Parental Guidance: Let's talk about sex (and how to make it happen after kids)

S-E-X! Did I get your attention? If you have kids, finding time to "do the deed" with your partner can be quite difficult. Trust me, I know because I have two kids under the age of four.

And I know all the excuses. You're "tired." You "don't have time." You're "not into it."

Whatever the case may be, sex and intimacy is a very important part of a relationship and it's easy to let it slip away, especially once little ones enter the picture.

Well, Willie and I definitely don't have all the answers when it comes to improving your sex life with your significant other. (And we'd never tell you what is best for the two of you!) BUT we do have some thoughts on how to promote intimacy and some tips on getting back to basics after you have kids.

Let's be honest, it's not all about sex! It can simply be about being kind, empathetic, and caring towards one another in order to create a deeper emotional connection. Oh, and we do suggest time apart from both your partner and your kids! Watch the latest episode of Parental Guidance to find out why.

Sex is a topic that can make you giggle and feel uncomfortable, but if you have thoughts on the subject — especially when it comes to your sex life post kids — we want to hear from you!

Also, any topics you'd like us to cover in the future? Parental Guidance,'s original video series, wants to hear all about it. Please tell us on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #ParentalGuidance: @megancolarossi, @williegeist, @today_parents.

As we all know, being a parent is the toughest job in the world, but it's totally worth the wild ride — especially when we get a little help from a friend!