Neal Hoesley - RIH


This happened a few months back, but we just found out about it this week. And we would be remiss to give this guy the proper sendoff he so richly deserves, since we owe him so much. Otis O’Neal “Neal” Horsley, Jr is the former drug dealer turned extremist anti-abortion activist that gave us a website called the Nurenburg Files. It was a list of abortion providers with their names and addresses and when one died - or was killed by one of someone Horsley was down with – he would put a line through their names. Despite protests and lawsuits, the courts ruled he was well within his First Amendment rights to do so. Add Sean Hannity little stunt on a 2001 program where he attacked one of those providers and treated Horsley with kid gloves, and we get an epiphany: if it was legal for some scumbag like Horsley to do this, we can do the same to the right wingers and fascists that we document, and hence the practice began – launching our Rogues’ Gallery section like a rocket into infamy! We have since slowed down the practice (not stop – some folks warrant it more than others), and Horsely – who lost on appeal when courts ruled his website did constitute a threat - went into obscurity, especially after he appeared on Hannity’s show and admitted to having sex with farm animals (“When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.") We had even taken him out of the Rogues' Gallery because he was neutered sufficiently, and now, thanks to reportedly liver cancer, Horsley has been cooking along with the other fake Christians since April 13, although his site is still up. We however think his greatest contribution was to us in helping to give us the freedom to do what we need to do, so this just might be the first time a Rot in Hell sendoff comes with a thank you!