Science deniers reject authority and facts

Patrick Stokes 12:00 AM   Many people who choose to ignore accepted scientific conclusions are making emotional rather than rational decisions.


Challenge male stereotypes to stop violence

For young boys in particular, hearing and seeing men they look up to conveys a positive image of masculinity can help reframe their thinking, including breaking free of the gender stereotypes they associate with what it means to be a man.

Marcus Bontempelli 12:17 PM    To change the horrifying statistics on violence against women in this country, we must change our culture.

I hate my ethnic surname: that's got to stop

Children who inherit non-Anglo surnames should not have to feel troubled by it.

Peter Papathanasiou 12:00 AM   In this day and age, why should someone be embarrassed about their name?

Turnbull, Thucydides and all that


Christopher Mackie 11:45 PM   One has to read Athenian historian Thucydides and think about what he has to say. Not many do, which is a great pity

Americans in thrall of conspiracy theorists

The ascension of Donald Trump has left Washington in a state of shock.

Ben Judah 11:08 AM   Paranoia continues to power the rise of Donald Trump, writes Ben Judah.

New Islamic anti-terrorism link: will it work?

Amin Saikal.

Amin Saikal   Saudi Arabia's announcement of a new military alliance of 34 Muslim countries to fight terrorism is unprecedented.

Paris deal could herald new era for diplomacy

The climate goals agreed to in Paris will require significant economic changes in Australia, industry leaders say.

Phil Ireland   This time six years ago I found myself with other campaigners and politicians (including Kevin Rudd) from around the world in the depths of despair after the Copenhagen climate negotiations.

Comments 8

Turnbull will resist poll temptation

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Mark Kenny   An early election would carry the risk of being perceived by voters as opportunistic and a breach of faith.

Comments 144

The young white male has lost his advantage

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan   Their once dominant position is being eroded incrementally, in measurable ways, with each passing year.

The silent fury women feel

A "No Catcall Zone" sign installed in New York for End Street Harassment Week.

Jill Stark   How are women meant to know the difference between the nice guy and the monster?

Jihadists' religious faith is real if misguided

Former Roxburgh Park man Suhan Raham, aka Abu Jihad al Australi. The notion that religion and politics have separate roles in our personal and social lives is a distinctively Western idea.

Jonathan Cole   Most Muslims disagree with the extremist interpretation of Islam.

Comments 38

Ignorance fuels anti-vaccination parents

Julie Szego

Julie Szego   The movement reflects an underlying disease that makes us susceptible to the notion that truth is an ever-negotiable, relative concept.

The Australian fair go is dead

Elizabeth Farrelly dinkus

Elizabeth Farrelly   Why are we OK with this? How did the fair go slip so seamlessly into tooth and claw? Or was it always thus?

Perils of competitive grandparenting

Santa, we don't want to wait and wait and wait for grandkids to arrive before we get to see you again.

Cari Rosen   Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year. And if you're a grandparent or an in-law, deciding who spends dinner where can easily spiral into a war of the (Cadbury's) Roses.

Comments 1

Domestic violence: Don't forget children

The home, where one expects to be safe, can be the most dangerous place of all for some women and children.

Kim Oates   Our awareness of the extent of domestic violence has been slow in coming. But we must remember children are victims too.

Supersized consumer appetites must change

Average living space per person in new US homes has almost doubled in the past 40 years.

Christopher Flavelle   Our love of big homes, big cars and long-distance travel may need to be curtailed if we're to meet the Paris targets.

Comments 3

The heart-rending morning I can never forget

The stress and trauma of dealing with the aftermath of violence take a heavy toll on aid workers.

Christoph Hensch   Aid workers put their life on the line for others, but then often suffer residual trauma.

Comments 4

Charlie Brown speaks: Let kids be kids!

Charlie Brown and Lucy in <i>Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie.</i>

Alan Stokes   Charlie Brown's new film transports us back to a time when children were free to confront life for what it brings.

Comments 12

Assisted dying: Sorting the facts 


Ross Fitzgerald   These days it is increasingly difficult to have a reasoned and thorough public debate about government policy. 

Hillary: is she unbeatable?

Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, speaks during a town hall meeting in Waterloo, Iowa, U.S., on Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015. Clinton will unveil proposals to deter U.S. companies from shifting profits overseas, including an "exit tax" to penalize companies that perform so-called tax inversions, a campaign official said. Photographer: Scott Morgan/Bloomberg

Lesley Russell   Donald Trump's bid to secure the Republican presidential nomination has taken attention away from the other half of the political equation – the Democrats' candidates. 

Stuff the VCE, I just wanted babies

The power suit was no match for bringin up a family.

Jean Flynn   They made me dux of year 12, but I wanted to go to uni to find a husband, not a career.

Marriage: no longer an economic institution

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Ross Gittins   Economists declare marriage has evolved from just a reproductive or financial deal – these days we are tying the knot for love.

Do we need IVF for minke whales?

TRA 17 NOV. Minke whale in the Great Barrier Reef. CREDIT EYE TO EYE MARINE ENCOUNTERS.

Denise Russell   Japanese and Sea Shepherd boats are steaming towards the Antarctic. Will there be violent conflict? It's possible.

Comments 7

A toothless treaty can't stop climate change

The international agreement struck in Paris acknowledges climate change but it does not oblige countries to do anything about it.

Leonid Bershidsky   Our success in dealing with climate change depends on scientists and markets, not political leaders and diplomats.

Comments 2

More hot air won't save us from oblivion

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   The rhetoric from the Paris climate deal is reassuring, but the atmosphere can't read press releases.

George Pell's no-show is farcical

Cardinal George Pell was due to appear at the royal commission but asked to be excused, citing blood pressure problems.

Judy Courtin   The Catholic Church continues to harm sex abuse victims by its failure to acknowledge the extent to which it covered-up sex crimes against children.


Arch conservatives offer nothing but guff

Abbott and Trump are not intelligently discussing Islam, they’re just demonstrating that their brand of politics is fast collapsing.

Malcolm is an Abbott in Turnbull's clothing

There is largesse being extended to Malcolm Turnbull that would never have been granted to Tony Abbott.

Strong leadership can fix Victoria Police

Women are critical to an effective, contemporary police force, by ELIZABETH BRODERICK.

Tony Abbott reinforces white supremacists

Muslims do not need a Western cultural supremacist like Tony Abbott to tell them what Islam needs.

Triggs steps in from the cold

The end of her period as outcast is significant, not least because it reflects the end of the ascendancy of ideology over civility.

The End of History is nowhere to be seen

So much for predictions of an era of peace and stability under a new world order. It's just power politics as usual.

You can smash that glass ceiling by going shopping

It's all about the rise of the female dollar now.