Socialist Worker

Cameron’s Calais shame—border control leaves refugees for dead

They fled poverty, tyranny and war. But so far 24 refugees have died at Britain’s border this year because David Cameron won’t let them in, writes Dave Sewell

Obscene system lies behind war and refugee crisis

The plight of refugees exposes all that is rotten about capitalism.

Muslims join mass rally to condemn mainstream parties' Islamophobia

Muslims and anti-racists held a 700-strong rally near Paris last week against rising Islamophobia in France

Campaigners slammed the mainstream parties’ Islamophobia at a rally near Paris on Friday of last week.

Amazon Unwrapped

Simon Basketter looks behind the spin of the giant online retailer to examine how it expands by exploiting workers—and what really drives it

Political disillusion in the US has boosted Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s racist words targeting Muslims have had a cancerous effect.

There will be more deaths if Tories keep cutting the fire service

Firefighters and their FBU union are sounding the alarm about the impact of successive cuts to fire stations, engines and jobs. Cuts are already increasing the dangers, writes Nick Clark


Poor choice for voters in the Spanish State as Podemos shifts to the right

Andy Durgan looks at the roots of the political crisis gripping Spain—and says this month’s election won’t resolve the turmoil

Political disillusion in the US has boosted Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s racist words targeting Muslims have had a cancerous effect.

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