March, 2014 Monthly archive


This new study group will focus on historical struggles and revolutions. We will look at a particular struggle each week and attempt to learn the intricacies and circumstances that make each struggle special.

For the first week we’ll look at Palestine with a focus on the Palestinian struggle in the Jordanian Civil War. We’ll also watch a short documentary during the meetup!

This is a link to the text:
Edward Said: The Question of Palestine pp 83-181

This is a link to the video:
PLO History of a Revolution – Episode 2 Black September

Monday, March 31
7:00pm – 9:00pm

richard greeman talk

Richard Greeman has been an activist since the fifties (civil rights, labor, anti-war) in both US and France (as well as Latin America and Russia). Like Victor Serge, whose novels he has translated and whose biography he’s writing, he has been attracted to both Marxism and anarchism, but appalled at the sectarianism that keeps proponents of these two necessary components of truly liberterian and liberatory socialism attacking each other rather than learning from each other.

Saturday, March 29th, 7 pm


“The Abolition of Work” is an essay written by Bob Black in 1985. It was part of Black’s first book, an anthology of essays entitled The Abolition of Work and Other Essays published by Loompanics Unlimited. It is an exposition of Black’s “type 3 anarchism” – a blend of post-Situationist theory and individualist anarchism – focusing on a critique of the work ethic.

Although “The Abolition of Work” has most often been reprinted by anarchist publishers and Black is well known as an anarchist, the essay’s argument is not explicitly anarchist. Black argues that the abolition of work is as important as the abolition of the state.

The essay, which is based on a 1981 speech at the Gorilla Grotto in San Francisco, is informal and without academic references, but Blacks mentions some sources such as the utopian socialist Charles Fourier, the unconventional Marxists Paul Lafargue and William Morris, anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin and Paul Goodman, and anthropologists such as Marshall Sahlins and Richard Borshay Lee.

Please come to discuss this great text!

Friday, March 28th, 6:00 pm


Right now The Base is doing a little offer for the next 5 people who sign up for a $20/month recurring donation:
Donate here:

Subscribe now and you will receive a book/item each month from Combustion Books (The unique publishers who brought us ‘A Steampunk’s Guide to Sex’)!!!

The first title you will get is ‘A Country of Ghosts’ by Margaret Killjoy:

And thank you making this space happen!!

Political satire

Join Simon Critchley, A.M. Glittlitz, and Jarrod Shanahan for an evening of political satire!

This event is part of The Base’s month-long fundraising drive that is looking to raise $1,000 a month which will sustain us for practically the entirety of The Base’s 3 year lease.

To donate visit:


We’re going to read this text for the meetup at the Base on
March 14th at 6 pm. Hope to see everyone there!

Italian insurrectionary anarchist Alfredo Bonanno’s most notorious text, 1977’s Armed Joy is a call to militant, playful action. It was ordered to be destroyed in Italy following its publication.


Join us this Thursday, 3.13, for Chapter 2 of Neil Smith’s New Urban Frontiers (don’t worry if you havent read the first chapter!):

We’ll also look at The Bushwick Initiative:

Brass Bottle flyer

The Evil Empire Dance Party is the age old struggle between good and evil.

We urge you to beware the temptation of pride, the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all, and instead come out and enjoy a night of evil!

“Revolutionaries often forget, or do not like to recognize, that one wants and makes revolution out of desire, not duty.”

And on-going, being/party, a set of rhythms… Without so many questions, so contemplative, ponderous, so tedious… Something which convinces in a different register; something… for the intuitive and not discursive.

Growing familiar, days and days… the awkwardness, the romance of a new affair; the letting go, taking in; the ecstatic…

“…but what is dance other than the liberation of the body from its utilitarian movements, the exhibition of gestures in their pure inoperativity?”

This night is hosted by The Base and Desiringmachine Soundsystem.
Featuring DJ Themistoklis

This party is one of many events to support the fundraiser campaign we are currently running! Please support us with a recurring donation!

The Brass Bottle: 201 Central Ave and Myrtle Ave