Latest Blunt Instrument articles

Malcolm Turnbull's ideas idea is ideal turnaround for Australia

John Birmingham   Malcolm Turnbull had an idea once. Along with some other guys, he helped turn it into a company called Ozemail and trousered a shedload of the folding stuff out of the deal.

Comments 13

Thank god for earthly angels when death comes

It doesn't matter in which hospital this nurse worked, because it happens every day all over the city. It's happening now.

John Birmingham   There are those among us, rare indeed, who hold our hands as we pass through pain, fear and confusion.

Comments 15

John Birmingham: We are all haters now

Benedict Cumberbatch's androgynous supermodel in Zoolander 2 has mobilised the outrage army.

John Birmingham   Just because you're offended, doesn't make you right.

Beating ISIL takes hard work and thought, not mindless revenge

Parisian portraits of grief. Crowds gathered to place flowers and light candels at the terror attacks sites across Paris on Sunday 15 November 2015 including at Le Carillon bar where 12 people were killed on Friday night.

John Birmingham   Horror and hysteria is understandable. Western countries are generations removed from the violence which is a banal reality throughout most of the world (and which we have been visiting upon the rest of the world for more than five hundred years now).

Comments 77

Viewer stews because Crabb didn't skewer

It didn't get too hot in the kitchen when Scott Morrison featured on Annabel Crabb's Kitchen Cabinet.

John Birmingham   In Brisbane on a cookbook tour, Annabel Crabb was grilled on whether she let off Scott Morrison too lightly on her cooking and politics show.

Comments 37

Act on climate change, or give up and die

The argument that it's pointless tackling climate change unless everyone acts is an argument in favour of stasis and death.

John Birmingham   Argument against doing anything is argument in favour of death.

Comments 64

Time for a tech-savvy zombie plan

Things move quickly in our modern world ... except for zombies.

John Birmingham   Evolving technologies have rendered my zombie plan obsolete.

Comments 13

Smashing time until someone ends up under the table

I do not claim that the former prime minister, who is alleged to have danced shirtless on the marble coffee table, was the one who shattered it beneath his clod-hopping feet.

John Birmingham   I feel for the staff of the Department of Parliamentary Services, for I too have lost a much-loved coffee table.

Comments 11

JB's tribute: Sam de Brito lived a life of truth

A life of truth: Sam de Brito.

John Birmingham   People die. They leave us behind. They go when they're old, when they're young, whether they're loved or alone. Sometimes you see it coming. Sometimes you don't.

The snag that really burns me up about daylight saving

Sausages ... the forgotten victims of daylight savings.

John Birmingham   Daylight savings time is upon us again, or not, but nobody seems to give a damn about the costs and difficulties imposed on JB at this time each year.

Comments 98

Apple Maps error ... and nine other explanations for sinkhole

The sinkhole has been described as a "near shore landslide".

John Birmingham   The government is lying to you about the enormous sinkhole that swallowed a whole beach on the Sunshine Coast.

Comments 39

Airborne invasion or just flipping me the bird?

I did not ask for this war, bird, but you have asked for it.

John Birmingham   You have your realm and I have mine, and the freshly baked, hot buttered muffin which I was enjoying for breakfast yesterday morning lay well within the boundaries of mine.

Comments 48

How John Birmingham became caught in the eye of the spill

Prime Minister-designate Malcolm Turnbull and Deputy Leader Julie Bishop address the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 14 September 2015. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

John Birmingham   I planned to sneak around whispering, "Didja hear? It's on!" A few minutes after landing, however, I discovered it really was on.

Would IS make us take domestic violence seriously?

Battles in the Middle East pale in comparison to those in Australian homes.

John Birmingham   Battles in Australian homes dwarf those in the Middle East.

Comments 24

Birmingham: History's lessons are always in fashion

A good teacher's lessons will outlive their fashion sense.

John Birmingham   Heed a great teacher and you might leave the world a little better off.

Comments 16

Special offer from Nigeria for Dyson Heydon

If Dyson Heydon was to open his email, he could take advantage of special offers from Nigeria.

John Birmingham   I repose great confidence in you and your handling of delicate emails.

Divorce lawyers to cash in on Ashley Madison hack

There isn't a stadium big enough to hold all Brisbane's Ashley Madison subscribers if they wanted to have a meet up.

John Birmingham   Lawyer's fees will go up, as family home prices go down.

Comments 16

Blunt Instrument: What if politicians had no parties to stand on?

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten cross paths during a division in the House of Representatives.

John Birmingham   What if none of this was Tony Abbott's fault? Or Julia Gillard's? Can you imagine a world when it was the ideas that mattered?

Comments 38

Old houses fall, but new stories will be told

Noah Taylor in the film adaptation of He Died with a Falafel in His Hand.

John Birmingham   Vale 60 York St, but more stories will come along.

Comments 15

Can we really hope that Goodes saga is over?

Adam Goodes did not play on the weekend after relentless booing from crowds.

John Birmingham   It was a beautiful thing, what happened on the weekend.

The horror: Hip hop music has become old people music

Rapper Snoop Dogg, classic hits.

John Birmingham   This is horrifying. Not Mick Fanning shark punch up horrifying. This is worse. Hip hop is now old people music.

Comments 28

Blunt instrument: Harden up Queensland, it's not that cold

In South East Queensland but feeling the cold? Harden up.

John Birmingham   You people are soft. First hint of frost on the air and you're all wearing four layers of snuggies.

Comments 56

Marriage equality: Abbott focused on remaining distracted

The Australian people have made up their minds on marriage equality.

John Birmingham   For a government so very keen not to be distracted by same sex marriage, the Abbott government is doing a hell of a job distracting itself

Comments 69

Music streaming services still pulling a Swifty

When a pop star like Taylor Swift speaks out, the entertainment industry listens.

John Birmingham   Taylor Swift did me a favour last week when she saved the world from Apple's music streaming snatch and grab.

Comments 13

My credit card interest is higher than Amex's tax bill

SocietyOne was staggered when 50,000 people logged on to get their credit scores.

John Birmingham   I "paid" the interest bill on my credit card last week, which is to say the bank added a couple of hundred dollars to the already ruinous balance on my plastic.

Comments 7

Give me good burgers or give me death

Would you pay more than $200 for the perfect burger?

John Birmingham   I once spent over two hundred dollars on a hamburger. Well over. Don't you be hatin' on me. It was a damn fine burger.

Comments 13

Manspreading, our God-given right as men

Even future kings know the manspread is a fact of life.

John Birmingham   Gentlemen, prepare yourselves. We are at war and we face the final assault on the last bastion of the sole surviving freedom left to a man.

No marriage equality, but uncles can wed their nieces

A couple embraces outside the count centre in Dublin as Ireland holds a referendum on gay marriage.

John Birmingham   It'd be a real pity if Cardinal Pell couldn't find time in his busy Roman schedule to pop back home and attend the Royal Commission into child abuse.

Forensically examining the reek of their own brain farts

Malcolm Turnbull had some advice for Leigh Sales and other journalists on interviewing style.

John Birmingham   It's easy to imagine Leigh 'Redbeard' Sales and Emma 'The Stangler' Alberici with knives in their eyes and cutlass to hand making short work of a pompous, ruffle-wearer like Bolt, but one would have thought Malcolm Turnbull was made of sterner stuff.