Sydney Wed Dec 23 04:11 EDT
Tuesday: Cloudy. High (70%) chance of rain, becoming less likely in the evening. Winds SE 20 to 30 km/h becoming light in the late evening. Partly cloudy. Slight (30%) chance of a shower. Light winds becoming E/NE 15 to 20 km/h during the day.
Wednesday: Cloudy. Medium (50%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Light winds becoming SE/SW 15 to 20 km/h early in the morning then becoming SE 15 to 25 km/h in the morning.
Thursday: Partly cloudy. Slight (30%) chance of a shower. Light winds becoming SE 15 to 20 km/h in the morning then tending E in the middle of the day.
Friday: Partly cloudy. Medium (50%) chance of showers mostly in the morning. Light winds becoming NE 20 to 30 km/h during the morning.
Saturday: Sunny morning. High (70%) chance of showers in the late afternoon and evening with the chance of a thunderstorm. Winds N/NE 15 to 25 km/h increasing to 25 to 35 km/h during the day then shifting W/SW 15 to 25 km/h during the evening.
Weather Warnings
There are no warnings current for the Sydney district.
All warnings from Bureau of Meteorology.Sydney 4-Day Pollen Forecast
23 December -
24 December -
25 December -
26 December
Sydney Current Conditions
- Current temp: 18.9°C
- Recorded min: n/a
- Recorded max: n/a
- Feels like: 18.9°C
- Humidity: 76%
- Rainfall since 9am: 34.0mm
- Wind: SE 11km/h
- Wind gusts: 20km/h
- Pressure: 1018.4hPa
- First light: 05:12 EDT
- Sunrise: 05:42 EDT
- Sunset: 20:06 EDT
- Last light: 20:35 EDT
- Moon: Waxing gibbous
- Days until DST ends: 102
Sydney 7 Day Forecast
Possible shower
Min: 19°C Max: 23°C
UV: Extreme
Possible shower
Min: 19°C Max: 24°C
UV: Extreme
Clearing shower
Min: 19°C Max: 26°C
UV: Extreme
Late shower
Min: 20°C Max: 28°C
UV: Extreme
Possible shower
Min: 18°C Max: 23°C
UV: -
Possible shower
Min: 18°C Max: 24°C
UV: -
Possible shower
Min: 19°C Max: 25°C
UV: -
Sydney 28 Day Rainfall Outlook
Sydney Marine Forecast
Sydney Inshore
E/SE 10/15 kts.
Sydney Coast
Tue: E/SE 10/15 kts, locally reaching 20 kts. Wed: SE 10/15 kts, reaching 20 kts offshore in the afternoon.
More marine weather
Sydney December Weather Records
- Highest Max: 42.2°C in 1957
- Lowest Max: 15.2°C in 1870
- Average Max: 25.2°C
- Highest Min: 26.3°C in 1868
- Lowest Min: 9.1°C in 1924
- Average Min: 17.5°C
- Highest Rainfall: 401.9mm in 1920
- Highest 24hr Rainfall: 126.0mm in 1970
- Average Rainfall: 77.6mm
- Nearby Locations
- Sydney
- Canterbury
- Bankstown
- NSW/ACT Districts
- Sydney
- Northern Rivers
- Mid North Coast
- Hunter
- Illawarra
- South Coast
- Northern Tablelands
- Central Tablelands
- Southern Tablelands
- Snowy Mountains
- NW Slopes & Plains
- CW Slopes & Plains
- Southwest Slopes
- Riverina
- Upper Western
- Lower Western
- State/Territory
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- Tasmania
- Northern Territory
- South Australia