November 20, 2015Friday November 20th, 2015Blaq [Watch] An atheist (Sam Harris) and a Muslim (Maajid Nawaz) on the future of Islam
November 17, 2015Tuesday November 17th, 2015Raymondo A ton avis quelle est la ville avec le plus de charme ? Paris !!
November 17, 2015Tuesday November 17th, 2015Blaq [Headache] Paris attacks: Who benefits from ISIS terrorism? Bashar al-Assad
October 19, 2015Monday October 19th, 2015Raymondo [Freudian] Former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson cannot stop laughing about inequality: “We Made It Wider!”
September 28, 2015Tuesday October 6th, 2015Celine Trefle When Gandhi was prefacing the Peer-to-Peer, and post-capitalist sharing economy
September 22, 2015Tuesday September 22nd, 2015Celine Trefle [2005-2015] This isn’t a crisis, this is a system: Greek tragedy in 5 acts
September 13, 2015Monday September 14th, 2015Celine Trefle [Greek Tragedy] Former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis comes back on Greece’s economic crisis
September 11, 2015Monday September 14th, 2015Blaq “Why falling food prices mean the US Fed won’t probably raise rates (yet)?”: analysing the pros and cons
September 9, 2015Friday September 11th, 2015Raymondo The tea leaves are unequivocal: the latest French nuclear EPR technology has finally reached maturity
September 1, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq Michael Pettis explains the euro crisis (and a lot of other things, too)
July 3, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Midship La guilde des MNS est-elle plus philobate qu’ocnophile ? Analyse administrative.
June 29, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Not really a Black Swan any more, but a butterfly effect scenario] Greece is a thriller, but China is a horror show
May 2, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle Debating Capital in the 21st Century with Piketty himself
April 30, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq With Piketty, Capital will be just fine in the 21st century
April 20, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [French politics] Francois Hollande’s other problem: Twitter
April 19, 2015Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Elysium] Those maps show the extent of the tragedy of the migrants trying to reach Europe
October 14, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°8 : Le dilemme du Rastignac 2.0
October 13, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°7 : L’économie est une science modeste, r > g => i
October 12, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°6 : Les 1% qui se voulaient plus gros que le boeuf
October 11, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°5 : Rentrée des classes, personne n’a la moyenne
October 10, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°4 : Dette publique, rente privée
October 9, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°3 : L’accumulation en chaîne
October 8, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°2 : On a les rentiers qu’on mérite
October 7, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] N°1: Qui a crû croîtra ?
October 6, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle [Sous le pavé de Piketty, 980 pages] Tout comprendre et en débattre sans l’avoir lu
September 23, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle Référendum en Ecosse : L’élan démocratique fracassé sur la peur du changement.
May 23, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo [Guérilla intra-gauchiste] Greenwald, Wikileaks et le pays mystère
April 25, 2014Friday April 25th, 2014Blaq [Australian Economics] Must read Hockeynomics Super Edition by @TheAusInstitute w/ a list of banks u could switch to!
April 24, 2014Saturday September 5th, 2015Blaq You could read Piketty (or Harry Potter) in less than 2 hours
March 18, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Joue-la comme Barthes: mythes et affiches de la campagne municipale à Paris
March 1, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Photography as the ultimate Data Visualization] Hungry planet: What the world eats in a week
February 8, 2014Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Environment] Le Monde confronts us with the backward steps taken by Australia
November 26, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Celine Trefle Imprimante 3D : la révolution du capitalisme a commencé
November 7, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Celine Trefle [Prostitution] Politique-fiction: Victor Hugo soutiendrait la campagne abolitionniste, et vous?
October 10, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Barbara ‘Dollar Valueless, About To Crash’ – World Bank Whistleblower..Thoughts
October 9, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Tax Haven Rap: Money on an Island by The Apopalyptics
September 29, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq How much information can you fit in 140? Comparing Arabic, English, French, and Chinese
September 23, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Arctic] Brief environmental and geo-strategic counter-analysis to answer climate change sceptics like @rupertmurdoch
September 22, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Arctique] Rapide contre-analyse climatique et géostratégique pour répondre aux climato-sceptiques
September 21, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Books u wish would never end] The most griping preface to Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura u may ever read #TheSwerve
September 13, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq The Avalanches. The never released GIMIX legendary mixtape in full
September 9, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Oz Election 2013] A totally subjective selection of post-mortems
September 3, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq No matter the Australian election result, 3 defining speeches of the last Labor PMs #Apology #Misogyny #GayMarriage
September 2, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Celine Trefle FEMEN, the feminists turning the oppressed woman’s body back against the oppressors
August 19, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq [Australian Politics] 4 fact checking websites if you follow the 2013 Federal Election
July 9, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Ben The Builder Carlos m’a tuer: Renault ou la délocalisation à fond la caisse
June 12, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle Sortie IRL à la rencontre de 5 nouveaux députés du M5S, trublion de la scène politique italienne (M5S 1/2)
May 29, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Raymondo How a good laugh can also expose the naked truth [Explicit Femen vs symbolic nakedness]
May 26, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Blaq #DSM5 : Psychiatry’s latest attempt to manufacture docile individuals
May 12, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq another reason some Australians say they’re struggling on a $210k income
May 5, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq Marx est vraiment de retour, et c’est une étude sur les délocalisations qui le dit !
May 5, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq A curious HR study on offshoring unwillingly backing Marx’s view that capitalism is literally eating itself
April 15, 2013Saturday September 5th, 2015Raymondo Les librairies de quartier ripostent en ligne à l’emprise des géants
April 9, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Champagne! The forgotten legacy of the Thatcher years #literally
April 6, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq Pourquoi la Gauche est en train de rater son rendez-vous avec l’histoire
April 4, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Celine Trefle Beppe Grillo et le M5S : simple populisme d’un Coluche italien ou renouvellement de la classe politique ?
March 21, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq That moment when HSBC México made ‘Too Big To Jail’ the new ‘Too Big To Fail’
March 9, 2013Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Watching the BBC documentary ‘Children of the Tsunami’ is as essential today as it was 2 years ago. Here is why.
September 4, 2012Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Why some see unsettling parallels between this crisis and 1914? And guess who could be the next Franz Ferdinand?
May 1, 2011Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo No New Hope for the Debt Star (Episode IV) as S&P downgrades Sovereign Debt
November 14, 2010Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq Book review: “The American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance”
November 14, 2010Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo The Empire Needs a Victory > a summary of the situation in 11 pop hits
May 29, 2010Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq The curious paradox of Hedging & Regulation is a case for Common Decency
February 9, 2010Friday September 4th, 2015Raymondo Introducing economist André Orléan and his work on the efficient market hypothesis
September 14, 2009Friday September 4th, 2015Blaq Capital as Power, by Jonathan Nitzan & Shimshon Bichler