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Baltimore, MD, United States
spe·lunk·ing /spiˈləNGkiNG/ Noun The exploration of caves, esp. as a hobby. Email me at spelunking2000@gmail.com

Saturday, May 2, 2015

WCBM Radio's Tom Marr says man who cut fire hose should have been shot for his crime, completely ignoring the criminal justice system, and the rule of law

Tom Marr on the Left with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on the Right (Image courtesy of The Intercept)

On the May 1, 2015 episode of the Tom Marr Show, host Tom Marr told a caller named Steve that the man who cut a fire hose during the Baltimore Uprising should have been shot. The man, 22 year old Greg Bailey of Baltimore, Maryland was "charged Tuesday with second-degree escape, possession of a dangerous weapon with intent to injure and attempted theft of less than $100."

Here are the Maryland State Sentencing Guidelines. Odd that Tom Marr's Wife is an ex-cop, yet Marr has no respect for our judicial system. What a total dick.

Greg Bailey (Image courtesy of Maryland State Fire Marshall)

Charges for Greg Bailey. (Image courtesy of Maryland Judiciary Case Search)

Listen to the podcast here.

(Skip to 46:35)

Steve: "Hey Tom, I just want to touch base on two things real quick. One thing is, with regard to the individual that was trying to, that was cutting, or trying to cut the fire hoses when they were trying to put out the fires at the CVS, that was started." 
Tom Marr: "He had a gas mask on, and a red shirt." 
Steve: "Pardon?"
Tom Marr: "He had a gas mask on, and a red shirt, and you couldn't make out who he was." 
Steve: "Well, you know? I guess if I would've been one of the police officers on duty, I would have kind of suggested to one of my officers to go walk over to the individual, and then accidentally fall, and use his police baton, to break his fall from him hitting the ground, or falling on that individual." 
Tom Marr: "Well, no, I think he should've been shot." 
Steve: "Well. Oooh. I like the way you think Tom."

(Skip to 48:29)

Tom Marr: "I'm telling you, that guy, who stabbed that fire hose, and that was fighting a fire where you are building a Senior Center, and things like that. And it would have been primarily for Black people. He should've been shot, on the spot!" 
Steve: "I wholeheartedly agree."

Anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller claims ISIS flag makes appearance at Baltimore Uprising, it didn't

(Courtesy of Pamela Geller)

Is it any wonder why Conservatives, and the Far-Right are so stupid? They don't believe the Liberal media, problem is, they do believe the Conservative media, or what passes for media these days. Personally, I think blogging is fine, but I think some sort of standards should be in place so that bloggers can't get away with lying like this. There is absolutely no way this was done by mistake. Lying to the public should be illegal IMO.

On April 28, 2015, Anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller posted two grainy, low resolution photos taken during the Baltimore Uprising, and claimed that they were ISIS flags. The only problem? They aren't. The photos were almost certainly, deliberately posted as low resolution files to blur the detail of the flag so that the flag would look somewhat similar to an ISIS flag, because lets face it, it only needs to look somewhat similar to fool the Far-Right dunces in this country!

This is a pretty typical fear mongering tactic of the Far-Right to provide a false context in order to play upon the emotions of dumb Conservatives who lap this stuff up like a kitten at a bowl of milk.

(Courtesy of Pamela Geller)

For comparison purposes, the actual ISIS flag:

An actual rendering of the ISIS flag.

And a high resolution photo posted at MSNBC, which was taken during the same sequence of photos at the Baltimore Uprising which shows the detail of the flag:

(Full size image from the same sequence of shots posted at Pamela Geller's blog, Image courtesy of MSNBC, copyright Jim Watson/AFP/Getty)

A close-up of the detail of the same flag posted at MSNBC. Note that it does not have the same pattern. Beyond both flags being black and white, there are no similarities between the two.

Close-up of image taken at Baltimore Uprising (Courtesy of
MSNBC, copyright Jim Watson/AFP/Getty)

A closer inspection of the detail above clearly shows that the design does not match the ISIS flag, as a matter of fact, it doesn't look anything like it, considering that it's actually an Anonymous flag. But who cares about that? Pesky facts.

Another view of the flag seen above taken elsewhere which clearly shows it to be an Anonymous flag, not ISIS. (Image courtesy of Elena_EvilEye at Women's Health forum, copyright unknown)

Anonymous flag.  Note: This is not the same flag as above,
but similar. (Image courtesy of Blackblok)

(Image courtesy of Facebook)

The Right Wing Echo Chamber of Stupidity:

"ISIS Flag in Baltimore, Barracuda Brigade, April 28, 2014

"ISIS Flag Spotted in Baltimore Riots", DC Watchdog, April 28, 2015

"ISIS Flag in Baltimore", Sethomson's Blog, April 28, 2015

"ISIS flag spotted during Baltimore riots", OrlyTaitzEsq, April 28, 2015

"ISIS Spotted On The Streets Of Baltimore Smashing Police Cars", Shoebat, April 28, 2015 (Note: Shoebat agrees, this is not an ISIS flag)

"ISIS flag pops up during Baltimore riots", Christian Action Network, April 28, 2015

"Report: ISIS Using Baltimore Riots to Recruit Muslim Operatives", Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, April 29, 2015

"ISIS flag in Baltimore", Fire Andrea Mitchell!, April 29, 2015

"ISIS flag in Baltimore?", ATRL Forum, April 29, 2015

"ISIS Flag in Baltimore", Allah's Willing Executioners, April 29, 2015

"BREAKING: This Flag Was Captured Among Baltimore Rioters", Conservative Post, April 29, 2015

"Isis Using Baltimore Riots to Recruit African-Americans for ‘Waging Jihad': Report", The Olive Branch Report, April 29, 2015

“Isis Using Baltimore Riots to Recruit African-Americans for 'Waging Jihad': Report”, International Business Times, Johnlee Varghese, April 29, 2015

“ISIS Flag Caught on Camera in Baltimore”, Conservative Watch News, April 29, 2015

“BREAKING: This Flag Was Captured Among Baltimore Rioters” Conservative Musings, April 30, 2015

"ISIS Flags Caught In Photos At Baltimore Protests/Riots", Godlike Productions, May 1, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

WCBM Radio's Tom Marr does his darnedest to revive HIV hysteria, uses fear to play on listeners emotions, to influence their opinions on police officers in Freddie Gray case

WCBM blabbermouth Tom Marr (Left) with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (Right)

Listen to the podcast here

On the May 1, 2015 episode of the Tom Marr Show, WCBM loudmouth, and whore-for-cash, Tom Marr, made one of the most ignorant claims of his entire career:

(Skip to 18:11)
"Well, they did do something wrong when they didn't put him in properly, but there was an excuse made for that yesterday as well. One that was coming out, that somebody I saw on television, they disguised him so you don't know who they are. There's an unwritten rule that if someone is being unruly, you don't put them in the restraint for the simple reason that they could be bitten, and unfortunately there is, yes there absolutely is the AIDS virus in saliva, and if it gets into your bloodstream, that's all she wrote."

(Skip to 38:20)

"What I said was, I saw someone, on television saying there is an unwritten rule, that if someone is acting unruly in the van, you don't strap them down like you're supposed to under policy, because I mentioned that the AIDS virus is in saliva, and it is. The AIDS virus is in mother's milk, believe it or not, and I did say that if someone bites you, and you get the AIDS virus into your bloodstream, you may well have a problem. Then I got this, "You can't get HIV from saliva." I didn't say that you could. But do you want saliva with the AIDS virus in your bloodstream emailer? Oh, and then I'm told to Google it. It's in extreme small quantities, and saliva has proteins that break it down. "I could've sworn you said that this morning. If I misheard, I'm sorry. Well, I think you may well have misheard."

We noted that Marr did not provide a source for the claim.

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention says that:

"HIV is not spread by day-to-day contact in the workplace, schools, or social settings. HIV is not spread through shaking hands, hugging, or a casual kiss. You cannot become infected from a toilet seat, a drinking fountain, a door knob, dishes, drinking glasses, food, cigarettes, pets, or insects. HIV is not spread through the air, and it does not live long outside the body. HIV cannot be spread through saliva, and there is no documented case of transmission from an HIV-infected person spitting on another person. There is no risk of transmission from scratching because there is no transfer of body fluids between people."

According to the National Center for Biotechnology:

"The potential risk of HIV-1 infection following human bite although epidemiologically insignificant, but it is biologically possible."

It's hard to believe that at 72 years of age, Marr could be so ignorant to the facts about HIV/AIDS transmission, especially for a guy who talks all day long like he knows everything about everything. The risk of transmission by saliva is zero, and by biting, statistically non-existent. I thought HIV hysteria was a thing of the past, but leave it to Tom Marr to try and revive it. Disgusting.

To try and connect that type of ignorant, bigoted, ass-backwards, and antiquated thinking, to the Freddie Gray case, to try and influence his listeners opinions on the officers actions, is probably one of the sleaziest moves Marr has ever made. It is a wonder that advertisers for WCBM support this type of sick mentality.