Antifa International


Sometimes Richard Dawkins acts like the creepy old white guy on the bus who smells like expired hand lotion and keeps lookin down ur shirt

White men who think it’s their business telling Muslim women what to wear.

i have a question about the anti homophobic action, because i saw a girl wear a hoodie with the patch today :) is it part of the regular antifa, or is it it's own group?

Well it is and it isn’t.

It is insofar as that antifa are anti-homophobia pretty much by default.  To be anti-fascist but in support of or willing to turn a blind eye to homophobia would be a serious contradiction.

The isn’t part is that there is not singular antifa group; nor is there a singular group against homophobia.  Both are movements of individuals and groups united by their common values and the courage to confront hate.

Does that clear things up for you?

asked by Anonymous
i know the logo on your antifa flag is the iron front, but does the antifa logo with the laurel and the gear surrounding the black/red flags have a name? what is it's meaning? how, when and by whom is it used specifically?

You mean like on last year’s Clapton Ultras scarf (bottom left)?

So don’t quote us but we think the laurel part is either a cheeky nod to Fred Perry or just a general love of laurels in emblems.  The gear or cog would be a reference to being working class.  

asked by Anonymous
Specifically, a white privilege.

Specifically, a white privilege.



On January 27, 1945, the Soviet army entered Auschwitz and liberated more than 7,000 remaining prisoners, who were mostly ill and dying. It is estimated that at minimum 1.3 million people were deported to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945; of these, at least 1.1 million were murdered.



On January 27, 1945, the Soviet army entered Auschwitz and liberated more than 7,000 remaining prisoners, who were mostly ill and dying. It is estimated that at minimum 1.3 million people were deported to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945; of these, at least 1.1 million were murdered.



american historical films be like



A biopic about Nat Turner just premiered at Sundance!  Written, directed & starring Nate Parker!  Who’s not a white dude!  

And it’s called (wait for it!): The Birth of a Nation!

And it just scored the most lucrative distro deal in Sundance history!

Thinking maybe the Oscars won’t be so white next year…


Australia Day: The Main Event in the National Sport of Denial

Note: The following text was written by some unknown activists who redecorated several ‘ADSHELL’ corporate advertising spaces in the city of Melbourne, in so-called Australia on 26.01.16 in protest against the ‘Australia Day’ national public holiday and it’s accompanying ‘official’ celebrations.

Australia Day: The Main Event in the National Sport of Denial

Today, advertising across the city of Melbourne has been replaced with messages that confront “Australia Day” for its inherent celebration of invasion and the genocide that continues to be perpetrated against First Nations Peoples of this land.

This act of protest seeks to highlight that so-called “Australia” was invaded under false pretenses, and that the sovereignty of its First Nations was never ceded, whilst simultaneously reclaiming public spaces from commercial entities for use as a public forum.

For many Indigenous people, today is a day of anger and mourning. In the wars that followed the initial invasion 228 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal people lost their lives in defense of their homeland. Countless more have died since as a result of the national narrative of denial and neglect that has since been perpetuated by governments, businesses and schools. To uphold this narrative through the celebration of Australia Day, is to continue the genocidal mindset of the first invaders and to uphold their actions.

The private entities that pay to control our public spaces know this history. They have helped perpetuate this patriotic myth because they profit from denial. These companies are the same companies that are responsible for the displacement of Aboriginal people from their lands, the pollution of environments and the destruction of cultures. They would have Aboriginal people assimilate or be wiped out and they would have you, the individual, conform or disappear.

We stand against all private entities that would seek to colonise our minds for profit and we stand in solidarity with all Aboriginal peoples fighting to decolonise this continent.

History is shared. Reflect and acknowledge.


We prefer celebrating January 26th as Eric Cantona Day!







21  years ago today, Eric Cantona responded to racial abuse he was subjected to from National Front/British National Party supporter Matthew Simmons by delivering a flying kick to his head from the pitch.  

Asked about the incident two decades later, Cantona said “I didn’t punch him strong enough. I should have punched him harder.”  Still a dedicated humanitarian and anti-racist, Cantona pledged in September to personally house and feed a refugee family in his own home for two years.

Little known Eric Cantona fact: when everything’s gone wrong and you don’t know what to do, Eric Cantona will appear to you to help you figure things out.  



u sure about that mate

One or the other buddy

oxymorons on tumblr.