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Australian actress Eliza Szonert held in custody in Malaysia

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Eliza Szonert entering Malaysian police station

Phone vision recorded by the Australian actress shows her entering a police station in Kuala Lumpur before she was taken into custody.

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Australian actress Eliza Szonert, who snatched her son from her former partner in Malaysia, is being held in police custody after she refused to hand the boy over to local officials or reveal his location.

The 41-year-old former Neighbours star had attended a police station in the capital Kuala Lumpur to be interviewed about snatching her son from her former partner, the boy's father, businessman Ashley Crick, on December 10.

Szonert's mother Kay , who is in Malaysia and is currently caring for the boy, confirmed Szonert had gone to the station with a lawyer on Monday afternoon and was expecting to be interviewed and then released.

Eliza Szonert holds her son after taking him from a suburban Kuala Lumpur restaurant.

Eliza Szonert holds her son after taking him from a suburban Kuala Lumpur restaurant. Photo: Supplied

But late on Monday night the lawyer left the police station alone and Szonert was detained.

Col Chapman, a spokesman for Child Recovery Australia the business that helped Szonert snatch her son, confirmed that his client as being held without charge after she declined to give up son or reveal his whereabouts.

He said his client had refused to give up the boy arguing it was not the business of Malaysian officials.

Eliza Szonert: Former star of Neighbours.

Eliza Szonert: Former star of Neighbours. Photo: Supplied

Mr Chapman said Szonert blamed a vexatious complaint from Mr Crick for her confinement.

He said Szonert had sought assistance from the Australian High Commission to arrange her release.

"It has always been the intention of Ms Szonert to return to Australia with her son to resolve the matter through the proper processes," he said.

"The entire matter has escalated because of the complaint from Crick."

Szonert refused to release the child or reveal the child's location resulting in her confinement.

She is likely to face a remand procedure on Tuesday that could see her being detained for up to four days.

The Melbourne-based actress had been stranded in Malaysia with her son after she snatched the boy from Mr Crick in a Kuala Lumpur restaurant

She alleged that Mr Crick is in possession of her and her son's passports and has declined to release them to her leaving her and the boy unable to leave the country.

After the boy was taken Mr Crick made an official complaint to Malaysian Police.

Police then launched an official investigation into the snatching operation which had involved Szonert using two burly men from a child recovery agency.

Late last week Kuala Lumpur-based senior investigations police officer, Arikrishnan Apparau, called on Szonert to present herself to the police station to give a statement.

The child recovery agency employees involved in the operation have since been flown out of the country.

Mr Crick, 43, last week told Australian media that he had filed a statement with Malaysian police about the child being taken from him as they ate breakfast at a restaurant.

He said it was a parent's worst nightmare and he expressed fears for his son's safety.

Mr Crick reportedly said he hoped Szonert would comply with authorities to allow him to return to Australia with his son where he would fight for custody through the Australian court system.

Mr Crick, who is also a noted musician and skydiving champion, had moved to Malaysia to take up a job as the chief technology officer with Iflix, an Asian based video streaming service.

On Tuesday morning he said he was not going to comment on public speculation.

"I am 100 per cent focused on my son's safety and well being," he texted Fairfax.

The case sparked controversy after a video of the snatch was circulated.

Some news outlets have reported claims that Szonert had travelled to Malaysia after spending time in a rehabilitation clinic for treatment.

But Kay Szonert said Szonert had only been treated for trauma and depression at the facility called The Cabin, sometimes known as the "Betty Ford Clinic of Asia".

Eliza Szonert had previously told Fairfax Media that she had taken her son to Kuala Lumpur to visit her former partner, but alleged the arrangement turned sour in recent weeks.

She alleged Mr Crick kicked her out of their shared accommodation after a disagreement, refused to hand over her passport, and refused to let her see their son.

After appealing to the Australian High Commission, Szonert enlisted the help of child recovery experts, who assisted her to find her son at a suburban mall where she picked him up and quickly walked away.

The experience, captured on video given to Fairfax Media, showed Szonert calmly walking into the restaurant, picking up her son and walking out again, as Mr Crick stood talking with the man who accompanied her.

It is this incident, in which Mr Crick is seen to be standing close to the two men who assisted in the snatch operation, that Malaysian Police are concerned may be a case of "wrongful confinement"'.

The couple separated in 2012.


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