Factory owners openly ‘assemble crowds’ to break laws for production, whereas workers are prohibited from assembling, and organizations helping them are suppressed—this is class struggle: the...

Jamar Clark, young working-class Black man - murdered by police

This article is written by M1 member, db, a new school teacher and resident in North Minneapolis. The lessons and realities here come from conversations with hundreds of residents, students,...

Article on structure, working conditions and disputes at Amazon in Germany and Poland - reports and interview with workers in the appendix

Some background on the scandal surrounding the shooting of 17 year old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke.


Fred Hampton of the Black Panther Party, and Anna Mae Aquash of AIM.

An article by the Twin Cities General Defense Committee (GDC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) about the dangers of 'badjacketing', which is defined as 'creating...


Police disperse a strike meeting, Market Square, Johannesburg, 1913.

Pamphlet from the Bikisha Media Collective on the development of revolutionary syndicalist organisations in South Africa, including the Industrial Workers of Africa.