Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm moving

But not very far: still in sight but with new URLs for you to bookmark:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ask the expert

The silence was deafening. I hesitated. What had I said that was so disarming? I'd telephoned a school mum friend to pick her brains. "Sure - what about?'' she said. ''Extensions,'' said I.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Teenage flicks

What it is with teenage boys? Just when did they become so preoccupied with their appearance? High school teachers say it is the boys who need hounding out of the changerooms after swimming lessons. They take so long because they're doing their hair.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Slap on the paint

Here we were worrying we were wearing too much makeup - risking the overdone slapper look - when we're probably not wearing enough.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Something to chew on

Forget saving for a facelift - looking after our teeth should be the focus if we want to keep beautiful into old age. Researchers say that it is not just loose skin that makes us look old - it's our very bones. They shift and wither with age. The older you are, the more crumbly, the more diminished your skeleton. more

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hard reality

You say you're against animal testing. You say ''cruelty-free'' beauty is important to you. But a national survey suggests you are just paying lip service.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Working heroes

Do you have a ''work spouse''? I've always had a work husband (in fact several over my career) who has shared coffee treks, domestic news and meaningful looks over office politics and deadline spats. Now that I've gone part-time and my desk and colleagues change with my shifts, I just have work one-night stands, if I'm lucky, and they're usually female and not as much fun. Beauty products are a bit like work buddies, don't you think?


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beauty on demand

Beauty products are getting to be everywhere. You don't even have to visit a shop any more. There is the internet, of course, which delivers goodies direct to your door, and now beauty vending machines have been placed in overseas airports and rail stations.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Skin's in

Australian Fashion Week - like all fashion weeks - can be frustrating for beauty buffs. Each designer is sending a highly individual look down the runway that is either impossible to recreate or too outlandish to want to. Let's face it - it's a show; it's theatrical. But a trend has already emerged this week from the myriad of mini trends created by the country's top makeup artists in collaboration with the designers. You'll want to try this one at home.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just talk

I went to a new hairdresser last week. I made sure I did my hair before I went and wore some smart cool clothes. Not too smart and not too cool, I thought, and I really did give it some thought because I know all about first impressions and hairdressers. I needed for him to ''get'' me - I hoped for a really great cut and colour that was ''me''. I was a little apprehensive. This was my hair being surrendered to unknown hands.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bring back fun

Remember fun? Remember when doing your face was a bit of a blast, a treat, not a daily chore? I've been inspired to have some fun with makeup again after seeing Napoleon Perdis in full, technicolor flight at his masterclass in Melbourne last night.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

China girl

Estee Lauder has its first Asian face. It has signed Chinese model Liu Wen as its new model for a worldwide campaign beginning in June. It has also signed French model Constance Jablonski but that doesn't seem remarkable. An Asian face is something very different for Lauder.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best Facebook forward

What were they thinking? Tipsy, trippy or just plain tacky: don't you just love pictures of Facebook friends eager to snap and share their lives (and especially their nightlives)?

But what about the pictures you put up - how will they scrub up in the cold light of another year's time?


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Breasts: grow your own

Would you consider having your breasts enlarged if new technology would allow you to grow your own instead of having implants? Melbourne scientists are hoping a new stem cell therapy will not only help women regrow their breasts after cancer surgery but provide a more natural alternative to implants for the cosmetic market.
