- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 21
Khazar general of the mid 700s, sometimes referred to as As Tarkhan, who led an invasion of Abbasid territories in Armenia, Caucasian Albania and northwestern Persia. Scholars have debated over whether Ras Tarkhan is a name or a title. As Tarkhan, used as a title, would mean "general of the Alans", possibly indicating a role as commander of Alan mercenaries or auxiliaries.
According to Zeki Validi Togan and Peter Benjamin Golden, Ras Tarkhan came from a clan called Khatiriltber.
ისლამის სახელით ქრისტიანების და ებრაელების წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლა - თამაზ ჭაღალიძე
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