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Layne's World

Friday, December 11, 2009

Unsung heroes

The recent Pride Of Australia National Medal Awards in Sydney celebrated ordinary Australians who do extraordinary things for the sake of helping others and saving lives. From acts of heroism by the Victorian Fire Fighters to those who tirelessly donate their lives to improving their local community, the awards highlight the innate humanity each of us possess, should we chose to utilise it. Random acts of kindness and compassion are often performed unrecognised but never are they unappreciated.

One of these heroes is Brett Perry. On Australia Day this year he was enjoying a swim at Waitpinga Beach in South Australia when he noticed four panic-stricken people caught in a rip some distance off-shore. Without hesitation, Brett grabbed his girlfriend's Body Board and swam out to save the four strangers. Brett was recovering from several injuries of his own that day due to an unfortunate sporting incident, yet he proceeded to first rescue the two boys in the rip and then re-entered the water to assist the other two men. On the way in, one of the older men suffered a heart attack and Brett was unable to resuscitate him, a tragedy which still deeply affects him. Brett is a very modest 27-year-old who has no formal training in life saving but his brave act that day saved the lives of three swimmers in peril.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tempering parental tantrums

Lately there has been plenty of discussion about the best way to discipline children. While I can't comment from a parent's point of view, my own experience of childhood discipline shaped the adult I am today.

My father was quick to vent his wrath when I stepped out of line - and I can't thank him enough for it. Through being disciplined I quickly learned where my boundaries were. He was old-fashioned and yes, sometimes reached for the belt, but only as a last resort. The physical pain I felt after being hit was much less than the psychic pain of disappointing and angering my dad. Firm but fair discipline taught me self-discipline and a strong regard for other people's feelings. Would I have achieved as much without it? Maybe, but probably not.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jessica Watson: You go girl!

Jessica Watson has polarised a nation with her attempt to be the youngest person to sail an unassisted solo voyage around the world in her little 34 foot boat, "Ella's Pink Lady". Having met Jessica and her family, and after sitting with her on her boat, I am one of the optimists that believe she can do it. She is well prepared, incredibly focussed and unbelievably mature for a 16 year old girl.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Surfing a rich wave

It's that time of the year again when the best female surfers on the planet converge on the Northern Beaches of Sydney to compete in the richest women's stand alone surfing event in the world.

The Commonwealth Bank Beachley Classic is going to be held at Dee Why Beach, Sydney from Sept 30 - Oct 5th. Offering a $US100,000 prize purse and 10% bonus ratings points, this contest is a crucial part of the ASP Women's World Tour.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

30 minutes to a better body

Where has the year gone? Before you know it, summer is upon us. We have just experienced the mildest winter in 26 years and with 30 degree temperatures in spring, it is safe to assume that this summer is going to be a long and hot one. So how do you shed those unwanted winter pounds, confidently squeeze into last season's bikini and proudly set foot on the beach? All it takes is 30 mins a day.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dream boss or Della Bosca?

The stellar rise and sordid fall of NSW minister John Della Bosca leads me to question the nature of leadership: What are the requisite qualities of a good leader and what sort of person becomes one?

In the introduction to his book Learning From Legends, John Eales expands upon the fundamental characteristics of good leaders and sporting champions. Essentially, his view is that success in sport is similar to success in business and in life. We will all experience both good and bad times. Where we differ is how we respond to those challenges. Success depends upon character, integrity, humility and balance.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Virgin bashing in the bush

Last week Kirk and I flew up to Townsville to participate in the first 3 days of the XXXX Gold Queensland Variety Bash, Australia's premier charity motoring event.

This year marks the event's 20th anniversary and it claims to be the biggest, brashest and most challenging Bash ever! Especially for me, the "virgin basher".

Monday, August 10, 2009

Australia's happiest loser

Being eliminated from last weeks episode of Dancing With The Stars - or robbed depending on how you look at it - came as a shock and a much deeper disappointment than I would have ever imagined. Sure I was having a great time but the classic cliche "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone" tugged on my heart all week long. I felt like I was on a downer!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Luck or talent?

The look of astonishment on my face said it all last Sunday night when Dannial and I narrowly avoided being eliminated for the second time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hot to foxtrot

Week three of Dancing With The Stars and my feet are really starting to hurt now! The routines are getting more challenging, and the timing more tricky, but my inner Diva is in it to win it and I'm determined to blitz the ballroom.

Following on a slow waltz that bored Todd, and a sexy slow rumba that frustrated me to tears, Dannial and I were surprised last week to be given yet another slow ballroom dance in the form of the Foxtrot.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Overcoming stage fright

Whether it's public speaking, or public dancing, stage fright can be crippling. As I recently discovered mid-step on Dancing With The Stars.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dancing With The Stars

If you'd asked me five years ago what I thought I would be doing now, competing on Dancing With The Stars certainly wouldn't have been the answer. But that is exactly where I find myself.

Way out of my comfort zone, learning a whole new skill set and committing myself five hours a day, six days a week to mastering the skill of dance.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bad mood nation

When did Australia become a country of rude and offensive louts? More importantly, how did we come to accept selfish, ill-mannered behaviour as normal?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Making a difference

Last week I wrote about the price you pay for being a role model and the impact it can have on your life.

But while it can be hard, a high profile has lots of advantages, one of which is that it lends one the ability to promote positive citizenship. Being seen to make a difference by giving back to the community and volunteering your time and energy lets you highlight the causes and campaigns that you are most passionate about. Seeing as it's National Volunteers Week, I'd like to highlight a couple of projects I'm currently involved with.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The price of success

Successful people are often held up as role models. The dictionary defines the term Role Model as a person who is regarded as worthy of admiration and often an example to emulate.

How are public role models chosen and do they even have a choice in the matter?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's a man's world - no longer

It's tough being female in a male-dominated sport like surfing but times are changing - and so are women.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Perfecting body image

We are constantly bombarded with mixed messages about how we should or shouldn't look.

Through the media and social activities, there are times when we have all been made to feel that we need to be different to what we naturally are. And it isn't gender specific. Men suffer body image issues as well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The path to success

Embrace the here and now but keep your focus firmly on the future to realise your dreams. The key is knowing what you want and maintaining your motivation until you achieve it. But that's easier said than done and something I'm currently grappling with as I struggle to establish a post-competitive surfing career.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The agony of adoption

Since the publication of my biography, Beneath The Waves, I have received an abundance of positive feedback on the way I dealt with my history of adoption - and my eventual reunion with my birth mother.

For me, discovering that I'm adopted left me with an overwhelming sense of abandonment. If I wasn't worthy of my mother's love then who's love was I worthy of?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Managing stress

Stress is an unavoidable fact of daily life. It's how you react to stressful events that determine their impact on your life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Battling the bulge

Diets are hard work but worth it. The key is to maintain your motivation. But how?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life-changing words

What inspires you? Whom or where do you draw inspiration from?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Surfing's "Happy" future

The tide is turning for women's surfing. Led by Stephanie "Happy" Gilmour, the new wave of up-and-comers are gracious, gifted and inspiriing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The tao of sportsmanship

Competing in Hawaii has always been challenging. Navigating the local crowd, big surf and coral reefs are just some of the potential dangers. But last week I encountered a new hazard.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is one of the modern world's most misunderstood and challenging diseases.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Letting go with grace

When I retire at the end of this year one of the things I'm certainly not going to miss is the mental anguish of losing a close heat.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The confidence to compete

What does the word "Competition" mean to you? More importantly, how does it make you feel?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Learning from loss

With the economy in crisis, it's quite a challenge to remain positive amid all the doom and gloom but tough times can also be liberating.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thinking about drinking

There has been a lot of press lately about the drinking habits and alcohol-induced antisocial behaviour of our country's teens.

Perhaps it is due to the social pressures placed on kids these days, along with boredom and the glorification of partying within the media.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Introducing ... Layne Beachley

Welcome to Layne's World, a blog designed to educate, motivate and ignite opinion and discussion on a range of varied topics such as health, fitness and success.