Economists discover the meaning of Christmas

Jessica Irvine 9:00 PM   Economists have a warning for those planning to exchange gifts this festive season.


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Turnbull will resist poll temptation

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny 9:09 PM   An early election would carry the risk of being perceived by voters as opportunistic and a breach of faith.

League tables don't mean anything

Jenny Allum dinkus Dinkus

Jenny Allum 7:28 PM   I am the head of a school which the Herald claims has done very well in our HSC results. According to its coverage, we climbed "dramatically" from 20th to 13th spot. 

The end of an era for young performers

Erin James dinkus.

Erin James 12:18 AM   It will be a sad day when the Sydney Entertainment Centre closes its doors for the last time after Sir Elton John's concert this weekend.

Paris agreement could herald a new era

The climate goals agreed to in Paris will require significant economic changes in Australia, industry leaders say.

Phil Ireland 2:54 PM   This time six years ago I found myself in the company of other campaigners and politicians from around the world in the depths of despair after the calamitous Copenhagen climate negotiations.

Science deniers reject authority and facts

A North Carolina community reportedly objected to a solar farm being built in its vicinity amid concerns it could "suck up all the energy from the sun".

Patrick Stokes 12:00 AM   Many people who choose to ignore accepted scientific conclusions are making emotional rather than rational decisions.

Power of paranoia

The ascension of Donald Trump has left Washington in a state of shock.

Ben Judah 7:30 PM   Paranoia continues to power the rise of Donald Trump, writes Ben Judah.

View from the Street

Andrew P Street dinkus

Andrew P Street 5:55 PM   Because when you're paying a company billions to look after all those human rights abuses, expecting tax from them would appear rude! Your news of the day, reduced to a snarky rant.

Comments 1

Local film gems deserve funding respect

SMH editorial.

9:11 PM   If we're good enough to produce talents of the calibre of the luminous Cate Blanchett, why can't we produce more blockbusters?


Letters to the Editor

Letters dinkus

9:14 PM   I believe the article "Selective and private girls' schools lead the result scorecard" (December 17) has been misinterpreted.

Column 8

Column 8

9:00 PM   "Virgin's use of the word 'guests' is tolerable," writes John Bunyan, of Campbelltown (What's wrong with "passengers"?, Column 8, Thursday).

In the Herald: December 18, 1923

In the Herald

Ellen Fitzgerald 12:00 AM   Shipping influx record; Return of the lash; Vice-Regal car theft - on this day in 1923.

The young white male has lost his advantage

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan   Their once dominant position is being eroded incrementally, in measurable ways, with each passing year.

Comments 186

We need to go back to basics

Ben Roediger dinkus

Ben Roediger   Australian scientists and engineers are among the most inventive and resourceful individuals on the planet.

'Something snapped': silent fury women feel

A "No Catcall Zone" sign installed in New York for End Street Harassment Week.

Jill Stark   How are women meant to know the difference between the nice guy and the monster?

Competitive grandparenting during Christmas

Santa, we don't want to wait and wait and wait for grandkids to arrive before we get to see you again.

Cari Rosen   Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year. And if you're a grandparent or an in-law, deciding who spends dinner where can easily spiral into a war of the (Cadbury's) Roses.

Comments 1

Don't forget children in domestic violence

The home, where one expects to be safe, can be the most dangerous place of all for some women and children.

Kim Oates   Our awareness of the extent of domestic violence has been slow in coming. But we must remember children are victims too.

Revisiting Love Actually after midnight

Bill Nighy played washed-up rocker Billy Mack in Love Actually.

Emma Freud   We got near-hysterical at the school Nativity scene, where our then seven-year-old daughter literally owned the non-speaking role of Second Lobster.

HSC gives pause for thought on future

SMH Editorial

A survey for the Foundation for Young Australians found up to 70 per cent of young people are studying for entry-level jobs that might not exist in the future


Letters to the Editor

Letters dinkus

A few years ago we were badgered to peer out the window and witness debt and deficit as far as the eye could see (Morrison wants to break it to us gently", December 16).

Column 8

Column 8

"Fear of boys was still rife when I was at Sydney Girls High in the 1950s," recalls Nora Hinchen, of Naremburn (decorum advice, Column 8, Tuesday). "Our headmistress, Miss McMahon, forbade us going within 100 feet of the rickety fence dividing us from the boys' school.

In the Herald : December 17, 1988

In the Herald dinkus

Ellen Fitzgerald   There were no angry parents and no protest banners as Prospect Public School closed its doors for the last time after 121 years, the Herald reported on this day in 1988.


Captain's speech doesn't represent the Ravenswood I know

Throughout my time at Ravenswood, I experienced an environment that encouraged hard work, equality of standing, humility, and gratitude – virtues that I believe are the very foundation of the school itself.

Where to now for a newly unseated PM

Peter Hartcher: The government may have moved on, but Tony Abbott is still adjusting to his new reality and coming to grips with life beyond the prime ministership.

Big karma hits big pharma

Paul Sheehan: When a venture capitalist bought the rights to a drug and increased its price by 5500 per cent, there was widespread outrage. Now comes corporate revenge against corporate evil.

Islamic State thrives as big boys squabble

Waleed Aly: Force will not wipe out Islamic State because it is a byproduct of a much bigger conflict that needs to be resolved first.

Why Turnbull will be our longest-serving PM

Elizabeth Farrelly: It is a relief to have a leader who uses intelligence to connect with us.

The only thing worse than having your family murdered

When Ann O'Neill woke up in hospital after her estranged husband had shot her and killed their two children, she wasn't prepared for the public response.

A photo diary of France's week of terror

For photographer Andrew Meares, a dinner in Berlin turned into a week of terror after attacks ripped through the heart of Paris.

Why I won't be changing my Facebook profile

I am a self-confessed Francophile. I speak French; have a degree in French; in my 20s I did the obligatory year as an au pair, in Limoges, working for the family of a famous French porcelain house.

Turning hateful tweets into a force for good

Susan Carland: Bombarded with hateful tweets from trolls, it was only natural that my response would be rooted in the fact that I am Muslim.