Comment & Analysis


Share register something new for Myer to consider


Malcolm Maiden 4:29 PM   The Myer department store group got something else to think about on Friday when investment bank Deutsche filed a 5.2 per cent substantial shareholding notice.

Farrell fells wood as market moves

Market rebounds.

Marcus Padley 1:12 PM   padley

Has the pro-business party lost its nerve?

Have Abbott and Hockey lost their appetite for fiscal reform?

Mark Kenny 10:32 AM   Business bodies are concerned that a weakened Coalition leadership is putting political stability ahead of reform.

Comments 100

Insurers unsure on life beyond churn

Adele Ferguson dinkus

Adele Ferguson 12:15 AM   Within hours of a key review's release, the industry started fighting with itself.

Beyond the spin, the miners are in clover

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West 5:28 PM   The Mining Council put forth with its latest public relations extravaganza, overstating once again the contribution its mining company members make to the economy and calling for further cuts in the corporate tax rate. But really, they should be paying more in tax and royalties, not less.

The eurozone is becoming a no-go zone

In 2014 the European Banking Authority's stress test identified 14 banks that fell short of the capital requirements.

Yannos Papantoniou 5:09 PM   The eurozone is rife with structural weaknesses and that is not sustainable.

Housing is not a one-way bet

Clancy Yeates dinkus Dinkus

Clancy Yeates   The Reserve Bank's latest salvo on house prices is another reminder that the country's top economic minds are nervous about the risks building in pockets of the property market.

Comments 1

Give China a reserve currency


William Pesek   Increased use of the yuan as one of the world's reserve currencies will force China to restructure more radically than its leaders may realise. It also could stabilise the country's rickety financial system, to the benefit the US and the rest of the globe

Housing boom not an automatic bust yet

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden   There were two apparently contrasting views on Australia’s property market on Tuesday.

Comments 8

ACCC throws the fridge at Forrest

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Andrew Forrest's suggestion of a cap on iron ore production when down like a lead balloon with Rod Sims.

Comments 5

Sonic's not so super deal with Geoffrey Edelsten

Colin Kruger - CBD - dink - dinkus - DO NOT DELETE THIS TEXT!!!

Colin Kruger, CBD   Let's hope Sonic Healthcare boss, Dr Colin Goldschmidt, really likes the medical centres he bought from Geoffrey Edelsten, because he might have to pay for them twice.

Singapore ripe for rethink on Lee's economic model

William Pesek

William Pesek   As Lee Kuan Yew leaves the scene, it's Singapore's turn to confront questions about whether it can still compete.

Qantas link with China Eastern may be an air bridge too far

The AAAC has slammed the brakes on Qantas and China Eastern's alliance plans.

Malcolm Maiden   It couldn’t happen in China but it can happen in Australia, and it just has. A deal signed in the presence of the leaders of the two nations has been rejected by Australia’s competition regulator, for reasons that are not easily addressed.

Comments 22


Polls and wires: We are not entirely stupid

The campaign against the privatisation of power infrastructure is cynical.

Michael Pascoe   It’s reassuring to be reminded that the electorate is not entirely stupid, or selfish and greedy. Most of us actually want a better nation.

Joe Hockey to tart up the budget with lipstick

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   The Treasurer moans about Labor’s budget tricks, yet considers a similar sleight of hand.

More woes for National Australia Bank as Dastyari enlists British help

Adele Ferguson dinkus

Adele Ferguson   National Australia Bank's nightmare is about to deepen as Senator Sam Dastyari seeks co-operation from the British parliament.

Premier's star 'children' waiting on gentle budget


Elizabeth Knight   Mark McInnes describes the brands that make up the retail portfolio of Solomon Lew's Premier Investments as "the children".

Tax issues may distort power sales

Li Ka-shing

Michael West   Like Asia's richest man, the corporations bidding for the privatisation of NSW utilities are arch-exponents of aggressive tax minimisation.

Handle with care: Harper's hot potato for Abbott


Adele Ferguson   When Professor Ian Harper hits the send button on the final report on his wide-reaching competition policy he should include a warning notice to the Abbott government to "handle with care".

Comments 1

Slow-building national crisis requires jump-starting both economic motors

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   The golden days, when Australia was the standout success story of the world economy, seem a world away after the mining boom delivered a deep dose of stupefying complacency.

Singapore has a taste for our taxpayers

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West   Singapore is more than just a shining city state, a place of untrammelled commerce and cleanliness, and the jewel of Asia's economic miracle. It is a tax haven.

Friendless fiscal policy about to get invited to the economic party


Ross Gittins   Fiscal policy may be due a comeback as countries look to stabilise demand through the ups and downs of the business cycle.

Australian fertilisers helping prop up Africa's last colony

Resources are a key factor in the Saharawi campaign for sovereignty for Western Sahara.

Kamal Fadel   Each and every day many of us will be consuming a piece of Western Sahara that has been stolen from its people.

Vale Malcolm Fraser, the wettest dry

Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam at a parliament house reception in 1982.

Michael Pascoe   There is something fitting, something rounded, about Malcolm Fraser dying within five months of Gough Whitlam – the old foes, having made their peace, now both at peace.

Comments 2

Australia's time to shine on the big stage and avoid a haircut

Harold Mitchell dinkus

Harold Mitchell   Money talks in New York and if you're prepared to pay a bit over the odds, anything can happen.

Reserve Bank likely to wait on another cut

Glenn Stevens

Peter Martin   Concern about the Sydney property market is shaping as an impediment to another interest rate cut at the Reserve Bank board's next meeting in April.

High voltage stakes in power sell-off

Brian Robins dinkus Dinkus

Brian Robins   The stakes are high for both buyers and sellers if the NSW Government launches an electricity assets sell-off.

Is News Corp tuning in to radio?

Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch could be building a new radio empire for News.

Michael Pascoe   After the APN buy, what price Lachlan Murdoch's privately owned DMG being rolled into a Murdoch Australian radio arm?

Myer's results; thimble and pea disclosure?

The six-month honeymoon period for incoming chiefs has been severely truncated for the new Myer CEO Richard Umbers.

Elizabeth Knight   It's hard to know what upset analysts more: The fact that Myer's half-year earnings were wildly disappointing and that its full-year earnings will also plunge, or the feeling that they were given a bum steer by the company just three weeks ago.

Tax reform canot be discussed in bits and pieces

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden   Tax reform is never a comfortable discussion for a government to initiate, and this government is preparing to do so when its political stocks are low.