Musei Capitolini

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The creation of the Capitoline Museums has been traced back to 1471, when Pope Sixtus IV donated a group of bronze statues of great symbolic value to the People of Rome.

The collections are closely linked to the city of Rome, and most of the exhibits come from the city itself.

Video 1 - Musei Capitolini

Video 2 - Musei Capitolini

The Capitoline Hill is the smallest hill in Rome and was originally made up of two parts (the Capitolium and the Arx) separated by a deep valley which corresponds to where Piazza del Campidoglio now stands about 8 metres above the original site.
 The sides of this hill were very steep and on account of the difficulty of reaching the top and the dominating position it enjoyed over the River Tiber, it was chosen as the city's main stronghold.

Through the rooms

The hall was built in an open area that historically marked the boundary between the properties of the Conservators and the Caffarellis. In the same space, which was used to exhibit the many sculptures found in the excavations following the urbanization of new areas after the proclamation of Rome as the Capital of Italy, an octagonal pavilion, designed by Virgilio Vespignani, was built in 1876, later it was disassembled to make space for a garden.

Capitoline Museums and Samsung: technology for museum communication

More in-depth news on the most important sculptures exhibited in the museum and on the paintings in the Pinacoteca Capitolina (Capitoline Picture Gallery) can be accessed on all smartphones  equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.

The Virtual Tour of the Capitoline Museums – a Zètema Progetto Cultura production developed by HQuadro using the immersive virtual reality technology – is fully interactive and multimedia, and employs sophisticated processing techniques and photo-montage. Take a virtual walk into the halls of the museum. Use your mouse for a 360-degree view, up and down and zoom in to see works of art in detail: sculptures, paintings, architectural details, facings, ceilings and floors.

02/10/2015 - 10/01/2016
Metaphors of the Gaze

The exhibition Raffaello Parmigianino Barocci. Metaphors of the Gaze compares the art of Francesco Mazzola, known as Parmigianino, and Federico Fiori, also known as Il Barocci, two artists who lived at different times, with the work of Raphael.

Educational resources for all

La mostra Raffaello, Parmigianino, Barocci. Metafore dello sguardo, prende avvio da un confronto a distanza che due artisti vissuti in epoche e luoghi diversi, instaurarono nei confronti di Raffaello e propone una selezione di disegni, acqueforti e chiariscuri accanto a dipinti e rilievi antichi


Exhibitions and events

Metaphors of the Gaze
2 October 2015 - 10 January 2016

Educational events

20 October 2015 - 31 May 2016
Didactic programs for schools


I Musei in Comune visti da aldrea_bastiglia_freschi: #MiCRoma Alla faccia della Cariatide! #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da gaguarin: #MiCRoma be that easy (#alzalosguardo @feltrinelli_editore) [#museonazionale @radio3_rai @igersitalia] {#itwasmeonthatroad | entry for #emptyCapitolini @museiincomuneroma @igersroma @igerslazio @
I Musei in Comune visti da layetano: #MiCRoma #Hercules #Heracles #Eracle #MuseiCapitolini #Roma
I Musei in Comune visti da federicomollicone: #MiCRoma #musica #museiincomune #MUSica15 #marcoaurelio ascolta incantato il jazz di giuliani/pietropaoli/sferra. Le radici profonde del nostro grande progetto non gelano mai ;)
I Musei in Comune visti da dominiclaurent: #MiCRoma Ellenismi ⚪️ #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da emi_off: #MiCRoma Affaccio sui fori - Terrazze Musei Capitolini. #whatitalyis #MiCRoma #LAZIOisME
I Musei in Comune visti da furiorinaldi: #MiCRoma #dogs #Roma #capitolinemuseum #museicapitolini @museiincomuneroma
I Musei in Comune visti da parisianinrome: #MiCRoma A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful whic
I Musei in Comune visti da alucaround: #MiCRoma ~ As long as politics is the shadow of big business, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance. John Dewey #igersroma #Roma #ig_rome #igerslazio #loves_roma #romanity
I Musei in Comune visti da silvietta_chopin: #MiCRoma #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da gaguarin: #MiCRoma Il cortile e l'OCEANO (Marforio I-II sec D.C. | in #Campidoglio dal 1644) [#itwasmeonthatroad | entry for #emptyCapitolini #MICroma | @museiincomuneroma @igersroma @igerslazio @visit_laz
I Musei in Comune visti da aldrea_bastiglia_freschi: #MiCRoma #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da l.altro.davide: #MiCRoma #museicapitolini #museiinmusica #marcoaurelio #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da marco.75: #MiCRoma #roma #controilterrorismo #controgliattentati #MUSica15
I Musei in Comune visti da williamgg_: #MiCRoma Musei in musica, parte cinque. #MUSica15 #sculpture #arte #roma #museicapitolini
I Musei in Comune visti da browsingitaly: #MiCRoma Morning at a museum is always a good idea. When in #Rome, don't miss out on a visit to the Capitoline Museums
I Musei in Comune visti da emi_off: #MiCRoma Cupole. #emptycapitolini #MiCRoma #whatitalyis
I Musei in Comune visti da mauriziosgh: #MiCRoma #Roma #instagram #Italy @museiincomuneroma
I Musei in Comune visti da marco.75: #MiCRoma Il grande #marcoaurelio #MUSica15 #controgliattentati #controilterrorismo
I Musei in Comune visti da giggi_gram: #MiCRoma #visuali... #campidoglio #Roma #Rome #storia #architecture #architettura #statue #fotodiroma #noidiroma #cultura #spqr #igers #igdaily #igersroma #volgoroma #loves_roma_ #ig_rome #cava

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