Young girl has adorable conversation with Wal-Mart shopper after mistaking him for Santa

It might be inevitable for men with long white beards to be mistaken for Santa around this time of year.

"I've been called a lot worse," one such jolly-looking man, who happened to be wearing red, told a little girl recently while shopping at a Wal-Mart store in West Virginia.

"Have you been a good girl this year?" the bearded gentleman asked the young girl after he got down on one knee to speak to her face-to-face.

RELATED: Signs of Christmas: Mall Santa uses sign language to speak with young girl

The entire conversation was captured on video by the girl's dad, Robert Riley, who posted it on his Facebook page.

"Sophie found Santa at Walmart this evening. She saw him then kept sneaking up on him," he wrote. "She asked him if he was Santa at first and if you turn up the volume you can hear the rest. So cute and innocent. I love this!!"

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Sophie told the Santa look-alike that she planned to leave him cookies on Christmas Eve, but said he would have to share the treats with his reindeer.


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