From the Archives: DissenterLink – an IWW pamphlet circa 1999

DissenterLink #2, published by the IWW Melbourne branch circa 1999. Click image to download pdf.

DissenterLink #2, published by the IWW Melbourne branch circa 1999. Click image to download pdf.

After a long hiatus, it’s time for another post in my irregular series, From the Archives!

This weeks item is a newsletter distributed to dole claimants by the Melbourne branch of the Industrial Workers of the World circa 1999. DissenterLink #2 is a a fun little pamphlet that focuses on the Howard government’s introduction of “Work for the Dole”.

It’s content is particularly relevant in light of the Abbott government’s renewed push in this area. I’d be interested if any one reading this who was involved in the IWW in Melbourne back in 1999 could offer some more background on this pamphlet, how it was received, and the campaign against the implementation of “Work for the Dole” back in 1999.


‘Hassle the Work for the Dole poverty pimps’, a Darwin correspondent
‘How to Work the Job Network’, A Job Network insider
‘Bullets Not Words’, J. Tomlinson
‘Work-for-the-dole in the real world’, unsigned
‘Work for the dole crap set to continue’, unsigned
‘Why Work For The Dole Schemes Still Suck’, unsigned
‘Mutual Obligation’, Geoff Francis and Peter Hicks.

Thanks to comrade LB for scanning the pamphlet. I’ve put it together in a PDF you can download here (pdf).

Update: After uploading this pamphlet I discovered that Reason in Revolt has a copy of what appears to be Issue 1 of DissenterLink.

A Call Out

Do you have mouldy old piles of pamphlets, leaflets, or other anarchist or far left propaganda? I want! If you have old propaganda to offload, or if you have a collection I could take a scanner to, get in touch.



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