Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации
Music: Sonic Symphony – Sky Sentinels
Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
Russian Federation, Moscow and Saint Petersburg City Tour, in 3D + HD
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
Federal Agency for Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
National Anthem of the Russian Federation - "Гимн России"
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/National Anthem of the Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
National Anthem of the Russian Federation.
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
17.10.2007 Russia - England (Luzhniki Stadion)
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
10.10.2009. vs Germany 80000 Russian supporter are singing anthem.
2010 | Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | HD | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Kadyrov Pledges Chechen support to the Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
O!.. Russian Federation?! Welcome to Ukraine!!!
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
Hero of the Russian Federation Ceremony: Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
RHS: Escalation - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - ArmA 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, an
MRE Review: Russian Federation IRP
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Syria. Report 02.10.2015
On October 2, in the course of the day, the Russian air grouping continued making pinpoint strikes at the “Islamic State” international terrorist grouping.
Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 aircraft carried out 14 sorties from the Hmeymim air base attacking 6 ISIS objects.
At Maarrat Al-Nuuman (Idlib), Su-25 attack aircraft completely destroyed a large workshop aimed for production of bombs and improvised e
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
RHS : Russian Federation First Look - ArmA 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd hav
Anthem of the Russian Federation
Anthem of Russia with lyrics readable by non-Russians.
Pocahontas Luscious Hair| Russian Federation
Thumbs up if you guys want a video on how I achieved the color:) if it's a lot i'll put up the video :*
Thanks for watching!
S P E C S:
Pocahontas Luscious Hair
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pocahontass.hair
Website: http://pocahontasluscioushair.bigcartel.com/products
Instagram: Officialpocahontasluscioushair
Lengths: 2 bundles of- 24"-28"
2 bundles of- 20"-24"
Russian Federation (RUS) Free Team Final Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow ; Russian: Москва, tr. Moskva; IPA: is the capital and the largest city of Russia with 12.2 million residents within the city limits and 16.8 million within the urban area. It is the capital of the Central Federal District and Moscow Oblast. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center
Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation......
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
wn.com/Russia National Anthem Russian English Lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
Russian Federation, Moscow and Saint Petersburg City Tour, in 3D + HD
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters......
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
wn.com/Russian Federation, Moscow And Saint Petersburg City Tour, In 3D Hd
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
Federal Agency for Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ......
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
wn.com/Federal Agency For Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
National Anthem of the Russian Federation - "Гимн России"
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Feder...
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov a partir de las letras de sus propias versiones del himno soviético de 1943 y 1977. Esta tercera y última versión elimina todas las menciones al nombre e ideas de Stalin y la «irrompible unión» del Estado Soviético, centrándose en su lugar en describir un país extenso y con grandes cantidades de recursos confiados a las generaciones futuras.
A finales del año 2000, el presidente Vladímir Putin decidió adoptar el himno, que sustituyó a La canción patriótica, que había sido el himno oficial desde 1990. Este hecho no ha estado exento de polémica, dado que, aunque la letra ya no tiene nada que ver con la Rusia de Stalin, la música es la misma que usaba la Unión Soviética.
The State Anthem of the Russian Federation is the name of the official national anthem of Russia. Its musical composition and lyrics were adopted from the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, composed by Alexander Alexandrov, and lyricists Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan. The Soviet anthem was used from 1944, replacing "The Internationale" with a more Russian-centric song. The anthem was amended in 1956 to remove lyrics that had references to former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The anthem was amended again in 1977 to introduce new lyrics written by Mikhalkov.
Public perception of the anthem is mixed among Russians. The anthem reminds some of the best days of Russia and past sacrifices, while it reminds others of the violence that occurred under the rule of Stalin. The Russian government contends that the anthem is a symbol of the unity of the people, and that it respects the past. A 2009 poll showed that 56% of respondents felt proud when hearing the anthem, and 81% liked it.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation (russisch Гимн Российской Федерации/Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii) ist seit dem 30. Dezember 2000 die offizielle Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation. Der Text des Liedes wurde von Sergei Michalkow gedichtet. Die Melodie stammt von Alexander Alexandrow.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation ist ein Abbild der Gimn Sowjetskowo Sojusa, der Hymne der Sowjetunion. Einzig der Text des Liedes wurde umgeschrieben, und zwar von Sergei Michalkow, der auch schon den Text der sowjetischen Hymne gedichtet hatte.
Die Hymne wurde im Jahre 2000 durch den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin ausgetauscht und ersetzte das bis dahin textlose und auch deshalb wenig beliebte, bzw. als uninspirierend empfundene Patriotische Lied, das von 1991 bis 2000 die Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation war.
Der erste offizielle Spieltermin der Hymne war der Amtsantritt des Präsidenten Putin im Kreml.
Госуда́рственный гимн Росси́йской Федера́ции является одним из главных официальных государственных символов Российской Федерации, наряду с флагом и гербом. Музыка и основа текста были заимствованы из гимна Советского Союза, мелодию к которому написал Александр Александров на стихи Сергея Михалкова и Габриэля Эль-Регистана.
wn.com/National Anthem Of The Russian Federation Гимн России
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov a partir de las letras de sus propias versiones del himno soviético de 1943 y 1977. Esta tercera y última versión elimina todas las menciones al nombre e ideas de Stalin y la «irrompible unión» del Estado Soviético, centrándose en su lugar en describir un país extenso y con grandes cantidades de recursos confiados a las generaciones futuras.
A finales del año 2000, el presidente Vladímir Putin decidió adoptar el himno, que sustituyó a La canción patriótica, que había sido el himno oficial desde 1990. Este hecho no ha estado exento de polémica, dado que, aunque la letra ya no tiene nada que ver con la Rusia de Stalin, la música es la misma que usaba la Unión Soviética.
The State Anthem of the Russian Federation is the name of the official national anthem of Russia. Its musical composition and lyrics were adopted from the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, composed by Alexander Alexandrov, and lyricists Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan. The Soviet anthem was used from 1944, replacing "The Internationale" with a more Russian-centric song. The anthem was amended in 1956 to remove lyrics that had references to former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The anthem was amended again in 1977 to introduce new lyrics written by Mikhalkov.
Public perception of the anthem is mixed among Russians. The anthem reminds some of the best days of Russia and past sacrifices, while it reminds others of the violence that occurred under the rule of Stalin. The Russian government contends that the anthem is a symbol of the unity of the people, and that it respects the past. A 2009 poll showed that 56% of respondents felt proud when hearing the anthem, and 81% liked it.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation (russisch Гимн Российской Федерации/Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii) ist seit dem 30. Dezember 2000 die offizielle Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation. Der Text des Liedes wurde von Sergei Michalkow gedichtet. Die Melodie stammt von Alexander Alexandrow.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation ist ein Abbild der Gimn Sowjetskowo Sojusa, der Hymne der Sowjetunion. Einzig der Text des Liedes wurde umgeschrieben, und zwar von Sergei Michalkow, der auch schon den Text der sowjetischen Hymne gedichtet hatte.
Die Hymne wurde im Jahre 2000 durch den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin ausgetauscht und ersetzte das bis dahin textlose und auch deshalb wenig beliebte, bzw. als uninspirierend empfundene Patriotische Lied, das von 1991 bis 2000 die Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation war.
Der erste offizielle Spieltermin der Hymne war der Amtsantritt des Präsidenten Putin im Kreml.
Госуда́рственный гимн Росси́йской Федера́ции является одним из главных официальных государственных символов Российской Федерации, наряду с флагом и гербом. Музыка и основа текста были заимствованы из гимна Советского Союза, мелодию к которому написал Александр Александров на стихи Сергея Михалкова и Габриэля Эль-Регистана.
- published: 14 Dec 2014
- views: 103
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/National Anthem of the Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
wn.com/Военный Оркестр Египта Исполнил Гимн России National Anthem Of The Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 1091147
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
National Anthem of the Russian Federation....
National Anthem of the Russian Federation.
wn.com/National Anthem Of The Russian Federation
National Anthem of the Russian Federation.
- published: 06 Jul 2007
- views: 639375
author: theme45
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
10.10.2009. vs Germany 80000 Russian supporter are singing anthem....
10.10.2009. vs Germany 80000 Russian supporter are singing anthem.
wn.com/National Anthem Of The Russian Federation
10.10.2009. vs Germany 80000 Russian supporter are singing anthem.
2010 | Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | HD | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------......
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
wn.com/2010 | Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation | Hd | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Kadyrov Pledges Chechen support to the Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsake...
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
wn.com/Kadyrov Pledges Chechen Support To The Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
- published: 30 Dec 2014
- views: 2418
O!.. Russian Federation?! Welcome to Ukraine!!!
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))...
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
wn.com/O .. Russian Federation Welcome To Ukraine
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
Hero of the Russian Federation Ceremony: Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor....
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
wn.com/Hero Of The Russian Federation Ceremony Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 22652
RHS: Escalation - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - ArmA 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the R...
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, and be sure to vote for it if you like it in Make ArmA not War! Check it all out on the BI forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184842-RHS-Escalation-%28AFRF-and-USAF%29-Release-0-3-0
For those curious, yes this was uploaded earlier today but it had a ~3min black spot and I couldn't figure out why. I had to take the video down and re-render it twice before it was finally fixed. Enjoy!
Also, check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184846-Jurassic-Arma-Raptor-Pack
Want to help support my channel? - http://www.patreon.com/jester814
Looking for high quality ArmA servers with admins that know what they're doing when it comes to ArmA? They have servers for all popular games too! Check out NFO: http://bit.ly/1lOx7Aw
Check out my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/Jester814
Facebook(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester814/249522811833198
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jester814
Steam(major stream events announced here): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jester814
Q: Why is the video only in 360p?
A: Because I make my videos available the instant they're done uploading, but it takes youtube time(up to several hours) to finish processing the videos in full HD. A lot of people either watch on platforms that 360p is fine, or simply don't mind the lower quality and want to watch the videos asap. Either watch in low quality or be patient.
Q: What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 770 (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Why don't you play in First Person?
A: I'm a 3rd person gamer. I hate first person. It's unrealistically restricting. Please don't try to "convince" me otherwise as if I am unaware of the gaming style I prefer.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA 3 mods do you use?
A: cTab, Massi's USMC and Weapons, FHQ Accessories, ASDG Joint Rails, AV_ESS, CAF M72, Saul's F-18, MCC Sandbox, Outlaw's Mag Repack, RecoilFix, rev1 flashbangs, Robert Hammer's Pistols, AGM Suite, TFAR, inko disposable launchers, slatts m32, av_ess goggles, DAR MTVR Replacement, DAR HMMWVs, F35B, hafm a2 helis. In-House 15th mods: AAV, Burnes M1, Burnes LCAC, LCU, AT4
Q: Can I join your ArmA unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older, zero exceptions)
- Official 15th YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealismunit
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
BIS monetization permission:
wn.com/Rhs Escalation Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation Arma 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, and be sure to vote for it if you like it in Make ArmA not War! Check it all out on the BI forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184842-RHS-Escalation-%28AFRF-and-USAF%29-Release-0-3-0
For those curious, yes this was uploaded earlier today but it had a ~3min black spot and I couldn't figure out why. I had to take the video down and re-render it twice before it was finally fixed. Enjoy!
Also, check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184846-Jurassic-Arma-Raptor-Pack
Want to help support my channel? - http://www.patreon.com/jester814
Looking for high quality ArmA servers with admins that know what they're doing when it comes to ArmA? They have servers for all popular games too! Check out NFO: http://bit.ly/1lOx7Aw
Check out my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/Jester814
Facebook(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester814/249522811833198
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jester814
Steam(major stream events announced here): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jester814
Q: Why is the video only in 360p?
A: Because I make my videos available the instant they're done uploading, but it takes youtube time(up to several hours) to finish processing the videos in full HD. A lot of people either watch on platforms that 360p is fine, or simply don't mind the lower quality and want to watch the videos asap. Either watch in low quality or be patient.
Q: What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 770 (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Why don't you play in First Person?
A: I'm a 3rd person gamer. I hate first person. It's unrealistically restricting. Please don't try to "convince" me otherwise as if I am unaware of the gaming style I prefer.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA 3 mods do you use?
A: cTab, Massi's USMC and Weapons, FHQ Accessories, ASDG Joint Rails, AV_ESS, CAF M72, Saul's F-18, MCC Sandbox, Outlaw's Mag Repack, RecoilFix, rev1 flashbangs, Robert Hammer's Pistols, AGM Suite, TFAR, inko disposable launchers, slatts m32, av_ess goggles, DAR MTVR Replacement, DAR HMMWVs, F35B, hafm a2 helis. In-House 15th mods: AAV, Burnes M1, Burnes LCAC, LCU, AT4
Q: Can I join your ArmA unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older, zero exceptions)
- Official 15th YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealismunit
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
BIS monetization permission:
- published: 30 Oct 2014
- views: 301
MRE Review: Russian Federation IRP
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.yo...
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
wn.com/Mre Review Russian Federation Irp
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 3946
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, в...
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
wn.com/Rhs Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 881
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Syria. Report 02.10.2015
On October 2, in the course of the day, the Russian air grouping continued making pinpoint strikes at the “Islamic State” international terrorist grouping.
On October 2, in the course of the day, the Russian air grouping continued making pinpoint strikes at the “Islamic State” international terrorist grouping.
Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 aircraft carried out 14 sorties from the Hmeymim air base attacking 6 ISIS objects.
At Maarrat Al-Nuuman (Idlib), Su-25 attack aircraft completely destroyed a large workshop aimed for production of bombs and improvised explosive devices and disguised as a plant for gas cylinders.
Terrorist base for armament and military equipment was also eliminated. As a result of an air strike, over ten pieces of military hardware including infantry fighting vehicles were burnt down.
In Al-Latamna district (Hamah), Su-34 bombers equipped with guided air bombs blew up a militants’ underground HQ. The command centre and its ground facilities are destroyed according to the objective monitoring data.
Moreover, Su-25 aircraft engaged two bunkers at the same district. There were situated command centres of militant units and depots of terrorists. Munitions of one of the depots detonated and caused their total destruction.
At the Hann Sayhun district (Idlib), pinpoint strikes of Su-24M and Su-25 attack aircraft eliminated a command centre of the ISIS armed groupings.
The targeting accuracy of the Russian air grouping in Syria was achieved by usage of aircraft within the reconnaissance-strike complex.
Video: At Maarrat Al-Nuuman (Idlib), Su-25 attack aircraft completely destroyed a large workshop aimed for production of bombs and improvised explosive devices and disguised as a plant for gas cylinders.
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
Оригинал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdWMtPZvG5Q
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
Our LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Vox_Populi_Evo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
wn.com/Ministry Of Defence Of The Russian Federation. Syria. Report 02.10.2015
On October 2, in the course of the day, the Russian air grouping continued making pinpoint strikes at the “Islamic State” international terrorist grouping.
Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 aircraft carried out 14 sorties from the Hmeymim air base attacking 6 ISIS objects.
At Maarrat Al-Nuuman (Idlib), Su-25 attack aircraft completely destroyed a large workshop aimed for production of bombs and improvised explosive devices and disguised as a plant for gas cylinders.
Terrorist base for armament and military equipment was also eliminated. As a result of an air strike, over ten pieces of military hardware including infantry fighting vehicles were burnt down.
In Al-Latamna district (Hamah), Su-34 bombers equipped with guided air bombs blew up a militants’ underground HQ. The command centre and its ground facilities are destroyed according to the objective monitoring data.
Moreover, Su-25 aircraft engaged two bunkers at the same district. There were situated command centres of militant units and depots of terrorists. Munitions of one of the depots detonated and caused their total destruction.
At the Hann Sayhun district (Idlib), pinpoint strikes of Su-24M and Su-25 attack aircraft eliminated a command centre of the ISIS armed groupings.
The targeting accuracy of the Russian air grouping in Syria was achieved by usage of aircraft within the reconnaissance-strike complex.
Video: At Maarrat Al-Nuuman (Idlib), Su-25 attack aircraft completely destroyed a large workshop aimed for production of bombs and improvised explosive devices and disguised as a plant for gas cylinders.
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
Оригинал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdWMtPZvG5Q
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
Our LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Vox_Populi_Evo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 1955
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze...
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
wn.com/Триагрутрика Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
- published: 09 Aug 2014
- views: 57
RHS : Russian Federation First Look - ArmA 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anythin...
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd have hundreds of vehicles.
Before you ask any questions in the comments, read through the FAQ:
Q: What are your specs?
A: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhantomsmediaTV/about
Q: Where can I get in touch with you?
A: http://twitter.com/PhantomsmediaTV or my Steam, Jani. Steam for collaboration and other important items, Twitter for saying hi!
Q: Where can I find out more about your group?
A: The best place is www.phantactical.com.
Q: How old do you have to be to join PhanTactical?
A: 18+, with no exceptions.
Q: What do I need to do to be a part?
A: Apply. Once accepted, we require that you're active on our forums and Teamspeak 3, as well as on ArmA nights. This is an ArmA group, but we're a group of friends as well. We are not just a bunch of randoms playing ArmA. Everyone knows each other.
Q: What is the average player count?
A: 30-35. The community is growing though, hopefully we can field a full platoon of 60 sometime soon.
Q: How often does PhanTactical have events?
A: Friday and Saturday at 4pm PST and 2pm PST respectively. An optional training on Tuesday, 4pm PST.
Q: Do I have to be a native English speaker?
A: Of course not, but you must speak fluent English.
Q: Is this community exclusively ArmA or can I play other games?
A: We're an ArmA group entirely, official events are always ArmA. Yet people use TS3 and forums to organize other games with friends within the group!
"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s."
"Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved."
"See www.bistudio.com for more information."
Tags: ArmA 2 ArmA 3 OA Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations
wn.com/Rhs Russian Federation First Look Arma 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd have hundreds of vehicles.
Before you ask any questions in the comments, read through the FAQ:
Q: What are your specs?
A: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhantomsmediaTV/about
Q: Where can I get in touch with you?
A: http://twitter.com/PhantomsmediaTV or my Steam, Jani. Steam for collaboration and other important items, Twitter for saying hi!
Q: Where can I find out more about your group?
A: The best place is www.phantactical.com.
Q: How old do you have to be to join PhanTactical?
A: 18+, with no exceptions.
Q: What do I need to do to be a part?
A: Apply. Once accepted, we require that you're active on our forums and Teamspeak 3, as well as on ArmA nights. This is an ArmA group, but we're a group of friends as well. We are not just a bunch of randoms playing ArmA. Everyone knows each other.
Q: What is the average player count?
A: 30-35. The community is growing though, hopefully we can field a full platoon of 60 sometime soon.
Q: How often does PhanTactical have events?
A: Friday and Saturday at 4pm PST and 2pm PST respectively. An optional training on Tuesday, 4pm PST.
Q: Do I have to be a native English speaker?
A: Of course not, but you must speak fluent English.
Q: Is this community exclusively ArmA or can I play other games?
A: We're an ArmA group entirely, official events are always ArmA. Yet people use TS3 and forums to organize other games with friends within the group!
"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s."
"Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved."
"See www.bistudio.com for more information."
Tags: ArmA 2 ArmA 3 OA Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations
- published: 30 Oct 2014
- views: 533
Anthem of the Russian Federation
Anthem of Russia with lyrics readable by non-Russians....
Anthem of Russia with lyrics readable by non-Russians.
wn.com/Anthem Of The Russian Federation
Anthem of Russia with lyrics readable by non-Russians.
- published: 22 May 2007
- views: 910373
author: honghuangdi
Pocahontas Luscious Hair| Russian Federation
Thumbs up if you guys want a video on how I achieved the color:) if it's a lot i'll put up the video :*
Thanks for watching!
S P E C S:
Pocahontas Luscious Ha...
Thumbs up if you guys want a video on how I achieved the color:) if it's a lot i'll put up the video :*
Thanks for watching!
S P E C S:
Pocahontas Luscious Hair
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pocahontass.hair
Website: http://pocahontasluscioushair.bigcartel.com/products
Instagram: Officialpocahontasluscioushair
Lengths: 2 bundles of- 24"-28"
2 bundles of- 20"-24"
Twitter: WeaveADDICT_ https://twitter.com/WeaveADDICT_
Instagram: WeaveADDICT_
AskFm: WeaveADDICT1 http://ask.fm/weaveaddict1
Facebook: Youngin WeaveAddict http://www.facebook.com/WeaveADDICT
If you would like me to review your product(s), please contact me via email at:
Business Inquires ONLY
wn.com/Pocahontas Luscious Hair| Russian Federation
Thumbs up if you guys want a video on how I achieved the color:) if it's a lot i'll put up the video :*
Thanks for watching!
S P E C S:
Pocahontas Luscious Hair
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pocahontass.hair
Website: http://pocahontasluscioushair.bigcartel.com/products
Instagram: Officialpocahontasluscioushair
Lengths: 2 bundles of- 24"-28"
2 bundles of- 20"-24"
Twitter: WeaveADDICT_ https://twitter.com/WeaveADDICT_
Instagram: WeaveADDICT_
AskFm: WeaveADDICT1 http://ask.fm/weaveaddict1
Facebook: Youngin WeaveAddict http://www.facebook.com/WeaveADDICT
If you would like me to review your product(s), please contact me via email at:
Business Inquires ONLY
- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 2397
Russian Federation (RUS) Free Team Final Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo...
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
wn.com/Russian Federation (Rus) Free Team Final Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 119
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow ; Russian: Москва, tr. Moskva; IPA: is the capital and the largest city o...
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow ; Russian: Москва, tr. Moskva; IPA: is the capital and the largest city of Russia with 12.2 million residents within the city limits and 16.8 million within the urban area. It is the capital of the Central Federal District and Moscow Oblast. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center in Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city entirely on the European continent. By broader definitions Moscow is among world's largest cities, being the 13th largest metro area, the 17th largest agglomeration, the 16th largest urban area, and the 9th largest within limits city worldwide. According to Forbes 2013,[13] Moscow has been ranked as the ninth most expensive city in the world by Mercer and is one of the world's largest urban economies, being ranked as an alpha global city according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network and is also one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in the world according to the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index. Moscow is the northernmost and coldest megacity and metropolis on Earth. It is home to the Ostankino Tower, the tallest free standing structure in Europe; Mercury City Tower, the second tallest skyscraper in Europe and the Moscow International Business Center. By its territorial expansion on July 1, 2012 southwest into the Moscow Oblast, the capital increased its area 2.5 times; from about 1,000 square kilometers (390 sq mi) up to 2,511 square kilometers (970 sq mi), and gained an additional population of 233,000 people.[14][15]
Moscow is situated on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District of European Russia making it the world's most populated inland city. The city is well known for its unique architecture which consists of many different historic buildings such as Saint Basil's Cathedral with its brightly colored domes. With over 40 percent of its territory covered by greenery, it is one of the greenest capitals and major cities in Europe and the world, having the largest forest in an urban area within its borders—more than any other major city—even before its expansion in 2012. In the course of its history the city has served as the capital of a progression of states, from the medieval Grand Duchy of Moscow and the subsequent Tsardom of Russia to the Soviet Union. Moscow is considered the center of Russian culture, having served as the home of prestigious Russian artists, scientists and sports figures during the course of its history and because of the presence of many different museums, academic and political institutions and theaters. Moscow is also the seat of power of the Government of Russia, being the site of the Moscow Kremlin, a medieval city-fortress that is today the residence of the Russian president. The Moscow Kremlin and the Red Square are also one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. Both chambers of the Russian parliament (the State Duma and the Federation Council) also sit in the city.
The city is served by an extensive transit network, which includes four international airports, nine railway terminals, numerous trams, a monorail system and one of the deepest underground metro systems in the world, the Moscow Metro, the fourth-largest in the world and largest outside of Asia in terms of passenger numbers and the busiest in Europe. It is recognized as one of the city's landmarks due to the rich and varied architecture of its 194 stations.
Over time, Moscow has acquired a number of epithets, most referring to its size and preeminent status within the nation: The Third Rome (Третий Рим), The Whitestone One (Белокаменная), The First Throne (Первопрестольная), The Forty Forties (Сорок Сороков), and The Hero City (город-герой). In old Russian the word "Сорок" (forty) also meant a church administrative district, which consisted of about forty churches. The demonym for a Moscow resident is "москвич" (moskvich), rendered in English as Muscovite.
wn.com/Moscow City Internetional Business Center Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow City - Internetional Business Center !!! /Moscow, Russian Federation/
Moscow ; Russian: Москва, tr. Moskva; IPA: is the capital and the largest city of Russia with 12.2 million residents within the city limits and 16.8 million within the urban area. It is the capital of the Central Federal District and Moscow Oblast. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center in Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city entirely on the European continent. By broader definitions Moscow is among world's largest cities, being the 13th largest metro area, the 17th largest agglomeration, the 16th largest urban area, and the 9th largest within limits city worldwide. According to Forbes 2013,[13] Moscow has been ranked as the ninth most expensive city in the world by Mercer and is one of the world's largest urban economies, being ranked as an alpha global city according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network and is also one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in the world according to the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index. Moscow is the northernmost and coldest megacity and metropolis on Earth. It is home to the Ostankino Tower, the tallest free standing structure in Europe; Mercury City Tower, the second tallest skyscraper in Europe and the Moscow International Business Center. By its territorial expansion on July 1, 2012 southwest into the Moscow Oblast, the capital increased its area 2.5 times; from about 1,000 square kilometers (390 sq mi) up to 2,511 square kilometers (970 sq mi), and gained an additional population of 233,000 people.[14][15]
Moscow is situated on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District of European Russia making it the world's most populated inland city. The city is well known for its unique architecture which consists of many different historic buildings such as Saint Basil's Cathedral with its brightly colored domes. With over 40 percent of its territory covered by greenery, it is one of the greenest capitals and major cities in Europe and the world, having the largest forest in an urban area within its borders—more than any other major city—even before its expansion in 2012. In the course of its history the city has served as the capital of a progression of states, from the medieval Grand Duchy of Moscow and the subsequent Tsardom of Russia to the Soviet Union. Moscow is considered the center of Russian culture, having served as the home of prestigious Russian artists, scientists and sports figures during the course of its history and because of the presence of many different museums, academic and political institutions and theaters. Moscow is also the seat of power of the Government of Russia, being the site of the Moscow Kremlin, a medieval city-fortress that is today the residence of the Russian president. The Moscow Kremlin and the Red Square are also one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. Both chambers of the Russian parliament (the State Duma and the Federation Council) also sit in the city.
The city is served by an extensive transit network, which includes four international airports, nine railway terminals, numerous trams, a monorail system and one of the deepest underground metro systems in the world, the Moscow Metro, the fourth-largest in the world and largest outside of Asia in terms of passenger numbers and the busiest in Europe. It is recognized as one of the city's landmarks due to the rich and varied architecture of its 194 stations.
Over time, Moscow has acquired a number of epithets, most referring to its size and preeminent status within the nation: The Third Rome (Третий Рим), The Whitestone One (Белокаменная), The First Throne (Первопрестольная), The Forty Forties (Сорок Сороков), and The Hero City (город-герой). In old Russian the word "Сорок" (forty) also meant a church administrative district, which consisted of about forty churches. The demonym for a Moscow resident is "москвич" (moskvich), rendered in English as Muscovite.
- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 19
Moscow travel guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
Russia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva
Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others,
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of th
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
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Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Ba
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial c
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination St Petersburg in Russia.
In 1703, Tsar Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in the swampy delta mouth of the Neva River. It became Russia’s capital city and remained so until 1918 when Lenin and his revolutionary Bolshevik government moved to Moscow. Today, it is a living monument to the lives and times of Russia’s Imperial Tsars.The Winter Palace contains Russia’s
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi...
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most import
БОЛХОВ Russia Travel Guide
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
КИСЛОВОДСК Russia Travel Guide
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat vis
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1
Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main l
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of
ОВСТУГ Брянск Орел
Moscow travel guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/...
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
wn.com/Moscow Travel Guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 3287
Russia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land u...
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
wn.com/Russia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
- published: 20 Nov 2014
- views: 1563
Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is...
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 208343
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city...
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
wn.com/St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide Must See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 132614
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 0
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn...
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
wn.com/Russia 10 Top Tourist Attractions Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
- published: 13 Nov 2014
- views: 232
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on ...
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.
Carved out of swampland in the early 18th century by Csar Peter the Great, St Petersberg has been gilded by generations of Russian royalty.
Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe, and, as you step onto the cobblestone streets here, you’ll discover they succeeded.
Most visitors start their adventures right in the heart of historic St Petersburg. Palace Square is dominated by the Alexander Column and is home to the Winter Palace.
This monumental palace is a legacy of Catherine the Great and was designed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. Today it houses the State Hermitage Museum which is one of the world’s oldest and largest museums.
Experience some of the country’s most extravagant architecture by strolling along Nevsky Prospect, the city’s main avenue.
Visit the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, with its extraordinary mosaics,… and Kazan Cathedral, another architectural gem.
Further along the river is St Isaac’s cathedral, whose gold plated dome has been glittering under Russia’s sun for more than 100 years.
As the sun sets, take a canal cruise to discover the romance of St Petersburg at night. Pass through a network of draw-bridges on a journey that shows the true scale of Peter the Great’s vision.
Romantic, opulent and spectacular, St Petersburg is a glittering testiment to Russia’s royal history and a celebration of the power of one man’s dream.
wn.com/St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.
Carved out of swampland in the early 18th century by Csar Peter the Great, St Petersberg has been gilded by generations of Russian royalty.
Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe, and, as you step onto the cobblestone streets here, you’ll discover they succeeded.
Most visitors start their adventures right in the heart of historic St Petersburg. Palace Square is dominated by the Alexander Column and is home to the Winter Palace.
This monumental palace is a legacy of Catherine the Great and was designed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. Today it houses the State Hermitage Museum which is one of the world’s oldest and largest museums.
Experience some of the country’s most extravagant architecture by strolling along Nevsky Prospect, the city’s main avenue.
Visit the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, with its extraordinary mosaics,… and Kazan Cathedral, another architectural gem.
Further along the river is St Isaac’s cathedral, whose gold plated dome has been glittering under Russia’s sun for more than 100 years.
As the sun sets, take a canal cruise to discover the romance of St Petersburg at night. Pass through a network of draw-bridges on a journey that shows the true scale of Peter the Great’s vision.
Romantic, opulent and spectacular, St Petersburg is a glittering testiment to Russia’s royal history and a celebration of the power of one man’s dream.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 6531
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents....
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
wn.com/Russia Travel Tips Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 443
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination St Petersburg in Russia.
In 1703, Tsar Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in the swampy delta mouth of the Neva River. It bec...
Travel video about destination St Petersburg in Russia.
In 1703, Tsar Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in the swampy delta mouth of the Neva River. It became Russia’s capital city and remained so until 1918 when Lenin and his revolutionary Bolshevik government moved to Moscow. Today, it is a living monument to the lives and times of Russia’s Imperial Tsars.The Winter Palace contains Russia’s largest museum, The Hermitage, which houses more than 2.5 million exhibits. Since Peter the Great, Russian rulers purchased many major works of art, but it was Catherine The Great who acquired complete collections from the auction houses of Europe.The Admiralty, with its needle-shaped, gold-plated tower, is one of the city’s most famous landmarks, its grand architecture depicting the emergence of Russia as a naval power. The marvelous Saint Isaac's Cathedral has the third largest dome in the world. Twenty-four thousand tree stumps were used for its foundations, and it can accommodate a congregation of 14,000.The Peter And Paul Cathedral was the burial place of the Tsars, and it contains the marble coffin of Peter the Great. The most colorful church in Russia is the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral which was built on the orders of Tsar Alexander III on land where, in 1881, his father, Alexander II, had been killed by a bomb planted by a revolutionary group.Russian Baroque and Russian Classicism were established in St. Petersburg, a city of monumental events, outstanding architecture and an Imperial metropolis on the grand scale.
wn.com/St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination St Petersburg in Russia.
In 1703, Tsar Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in the swampy delta mouth of the Neva River. It became Russia’s capital city and remained so until 1918 when Lenin and his revolutionary Bolshevik government moved to Moscow. Today, it is a living monument to the lives and times of Russia’s Imperial Tsars.The Winter Palace contains Russia’s largest museum, The Hermitage, which houses more than 2.5 million exhibits. Since Peter the Great, Russian rulers purchased many major works of art, but it was Catherine The Great who acquired complete collections from the auction houses of Europe.The Admiralty, with its needle-shaped, gold-plated tower, is one of the city’s most famous landmarks, its grand architecture depicting the emergence of Russia as a naval power. The marvelous Saint Isaac's Cathedral has the third largest dome in the world. Twenty-four thousand tree stumps were used for its foundations, and it can accommodate a congregation of 14,000.The Peter And Paul Cathedral was the burial place of the Tsars, and it contains the marble coffin of Peter the Great. The most colorful church in Russia is the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral which was built on the orders of Tsar Alexander III on land where, in 1881, his father, Alexander II, had been killed by a bomb planted by a revolutionary group.Russian Baroque and Russian Classicism were established in St. Petersburg, a city of monumental events, outstanding architecture and an Imperial metropolis on the grand scale.
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 62951
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi......
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi...
wn.com/Siberia Wild Russia Beautiful Wilderness Travel Documentary Hd
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi...
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more...
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
wn.com/St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
- published: 06 Oct 2010
- views: 38363
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник)....
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
wn.com/Кабардино Балкария Голубые Озера Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 13
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский ...
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
wn.com/Осетия Фиагдон Даргавс Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 3
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, He...
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
wn.com/Gay Travel Guide Moscow St. Petersburg , Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 5
Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedr...
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat visits.
wn.com/Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat visits.
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 2104
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, thoug...
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1500s.
This mosque was supposedly the biggest in Russia at the time of its construction.
Its appearance is uncertain because it was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible.
The new Qolsharif Mosque attempts to mirror the old, and, in doing so, has created a beautiful building.
wn.com/Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1500s.
This mosque was supposedly the biggest in Russia at the time of its construction.
Its appearance is uncertain because it was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible.
The new Qolsharif Mosque attempts to mirror the old, and, in doing so, has created a beautiful building.
- published: 01 Nov 2010
- views: 10146
Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the c...
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
wn.com/Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 56148
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsk...
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
wn.com/Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 2126
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of t...
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
wn.com/Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 3162
Сирия. Работает авиация РФ север Алеппо/Syria. Aviation Russian Federation North of Aleppo
China: Russian Deputy PM Dvorkovich touts bilateral energy cooperation
Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkadi Dvorkovich spoke on the sidelines of the Russian-Chinese energy partnership committee meeting in Beijing on Monday.
SOT, Arkadi Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (in Russian): "We held a positive discussion concerning all elements [of our remit]: supply volumes are running according to schedule, and we have solved operational issue
Chevrolet Corvette Turbo — 8.3 sec. @ 269 kph
Пилот (Driver): Андрей Маленко (Andrey Mulenko)
Событие (Event): RDRC stage 4, 2015
Место (Place): г. Элиста (the city of Elista, Russian Federation)
Дата (Date): 12-13.09.2015
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Turkey: No evidence of 'icy' relations between Putin & other leaders - Svetlana Lukash
According to Deputy Chief of the Presidential Experts' Directorate Office of the President of the Russian Federation Svetlana Lukash, Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the most popular guests at the G20 Summit reception in Antalya, Sunday, and "everyone wanted to talk to him." She added "I totally did not notice any issues that might indicate that relations could be said to be icy."
If the United States and the Russian Federation were to join forces and become strong military allies, as well as close economic partners, the people of our two great nations would be so rich, strong and safe - your head will spin!
-Dmitry Tamoikin
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Putin, Oligarchs, Opposition, RNU, Nazbols, CPRF, Novorossiya
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Russian Imperial Federalism, Putin, Oligarchs, Other Russia, Russian National Unity (RNU), National Bolsheviks (Nazbols), Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Novorossiya Confederation
Russia suspended after overwhelming IAAF vote
Athletics' governing body has voted overwhelmingly to suspend Russia from the sport for widespread, state-sponsored doping and the ban will include the 2016 Olympics unless the country can demonstrate a major change in their approach and controls.
After a three-hour teleconference on Friday, hosted by its president Sebastian Coe, the International Association of Athletics Federations' (IAAF) coun
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine 2015-11-15
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine - Annexation Of Crimea By The Russian Federation 2014
russia-ukraine war
Putin and Obama shook hands at the G20 summit in Turkey
The head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama shook hands at the summit of G20, which takes place in Turkey. This was reported by RIA Novosti.
The two leaders exchanged a few words before the official photo of "twenty".
After that, the head of the countries - participants headed to the G20 working lunch.
Today Antalya hosts first working meeting "Twenty", wh
Russian Olympic Committee promises to reform its athletics federation
The Russian Olympic Committee has promised to lead efforts to reform the country's scandal-hit athletics federation. The Russian Sports Ministry has also confirmed that elections for new leaders
of the federation will be held within the next three months. This comes as Russia was suspended from the sport by world athletics'
governing body, the IAAF, for alleged widespread, state-sponsored doping
WW2 Memorial in Russia
Free video about Russian Army Memorial. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Russian Army Memorial video.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
A war memorial is a building, statue or other edifice created to be a war celebration or victo
Trans-Siberian Highway in Russia
Free video about Trans-Siberian Highway. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Trans-Siberian Highway video.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
The Russian road network is expanding as is the growth of road traffic in Russia. Extensions
13 Unique and Deadly Weapon from Russia
16 Deadly Weapon from Russia best wepons topol-m pantsir pak fa t-50 t-14 mig skat bulava borei bora howercraft advenced wepon
matchless unique 16 Unique and Deadly Weapon from Russia tank russian air force howercraft submarine nato putin vladmyr putin russia vs isis russia vs nato united states of america best wepons of russia anti aircraft s 500 s400 s500 s300 russian tecnology ukrain The Armed
Russia provisionally banned over athletics doping scandal
source : eurosport.com
keyword : Athletics' world governing body voted overwhelmingly on Friday to provisionally suspend the Russian federation and the country's athletes from the sport.
Paris Terror Attacks: World leaders react to massacre in French capital
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: "The president of the Russian Federation expressed his solidarity with the French people, our outrage at what happened in Paris, and let's not forget that there were terrorist attacks taking innocent lives in Beirut and in Iraq in the last few days. I think we have to strongly reiterate that there will be no tolerance vis-a-vis terrorists. And just like the
Russia faces ban from athletics for widespread doping offences.
International anti-doping commission recommends that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport over widespread doping offences
An international anti-doping commission recommended on Monday (November 9) that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport o
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 Austria
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 by RussianAustria (Full HD). Competitive discipline: Accordion. Age category: 13 years. Music teacher: Deryabin Nikolay. Arkhangelsk School of Art No. 31. Severodvinsk. Russia. 02.11.2015. Vienna. Austria. Info: http://www.russianaustria.com
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
explosion,paris terrorist attack,terrorist,terrorist attack,attack,paris,paris stadium explosion,Terrorist attack in Paris,france,terroristattackparis,terroristattackgol,goal,all,goals,highlights,de,di,goles,on,the,field,goa
Suspension Of Russian Athletics Begins
On Friday Russia's track and field federation was provisionally suspended by the sport's governing body. The action keeps the country out of international competition for an indefinite period — possibly including next year's Olympics in Brazil. The suspension was approved by a 22-1 vote during a teleconference of the 27-member council of the IAAF. IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened the meetin
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia f
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia f
UK: IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Sebastian Coe said “tonight our sport finds itself in a shameful situation,” in London on Friday. His comments come following the suspension of the Russian Athletic Federation from international competitions – including the Olympic Games – for alleged participation in extensive doping. The IAAF members voted 22 to 1 in favo
China: Russian Deputy PM Dvorkovich touts bilateral energy cooperation
Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkadi Dvorkovich spoke on the sidelines of the Russian-Chinese energy partnership committee meeting in Beijing on Monday.
Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkadi Dvorkovich spoke on the sidelines of the Russian-Chinese energy partnership committee meeting in Beijing on Monday.
SOT, Arkadi Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (in Russian): "We held a positive discussion concerning all elements [of our remit]: supply volumes are running according to schedule, and we have solved operational issues related to the adjustment of the route due to the fact that the Chinese section of the pipeline is still under construction. We have also increased supply volumes in the power sector. It is obvious that demand in China is not growing as fast as it was before, so the rate of delivery will be lower. However, there are big and promising projects [ongoing], including the Erkovetskoe deposit. We have already started working on this [project]."
SOT, Arkadi Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (in Russian): "We agreed on the creation of an additional working group on energy efficiency. The documents [on its creation] should be signed during the forum which will be held in Moscow this week, and the first session is scheduled for the first quarter of next year. The work is in progress."
Video ID: 20151116-018
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wn.com/China Russian Deputy Pm Dvorkovich Touts Bilateral Energy Cooperation
Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkadi Dvorkovich spoke on the sidelines of the Russian-Chinese energy partnership committee meeting in Beijing on Monday.
SOT, Arkadi Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (in Russian): "We held a positive discussion concerning all elements [of our remit]: supply volumes are running according to schedule, and we have solved operational issues related to the adjustment of the route due to the fact that the Chinese section of the pipeline is still under construction. We have also increased supply volumes in the power sector. It is obvious that demand in China is not growing as fast as it was before, so the rate of delivery will be lower. However, there are big and promising projects [ongoing], including the Erkovetskoe deposit. We have already started working on this [project]."
SOT, Arkadi Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (in Russian): "We agreed on the creation of an additional working group on energy efficiency. The documents [on its creation] should be signed during the forum which will be held in Moscow this week, and the first session is scheduled for the first quarter of next year. The work is in progress."
Video ID: 20151116-018
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 207
Chevrolet Corvette Turbo — 8.3 sec. @ 269 kph
Пилот (Driver): Андрей Маленко (Andrey Mulenko)
Событие (Event): RDRC stage 4, 2015
Место (Place): г. Элиста (the city of Elista, R...
Пилот (Driver): Андрей Маленко (Andrey Mulenko)
Событие (Event): RDRC stage 4, 2015
Место (Place): г. Элиста (the city of Elista, Russian Federation)
Дата (Date): 12-13.09.2015
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wn.com/Chevrolet Corvette Turbo — 8.3 Sec. 269 Kph
Пилот (Driver): Андрей Маленко (Andrey Mulenko)
Событие (Event): RDRC stage 4, 2015
Место (Place): г. Элиста (the city of Elista, Russian Federation)
Дата (Date): 12-13.09.2015
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- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 6171
Turkey: No evidence of 'icy' relations between Putin & other leaders - Svetlana Lukash
According to Deputy Chief of the Presidential Experts' Directorate Office of the President of the Russian Federation Svetlana Lukash, Russian President Vladimir...
According to Deputy Chief of the Presidential Experts' Directorate Office of the President of the Russian Federation Svetlana Lukash, Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the most popular guests at the G20 Summit reception in Antalya, Sunday, and "everyone wanted to talk to him." She added "I totally did not notice any issues that might indicate that relations could be said to be icy."
Video ID: 20151115-113
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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wn.com/Turkey No Evidence Of 'icy' Relations Between Putin Other Leaders Svetlana Lukash
According to Deputy Chief of the Presidential Experts' Directorate Office of the President of the Russian Federation Svetlana Lukash, Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the most popular guests at the G20 Summit reception in Antalya, Sunday, and "everyone wanted to talk to him." She added "I totally did not notice any issues that might indicate that relations could be said to be icy."
Video ID: 20151115-113
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 96
If the United States and the Russian Federation were to join forces and become strong military allies, as well as close economic partners, the people of our two...
If the United States and the Russian Federation were to join forces and become strong military allies, as well as close economic partners, the people of our two great nations would be so rich, strong and safe - your head will spin!
-Dmitry Tamoikin
wn.com/United States Russia Should Be Friends Allies Dmitry Tamoikin
If the United States and the Russian Federation were to join forces and become strong military allies, as well as close economic partners, the people of our two great nations would be so rich, strong and safe - your head will spin!
-Dmitry Tamoikin
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 10
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Putin, Oligarchs, Opposition, RNU, Nazbols, CPRF, Novorossiya
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Russian Imperial Federalism, Putin, Oligarchs, Other Russia, Russian National Unity (RNU), National Bolsheviks (Nazbols),...
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Russian Imperial Federalism, Putin, Oligarchs, Other Russia, Russian National Unity (RNU), National Bolsheviks (Nazbols), Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Novorossiya Confederation
wn.com/Kievan Rus' 11 15 15 Soviet Bear Rus, Putin, Oligarchs, Opposition, Rnu, Nazbols, Cprf, Novorossiya
Kievan Rus': 11/15/15-Soviet Bear Rus, Russian Imperial Federalism, Putin, Oligarchs, Other Russia, Russian National Unity (RNU), National Bolsheviks (Nazbols), Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Novorossiya Confederation
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 39
Russia suspended after overwhelming IAAF vote
Athletics' governing body has voted overwhelmingly to suspend Russia from the sport for widespread, state-sponsored doping and the ban will include the 2016 Oly...
Athletics' governing body has voted overwhelmingly to suspend Russia from the sport for widespread, state-sponsored doping and the ban will include the 2016 Olympics unless the country can demonstrate a major change in their approach and controls.
After a three-hour teleconference on Friday, hosted by its president Sebastian Coe, the International Association of Athletics Federations' (IAAF) council voted 22-1 in favour of the sanction, with the Russian representative not able to vote.
The meeting was called to discuss Monday's report by the independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which recommended the punishment -- unprecedented for doping offences.
The report alleged "systemic" collusion between Russian athletes and both the country's federation and anti-doping authorities and a "deeply-rooted culture of cheating" that enabled athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs without fear of being tested.
The report recommended suspending the Russian federation until a "new framework" was in place.
"We will get the change we want and only then will Russian athletes return to international competition," Coe told reporters after Friday's call.
"This is not about politics, this is about the protection of clean athletes. I cannot overstate the feeling around the conference call this evening about sending the strongest possible message that we can.
"This has been a shameful wake-up call and we are clear that cheating at any level will not be tolerated.
"But we discussed and agreed that the whole system has failed the athletes, not just in Russia, but around the world."
Asked if Russia would be able to make the required changes in time to return for the Rio de Janeiro Olympics next August, Coe said: "It is entirely up to the Russian federation. Our verification team will be tough and will want to make sure that before there is a re-introduction to the sport for their athletes and the federation those changes have taken place."
Russia will be stripped of hosting the world race walking and world junior championships next year while the first competition to be affected by the ban is the European cross-country championships in France on Dec. 13.
The main athletics events in 2016 are the world Indoor Championships, the European athletics championships and the Olympics.
Russia are one of the superpowers of the sport and finished second behind the United States in the track and field medal count at the 2012 Olympics in London.
"To regain membership to the IAAF the new federation would have to fulfil a list of criteria," Coe said.
"An inspection team will be led by Independent Chair Rune Andersen, an independent international anti-doping expert (Norwegian) and three members of the IAAF Council who will be appointed in the next few days."
Stephanie Hightower, president of US Track and Field and an IAAF council member, said of the "extraordinary" decision: "In light of the evidence, suspension was the only proper course of action... This sends a clear message to clean athletes that protecting them and protecting the sport, with a culture of accountability, is our top priority.
"Although this is a difficult time, in the long term, the sport ultimately will be stronger for it."
The IAAF has previously suspended members, including South Africa during its Apartheid regime, Afghanistan, Vanuatu, Algeria and Gabon, but none of those were drugs-related.
Coe's predecessor as president, Lamine Diack, is being investigated by French police over allegations he received bribes to cover up positive doping tests of Russian athletes but Friday's meeting did not discuss that issue.
Other aspects of the IAAF's actions regarding Russia were withheld from the commission's report on Monday as they form part of an investigation by Interpol into international corruption involving officials and athletes.
Coe accepted, though, that the IAAF was also in the dock.
"The IAAF, WADA, the member federations and athletes need to look closely at ourselves, our cultures and our processes to identify where failures exist and be tough in our determination to fix them and rebuild trust in our sport," he said.
"We find ourselves in a shameful position tonight and we need to look at ourselves.
"We have also addressed the failings of our own organisation and we have discussed strong, strong changes there," added Coe, who said he had asked Paul Deighton, the former CEO of the London 2012 Olympics, to oversee a programme of changes within the governing body.
wn.com/Russia Suspended After Overwhelming Iaaf Vote
Athletics' governing body has voted overwhelmingly to suspend Russia from the sport for widespread, state-sponsored doping and the ban will include the 2016 Olympics unless the country can demonstrate a major change in their approach and controls.
After a three-hour teleconference on Friday, hosted by its president Sebastian Coe, the International Association of Athletics Federations' (IAAF) council voted 22-1 in favour of the sanction, with the Russian representative not able to vote.
The meeting was called to discuss Monday's report by the independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which recommended the punishment -- unprecedented for doping offences.
The report alleged "systemic" collusion between Russian athletes and both the country's federation and anti-doping authorities and a "deeply-rooted culture of cheating" that enabled athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs without fear of being tested.
The report recommended suspending the Russian federation until a "new framework" was in place.
"We will get the change we want and only then will Russian athletes return to international competition," Coe told reporters after Friday's call.
"This is not about politics, this is about the protection of clean athletes. I cannot overstate the feeling around the conference call this evening about sending the strongest possible message that we can.
"This has been a shameful wake-up call and we are clear that cheating at any level will not be tolerated.
"But we discussed and agreed that the whole system has failed the athletes, not just in Russia, but around the world."
Asked if Russia would be able to make the required changes in time to return for the Rio de Janeiro Olympics next August, Coe said: "It is entirely up to the Russian federation. Our verification team will be tough and will want to make sure that before there is a re-introduction to the sport for their athletes and the federation those changes have taken place."
Russia will be stripped of hosting the world race walking and world junior championships next year while the first competition to be affected by the ban is the European cross-country championships in France on Dec. 13.
The main athletics events in 2016 are the world Indoor Championships, the European athletics championships and the Olympics.
Russia are one of the superpowers of the sport and finished second behind the United States in the track and field medal count at the 2012 Olympics in London.
"To regain membership to the IAAF the new federation would have to fulfil a list of criteria," Coe said.
"An inspection team will be led by Independent Chair Rune Andersen, an independent international anti-doping expert (Norwegian) and three members of the IAAF Council who will be appointed in the next few days."
Stephanie Hightower, president of US Track and Field and an IAAF council member, said of the "extraordinary" decision: "In light of the evidence, suspension was the only proper course of action... This sends a clear message to clean athletes that protecting them and protecting the sport, with a culture of accountability, is our top priority.
"Although this is a difficult time, in the long term, the sport ultimately will be stronger for it."
The IAAF has previously suspended members, including South Africa during its Apartheid regime, Afghanistan, Vanuatu, Algeria and Gabon, but none of those were drugs-related.
Coe's predecessor as president, Lamine Diack, is being investigated by French police over allegations he received bribes to cover up positive doping tests of Russian athletes but Friday's meeting did not discuss that issue.
Other aspects of the IAAF's actions regarding Russia were withheld from the commission's report on Monday as they form part of an investigation by Interpol into international corruption involving officials and athletes.
Coe accepted, though, that the IAAF was also in the dock.
"The IAAF, WADA, the member federations and athletes need to look closely at ourselves, our cultures and our processes to identify where failures exist and be tough in our determination to fix them and rebuild trust in our sport," he said.
"We find ourselves in a shameful position tonight and we need to look at ourselves.
"We have also addressed the failings of our own organisation and we have discussed strong, strong changes there," added Coe, who said he had asked Paul Deighton, the former CEO of the London 2012 Olympics, to oversee a programme of changes within the governing body.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 2
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine 2015-11-15
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine - Annexation Of Crimea By The Russian Federation 2014
russia-ukraine war...
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine - Annexation Of Crimea By The Russian Federation 2014
russia-ukraine war
wn.com/Kerch Crimea. Live Broadcast From Ukraine 2015 11 15
Kerch Crimea. Live broadcast from Ukraine - Annexation Of Crimea By The Russian Federation 2014
russia-ukraine war
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Putin and Obama shook hands at the G20 summit in Turkey
The head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama shook hands at the summit of G20, which takes place in Turkey. This was reported...
The head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama shook hands at the summit of G20, which takes place in Turkey. This was reported by RIA Novosti.
The two leaders exchanged a few words before the official photo of "twenty".
After that, the head of the countries - participants headed to the G20 working lunch.
Today Antalya hosts first working meeting "Twenty", which is attended by the invited countries and international organizations. The summit will last for two days.
wn.com/Putin And Obama Shook Hands At The G20 Summit In Turkey
The head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama shook hands at the summit of G20, which takes place in Turkey. This was reported by RIA Novosti.
The two leaders exchanged a few words before the official photo of "twenty".
After that, the head of the countries - participants headed to the G20 working lunch.
Today Antalya hosts first working meeting "Twenty", which is attended by the invited countries and international organizations. The summit will last for two days.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 93
Russian Olympic Committee promises to reform its athletics federation
The Russian Olympic Committee has promised to lead efforts to reform the country's scandal-hit athletics federation. The Russian Sports Ministry has also confir...
The Russian Olympic Committee has promised to lead efforts to reform the country's scandal-hit athletics federation. The Russian Sports Ministry has also confirmed that elections for new leaders
of the federation will be held within the next three months. This comes as Russia was suspended from the sport by world athletics'
governing body, the IAAF, for alleged widespread, state-sponsored doping.
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wn.com/Russian Olympic Committee Promises To Reform Its Athletics Federation
The Russian Olympic Committee has promised to lead efforts to reform the country's scandal-hit athletics federation. The Russian Sports Ministry has also confirmed that elections for new leaders
of the federation will be held within the next three months. This comes as Russia was suspended from the sport by world athletics'
governing body, the IAAF, for alleged widespread, state-sponsored doping.
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- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 153
WW2 Memorial in Russia
Free video about Russian Army Memorial. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with th...
Free video about Russian Army Memorial. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Russian Army Memorial video.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
A war memorial is a building, statue or other edifice created to be a war celebration or victory, or to those who died or were injured commemorate war. Sometimes the term liberation monument is used. For most of human history, war memorials were erected to celebrate big wins. It was remembering the death of secondary importance. In the time of Napoleon, the dead were placed in mass unmarked graves.
In modern times the main intention of war memorials is not to glorify war but to honor those who are deceased. During the First World War, many nations saw a massive destruction and loss of life. More people lost their lives in the east than in the west, but the result was different. In the west, and in response to the obtained victory, most cities in the countries concerned set up memorials on which the memorials in smaller towns and cities often provided a list of individual names of local soldiers who were slain.
In many cases, the World War I memorials later expanded to include the names of local people who were killed in the Second World War. Since then mention memorials to those killed in other conflicts, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War, including individual contributions, at least in the Western world.
A tank or armored memorial monument is a tank that is retired from the military service and is exhibited to commemorate a battle or a military unit. Obsolete tanks are also exhibited as gatekeepers outside military bases. Warrior Memorial and increasingly cenotaph is a monument, the memory of the in a war fallen soldiers was erected. War memorials are in almost all member states of the First World War, the landscape, and were also very common with commemorative writings to the fallen of World War II expanded. War memorials were built but also in other countries on the occasion of other conflicts.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have active troops of approximately 1.754 million and 4.2 million reserves, all available men in total add 5.954 million. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have three main branches: the Land Forces, the Navy and the Air Force. In addition, three independent bodies of the three previous branches: the strategic missile forces, the Space Forces and Airborne Troops.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union there were attempts to preserve the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces only, but the result was the division between the different republics. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed on 7 May of 1992, by the decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, as successor to the Red Army of RSFSR.
As in most countries of the world, the Russian head of State is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
Although the stated goal of Russian leaders was to get an army "of a million men," recruitment difficulties, closures of units, hardware less numerous, shows that this objective more a political ambition than a reality in armées.En Indeed it is very difficult for Russia to recruit volunteers, pushing to maintain conscription level than desired.
The Russian is also one of seven countries officially recognized as possessing the nuclear weapon. Moreover, it is she who has the largest and most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. The Russian Army is structurally at the time of modernization through the professionalization of its contingent, and therefore to the overall reduction of its workforce. Russia completed his army, among other things through a conscription system, maintains military bases abroad and currently the world's largest nuclear arsenal.
During the Yeltsin era, the Russian forces experienced their most difficult phase. In October 1993, in the wake of the Russian constitutional crisis parts of the Russian armed forces in the conflict between President Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet drawn. Russia was on the verge of civil war. The higher levels of command of the security services and the military supported Yeltsin.
In August 2008, units of the Russian armed forces fought in the Caucasus 2008 war with South Ossetian militias within a few days the Georgian invasion from that began with an attack on Russian peacekeepers. This was the first combat deployment of Russian troops outside the Russian borders since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Caucasus war ended with an independence victory within two weeks.
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wn.com/WW2 Memorial In Russia
Free video about Russian Army Memorial. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Russian Army Memorial video.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
A war memorial is a building, statue or other edifice created to be a war celebration or victory, or to those who died or were injured commemorate war. Sometimes the term liberation monument is used. For most of human history, war memorials were erected to celebrate big wins. It was remembering the death of secondary importance. In the time of Napoleon, the dead were placed in mass unmarked graves.
In modern times the main intention of war memorials is not to glorify war but to honor those who are deceased. During the First World War, many nations saw a massive destruction and loss of life. More people lost their lives in the east than in the west, but the result was different. In the west, and in response to the obtained victory, most cities in the countries concerned set up memorials on which the memorials in smaller towns and cities often provided a list of individual names of local soldiers who were slain.
In many cases, the World War I memorials later expanded to include the names of local people who were killed in the Second World War. Since then mention memorials to those killed in other conflicts, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War, including individual contributions, at least in the Western world.
A tank or armored memorial monument is a tank that is retired from the military service and is exhibited to commemorate a battle or a military unit. Obsolete tanks are also exhibited as gatekeepers outside military bases. Warrior Memorial and increasingly cenotaph is a monument, the memory of the in a war fallen soldiers was erected. War memorials are in almost all member states of the First World War, the landscape, and were also very common with commemorative writings to the fallen of World War II expanded. War memorials were built but also in other countries on the occasion of other conflicts.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have active troops of approximately 1.754 million and 4.2 million reserves, all available men in total add 5.954 million. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have three main branches: the Land Forces, the Navy and the Air Force. In addition, three independent bodies of the three previous branches: the strategic missile forces, the Space Forces and Airborne Troops.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union there were attempts to preserve the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces only, but the result was the division between the different republics. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed on 7 May of 1992, by the decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, as successor to the Red Army of RSFSR.
As in most countries of the world, the Russian head of State is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
Although the stated goal of Russian leaders was to get an army "of a million men," recruitment difficulties, closures of units, hardware less numerous, shows that this objective more a political ambition than a reality in armées.En Indeed it is very difficult for Russia to recruit volunteers, pushing to maintain conscription level than desired.
The Russian is also one of seven countries officially recognized as possessing the nuclear weapon. Moreover, it is she who has the largest and most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. The Russian Army is structurally at the time of modernization through the professionalization of its contingent, and therefore to the overall reduction of its workforce. Russia completed his army, among other things through a conscription system, maintains military bases abroad and currently the world's largest nuclear arsenal.
During the Yeltsin era, the Russian forces experienced their most difficult phase. In October 1993, in the wake of the Russian constitutional crisis parts of the Russian armed forces in the conflict between President Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet drawn. Russia was on the verge of civil war. The higher levels of command of the security services and the military supported Yeltsin.
In August 2008, units of the Russian armed forces fought in the Caucasus 2008 war with South Ossetian militias within a few days the Georgian invasion from that began with an attack on Russian peacekeepers. This was the first combat deployment of Russian troops outside the Russian borders since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Caucasus war ended with an independence victory within two weeks.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 2
Trans-Siberian Highway in Russia
Free video about Trans-Siberian Highway. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with t...
Free video about Trans-Siberian Highway. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Trans-Siberian Highway video.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
The Russian road network is expanding as is the growth of road traffic in Russia. Extensions up to European standards and constructions are multiplying throughout the country. The majority of Russian highways leave from the ring road MKAD from the capital Moscow. Currently, only the Moscow region has a very dense motorway network, but those of other major cities in the country experiencing rapid expansion. St. Petersburg has its own ring road A118, which was completed in 2011. It travels more than 142 km around the city.
As of September 28, 2009, the "Regulations on the classification of roads in the Russian Federation and affecting road categories", approved by Resolution of the Russian Government dated September 28, 2009 № 767. Many road names have changed. So many roads classified M become R. The numbering is not very logically through the breakup of the Soviet Union. Some songs have been shortened drastically, and others are entirely in ex-Soviet republics, sometimes under a new number.
Federal highways are owned by the Russian Federation and financed by the federal budget and other legislation of the Russian Federation, funding sources, as well as the funds of legal entities and individuals, including funds attracted in the manner and subject to the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on concession agreements.
Federal highway under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Some of the federal highways included (fully or partially) of the European and (or) Asian international road networks. Belonging to networks is designated: for the international E road network - the letter E, for which usually follows (in space) road number in Arabic numerals; for Asian Highway routes - the letters AH, for which, as a rule, should be (no space) the route number in Arabic numerals. Symbols belonging to the international network is used in parallel with the national symbol.
The Trans-Siberian Highway is the unofficial name of a network of roads and federal highways that cross all Russia , from the Baltic Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to the Sea of Japan in the Pacific Ocean . In the Asian Highway Network, the route is known as AH6. It stretches over 11,000 kilometers, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok . It is considered one of the longest national highway in the world, next to the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 1 in Australia .
The route, which in certain sections coincides with the European Route E30 and passes through the country of Kazakhstan, about 190 kilometers, is composed of seven federal highways. The most problematic stretch of road between Chita and Khabarovsk. The first section of this route, which connects with Belgorosk Blagoveschensk (124 km away), was built by prisioners of gulags around since 1949. It was extended and renovated between 1998 and 2001 and is now part of the Asian route AH31 to Belogorsk connect with Dalian in China.
The Chita-Khabarovsk highway remained incomplete almost entirely until early 2004, when Russian President Vladimir Putin symbolically opened the Amur Highway. Jim Oliver and Dennis O'Neil crossed Russia using the Trans-Siberian Highway motorcycle during the first three weeks of June in 2004. At that time, as described in the book of Jim Oliver, Lucille and The XXX Road , the section between Chita and Khabarovsk represented a hard obstacle marshes, rocks, gravel, mud (vulnerable in Season rasputitsa ), sand, wells, streams and offsets with a notable absence of pavement. In the following years, some sections of the road were converted into a modern paved road with gridlines reflective lane, while others remained one-lane gravel along the route of the Camino de Carretas Amur early 20th Century Building a road seven meters wide between Chita and Khabarovsk was estimated would be ready for 2010: currently the road is in good condition, has been renovated and enlarged in full and has a smooth surface.
The extremely long nature of this project has generated many legends. For example, it is said that there is a semicircle unexplained breaks a straight line segment. One explanation that has been given was that when Joseph Stalin used a ruler to indicate where the road should pass the pencil jumped off his finger and engineers who were threatened to do exactly as the segment had indicated they did not change the picture.
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wn.com/Trans Siberian Highway In Russia
Free video about Trans-Siberian Highway. This video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Trans-Siberian Highway video.
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The Russian road network is expanding as is the growth of road traffic in Russia. Extensions up to European standards and constructions are multiplying throughout the country. The majority of Russian highways leave from the ring road MKAD from the capital Moscow. Currently, only the Moscow region has a very dense motorway network, but those of other major cities in the country experiencing rapid expansion. St. Petersburg has its own ring road A118, which was completed in 2011. It travels more than 142 km around the city.
As of September 28, 2009, the "Regulations on the classification of roads in the Russian Federation and affecting road categories", approved by Resolution of the Russian Government dated September 28, 2009 № 767. Many road names have changed. So many roads classified M become R. The numbering is not very logically through the breakup of the Soviet Union. Some songs have been shortened drastically, and others are entirely in ex-Soviet republics, sometimes under a new number.
Federal highways are owned by the Russian Federation and financed by the federal budget and other legislation of the Russian Federation, funding sources, as well as the funds of legal entities and individuals, including funds attracted in the manner and subject to the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on concession agreements.
Federal highway under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Some of the federal highways included (fully or partially) of the European and (or) Asian international road networks. Belonging to networks is designated: for the international E road network - the letter E, for which usually follows (in space) road number in Arabic numerals; for Asian Highway routes - the letters AH, for which, as a rule, should be (no space) the route number in Arabic numerals. Symbols belonging to the international network is used in parallel with the national symbol.
The Trans-Siberian Highway is the unofficial name of a network of roads and federal highways that cross all Russia , from the Baltic Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to the Sea of Japan in the Pacific Ocean . In the Asian Highway Network, the route is known as AH6. It stretches over 11,000 kilometers, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok . It is considered one of the longest national highway in the world, next to the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 1 in Australia .
The route, which in certain sections coincides with the European Route E30 and passes through the country of Kazakhstan, about 190 kilometers, is composed of seven federal highways. The most problematic stretch of road between Chita and Khabarovsk. The first section of this route, which connects with Belgorosk Blagoveschensk (124 km away), was built by prisioners of gulags around since 1949. It was extended and renovated between 1998 and 2001 and is now part of the Asian route AH31 to Belogorsk connect with Dalian in China.
The Chita-Khabarovsk highway remained incomplete almost entirely until early 2004, when Russian President Vladimir Putin symbolically opened the Amur Highway. Jim Oliver and Dennis O'Neil crossed Russia using the Trans-Siberian Highway motorcycle during the first three weeks of June in 2004. At that time, as described in the book of Jim Oliver, Lucille and The XXX Road , the section between Chita and Khabarovsk represented a hard obstacle marshes, rocks, gravel, mud (vulnerable in Season rasputitsa ), sand, wells, streams and offsets with a notable absence of pavement. In the following years, some sections of the road were converted into a modern paved road with gridlines reflective lane, while others remained one-lane gravel along the route of the Camino de Carretas Amur early 20th Century Building a road seven meters wide between Chita and Khabarovsk was estimated would be ready for 2010: currently the road is in good condition, has been renovated and enlarged in full and has a smooth surface.
The extremely long nature of this project has generated many legends. For example, it is said that there is a semicircle unexplained breaks a straight line segment. One explanation that has been given was that when Joseph Stalin used a ruler to indicate where the road should pass the pencil jumped off his finger and engineers who were threatened to do exactly as the segment had indicated they did not change the picture.
Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 2
13 Unique and Deadly Weapon from Russia
16 Deadly Weapon from Russia best wepons topol-m pantsir pak fa t-50 t-14 mig skat bulava borei bora howercraft advenced wepon
matchless unique 16 Unique and De...
16 Deadly Weapon from Russia best wepons topol-m pantsir pak fa t-50 t-14 mig skat bulava borei bora howercraft advenced wepon
matchless unique 16 Unique and Deadly Weapon from Russia tank russian air force howercraft submarine nato putin vladmyr putin russia vs isis russia vs nato united states of america best wepons of russia anti aircraft s 500 s400 s500 s300 russian tecnology ukrain The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции, tr. Vooruzhonnije Síly Rossíyskoj Federátsii) are the military service of Russia, established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 7 May 1992, القوات المسلحة للاتحاد الروسي (بالروسية: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции) هو الاسم الرسمي الذى يطلق على المؤسسة العسكرية في روسيا، والتى تأسست بعد تفكك الاتحاد السوفيتي. وذلك بعد Les Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie (en russe : Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации, Vooroujionnye Sily Rossiïskoï Federatsii) Forțele armate ale Federației Ruse (rusă: Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации) Le Forze Armate della Federazione Russa in russo ロシア連邦軍(ロシアれんぽうぐん、ロシア語: Вооруженные силы Российской Федерации、略称: ВС РФ、英語 உருசியக் கூட்டரசின் ஆயுதப் படைகள் Las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación Rusa branches Ground Forces Russian Ground Forces
Air Force Russian Aerospace Forces
Navy Russian Navy
Ground Forces Strategic Missile Troops
Ground Forces Russian Airborne Troops
wn.com/13 Unique And Deadly Weapon From Russia
16 Deadly Weapon from Russia best wepons topol-m pantsir pak fa t-50 t-14 mig skat bulava borei bora howercraft advenced wepon
matchless unique 16 Unique and Deadly Weapon from Russia tank russian air force howercraft submarine nato putin vladmyr putin russia vs isis russia vs nato united states of america best wepons of russia anti aircraft s 500 s400 s500 s300 russian tecnology ukrain The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции, tr. Vooruzhonnije Síly Rossíyskoj Federátsii) are the military service of Russia, established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 7 May 1992, القوات المسلحة للاتحاد الروسي (بالروسية: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции) هو الاسم الرسمي الذى يطلق على المؤسسة العسكرية في روسيا، والتى تأسست بعد تفكك الاتحاد السوفيتي. وذلك بعد Les Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie (en russe : Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации, Vooroujionnye Sily Rossiïskoï Federatsii) Forțele armate ale Federației Ruse (rusă: Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации) Le Forze Armate della Federazione Russa in russo ロシア連邦軍(ロシアれんぽうぐん、ロシア語: Вооруженные силы Российской Федерации、略称: ВС РФ、英語 உருசியக் கூட்டரசின் ஆயுதப் படைகள் Las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación Rusa branches Ground Forces Russian Ground Forces
Air Force Russian Aerospace Forces
Navy Russian Navy
Ground Forces Strategic Missile Troops
Ground Forces Russian Airborne Troops
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 39
Russia provisionally banned over athletics doping scandal
source : eurosport.com
keyword : Athletics' world governing body voted overwhelmingly on Friday to provisionally suspend the Russian federation and the country...
source : eurosport.com
keyword : Athletics' world governing body voted overwhelmingly on Friday to provisionally suspend the Russian federation and the country's athletes from the sport.
wn.com/Russia Provisionally Banned Over Athletics Doping Scandal
source : eurosport.com
keyword : Athletics' world governing body voted overwhelmingly on Friday to provisionally suspend the Russian federation and the country's athletes from the sport.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 4
Paris Terror Attacks: World leaders react to massacre in French capital
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: "The president of the Russian Federation expressed his solidarity with the French people, our outrage at what happened ...
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: "The president of the Russian Federation expressed his solidarity with the French people, our outrage at what happened in Paris, and let's not forget that there were terrorist attacks taking innocent lives in Beirut and in Iraq in the last few days. I think we have to strongly reiterate that there will be no tolerance vis-a-vis terrorists. And just like there is no justification for terrorist acts, which is the position of the Security Council, I believe, as John said, there will be no justification for us not doing much more to defeat ISIL, al-Nusrah, and the like. And I hope that this meeting as well would allow us to move forward".
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wn.com/Paris Terror Attacks World Leaders React To Massacre In French Capital
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: "The president of the Russian Federation expressed his solidarity with the French people, our outrage at what happened in Paris, and let's not forget that there were terrorist attacks taking innocent lives in Beirut and in Iraq in the last few days. I think we have to strongly reiterate that there will be no tolerance vis-a-vis terrorists. And just like there is no justification for terrorist acts, which is the position of the Security Council, I believe, as John said, there will be no justification for us not doing much more to defeat ISIL, al-Nusrah, and the like. And I hope that this meeting as well would allow us to move forward".
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
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- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 882
Russia faces ban from athletics for widespread doping offences.
International anti-doping commission recommends that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport ov...
International anti-doping commission recommends that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport over widespread doping offences
An international anti-doping commission recommended on Monday (November 9) that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport over widespread doping offences - a move that could see the powerhouse Russian team banished from Olympic competition.
An independent commission set up by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) identified what it called systemic failures in the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and in Russia "that prevent or diminish the possibility of an effective anti-doping programme".
The probe was set up after allegations were made by German broadcaster ARD in a December 2014 documentary about doping in Russia.
"As the investigation went on we discovered information that not only related to sport corruption, in the general sense of it, but also to possible criminal actions as well. That portion, including the facts and documents that we had in our possession, has been turned over to Interpol for investigation, for review rather, and possible reference to the appropriate authorities in one or more countries," said commission chairman and former head of WADA Dick Pound at a press conference in Geneva.
"We have identified possible criminal violations, and as I have mentioned reported those, we've identified a number of suspicious cases and brought the facts and the identities of the persons involved to the attention of the proper authorities."
Russia is a traditional powerhouse of athletics and finished second behind the United States in the medal table at the 2012 Olympics, with 17 medals, eight of them gold. In the event, by no means certain, that IAAF were to adopt the commission's recommendation, Russia could be excluded from major competitions including the Olympics and European Championships.
The scandal revolves around accusations that money was demanded from top athletes to 'bury' medical tests showing drug use.
"We have made findings and recommendations regarding the Moscow laboratory and the Russian RUSADA. We have reported on interference with doping controls on many occasions, not just in the past but up to and including the middle of this year, well after it was known that this investigation was underway. We found cover-ups, we found destruction of samples in the laboratories, we found payments of money in order to conceal doping tests among others."
Commission member Gunter Younger said that a large number of samples had been destroyed in a Russiam laboratory.
"The samples were destroyed in 2014 when WADA requested to store the whole amount of samples, then it was reported as 1,417 were destroyed by the laboratory," he said
"There will be a decision by the criminal authorities as to whether or not there will be a prosecution and once that decision is made it's our plan to release the entire report," Pound said, adding that he hoped that Russia would address the problem and take a lead in the fight against doping.
"What we hope is that Russia will seize the opportunity to move forward and take a lead in attacking a problem that has the potential to destroy sport.
"For 2016 our recommendation is that the Russian federation be suspended. In fact one of our hopes is that they will volunteer that so that they can take the remedial work in time to make sure that Russian athletes can compete under a new framework if you like. If they don't then it has to play itself out and the outcome may be that there are no Russian track and field athletes in Rio. I hope that they recognise that it's time to change and make those changes."
The scandal could prove as damaging to world athletics as the corruption affair now shaking soccer's world governing body FIFA, where president Sepp Blatter has been suspended and 14 officials and marketing executives indicted on corruption charges.
There has never been any suggestion that FIFA corruption has affected results on the pitch, at the World Cup, for example.
A co-author of the commission report, Richard McLaren, said at the weekend its investigation showed a whole different scale of corruption in causing "significant changes to actual results and final standings of international athletics competitions."
Asked whether clean athletes had been denied medals at the London Olympics, Pound admitted that this was the case.
"Whether allowing people to compete who perhaps ought not to have resulted in some kind of a sabotage of some of the events in London the answer is yes, it's probably right," he said.
wn.com/Russia Faces Ban From Athletics For Widespread Doping Offences.
International anti-doping commission recommends that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport over widespread doping offences
An international anti-doping commission recommended on Monday (November 9) that the Russian Athletics Federation be banned from the sport over widespread doping offences - a move that could see the powerhouse Russian team banished from Olympic competition.
An independent commission set up by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) identified what it called systemic failures in the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and in Russia "that prevent or diminish the possibility of an effective anti-doping programme".
The probe was set up after allegations were made by German broadcaster ARD in a December 2014 documentary about doping in Russia.
"As the investigation went on we discovered information that not only related to sport corruption, in the general sense of it, but also to possible criminal actions as well. That portion, including the facts and documents that we had in our possession, has been turned over to Interpol for investigation, for review rather, and possible reference to the appropriate authorities in one or more countries," said commission chairman and former head of WADA Dick Pound at a press conference in Geneva.
"We have identified possible criminal violations, and as I have mentioned reported those, we've identified a number of suspicious cases and brought the facts and the identities of the persons involved to the attention of the proper authorities."
Russia is a traditional powerhouse of athletics and finished second behind the United States in the medal table at the 2012 Olympics, with 17 medals, eight of them gold. In the event, by no means certain, that IAAF were to adopt the commission's recommendation, Russia could be excluded from major competitions including the Olympics and European Championships.
The scandal revolves around accusations that money was demanded from top athletes to 'bury' medical tests showing drug use.
"We have made findings and recommendations regarding the Moscow laboratory and the Russian RUSADA. We have reported on interference with doping controls on many occasions, not just in the past but up to and including the middle of this year, well after it was known that this investigation was underway. We found cover-ups, we found destruction of samples in the laboratories, we found payments of money in order to conceal doping tests among others."
Commission member Gunter Younger said that a large number of samples had been destroyed in a Russiam laboratory.
"The samples were destroyed in 2014 when WADA requested to store the whole amount of samples, then it was reported as 1,417 were destroyed by the laboratory," he said
"There will be a decision by the criminal authorities as to whether or not there will be a prosecution and once that decision is made it's our plan to release the entire report," Pound said, adding that he hoped that Russia would address the problem and take a lead in the fight against doping.
"What we hope is that Russia will seize the opportunity to move forward and take a lead in attacking a problem that has the potential to destroy sport.
"For 2016 our recommendation is that the Russian federation be suspended. In fact one of our hopes is that they will volunteer that so that they can take the remedial work in time to make sure that Russian athletes can compete under a new framework if you like. If they don't then it has to play itself out and the outcome may be that there are no Russian track and field athletes in Rio. I hope that they recognise that it's time to change and make those changes."
The scandal could prove as damaging to world athletics as the corruption affair now shaking soccer's world governing body FIFA, where president Sepp Blatter has been suspended and 14 officials and marketing executives indicted on corruption charges.
There has never been any suggestion that FIFA corruption has affected results on the pitch, at the World Cup, for example.
A co-author of the commission report, Richard McLaren, said at the weekend its investigation showed a whole different scale of corruption in causing "significant changes to actual results and final standings of international athletics competitions."
Asked whether clean athletes had been denied medals at the London Olympics, Pound admitted that this was the case.
"Whether allowing people to compete who perhaps ought not to have resulted in some kind of a sabotage of some of the events in London the answer is yes, it's probably right," he said.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 Austria
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 by RussianAustria (Full HD). Competitive discipline: Accordion. Age cate...
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 by RussianAustria (Full HD). Competitive discipline: Accordion. Age category: 13 years. Music teacher: Deryabin Nikolay. Arkhangelsk School of Art No. 31. Severodvinsk. Russia. 02.11.2015. Vienna. Austria. Info: http://www.russianaustria.com
International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition "WIENER STERNE / VIENNA STARS" is traditionally taking place in Vienna, the world capital of music, a waltz, palaces and parks, twice a year: in late March and early November.
The festival is an important event in the cultural life of Vienna with high recognition and wide geography of the participating countries. Famous Austrian and foreign cultural and art workers are invited as honoured members of the international jury.
The main message of the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" is the search for new talents, "Vienna’s Stars" among young talents of the world, establishment of international friendly and creative contacts, enrichment of the multinational culture on the basis of mutual respect for the cultural traditions of all the countries and nations of the world, promotion of young arts in all its manifestations such as folklore, dance, music, theatre, as well as promotion of different cultures, sharing experiences and creative achievements between the participants from different countries.
Participation in the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" gives an opportunity to perform in the best concert halls of Vienna and to demonstrate creative results to the audience in Vienna! The brightest stars of Vienna take part in the GALA CONCERT OF THE VIENNA STARS WINNERS!!!
XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015"is determined for soloists, ensembles and groups of young performers from different countries of the world. This year the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" brings together more than eleven countries, among the participants will be groups and soloists from Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Islamic Republic of Iran, India, Lithuania, Russian Federation etc.
The organizers of the International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "VIENNA STARS": Info: http://www.festivalbridges.com
wn.com/Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 Austria
Saturday Affair. Arsenij Sinjushkin (Accordion). Arkhangelsk. Russia. Vienna Stars 2015 by RussianAustria (Full HD). Competitive discipline: Accordion. Age category: 13 years. Music teacher: Deryabin Nikolay. Arkhangelsk School of Art No. 31. Severodvinsk. Russia. 02.11.2015. Vienna. Austria. Info: http://www.russianaustria.com
International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition "WIENER STERNE / VIENNA STARS" is traditionally taking place in Vienna, the world capital of music, a waltz, palaces and parks, twice a year: in late March and early November.
The festival is an important event in the cultural life of Vienna with high recognition and wide geography of the participating countries. Famous Austrian and foreign cultural and art workers are invited as honoured members of the international jury.
The main message of the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival and Competition "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" is the search for new talents, "Vienna’s Stars" among young talents of the world, establishment of international friendly and creative contacts, enrichment of the multinational culture on the basis of mutual respect for the cultural traditions of all the countries and nations of the world, promotion of young arts in all its manifestations such as folklore, dance, music, theatre, as well as promotion of different cultures, sharing experiences and creative achievements between the participants from different countries.
Participation in the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" gives an opportunity to perform in the best concert halls of Vienna and to demonstrate creative results to the audience in Vienna! The brightest stars of Vienna take part in the GALA CONCERT OF THE VIENNA STARS WINNERS!!!
XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015"is determined for soloists, ensembles and groups of young performers from different countries of the world. This year the XII. International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "WIENER STERNE 2015 / VIENNA STARS 2015" brings together more than eleven countries, among the participants will be groups and soloists from Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Islamic Republic of Iran, India, Lithuania, Russian Federation etc.
The organizers of the International Folklore, Dance and Music Festival "VIENNA STARS": Info: http://www.festivalbridges.com
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 4
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms ...
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
explosion,paris terrorist attack,terrorist,terrorist attack,attack,paris,paris stadium explosion,Terrorist attack in Paris,france,terroristattackparis,terroristattackgol,goal,all,goals,highlights,de,di,goles,on,the,field,goalsonthefield,Explosion,Paris,terrorist,paris,attack,france,bomb,explosion,explozion,shooting,26 death,death,60 death,hostages,match,fotbal,stade de france,isis,grenade,paris stadium explosion,paris terrorist attack
wn.com/Terrorist Attack In Paris 2015 | UK Iaaf Suspends Russian Athletics Federation, Confirms President
Terrorist attack in Paris 2015 | UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
UK IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
explosion,paris terrorist attack,terrorist,terrorist attack,attack,paris,paris stadium explosion,Terrorist attack in Paris,france,terroristattackparis,terroristattackgol,goal,all,goals,highlights,de,di,goles,on,the,field,goalsonthefield,Explosion,Paris,terrorist,paris,attack,france,bomb,explosion,explozion,shooting,26 death,death,60 death,hostages,match,fotbal,stade de france,isis,grenade,paris stadium explosion,paris terrorist attack
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 24
Suspension Of Russian Athletics Begins
On Friday Russia's track and field federation was provisionally suspended by the sport's governing body. The action keeps the country out of international compe...
On Friday Russia's track and field federation was provisionally suspended by the sport's governing body. The action keeps the country out of international competition for an indefinite period — possibly including next year's Olympics in Brazil. The suspension was approved by a 22-1 vote during a teleconference of the 27-member council of the IAAF. IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened the meeting after a report released Monday by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission accused Russia of widespread, systematic doping.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
wn.com/Suspension Of Russian Athletics Begins
On Friday Russia's track and field federation was provisionally suspended by the sport's governing body. The action keeps the country out of international competition for an indefinite period — possibly including next year's Olympics in Brazil. The suspension was approved by a 22-1 vote during a teleconference of the 27-member council of the IAAF. IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened the meeting after a report released Monday by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission accused Russia of widespread, systematic doping.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 22
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for a...
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia following the damning allegations of systematic, state-sponsored doping contained in a report by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission.
Under heavy pressure to take tough action, Coe was expected to secure approval from the council for the maximum sanction, despite efforts by Russian officials to avoid a blanket ban by agreeing to co-operate and make reforms in their anti-doping system. An IAAF statement listed the main agenda item of the meeting: “Decision to provisionally suspend the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) as an IAAF member.”
A suspension would take effect immediately, barring Russian athletes from all international track and field events until the country can prove it has put its house in order. It would be the first time the International Association of Athletics Federations has ever banned a country over its doping record.
The Russian federation is likely to be given a month or so before appearing at a disciplinary hearing, where the IAAF could then elevate the sanction to a full suspension.
The IAAF and WADA would need to set out the terms for what the Russians need to do to get a suspension lifted, including complying fully with the global anti-doping code.
With the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro nine months away, the big question is whether Russia’s track team will be allowed to compete in the games. Some Olympic officials have said Russia should have enough time to take the necessary steps to make it to the Olympics, which run from Aug. 5-21.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday he is “completely sure” that Russia will be able to compete at the Olympics. Speaking before the IAAF meeting, he said he thought any suspension would be short.
“We may miss one or two competitions, but for athletes with clean consciences to miss the Olympics or a world championships would be real stupidity,” he said in Moscow.
wn.com/Iaaf Meeting Now Over Russia Doping Scandal
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia following the damning allegations of systematic, state-sponsored doping contained in a report by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission.
Under heavy pressure to take tough action, Coe was expected to secure approval from the council for the maximum sanction, despite efforts by Russian officials to avoid a blanket ban by agreeing to co-operate and make reforms in their anti-doping system. An IAAF statement listed the main agenda item of the meeting: “Decision to provisionally suspend the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) as an IAAF member.”
A suspension would take effect immediately, barring Russian athletes from all international track and field events until the country can prove it has put its house in order. It would be the first time the International Association of Athletics Federations has ever banned a country over its doping record.
The Russian federation is likely to be given a month or so before appearing at a disciplinary hearing, where the IAAF could then elevate the sanction to a full suspension.
The IAAF and WADA would need to set out the terms for what the Russians need to do to get a suspension lifted, including complying fully with the global anti-doping code.
With the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro nine months away, the big question is whether Russia’s track team will be allowed to compete in the games. Some Olympic officials have said Russia should have enough time to take the necessary steps to make it to the Olympics, which run from Aug. 5-21.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday he is “completely sure” that Russia will be able to compete at the Olympics. Speaking before the IAAF meeting, he said he thought any suspension would be short.
“We may miss one or two competitions, but for athletes with clean consciences to miss the Olympics or a world championships would be real stupidity,” he said in Moscow.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 1
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for a...
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia following the damning allegations of systematic, state-sponsored doping contained in a report by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission.
Under heavy pressure to take tough action, Coe was expected to secure approval from the council for the maximum sanction, despite efforts by Russian officials to avoid a blanket ban by agreeing to co-operate and make reforms in their anti-doping system. An IAAF statement listed the main agenda item of the meeting: “Decision to provisionally suspend the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) as an IAAF member.”
A suspension would take effect immediately, barring Russian athletes from all international track and field events until the country can prove it has put its house in order. It would be the first time the International Association of Athletics Federations has ever banned a country over its doping record.
The Russian federation is likely to be given a month or so before appearing at a disciplinary hearing, where the IAAF could then elevate the sanction to a full suspension.
The IAAF and WADA would need to set out the terms for what the Russians need to do to get a suspension lifted, including complying fully with the global anti-doping code.
With the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro nine months away, the big question is whether Russia’s track team will be allowed to compete in the games. Some Olympic officials have said Russia should have enough time to take the necessary steps to make it to the Olympics, which run from Aug. 5-21.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday he is “completely sure” that Russia will be able to compete at the Olympics. Speaking before the IAAF meeting, he said he thought any suspension would be short.
“We may miss one or two competitions, but for athletes with clean consciences to miss the Olympics or a world championships would be real stupidity,” he said in Moscow.
wn.com/Breaking News Iaaf Meeting Now Over Russia Doping Scandal
LONDON — IAAF leaders are set to suspend the Russian federation on Friday, keeping the country’s track and field athletes out of international competition for an indefinite period that could include next year’s Olympics in Brazil.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe convened an emergency meeting of his 27-member council via teleconference on Friday evening to vote on a provisional suspension of Russia following the damning allegations of systematic, state-sponsored doping contained in a report by a World Anti-Doping Agency commission.
Under heavy pressure to take tough action, Coe was expected to secure approval from the council for the maximum sanction, despite efforts by Russian officials to avoid a blanket ban by agreeing to co-operate and make reforms in their anti-doping system. An IAAF statement listed the main agenda item of the meeting: “Decision to provisionally suspend the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) as an IAAF member.”
A suspension would take effect immediately, barring Russian athletes from all international track and field events until the country can prove it has put its house in order. It would be the first time the International Association of Athletics Federations has ever banned a country over its doping record.
The Russian federation is likely to be given a month or so before appearing at a disciplinary hearing, where the IAAF could then elevate the sanction to a full suspension.
The IAAF and WADA would need to set out the terms for what the Russians need to do to get a suspension lifted, including complying fully with the global anti-doping code.
With the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro nine months away, the big question is whether Russia’s track team will be allowed to compete in the games. Some Olympic officials have said Russia should have enough time to take the necessary steps to make it to the Olympics, which run from Aug. 5-21.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday he is “completely sure” that Russia will be able to compete at the Olympics. Speaking before the IAAF meeting, he said he thought any suspension would be short.
“We may miss one or two competitions, but for athletes with clean consciences to miss the Olympics or a world championships would be real stupidity,” he said in Moscow.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 12
UK: IAAF suspends Russian Athletics Federation, confirms President Coe
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Sebastian Coe said “tonight our sport finds itself in a shameful situation,” in Londo...
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Sebastian Coe said “tonight our sport finds itself in a shameful situation,” in London on Friday. His comments come following the suspension of the Russian Athletic Federation from international competitions – including the Olympic Games – for alleged participation in extensive doping. The IAAF members voted 22 to 1 in favour of suspending Russia.
Video ID: 20151113-099
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wn.com/UK Iaaf Suspends Russian Athletics Federation, Confirms President Coe
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Sebastian Coe said “tonight our sport finds itself in a shameful situation,” in London on Friday. His comments come following the suspension of the Russian Athletic Federation from international competitions – including the Olympic Games – for alleged participation in extensive doping. The IAAF members voted 22 to 1 in favour of suspending Russia.
Video ID: 20151113-099
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 1770
The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy
World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed): Russian Federation vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
Documentary: Crimea Returns to Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
President Vladimir Putin of Russian Federation Meets with President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
YUSUPOV PALACE (MOYKA PALACE), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
Communist Party of the Russian Federation is to the Right of Most Conservative Parties
Lets play CRMP [Russian Federation RP] #1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
Russian Military MOST BEAUTIFUL Female soldier Battalion Documentary E5
A great documentary series about the most beautiful Russian Military female soldier battalion. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции, tr. Vooruzhonnije Síly Rossíyskoj Federátsii) are the military service of Russia, established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 7 May 1992, Boris Yeltsin signed a presidential decree establishing th
osu! world cup 2014 Group Stage (Denmark VS Russian Federation)
Linux OBS Test!
Korean UI in Round 16!
Russian Federation at UN- Vladimir Putin- Full Speech English
Mentions financial collapse,
Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) on Ukraine - Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
Davos 2013 - Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
Arma 2 CO: Servidor ESA - Esquadrão Araras | Operação Russian Federation - Parte 1/2
Grupo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArmaESA/ Criador da Missão: M4rK3Ting Uma missão simples de inauguração. O Esquadrão Araras está aberto a novo...
Official Visit of President of the Russian Federation: Exchange of Documents and Media Statements
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawin
Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India
Text of Prime Minister’s Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India: http://inbministry.blogspot.in/2014/12/prime-ministers-media-statement-during.html
The Jesus Film - Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
My trip, road between Novo-Ogaryovo and Moscow ( Russian Federation )
Full HD Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding ove
(SUI)Switzerland (8)4 - 1(3) Russian Federation(RUS) - 16th World Kendo Championships - Men's Team
第16回世界剣道選手権大会 男子団体選手権
平成27年 5月31日(日)・【東京】日本武道館
16th World KENDO Championships Men's Team
May 31. 2015 (Sun) Nippon Budokan (Tokyo, Japan)
予選リーグ: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
Preliminary Heats: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
[Red] (SUI)Switzerland (8)4 - 1(3) Russian Federation(RUS) [White]
SC II WCS Russian Federation/Ukraine Nationals (Day 1)
-- www.twitch.tv/esl_cis/b/325693785&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=esl_cis&utm;_medium=youtube
The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Mar...
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.
The regular Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) in October 1696. Ascribed to Peter I is the oft quoted statement: "A ruler that has but an army has one hand, but he who has a navy has both." The symbols of the Russian Navy, the St. Andrew's flag and ensign (seen to the right), and most of its traditions were established personally by Peter I.
Neither Jane's Fighting Ships nor the International Institute for Strategic Studies list any standard ship prefixs for the vessels of the Russian Navy. For official U.S. Navy photographs, they are sometimes referred to as "RFS" — "Russian Federation Ship". However, the Russian Navy does not use this convention for itself.
The Russian Navy possesses the vast majority of the former Soviet naval forces, and currently comprises the Northern Fleet, the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Russian Baltic Fleet, the Russian Caspian Flotilla, Naval Aviation, and the coastal troops (consisting of the naval infantry and the coastal missile and artillery troops).
wn.com/The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.
The regular Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) in October 1696. Ascribed to Peter I is the oft quoted statement: "A ruler that has but an army has one hand, but he who has a navy has both." The symbols of the Russian Navy, the St. Andrew's flag and ensign (seen to the right), and most of its traditions were established personally by Peter I.
Neither Jane's Fighting Ships nor the International Institute for Strategic Studies list any standard ship prefixs for the vessels of the Russian Navy. For official U.S. Navy photographs, they are sometimes referred to as "RFS" — "Russian Federation Ship". However, the Russian Navy does not use this convention for itself.
The Russian Navy possesses the vast majority of the former Soviet naval forces, and currently comprises the Northern Fleet, the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Russian Baltic Fleet, the Russian Caspian Flotilla, Naval Aviation, and the coastal troops (consisting of the naval infantry and the coastal missile and artillery troops).
- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 89920
World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed): Russian Federation vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Ye...
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
wn.com/World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed) Russian Federation Vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
- published: 05 Dec 2014
- views: 2898
Documentary: Crimea Returns to Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K......
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
wn.com/Documentary Crimea Returns To Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 4265
author: PressTVUK
President Vladimir Putin of Russian Federation Meets with President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ......
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
wn.com/President Vladimir Putin Of Russian Federation Meets With President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
YUSUPOV PALACE (MOYKA PALACE), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s......
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
wn.com/Yusupov Palace (Moyka Palace), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 16941
author: 1947Rogerio
Lets play CRMP [Russian Federation RP] #1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео...
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
wn.com/Lets Play Crmp Russian Federation Rp 1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 83
Russian Military MOST BEAUTIFUL Female soldier Battalion Documentary E5
A great documentary series about the most beautiful Russian Military female soldier battalion. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые ...
A great documentary series about the most beautiful Russian Military female soldier battalion. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции, tr. Vooruzhonnije Síly Rossíyskoj Federátsii) are the military service of Russia, established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 7 May 1992, Boris Yeltsin signed a presidential decree establishing the Russian Ministry of Defence and placing all Soviet Armed Forces troops on the territory of the Russian SFSR under Russian control.[5] The commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president of Russia. Although the Russian armed forces were formed in 1992, the Russian military dates its roots back to the times of the Kievan Rus'.
The armed forces are divided into:
the three "branches of Armed Forces" (вида вооружённых сил): the Ground Force, Air Force, and the Navy
the three "separate troop branches" (Отдельные рода войск): the Strategic Missile Troops, the Aerospace Defense Forces and the Airborne Troops
the Rear of the Armed Forces, which has a separate status of its own
There are additionally two further "separate troop branches" maintained by the Ministry of the Interior, the Border Force and the Internal Troops. These are not normally included as branches of the "Armed Forces" but are nonetheless used in armed conflicts.
The number of troops is specified by decree of the President of Russia. On 1 January 2008, a number of 2,019,629 units, including military of 1,134,800 units, was set.[6] In 2010 the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) estimated that the Russian Armed Forces numbered about 1,040,000 active troops and in the region of 2,035,000 reserves (largely ex-conscripts).[7] As opposed to personnel specified by decree, actual personnel in the forces and paid was reported by the Audit Chamber of Russia as 766,000 in October 2013.[8] As of December 2013, the armed forces are at 82 percent of the required manpower.[9]
According to SIPRI, Russia spent nearly $72 billion on arms in 2011. Russia is planning further increases in its military spending, with draft budgets showing a 53% rise in real terms up to 2014. However, SIPRI adds that many analysts are doubtful whether the industry will be able to deliver on such ambitious plans after decades of stagnation following the collapse of the Soviet Union.[10]
The Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation serves as the administrative body of the Armed Forces. Since Soviet times, the General Staff has acted as the main commanding and supervising body of the Russian armed forces: U.S. expert William Odom said in 1998, that 'the Soviet General Staff without the MoD is conceivable, but the MoD without the General Staff is not.'[22] However, currently the General Staff's role is being reduced to that of the Ministry's department of strategic planning, the Minister himself, currently Sergey Shoygu may now be gaining further executive authority over the troops.[citation needed] Other departments include the personnel directorate as well as the Rear Services, railway troops, Signal Troops and construction troops. The Chief of the General Staff is currently General of the Army Valery Gerasimov.
The Russian military is divided into three services: the Russian Ground Forces, the Russian Navy, and the Russian Air Force. In addition there are three independent arms of service: Strategic Missile Troops, Russian Aerospace Defense Forces, and the Russian Airborne Troops. The Air Defence Troops, the former Soviet Air Defence Forces, have been subordinated into the Air Force since 1998. The Armed Forces as a whole are traditionally referred to as the Army (armiya), except in some cases, the Navy is specifically singled out.
Since late 2010 the Ground Forces as well as the Air Forces and Navy are distributed among four military districts: Western Military District, Southern Military District, Central Military District, and the Eastern Military District which also constitute four Joint Strategic Commands — West, South, Central, and East. Previously from 1992 to 2010, the Ground Forces were divided into six military districts: Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucausian, Privolzhsk-Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern and Russia's four fleets and one flotilla were organizations on par with the Ground Forces' Military Districts. These six MDs were merged into the four new MDs, which now also incorporate the air forces and naval forces.
There is one remaining Russian military base, the 102nd Military Base, in Armenia left of the former Transcaucasus Group of Forces. It likely reports to the Southern Military District.
The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla:
Northern Fleet (HQ at Severomorsk) subordinated to Joint Strategic Command West.
Baltic Fleet (HQ at Kaliningrad in the exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast) subordinated to Joint Strategic Command West.
wn.com/Russian Military Most Beautiful Female Soldier Battalion Documentary E5
A great documentary series about the most beautiful Russian Military female soldier battalion. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Вооружённые Си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции, tr. Vooruzhonnije Síly Rossíyskoj Federátsii) are the military service of Russia, established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 7 May 1992, Boris Yeltsin signed a presidential decree establishing the Russian Ministry of Defence and placing all Soviet Armed Forces troops on the territory of the Russian SFSR under Russian control.[5] The commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president of Russia. Although the Russian armed forces were formed in 1992, the Russian military dates its roots back to the times of the Kievan Rus'.
The armed forces are divided into:
the three "branches of Armed Forces" (вида вооружённых сил): the Ground Force, Air Force, and the Navy
the three "separate troop branches" (Отдельные рода войск): the Strategic Missile Troops, the Aerospace Defense Forces and the Airborne Troops
the Rear of the Armed Forces, which has a separate status of its own
There are additionally two further "separate troop branches" maintained by the Ministry of the Interior, the Border Force and the Internal Troops. These are not normally included as branches of the "Armed Forces" but are nonetheless used in armed conflicts.
The number of troops is specified by decree of the President of Russia. On 1 January 2008, a number of 2,019,629 units, including military of 1,134,800 units, was set.[6] In 2010 the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) estimated that the Russian Armed Forces numbered about 1,040,000 active troops and in the region of 2,035,000 reserves (largely ex-conscripts).[7] As opposed to personnel specified by decree, actual personnel in the forces and paid was reported by the Audit Chamber of Russia as 766,000 in October 2013.[8] As of December 2013, the armed forces are at 82 percent of the required manpower.[9]
According to SIPRI, Russia spent nearly $72 billion on arms in 2011. Russia is planning further increases in its military spending, with draft budgets showing a 53% rise in real terms up to 2014. However, SIPRI adds that many analysts are doubtful whether the industry will be able to deliver on such ambitious plans after decades of stagnation following the collapse of the Soviet Union.[10]
The Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation serves as the administrative body of the Armed Forces. Since Soviet times, the General Staff has acted as the main commanding and supervising body of the Russian armed forces: U.S. expert William Odom said in 1998, that 'the Soviet General Staff without the MoD is conceivable, but the MoD without the General Staff is not.'[22] However, currently the General Staff's role is being reduced to that of the Ministry's department of strategic planning, the Minister himself, currently Sergey Shoygu may now be gaining further executive authority over the troops.[citation needed] Other departments include the personnel directorate as well as the Rear Services, railway troops, Signal Troops and construction troops. The Chief of the General Staff is currently General of the Army Valery Gerasimov.
The Russian military is divided into three services: the Russian Ground Forces, the Russian Navy, and the Russian Air Force. In addition there are three independent arms of service: Strategic Missile Troops, Russian Aerospace Defense Forces, and the Russian Airborne Troops. The Air Defence Troops, the former Soviet Air Defence Forces, have been subordinated into the Air Force since 1998. The Armed Forces as a whole are traditionally referred to as the Army (armiya), except in some cases, the Navy is specifically singled out.
Since late 2010 the Ground Forces as well as the Air Forces and Navy are distributed among four military districts: Western Military District, Southern Military District, Central Military District, and the Eastern Military District which also constitute four Joint Strategic Commands — West, South, Central, and East. Previously from 1992 to 2010, the Ground Forces were divided into six military districts: Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucausian, Privolzhsk-Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern and Russia's four fleets and one flotilla were organizations on par with the Ground Forces' Military Districts. These six MDs were merged into the four new MDs, which now also incorporate the air forces and naval forces.
There is one remaining Russian military base, the 102nd Military Base, in Armenia left of the former Transcaucasus Group of Forces. It likely reports to the Southern Military District.
The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla:
Northern Fleet (HQ at Severomorsk) subordinated to Joint Strategic Command West.
Baltic Fleet (HQ at Kaliningrad in the exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast) subordinated to Joint Strategic Command West.
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 51
Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) on Ukraine - Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai......
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
wn.com/Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) On Ukraine Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
- published: 23 Aug 2014
- views: 256
author: QMurom
Davos 2013 - Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global......
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
wn.com/Davos 2013 Scenarios For The Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
Arma 2 CO: Servidor ESA - Esquadrão Araras | Operação Russian Federation - Parte 1/2
Grupo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArmaESA/ Criador da Missão: M4rK3Ting Uma missão simples de inauguração. O Esquadrão Araras está aberto a novo......
Grupo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArmaESA/ Criador da Missão: M4rK3Ting Uma missão simples de inauguração. O Esquadrão Araras está aberto a novo...
wn.com/Arma 2 Co Servidor Esa Esquadrão Araras | Operação Russian Federation Parte 1 2
Grupo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArmaESA/ Criador da Missão: M4rK3Ting Uma missão simples de inauguração. O Esquadrão Araras está aberto a novo...
- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 1611
author: CoreyPlay
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpop...
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawing as a primal human instinct and a learned discipline, looking at the earliest cave drawing.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life.
BBC Documentary - Too ugly for love BBC New Documentary 2014fiat 2014,overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc doc.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watchingThis Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT .
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
We share information only for educational purposes Subscribe & Join us : Don't Forget To LIKE. Documentary - Ancient Egyptian Glass From Outer Space BBC Scie.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
The Story of Dinosaurs Full AmazingDocumentary documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentar.
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watching.This Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEME. .
The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) The Secret of Drawing in Two Episodes 1. The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) .
BBC Documentary DINOSAUR FOSSILS THE ONE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD Science History new HD 720p medicare part d, alcohol withdrawal, medicare advantage, divorce .
Please Enjoy. Subscribe & Like too. Thanks. Cheers! Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. documentary, documentaries, full documentary,.
Please Enjoy & Subscribe. Likes & Comments are highly appreciated. Thanks! Scotland is plagued with over 50000 drug addicts and one of the roots of this add..
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
BBC - Tails You Win The Science of Chance - Science Documentary. BBC Tails You Win The Science of Chance Science Documentary Mega Structures Follow me for ne.
documentaries, documentary, documentaries 2014, youtube documentaries, documentaries online, documentaries discovery channel, online documentaries, watch doc.
New Docu: Subscribe for more Docus 2014! The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Gree.
Computer documentary from 1983.
Alex Alvarez, Franco Attolini, and Alberto (Beto) Nava are members of PET (Projecto Espeleológico de Tulum), an organization that specializes in the explorat.
SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE GREAT DOCUMENTARIES! youtubesubscription_c.David Attenborough - The JUNGLE documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history doc. .
wn.com/Russia Documentary On How The Russian Empire Was Built
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawing as a primal human instinct and a learned discipline, looking at the earliest cave drawing.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life.
BBC Documentary - Too ugly for love BBC New Documentary 2014fiat 2014,overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc doc.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watchingThis Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT .
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
We share information only for educational purposes Subscribe & Join us : Don't Forget To LIKE. Documentary - Ancient Egyptian Glass From Outer Space BBC Scie.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
The Story of Dinosaurs Full AmazingDocumentary documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentar.
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watching.This Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEME. .
The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) The Secret of Drawing in Two Episodes 1. The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) .
BBC Documentary DINOSAUR FOSSILS THE ONE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD Science History new HD 720p medicare part d, alcohol withdrawal, medicare advantage, divorce .
Please Enjoy. Subscribe & Like too. Thanks. Cheers! Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. documentary, documentaries, full documentary,.
Please Enjoy & Subscribe. Likes & Comments are highly appreciated. Thanks! Scotland is plagued with over 50000 drug addicts and one of the roots of this add..
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
BBC - Tails You Win The Science of Chance - Science Documentary. BBC Tails You Win The Science of Chance Science Documentary Mega Structures Follow me for ne.
documentaries, documentary, documentaries 2014, youtube documentaries, documentaries online, documentaries discovery channel, online documentaries, watch doc.
New Docu: Subscribe for more Docus 2014! The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Gree.
Computer documentary from 1983.
Alex Alvarez, Franco Attolini, and Alberto (Beto) Nava are members of PET (Projecto Espeleológico de Tulum), an organization that specializes in the explorat.
SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE GREAT DOCUMENTARIES! youtubesubscription_c.David Attenborough - The JUNGLE documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history doc. .
- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 44823
Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India
Text of Prime Minister’s Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India: http://inbministry.blogspot.in/2014/12/prime...
Text of Prime Minister’s Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India: http://inbministry.blogspot.in/2014/12/prime-ministers-media-statement-during.html
wn.com/Media Statement During The Official Visit Of The President Of Russian Federation To India
Text of Prime Minister’s Media Statement during the Official Visit of the President of Russian Federation to India: http://inbministry.blogspot.in/2014/12/prime-ministers-media-statement-during.html
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 301
The Jesus Film - Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God......
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
wn.com/The Jesus Film Mari, Meadow Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 187
author: eyong52
Full HD Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriot...
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding over the military parade in Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Sergei Shoigu. Commanding the parade is Colonel General, Oleg Salyukov. Music by the Military Orchestra Service of the Russian Federation, directed by Lieutenant General, Valery Khalilov.
wn.com/Full Hd Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding over the military parade in Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Sergei Shoigu. Commanding the parade is Colonel General, Oleg Salyukov. Music by the Military Orchestra Service of the Russian Federation, directed by Lieutenant General, Valery Khalilov.
- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 178286
(SUI)Switzerland (8)4 - 1(3) Russian Federation(RUS) - 16th World Kendo Championships - Men's Team
第16回世界剣道選手権大会 男子団体選手権
平成27年 5月31日(日)・【東京】日本武道館
16th World KENDO Championships Men's Team
May 31. 2015 (Sun) Nippon Budokan (Tokyo, Japan)
予選リーグ: Switzerla...
第16回世界剣道選手権大会 男子団体選手権
平成27年 5月31日(日)・【東京】日本武道館
16th World KENDO Championships Men's Team
May 31. 2015 (Sun) Nippon Budokan (Tokyo, Japan)
予選リーグ: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
Preliminary Heats: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
[Red] (SUI)Switzerland (8)4 - 1(3) Russian Federation(RUS) [White]
※ Ustream中継を録画したものです。
Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/aj-kendo-f
wn.com/(Sui)Switzerland (8)4 1(3) Russian Federation(Rus) 16Th World Kendo Championships Men's Team
第16回世界剣道選手権大会 男子団体選手権
平成27年 5月31日(日)・【東京】日本武道館
16th World KENDO Championships Men's Team
May 31. 2015 (Sun) Nippon Budokan (Tokyo, Japan)
予選リーグ: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
Preliminary Heats: Switzerland vs Russian Federation
[Red] (SUI)Switzerland (8)4 - 1(3) Russian Federation(RUS) [White]
※ Ustream中継を録画したものです。
Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/aj-kendo-f
- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 154
SC II WCS Russian Federation/Ukraine Nationals (Day 1)
-- www.twitch.tv/esl_cis/b/325693785&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=esl_cis&utm;_medium=youtube...
-- www.twitch.tv/esl_cis/b/325693785&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=esl_cis&utm;_medium=youtube
wn.com/Sc Ii Wcs Russian Federation Ukraine Nationals (Day 1)
-- www.twitch.tv/esl_cis/b/325693785&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=esl_cis&utm;_medium=youtube
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 2062