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AFL Home and Away, Saturday, 30 May 2015 - Round 9 - Aurora Stadium

Q4 26:47
Gold Coast
Hawthorn versus Gold Coast
Quarters 3.0.18 Q1 2.1.13
Quarters 6.4.40 Q2 4.2.26
Quarters 12.7.79 Q3 5.3.33
Quarters 14.9.93 Q4 6.4.40
Players Breust (3.1), Hale (3.0), Gunston (2.1), Shiels (1.2), Burgoyne (1.1), Hodge (1.0), Rioli (1.0), Smith (1.0), Suckling (1.0), Roughead (0.1) Scorers Lynch (2.0), Dixon (1.1), Brooksby (1.0), Matera (1.0), Russell (1.0), Rischitelli (0.2)


Match Tracker


  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minute
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute : Behind Michael Rischitelli
  7. 7 minute : Goal David Hale
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute : Goal Luke Russell
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute : Goal Brandon Matera
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute
  20. 20 minute
  21. 21 minute : Goal Luke Breust
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute : Goal Luke Breust
  28. 28 minute
  29. 29 minute
  30. QT Qtr time
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute : Rushed Behind
  2. 2 minute : Goal Tom J. Lynch
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute : Goal Tom J. Lynch
  7. 7 minute
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute : Goal Matthew Suckling
  10. 10 minute
  11. 11 minute : Behind Luke Breust
  12. 12 minute : Goal David Hale
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute : Rushed Behind
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute
  20. 20 minute
  21. 21 minute
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute
  24. 24 minute : Behind Jarryd Roughead
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute
  28. 28 minute
  29. 29 minute : Rushed Behind
  30. 30 minute : Goal Jack Gunston
  31. 31 minute
  32. QT Qtr time
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute : Goal Liam Shiels
  2. 2 minute
  3. 3 minute
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute : Goal Luke Hodge
  6. 6 minute
  7. 7 minute
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute : Goal Jack Gunston
  16. 16 minute : Behind Jack Gunston
  17. 17 minute : Goal Cyril Rioli
  18. 18 minute
  19. 19 minute
  20. 20 minute : Goal Shaun Burgoyne
  21. 21 minute : Goal Isaac Smith
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. 27 minute
  28. 28 minute : Behind Michael Rischitelli
  29. 29 minute : Goal Charlie Dixon
  30. 30 minute : Rushed Behind : Behind Shaun Burgoyne
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. QT Qtr time
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minute
  3. 3 minute : Behind Liam Shiels
  4. 4 minute
  5. 5 minute
  6. 6 minute
  7. 7 minute : Goal David Hale
  8. 8 minute
  9. 9 minute
  10. 10 minute : Goal Luke Breust
  11. 11 minute
  12. 12 minute
  13. 13 minute
  14. 14 minute
  15. 15 minute
  16. 16 minute
  17. 17 minute : Behind Liam Shiels
  18. 18 minute : Goal Keegan Brooksby
  19. 19 minute
  20. 20 minute
  21. 21 minute
  22. 22 minute
  23. 23 minute
  24. 24 minute
  25. 25 minute
  26. 26 minute
  27. FT Full time : Behind Charlie Dixon
  28. 28 minute
  29. 29 minute
  30. 30 minute
  31. 31 minute
  32. 32 minute
  33. 33 minute
  34. 34 minute
  35. 35 minute
  36. 36 minute
  37. 37 minute
  38. 38 minute
  39. 39 minute
  40. 40 minute



Match Statistics
HawthornGold Coast

Luke Breust


Harley Bennell

Shaun Burgoyne


Andrew Boston

Jonathon Ceglar

Keegan Brooksby


Taylor Duryea

Charlie Dixon


James Frawley

Mitch Hallahan

Josh Gibson

Jarrod Harbrow

Jack Gunston


Kade Kolodjashnij

David Hale


Sean Lemmens

Billy Hartung

Jesse Lonergan

Bradley Hill

Tom J. Lynch


Luke Hodge


Jack Martin

Daniel Howe

Brandon Matera


Brian Lake

Steven May

Angus Litherland

Trent McKenzie

Sam Mitchell

Touk Miller

Paul Puopolo

Tom Nicholls

Cyril Rioli


Michael Rischitelli


Jarryd Roughead


Luke Russell


Liam Shiels


Adam Saad

Isaac Smith


Henry Schade

Ben Stratton

Alex Sexton

Matthew Suckling


Danny Stanley

Hawthorn vs Gold Coast

  • Goals

    70% 30%
    Gold Coast6
  • Behinds

    69% 31%
    Gold Coast4
  • Scoring shots

    67% 33%
    Gold Coast12
  • Goals/scoring shots

    54% 46%
    Gold Coast50%
  • Disposals

    61% 39%
    Gold Coast307
  • Kicks

    60% 40%
    Gold Coast171
  • Handballs

    61% 39%
    Gold Coast136
  • Contested Possessions

    51% 49%
    Gold Coast148
  • Uncontested Possessions

    66% 34%
    Gold Coast161
  • Marks

    69% 31%
    Gold Coast52
  • Tackles

    54% 46%
    Gold Coast73
  • Hit-outs

    55% 45%
    Gold Coast40
  • Clearances

    54% 46%
    Gold Coast37
  • Frees for

    46% 54%
    Gold Coast21
  • Frees against

    54% 46%
    Gold Coast18
  • |
    Hawthorn statistics
    Players D K M H CP UP T G B GB FF FA HO CL
    Luke Breust 14 8 4 6 5 9 3 3 1 3.1 1 1 1 1
    Shaun Burgoyne 23 14 2 9 10 12 1 1 1 1.1 1 0 0 5
    Jonathon Ceglar 15 4 4 11 5 9 4 0 0 0.0 0 3 23 1
    Taylor Duryea 26 20 11 6 3 19 4 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0
    James Frawley 20 10 7 10 8 12 2 0 0 0.0 0 2 0 0
    Josh Gibson 29 10 10 19 8 23 3 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 2
    Jack Gunston 18 11 6 7 7 12 2 2 1 2.1 0 0 0 1
    David Hale 6 4 3 2 4 2 2 3 0 3.0 0 1 22 2
    Billy Hartung 26 12 7 14 6 22 4 0 0 0.0 2 1 0 2
    Bradley Hill 33 20 6 13 1 30 4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Luke Hodge 30 17 5 13 11 18 8 1 0 1.0 1 0 0 6
    Daniel Howe 11 8 5 3 1 10 1 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0
    Brian Lake 26 17 11 9 13 13 1 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0
    Angus Litherland 17 10 5 7 4 13 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Sam Mitchell 36 17 2 19 13 22 5 0 0 0.0 2 3 0 7
    Paul Puopolo 17 4 1 13 12 5 12 0 0 0.0 1 1 0 1
    Cyril Rioli 11 5 1 6 7 4 4 1 0 1.0 1 2 0 2
    Jarryd Roughead 11 5 1 6 9 2 5 0 1 0.1 1 2 0 3
    Liam Shiels 28 16 6 12 5 21 14 1 2 1.2 2 1 1 4
    Isaac Smith 30 19 7 11 7 22 2 1 0 1.0 1 0 1 3
    Ben Stratton 19 10 4 9 7 14 2 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 1
    Matthew Suckling 28 16 6 12 5 23 1 1 0 1.0 0 1 0 2
    Gold Coast statistics
    Players D K M H CP UP T G B GB FF FA HO CL
    Harley Bennell 19 16 2 3 6 10 4 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 3
    Andrew Boston 18 14 4 4 9 9 5 0 0 0.0 3 1 0 5
    Keegan Brooksby 7 1 2 6 4 3 5 1 0 1.0 1 0 12 0
    Charlie Dixon 8 6 3 2 4 4 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 0 0
    Mitch Hallahan 30 19 6 11 16 17 4 0 0 0.0 3 1 0 7
    Jarrod Harbrow 7 2 0 5 4 5 6 0 0 0.0 0 2 0 0
    Kade Kolodjashnij 20 11 2 9 3 17 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Sean Lemmens 11 7 2 4 5 9 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0
    Jesse Lonergan 10 6 2 4 4 7 7 0 0 0.0 1 3 0 0
    Tom J. Lynch 13 8 8 5 8 4 3 2 0 2.0 0 0 0 0
    Jack Martin 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Brandon Matera 15 8 2 7 7 8 0 1 0 1.0 0 1 0 0
    Steven May 15 9 1 6 11 3 2 0 0 0.0 2 1 0 0
    Trent McKenzie 11 7 2 4 4 7 6 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0
    Touk Miller 18 6 2 12 9 10 3 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 4
    Tom Nicholls 14 2 2 12 11 3 6 0 0 0.0 4 0 25 4
    Michael Rischitelli 23 16 1 7 12 9 7 0 2 0.2 1 2 1 8
    Luke Russell 13 6 0 7 6 5 5 1 0 1.0 0 1 0 2
    Adam Saad 19 6 3 13 7 12 2 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 2
    Henry Schade 7 3 3 4 3 4 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
    Alex Sexton 9 8 2 1 6 3 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1
    Danny Stanley 19 10 3 9 8 12 3 0 0 0.0 1 3 0 1

    Top Players

    Player name Luke Breust 3
    Player name David Hale 3
    Player name Sam Mitchell 36
    Player name Taylor Duryea 20
    Player name Bradley Hill 20
    Player name Josh Gibson 19
    Player name Sam Mitchell 19
    Contested Possessions
    Player name Mitch Hallahan 16
    Uncontested Possessions
    Player name Bradley Hill 30
    Player name Taylor Duryea 11
    Player name Brian Lake 11
    Player name Liam Shiels 14
    Player name Michael Rischitelli 8

    Match Details

    Start time:
    Sam HayNick BrownMatt Stevic

    This page updates automatically

    AFL round nine 2015: Saturday afternoon footy


    Ronny Lerner

    Jesse Hogan of the Demons marks in front of Port's Alipate Carlile.

    Jesse Hogan of the Demons marks in front of Port's Alipate Carlile. Photo: Getty Images

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