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Robert Lewis Dear

In other words, not all terrorists are Muslim.

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TrumpTrump picked a fight. He got one.

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We will be posting articles from Idavox on OPP as well, starting this week.

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11/14/2015 - PARIS ATTACKS

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One People's Project extends its most heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the Nov. 13 attack in Paris and their families. We also urge everyone not to give into the hatred that has been expressed in response to the attack that has targeted not those responsible, but innocents who may have nothing to do with those who are. Those who do that make themselves just as much a problem as the attackers were, and will ultimately cause more harm to themselves than the people they hate.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 15 November 2015 00:09


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What's up Daily Beast!

I wanted to welcome everyone who is coming to this site via the new Daily Beast article about me and the work that One People's Project does, and I hope you get a lot out of what you see here. You are coming here during a time of transition because we have been trying to fix the site for months now and everything here is kind of nuts. You will find a lot of the past articles here, and the Rogues' Gallery button in the menu goes to the new version of it, which is still under construction. The original Rouges' Gallery entries are still available at their original links by clicking on the drop down portion of that button. Meanwhile, we have been posting new articles at, which as of last month has become our official newsline! Like I said earlier, everything is a bit nuts, and I apologize for the confusion, but this site has been through trials and tribulations unimaginable over the past 15 years, and it was only a matter of time before we had to just blow the thing up and try to get things right about it! Again, I want to thank you all for coming here, and if you have any questions, want to interview me, appear at an event, do a cameo on Doctor Who or Walking Dead (it's worth a shot), etc., hit me up at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it !

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Executive Director, One People's Project

P.S. I would not be remiss in not mentioning that we have a Go Fund Me page and a PayPal page set up for those who would like to donate and help us further the work we do. If people like Kim Davis and other bigots, not to mention dirty cops, are going to use such platforms to profit off their bigotry and misdeeds, we most certainly should use those same platforms to beat them back - especially after the election results in Kentucky and Houston, TX. So if you can help in that regard we would greatly appreciate it. You can find the PayPal and Go Fund Me buttons on the sidebar.

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Last Updated on Friday, 06 November 2015 12:58


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One People's Project went to the National Policy Institute Conference at the National Press Club on Halloween. The theme of the conference was "Become Who We Are" and who they are is a bunch of scared little bunnies who could not deal with a little exposure. And in this video, we give them a lot! Our take on the conference will be posted at Idavox shortly!

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There is some work on this site that you might notice is causing a few problems with it, and we ask that you bear with us. Sadly, it is causing a few inconviences. The Rogues' Gallery entries are still available, but you would have to do a Google search of them (name + One People's Project) The reason why is because we are moving them to To make matters worse, our site's search engine is not working. These are all things that became a problem over the past week, and they will be fixed, but we wanted to let you know what was going on. And don't forget, the latest news on everything that OPP covers is now on our new site!


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 17:45




Looking for the latest news and information? Check out the brand new One People's Project newsline.!


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Checks and Money Orders are made out to One People's Project and sent to ONE PEOPLE'S PROJECT, PO Box 42817, Philadelphia, PA 19101. Donations are not tax deductable at this time.





Neal Hoesley - RIH


This happened a few months back, but we just found out about it this week. And we would be remiss to give this guy the proper sendoff he so richly deserves, since we owe him so much. Otis O’Neal “Neal” Horsley, Jr is the former drug dealer turned extremist anti-abortion activist that gave us a website called the Nurenburg Files. It was a list of abortion providers with their names and addresses and when one died - or was killed by one of someone Horsley was down with – he would put a line through their names. Despite protests and lawsuits, the courts ruled he was well within his First Amendment rights to do so. Add Sean Hannity little stunt on a 2001 program where he attacked one of those providers and treated Horsley with kid gloves, and we get an epiphany: if it was legal for some scumbag like Horsley to do this, we can do the same to the right wingers and fascists that we document, and hence the practice began – launching our Rogues’ Gallery section like a rocket into infamy! We have since slowed down the practice (not stop – some folks warrant it more than others), and Horsely – who lost on appeal when courts ruled his website did constitute a threat - went into obscurity, especially after he appeared on Hannity’s show and admitted to having sex with farm animals (“When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.") We had even taken him out of the Rogues' Gallery because he was neutered sufficiently, and now, thanks to reportedly liver cancer, Horsley has been cooking along with the other fake Christians since April 13, although his site is still up. We however think his greatest contribution was to us in helping to give us the freedom to do what we need to do, so this just might be the first time a Rot in Hell sendoff comes with a thank you!


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POB 42817
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 501-7958

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Founder, Spokesperson


We are looking for white power propaganda and materials, old and new, to help our work. Some folks out there have items like this lying around, collecting dust and taking up space. Don't throw it out, send it to us. We can use it. If you wish to donate 'zines, CDs, videos, clothing, photos, documents or other related items, feel free to send them our way. All items will be received on a confidential basis.


This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

The One People's Project provides this information to help understand who we are dealing with, strongly condemns any unlawful act perpetuated against any person, and discourages its visitors that believe in fighting racism not to be like much of the scum you see on this website. Remember: We have the upper hand. They don't.