
Comments - terms and conditions

We (The Age) invite you to post comments in a number of areas of the website (comments areas). These include but are not limited to 'Your Say' and in the comments sections of blogs published on the website.

When using the comments areas, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

If you think that a comment that has been posted is offensive, unsuitable or has in some other way breached these terms and conditions, please email us at  community@theage.com.au with a link to the comment and your reasons for objecting to it. We'll consider whether there are grounds for editing or removing the comment and take appropriate action, but you won't necessarily be contacted as to our decision.

Our rights

1. We retain the right and discretion (but not the obligation) to edit, delete, reject or remove any comment which you post or seek to post in the comments areas.

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3. We retain the right and discretion to terminate your access to the comments areas if we believe you are abusing the services in any way, or have breached these terms and conditions.

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Your obligations

5. You will not post any material in the comments areas:

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6. You will not use the comments areas for the purpose of:

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7. The views which are expressed in the comments areas are not our views, nor the views of any of The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald's related entities, and we accept no liability in respect of any material posted in the comments areas, nor are we responsible for its content and accuracy.

8. Any reliance you place on material posted in the comments areas is done so at your own risk.


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Governing law

12. These terms and conditions shall be construed and applied in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New South Wales Courts to determine any matter or dispute which arises under these terms and conditions in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

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