 0 0 0.0 1 1 0 1
    Aaron Sandilands 14 2 4 12 14 2 5 2 0 2.0 2 0 43 6
    Tommy Sheridan 10 6 4 4 3 8 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Lee Spurr 16 13 9 3 3 13 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Nick Suban 11 7 2 4 4 7 5 0 1 0.1 1 0 0 1
    Cameron Sutcliffe 18 10 6 8 6 14 2 0 1 0.1 0 0 0 0
    Michael Walters 21 16 8 5 9 12 3 2 0 2.0 3 0 0 5

    Top Players

    Player name Brent Harvey 4
    Player name Lachie Neale 29
    Player name Stephen Hill 17
    Player name Nat Fyfe 16
    Contested Possessions
    Player name Ben Cunnington 15
    Player name Andrew Swallow 15
    Uncontested Possessions
    Player name Lachie Neale 18
    Player name Robbie Tarrant 10
    Player name Andrew Swallow 12
    Player name Andrew Swallow 9

    Match Details

    Start time:
    Brett RoseburySimon MeredithBrendan Hosking

    Live: AFL North Melbourne v Fremantle

    The Kangaroos host the Dockers at Etihad Stadium.

    HuffPost Australia

    AFL 2016

    Round 1
    Thu, 24 MarTimes shown AEDT
    RIC vs CAR 19:20MCG
    Sat, 26 MarTimes shown AEDT
    MEL vs GWS 13:40MCG
    GCF vs ESS 16:35MS
    NTH vs ADE 19:25ES
    SYD vs COL 19:25ANZ
    Sun, 27 MarTimes shown AEDT
    WBU vs FRE 13:10ES
    PTA vs STK 15:20Adelaide Oval
    WCE vs BRI 19:40Domain Stadium
    Mon, 28 MarTimes shown AEDT
    GEE vs HAW 15:20MCG
    View All Fixtures
    Round 2
    Fri, 01 AprTimes shown AEDT
    COL vs RIC 19:50MCG
    Sat, 02 AprTimes shown AEDT
    ADE vs PTA 13:45Adelaide Oval
    ESS vs MEL 14:10MCG
    BRI vs NTH 16:35G
    STK vs WBU 19:25ES
    FRE vs GCF 19:40Domain Stadium
    Sun, 03 AprTimes shown AEST
    GWS vs GEE 13:10SO
    HAW vs WCE 15:20MCG
    CAR vs SYD 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 3
    Fri, 08 AprTimes shown AEST
    PTA vs ESS 19:50Adelaide Oval
    Sat, 09 AprTimes shown AEST
    STK vs COL 13:45MCG
    RIC vs ADE 14:10ES
    SYD vs GWS 16:35SCG
    GCF vs CAR 19:25MS
    WCE vs FRE 19:40Domain Stadium
    Sun, 10 AprTimes shown AEST
    NTH vs MEL 13:10BA
    WBU vs HAW 15:20ES
    GEE vs BRI 16:40SS
    View All Fixtures
    Round 4
    Fri, 15 AprTimes shown AEST
    WCE vs RIC 20:10Domain Stadium
    Sat, 16 AprTimes shown AEST
    ESS vs GEE 13:45MCG
    HAW vs STK 14:10AS
    BRI vs GCF 16:35G
    CAR vs WBU 19:25ES
    ADE vs SYD 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 17 AprTimes shown AEST
    GWS vs PTA 13:10SO
    COL vs MEL 15:20MCG
    NTH vs FRE 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 5
    Fri, 22 AprTimes shown AEST
    HAW vs ADE 19:50MCG
    Sat, 23 AprTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs WCE 13:40SCG
    GCF vs NTH 16:35MS
    WBU vs BRI 19:25ES
    PTA vs GEE 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 24 AprTimes shown AEST
    STK vs GWS 13:10ES
    FRE vs CAR 16:10Domain Stadium
    MEL vs RIC 19:10MCG
    Mon, 25 AprTimes shown AEST
    COL vs ESS 15:20MCG
    View All Fixtures
    Round 6
    Fri, 29 AprTimes shown AEST
    NTH vs WBU 19:50ES
    Sat, 30 AprTimes shown AEST
    MEL vs STK 13:45ES
    ADE vs FRE 14:10Adelaide Oval
    GWS vs HAW 16:35Spotless Stadium
    RIC vs PTA 19:25MCG
    GEE vs GCF 19:25SS
    Sun, 01 MayTimes shown AEST
    BRI vs SYD 13:10G
    CAR vs ESS 15:20MCG
    WCE vs COL 16:40Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    Round 7
    Fri, 06 MayTimes shown AEST
    RIC vs HAW 19:50MCG
    Sat, 07 MayTimes shown AEST
    COL vs CAR 13:45MCG
    GEE vs WCE 14:10SS
    SYD vs ESS 16:35ANZ
    GCF vs MEL 17:10MS
    WBU vs ADE 19:40ES
    FRE vs GWS 20:10Domain Stadium
    Sun, 08 MayTimes shown AEST
    STK vs NTH 15:20ES
    PTA vs BRI 16:40Adelaide Oval
    View All Fixtures
    Round 8
    Fri, 13 MayTimes shown AEST
    ADE vs GEE 19:50Adelaide Oval
    Sat, 14 MayTimes shown AEST
    ESS vs NTH 13:45ES
    HAW vs FRE 14:10AS
    GWS vs GCF 16:35Spotless Stadium
    BRI vs COL 19:25G
    RIC vs SYD 19:25MCG
    Sun, 15 MayTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs PTA 13:10ES
    MEL vs WBU 15:20MCG
    WCE vs STK 16:40Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    Round 9
    Fri, 20 MayTimes shown AEST
    HAW vs SYD 19:50MCG
    Sat, 21 MayTimes shown AEST
    COL vs GEE 13:45MCG
    GCF vs ADE 14:10MS
    PTA vs WCE 16:35Adelaide Oval
    NTH vs CAR 19:25ES
    FRE vs RIC 19:40Domain Stadium
    Sun, 22 MayTimes shown AEST
    MEL vs BRI 13:10MCG
    GWS vs WBU 15:20Spotless Stadium
    STK vs ESS 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 10
    Fri, 27 MayTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs NTH 19:50SCG
    Sat, 28 MayTimes shown AEST
    BRI vs HAW 13:45G
    MEL vs PTA 14:10TIO Traeger Park
    STK vs FRE 16:35ES
    ESS vs RIC 19:25MCG
    ADE vs GWS 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 29 MayTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs GEE 13:10ES
    COL vs WBU 15:20MCG
    WCE vs GCF 16:40Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    Round 11
    Fri, 03 JunTimes shown AEST
    NTH vs RIC 19:50BA
    Sat, 04 JunTimes shown AEST
    HAW vs MEL 13:45MCG
    CAR vs BRI 14:10ES
    GEE vs GWS 16:35SS
    GCF vs SYD 19:25MS
    FRE vs ESS 19:40Domain Stadium
    Sun, 05 JunTimes shown AEST
    COL vs PTA 13:10MCG
    WBU vs WCE 15:20ES
    ADE vs STK 16:40Adelaide Oval
    View All Fixtures
    Round 12
    Fri, 10 JunTimes shown AEST
    ESS vs HAW 19:50ES
    Sat, 11 JunTimes shown AEST
    PTA vs WBU 13:40Adelaide Oval
    BRI vs FRE 16:35G
    GEE vs NTH 19:25ES
    WCE vs ADE 19:40Domain Stadium
    Sun, 12 JunTimes shown AEST
    STK vs CAR 13:10ES
    RIC vs GCF 15:20MCG
    GWS vs SYD 16:40Spotless Stadium
    Mon, 13 JunTimes shown AEST
    MEL vs COL 15:20MCG
    View All Fixtures
    Round 13
    Fri, 17 JunTimes shown AEST
    NTH vs HAW 19:50ES
    Sat, 18 JunTimes shown AEST
    BRI vs WCE 13:40G
    FRE vs PTA 16:35Domain Stadium
    WBU vs GEE 19:25ES
    Sun, 19 JunTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs MEL 13:10SCG
    ESS vs GWS 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 14
    Thu, 23 JunTimes shown AEST
    ADE vs NTH 19:50Adelaide Oval
    Fri, 24 JunTimes shown AEST
    COL vs FRE 19:50MCG
    Sat, 25 JunTimes shown AEST
    RIC vs BRI 13:40MCG
    GWS vs CAR 16:35Spotless Stadium
    STK vs GEE 19:25ES
    Sun, 26 JunTimes shown AEST
    HAW vs GCF 15:20AS
    View All Fixtures
    Round 15
    Thu, 30 JunTimes shown AEST
    WCE vs ESS 20:10Domain Stadium
    Fri, 01 JulTimes shown AEST
    PTA vs RIC 19:50Adelaide Oval
    Sat, 02 JulTimes shown AEST
    GCF vs STK 13:40MS
    SYD vs WBU 16:35SCG
    CAR vs COL 19:25MCG
    Sun, 03 JulTimes shown AEST
    MEL vs ADE 15:20MCG
    View All Fixtures
    Round 16
    Thu, 07 JulTimes shown AEST
    PTA vs HAW 19:50Adelaide Oval
    Fri, 08 JulTimes shown AEST
    GEE vs SYD 19:50SS
    Sat, 09 JulTimes shown AEST
    GWS vs COL 13:40Spotless Stadium
    GCF vs BRI 16:35MS
    WBU vs RIC 19:25ES
    MEL vs FRE 19:40TIO
    Sun, 10 JulTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs ADE 13:10MCG
    WCE vs NTH 15:20Domain Stadium
    ESS vs STK 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 17
    Thu, 14 JulTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs HAW 19:20SCG
    Fri, 15 JulTimes shown AEST
    FRE vs GEE 20:10Domain Stadium
    Sat, 16 JulTimes shown AEST
    RIC vs ESS 13:40MCG
    NTH vs PTA 16:35ES
    WBU vs GCF 19:25CAZ
    ADE vs COL 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 17 JulTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs WCE 13:10MCG
    STK vs MEL 15:20ES
    BRI vs GWS 16:40G
    View All Fixtures
    Round 18
    Fri, 22 JulTimes shown AEST
    COL vs NTH 19:50ES
    Sat, 23 JulTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs CAR 13:45ANZ
    GCF vs FRE 14:10MS
    WCE vs MEL 16:35Domain Stadium
    WBU vs STK 19:25ES
    GEE vs ADE 19:25SS
    Sun, 24 JulTimes shown AEST
    ESS vs BRI 13:10ES
    HAW vs RIC 15:20MCG
    PTA vs GWS 16:40Adelaide Oval
    View All Fixtures
    Round 19
    Fri, 29 JulTimes shown AEST
    GEE vs WBU 19:50SS
    Sat, 30 JulTimes shown AEST
    GWS vs RIC 13:45SO
    HAW vs CAR 14:10AS
    COL vs WCE 16:35MCG
    BRI vs PTA 19:25G
    NTH vs STK 19:25ES
    Sun, 31 JulTimes shown AEST
    MEL vs GCF 13:10MCG
    FRE vs SYD 15:20Domain Stadium
    ADE vs ESS 16:40Adelaide Oval
    View All Fixtures
    Round 20
    Fri, 05 AugTimes shown AEST
    RIC vs COL 19:50MCG
    Sat, 06 AugTimes shown AEST
    SYD vs PTA 13:45SCG
    MEL vs HAW 14:10MCG
    GCF vs GWS 16:35MS
    WBU vs NTH 19:25ES
    ADE vs BRI 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 07 AugTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs STK 13:10MCG
    GEE vs ESS 15:20ES
    FRE vs WCE 16:40Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    Round 21
    Fri, 12 AugTimes shown AEST
    WBU vs COL 19:50ES
    Sat, 13 AugTimes shown AEST
    BRI vs CAR 13:45G
    HAW vs NTH 14:10MCG
    GWS vs WCE 16:35Spotless Stadium
    STK vs SYD 19:25ES
    PTA vs MEL 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 14 AugTimes shown AEST
    ESS vs GCF 13:10ES
    RIC vs GEE 15:20MCG
    FRE vs ADE 16:40Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    Round 22
    Fri, 19 AugTimes shown AEST
    WCE vs HAW 20:10Domain Stadium
    Sat, 20 AugTimes shown AEST
    NTH vs SYD 13:45BA
    RIC vs STK 14:10MCG
    GWS vs FRE 16:35Spotless Stadium
    COL vs GCF 19:25ES
    PTA vs ADE 19:40Adelaide Oval
    Sun, 21 AugTimes shown AEST
    CAR vs MEL 13:10MCG
    BRI vs GEE 15:20G
    ESS vs WBU 16:40ES
    View All Fixtures
    Round 23
    Sat, 27 AugTimes shown AEST
    HAW vs COL 12:00MCG
    STK vs BRI 12:00ES
    ESS vs CAR 12:00MCG
    GCF vs PTA 12:00MS
    SYD vs RIC 12:00SCG
    NTH vs GWS 12:00ES
    GEE vs MEL 12:00SS
    ADE vs WCE 12:30Adelaide Oval
    FRE vs WBU 14:00Domain Stadium
    View All Fixtures
    AFL 2015
    Overall standings
    Team P W L D % Pts
    Adelaide Crows 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Brisbane Lions 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Carlton 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Collingwood 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Essendon 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Fremantle 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Geelong Cats 0 0 0 0 - 0
    Gold Coast Suns 0 0 0 0 - 0
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