The cereal Queenslander's can't get enough of

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This was published 8 years ago

The cereal Queenslander's can't get enough of

By Jenna Clarke

A homemade granola is becoming more revered in Queensland than XXXX and Bundaberg Rum.

The unrefined sugar-free, full fat, raw honey granola by Brisbane bloggers Jess Frank and Nicola Inger was discovered earlier this year by Brisbane's Riverview Hotel's marketing director Helena Theochari and is now the most popular item on the newly refurbished hotel's breakfast menu.

The Unrefined bloggers Jess Frank and Nicola Inger.

The Unrefined bloggers Jess Frank and Nicola Inger.

As well as whipping up more than 100 kilograms of their cereal every week for their 12 stockists, online store and market stalls, Frank and Inger have also launched their first e-cookbook, which aligns giving up refined sugar with the four phases of the menstrual cycle.

The idea for The Unrefined Cycle came when the pair, who have built a loyal fan base of more than 25,000 Instagram followers in less than a year, went off the pill and gave up sugar.

In between cravings and mood swings, some of which were so bad their partners launched an Instagram account parodying their work called 'Partners of Bloggers', they researched and began experimenting in the kitchen.

"We realised that as women, so much of how we feel, act, weigh and eat each month is associated with our menstrual cycle and hormones," Inger said.

The reporter was a guest of Brisbane's Riverview Hotel and Tourism Queensland.

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