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Peter Martin

Peter Martin is the Economics Editor for The Age.

The truth about the budget will be ugly, but it's what we need

Peter Martin Expect the unvarnished truth on Tuesday, because there's little point in lying.

Wee problem with credibility of studies

Researchers observed the behaviour of men standing up attempting to urinate.

Peter Martin Perhaps the creepiest science experiment ever conducted took place in a lavatory.

Comments 5

Retirement living standards aren't so bad. You don't need much super

The Association of Superannuation Funds estimate of how much a 65-year-old couple need to live is absurdly high. Illustration: John Shakespeare

Peter Martin Retirees’ cost of living is not as outrageously high as the industry would have us believe.

Comments 229

Scott Morrison will no longer be able to claim there's no revenue problem

In the hand: Superannuation concessions are under pressure.

Peter Martin Left unchecked, extraordinarily generous concessions on superannuation will land our tax system in danger.

Comments 53

Just a nudge. Why Malcolm Turnbull is embracing behavioural economics

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Peter Martin How just a little nudge in the right direction can work wonders.

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Tax white paper will target superannuation, not the GST

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Peter Martin  Forget the GST – it's tackling the burgeoning problem of superannuation that will show whether the Treasurer is serious about fixing tax.

Comments 146

Immigration: opening our borders would make us richer

Peter Martin.

Peter Martin Immigration makes us all better off by allowing people to reach their full potential.

Comments 98

Think big, Scott Morrison. There's more to tax than income tax

Treasurer Scott Morrison leaves economists bemused.

Peter Martin Scott Morrison left economists bemused with his comments on income tax.

Why action on superannuation is essential to the success of tax reform

Tinkering around the edges of tax reform isn't going to offer Turnbull the results he needs to make any changes palatable.

Peter Martin GST and income tax proposals tinker around the edges of the real problems.

Comments 49

Turnbull should split the budget in two

Our budget keeps getting worse. Interest payments on debt  will cost $11.6 billion this financial year.

Peter Martin It’s time the PM treated us like adults and pulled us out of this self-imposed bind.

Comments 39

Harnessing the power of women. What Martin Parkinson can offer Malcolm Turnbull

Peter Martin.

Peter Martin If Turnbull wants to really unleash Australia's potential, he should hire Martin Parkinson.

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Mortgage rates: Why the big four think they'll get away with it

Australian bank dividend yields are among the highest in the 99-member MSCI World Bank Index.

Peter Martin Consumers are their own worst enemies when it comes to the banking sector.

Comments 22

The house price bubble is deflating, and we should be grateful

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Peter Martin The proportion of lending to investors is still ridiculously high but it's slowing.

Comments 100

Deadline stressed? You've brought it on yourself


Peter Martin You probably shouldn't really be reading this. You've probably got too much to do.

Comments 40

Trans-Pacific Partnership: we're selling economic sovereignty for little return

Even a generous estimate of job creation as a result of the TPP agreement is underwhelming.

Peter Martin Part of the cost of free trade deals is standardisation – in this case it means adopting US practices.

Scott Morrison off to a jittery start as Treasurer

Scott Morrison must do more than recite slogans if he is to be a successful Treasurer.

Peter Martin The Treasurer must accept we have a revenue problem as well as a spending problem.

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Competition legislation: it’s a jungle out there

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Peter Martin Under Abbott changes have been stuck in political limbo but business interests big and small are agitating for a decision.

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Hockey's dangerous legacy: We're neither lifters nor leaners

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Peter Martin It was a dangerous Joe Hockey factoid - that the nation was divided into leaners and lifters.

Comments 121

How many jobs? The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement will create hardly any

Peter Martin The free trade deal is now about jobs, except the government has got the number all wrong.

Comments 13

China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: the collision course that's a distraction

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin We rejected China's request to buy Australian land, but what did we offer them in the free trade agreement instead?

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