What are aflatoxins?
What are aflatoxins?
What are aflatoxins?
Shu Guan, Ph.D. (Technical Manager, BIOMIN Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore) answers the question: "What are aflatoxins?"
Determination of Aflatoxins
Determination of Aflatoxins
Determination of Aflatoxins
The method describes the determination of aflatoxin in animal feed. It can only be used with a written method. It is aimed to provide newcommers an illustrat...
Aflatoxin Research
Aflatoxin Research
Aflatoxin Research
University of Arkansas plant pathologists are advising farmers on how to prevent the fungal disease aflatoxin from damaging their crop.
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks
Dr. Hutjens from the University of Illinois discusses Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks.
Food Friday: The Aflatoxin menace
Food Friday: The Aflatoxin menace
Food Friday: The Aflatoxin menace
Kenya is one of the world’s hotspots for aflatoxins, with possibly the worst incidents of contamination ever documented. Since 2004, the country has suffered severe outbreaks of illness from aflatoxins, with hundreds of people falling ill due to aflatoxin poisoning, and at least 100 others died in 2004 alone. But what is aflatoxin? Zeynab Wandati with the answer on Food Friday.
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Fighting aflatoxins: Efforts to address an important human and animal health problem in Kenya
Fighting aflatoxins: Efforts to address an important human and animal health problem in Kenya
Fighting aflatoxins: Efforts to address an important human and animal health problem in Kenya
Highlights from a media briefing at the International Livestock Research Institute on 14 November 2013.
How to Eliminate Aflatoxins
How to Eliminate Aflatoxins
How to Eliminate Aflatoxins
How to Eliminate Aflatoxins Video Clip.
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Scientists at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) have developed a natural, safe and cost-effective biocontrol product that drasticall...
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops
Aflatoxins, produced by the Aspergillus flavus species of fungus, threaten not only the health of millions of people in Africa, but also their livestock and ...
Britt Bunyard - From Aflatoxins To Zombies: Weird Weird Weird Fungi
Britt Bunyard - From Aflatoxins To Zombies: Weird Weird Weird Fungi
Britt Bunyard - From Aflatoxins To Zombies: Weird Weird Weird Fungi
Britt Bunyard Speaks At The 39th Annual Santa Cruz Fungus Fair From Aflatoxins To Zombies: Weird Weird Weird Fungi Recorded Sunday January 13 2013 11:AM At L...
Dogs Naturally Magazine TV - Aflatoxins - A Hidden Danger For Pets
Dogs Naturally Magazine TV - Aflatoxins - A Hidden Danger For Pets
Dogs Naturally Magazine TV - Aflatoxins - A Hidden Danger For Pets
Dogs Naturally Magazine TV is a collaborative effort between two leaders in the pet world - Dogs Naturally Magazine and Pet World Insider. Join DNM TV as we discuss important topics that impact the health and well being of our beloved dogs.
On this episode of DNM TV, we discuss a hidden danger that every dog parent needs to know about - Aflatoxins. Listen as the experts share where they exist, the harmful impact they have and what you need to know to keep your dogs safe and healthy.
For more information read this article about Aflatoxins on Dogs Naturally Magazine - http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/prescription-pet-foods-found-to-conta
Why is production lost when poultry are fed aflatoxins?
Why is production lost when poultry are fed aflatoxins?
Why is production lost when poultry are fed aflatoxins?
Todd J. Applegate, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Animal Sciences, Extension Poultry Specialist, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA) answers the question: "Why is production lost when poultry are fed aflatoxins?"
Is Aflatoxin Lurking in our Foods?
Is Aflatoxin Lurking in our Foods?
Is Aflatoxin Lurking in our Foods?
Raising Awareness about the Presence of Aflatoxin in Foods, its Health Risks, and Practices to Lessen Exposure to these Carcinogens It may be of some surpris...
Health Focus: Food safety and the dangers aflatoxins pose
Health Focus: Food safety and the dangers aflatoxins pose
Health Focus: Food safety and the dangers aflatoxins pose
Food Science experts are warning Ugandan farmers engaged in growing seeds and nuts to improve their handling of their crops before and after the harvesting to prevent harmful substances known as aflatoxins from flourishing.
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Aflatoxins: CGIAR research on a major human health and nutrition problem
Aflatoxins: CGIAR research on a major human health and nutrition problem
Aflatoxins: CGIAR research on a major human health and nutrition problem
In this film, Delia Grace, leader of the food safety and zoonoses program at ILRI and John McDermott, director of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture f...
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in dairy cattle?
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in dairy cattle?
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in dairy cattle?
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schuh (Professor emeritus, Department of Farm Animals and Herd Management, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria) answers t...
Aflatoxins Warning
Aflatoxins Warning
Aflatoxins Warning
Eslewhere, government has maintained that a huge chunk of maize in 29 districts in parts of Eastern and Central provinces was contaminated and warned politic...
Carcinogens - Aflatoxins, Vinyl Chloride, Carbon Tetrachloride, Nitrosamines & Cigarette
Carcinogens - Aflatoxins, Vinyl Chloride, Carbon Tetrachloride, Nitrosamines & Cigarette
Carcinogens - Aflatoxins, Vinyl Chloride, Carbon Tetrachloride, Nitrosamines & Cigarette
http://usmlefasttrack.com/?p=5357 Chemical, Carcinogens, -, Aflatoxins,, Vinyl, Chloride,, Carbon, Tetrachloride,, Nitrosamines, &, Cigarette, Smoke, Finding...
Fighting aflatoxins: Reducing risks in Kenya's food chains
Fighting aflatoxins: Reducing risks in Kenya's food chains
Fighting aflatoxins: Reducing risks in Kenya's food chains
This film tells the story of a four-year project that is mitigating and measuring the risk of mycotoxins in maize and dairy products for poor consumers in Ke...
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in swine?
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in swine?
What are the main effects of aflatoxins in swine?
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schuh (Professor emeritus, Department of Farm Animals and Herd Management, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria) answers t...
What is biological control of aflatoxins?
What is biological control of aflatoxins?
What is biological control of aflatoxins?
Dr. Ranajit Bandyopadhyay (Plant Pathologist, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria) answers the question: "What is biological control of aflatoxins?"
Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feed
Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feed
Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feed
The method described has been validated in 1999 under co-ordination of the JRC Ispra. This video is complementary to the written standard operation procedure...
Kenya should deal with imported grains due to aflatoxins
Kenya should deal with imported grains due to aflatoxins
Kenya should deal with imported grains due to aflatoxins
African countries need to put measures in place to protect their citizens from the dangerous aflatoxins that has become a common in the grains consumed in the continent. Speaking during the 5th African grain trade summit, the deputy secretary general of the East African community, Jessica Iriyo said this influx of toxic food has increased prevalence of cancer, and hepatitis, in addition making people more susceptible to HIV/Aids, and called on leaders to deal with the issue decisively.
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