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Menu Skip to content Who is Jerry?  ¿Quién es Jerry? (en Español)   Jerry’s Statement  Su Declaración (En Español) Jerry’s Statement from Prison   News  Updates Media   Grand Jury FAQ Get Involved  How to Write to Jerry Solidarity Inside/Out: Prisoner Book Club   Events Downloads Store  Clothing Books/InsideOut           Jerry’s Statement from Prison   Jerry has released a new statement from inside MCC:

 First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who has supported me in so many ways these past three months. It has been a hell of a ride thus far, full of sudden transfers and inexplicable delays. In the face of all that, I’m doing all right, although I’d like to see the sun more and truly miss the color green. I miss my friends and my loved ones, and I’m looking forward to the day when I can finally rejoin you all in the land of the living. But I am holding strong. I do not know how much longer the State plans to keep me separated from my family and friends, but I will not bend.

 Compared to the vast majority in this prison, I’m lucky. I’m not facing the very real possibility of spending the rest of my life in this place, as so many of the men in my unit are. I am really fortunate to have such strong support on the outside. The solidarity everyone has shown is helping me through this and constantly reaffirms my resolve.

 The Federal Grand Jury that put me here is only the most recent facet of an assault on those who wish to be free of state surveillance and intimidation. This legal onslaught has already targeted and claimed the freedom of many anarchists, but we will keep fighting. I will keep fighting. My politics, principles and ethics stand in direct opposition with this legal tool that is used to further enable the government in its assault on anarchists, and I will not lend it any legitimacy, nor will I comply in any way.

 Thank you again to everyone for your truly beautiful acts of support. Your letters especially are helping me get through this, and I look forward to talking with many of you soon, on this side of the bars and beyond.

 Last, please take the next few minutes to write someone who is locked up—believe me, it will make their day.

 With love, with dignity, in solidarity, for anarchy, Jerry Koch

       New Support Tour On The Road!   The Support Jerry Committee is on tour again.  Come through for a talk, t-shirts and posters, and some messages from Jerry along with letter writing information and updates on his case.

 Ithaca July 18  at Silent City Distro, 7pm - 115 E. MLK Street, Ithaca, New York Buffalo July 20 at Burning Books, 7pm - 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, New York Pittsburgh July 24 at The Big Idea, 7pm - 4812 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA Columbus July 27 7pm at The Midden – 379 Chittenden Ave. Columbus OH Cleveland July 28th, the Tree House – 1925 w. 77th St, Apt 4 (around back), Cleveland, OH Kalamazoo July 31 at the Central Library – 315 S Rose St, Kalamazoo, Michigan Chicago TBA Milwaukee Aug 5  7pm, Peoples Book Cooperative – 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Madison Aug 8 7pm Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative – 426 W. Gilman Street, Madison, Wisconsin Winona: aug 9 TBA Minneapolis Aug 13 at the Minnehaha Free Space, 6pm - 3747 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Louis TBA Bloomington Aug 20 Boxcar Books, 7pm - 408 E. 6th St. Bloomington, IN

       Write Jerry Now! E-mail Service   A new, easy way to write Jerry. The Support Jerry Committee has come up with a simple fast way for you to support Jerry while he is imprisoned. Send Jerry an email at, and we will print it off, stick it in envelope, pay the postage and send it to him. No further work required.

 Nothing could be easier to support Jerry who desperately wants to hear from people on the outside. If you wish you should include a name and address so he can write you back. Send an email today to show your support for Jerry.

       Noise Demo Sights and Sounds   We have a few grainy photos here to articulate a little bit of the spirit that was displayed last Friday, the 28th, for the latest noise demo at MCC. Again, fighting a storm, friends and supporters gathered to show their solidarity with Jerry and the struggle of political prisoners. Pots and pans banged together, punctuated by improvised marching drums and dollar store whistles, with a banner unfurled in front “Free Jerry, Spread Anarchy!”  Lights flickered on and off in the cell blocks and inmates waved from the hallway windows.

 Along with the images here is a field recording from the Mike Cannon Show with a lead in to the cacophony from Jerry recorded before his imprisonment:

 Noise Demo MP3



       Jerry’s AK Press Wishlist   The folks over at AK Press have graciously posted a running list of their books that Jerry has asked for. They will be keeping the list updated as new titles become available and as Jerry requests more of their books. For folks that would like to send Jerry books, this is a great resource!

 Jerry’s AK Press Wishlist

       Noise Demo for Jerry Friday 6/28   

 8 PM at MCC (Pearl Street between Cardinal Hayes Place and Park Row) Bring noisemakers, whistles, drums, pots, pans…anything you have that makes noise!

 Let’s get fucking loud and show Jerry how much we love him!

 Solidarity, inside and out.

 We’ll see you there!

       Grand Jury Discussion Tonight at Bluestockings @ 7 PM   Friday, June 21st @ 7PM, 172 Allen Street – $5 Suggested Discussion: Grand Jury Resistance

 People across the country have been imprisoned without charges for refusing to cooperate with Grand Juries. Recently Jerry Koch, a New York anarchist who does significant jail support for other radicals in the city, was imprisoned for the duration of a Grand Jury (up to 18 months) for his refusal to cooperate. Jerry’s support committee will talk about his specific situation, a representative from SAW (Stop Anarchist Witch Hunts) will explain how the government uses Grand Juries to disrupt and repress anarchist communities, and a representative from Combustion books will talk about the Inside/Out project they set up with Jerry prior to his imprisonment. Inside/Out is an anarchist prisoner book club that gives people on the outside a way to actively and consistently correspond with anarchist prisoners.

       FBI/NYPD Press Release: Reward for Doing the Cops’ Job   On Tuesday, June 18, the FBI and NYPD put out a press release offering a $65,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the 2008 Times Square bicycle bomber.

 The press release demonstrates the great progress the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force), NYPD, FBI, and US Attorney’s Office have made thus far:

 The suspect on the bicycle was last seen wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants of an unknown color. The height, weight, age, sex, and race of the suspect are unknown.

 The reward for the identification, arrest, and conviction of the “person(s) responsible for the 2008 bombing of the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Station” has been raised from $12,000 to $65,000.

 If the FBI is now offering a reward for any information—we assume including the color of pants worn by the suspect—why is Jerry still sitting in prison? It sure seems like the feds are conceding that they’re not going to get any information from Jerry, which would mean that his incarceration is not coercive, but punitive. 

 After five years of flailing around and once unsuccessful grand jury, the feds are asking the public to do their jobs for them. They’ve put our friend in prison for staying silent, and now they’re asking us to be cops for them. It brings to mind the late George Carlin…


       Being All Self-Described Or Whatever: Jerry in All Discontents   All Discontents has a nice piece on Jerry’s resistance that pulls from a lot of great sources. Lots of click-through links. Shout out to them for posting such thorough info, a clever title, and encouraging the snitch-free life.

       Noise Demo Reportback   

 Friday’s noise demo outside of MCC for Jerry was a huge success! Despite the hurricane-like conditions, 75 people gathered outside the prison to make noise for Jerry. We unfurled a great support banner and screamed over the roar of the torrential downpour to make sure that Jerry could hear us, and as the noise demo started, we saw a black silhouette in one of the windows raise a fist in strength and solidarity.

 He confirmed on Saturday by way of a brief phone call that he could see and hear us, and that the figure in the window was him, and that he had never felt anything so powerful before. He asked that we thank everyone that joined us outside MCC and to let you all know how much he misses and loves you all. Not only did Jerry see us, but his fellow inmates in his wing did as well, and were really into the noise demo.

 Join us on Friday, June 28 at 8 PM for our second noise demo for Jerry, and for all prisoners at MCC.

          Jerry Was Taken Into Custody: 2 years, 1 month, 8 days, 7 hours, 33 minutes ago Write to Jerry NEW: If you can't send a paper letter. Send Jerry an email at, and we will print it off, stick it in envelope, pay the postage and send it to him. No further work required. GERALD KOCH #68631-054 MCC NEW YORK METROPOLITAN CORRECTIONAL CENTER 150 PARK ROW NEW YORK, NY 10007 Send Jerry letters, cards, and photos. Please use your discretion: do not include any information that could put Jerry--or yourself--at risk. You cannot send newspaper or magazine clippings, but you can photocopy articles to send to him. No staples, glitter, stickers, glue, etc.  Donate to Support Jerry         We strongly encourage people that can to "subscribe" to a monthly, recurring donation. This will help ensure that Jerry's commissary and other needs are regularly provided for, and also allows you to actively and continually support Jerry while he is in prison. Jerry will be keeping his supporters updated on his situation and how he is doing.       Payment options Option 1 : $5.00 USD - monthly Option 2 : $10.00 USD - monthly Option 3 : $20.00 USD - monthly Option 4 : $50.00 USD - monthly        No credit card/Paypal? No problem. Send cash, checks, or money orders to:    Combustion Books    P.O. Box 721338    Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (Checks and money orders should be made out to Amanda Clarke)  Contact:   !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Mailing List Subscribe for very low volume, key updates on Jerry's case, such as court date reminders, essential news, and urgent support. We promise not to flood your inbox.         Name:     E-Mail:              Bookmarks  Committee Against Political Repression Free Jeremy Hammond NYC ABC NYC Antifa Say Nothing Support Joel Bitar Year0   Shopping Cart  Your shopping cart is empty Visit the shop 

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