A tyrant (Greek τύραννος, tyrannos) was originally one who illegally seized and controlled a governmental power in a polis. Tyrants were a group of individuals who took over many Greek poleis during the uprising of the middle classes in the sixth and seventh centuries BC, ousting the aristocratic governments. Plato and Aristotle define a tyrant as, "one who rules without law, looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extreme and cruel tactics—against his own people as well as others".
In common usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of an oligarchy over the best interests of the general population, which the tyrant governs or controls. The Greek term carried no pejorative connotation during the Archaic and early Classical periods but was clearly a bad word to Plato, and on account of the decisive influence of political philosophy its negative connotations only increased down into the Hellenistic period, becoming synonymous with "Authenteo" - another term which carried authoritarian connotations around the turn of the first century A.D.[citation needed] During the seventh and sixth centuries BC, tyranny was often looked upon as an intermediate stage between narrow oligarchy and more democratic forms of polity. However, in the late fifth and fourth centuries, a new kind of tyrant, the military dictator, arose, specifically in Sicily.
TYRANNY - Sunless Deluge (2015) Dark Descent Records
9/11 The Road to Tyranny - A Film by Alex Jones
Tyranny - Tides Of Awakening (FULL ALBUM) 2005
Patriots STAND Up and DEFY TYRANNY in this Courtroom!
Do Americans Think We Face Tyranny?
Full Show - How Tyranny Takes Control - 06/24/2015
This Is What A Tyranny Looks Like
The Pete Santilli Show - Episode #1070 - The Unspeakable Tyranny In Michigan
S3 Presents The Essentials Blue Oyster Cult Tyranny and Mutation
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny (Full Album) 2014
Artificial Intelligence Under Tyranny
Katherine Albrecht: Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny
Assassin's Creed 3 DLC: The Tyranny of King Washington, The Infamy - #1 Awaken
Up, up and no way!
This film is a prequel to all of the The House of the Dead video games. Set on an island off the coast, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead...
Keywords: axe, axe-in-the-chest, bad-smell, bare-breasts, based-on-video-game, beer, black-and-white-scene, blood, blood-spatter, boat
The Dead Walk... You Run
The dead walk...You run
The game has just begun!
You won't last the night
How do you kill something that's already dead? Any... way... you... can!
Are you dead or alive?
Humans versus zombies. Whose sides are you?
Greg: [pointing on a zombie in the water] Shoot it!::Capt. Victor Kirk: What do you think I am trying to do, you fucking moron?
Rudy: You created it all so you could become immortal. Why?::Castillo: To live forever!
Salish: Cap'n! Cap'n! I'm not goin'. I'm not goin'! There's evil spirits on that island!::Capt. Victor Kirk: You just get the deck lined and let me worry about the evil spirits. Okay, Salish?
Rudy: [as Hugh is playing footage from the zombie attack at the rave] Everyone was partying... you know, drinking, just having fun. Then, these things came and attacked the Rave. Those of us that could get away... did. We ran... we finally got to the boat but it wasn't there. These things just kept coming and coming and killing. We finally got to this house and... tried to hide and that's when you guys came. We thought you were more of them.::Simon: "Them"? Who the hell is "them"?::Rudy: Who? Try "What".
Alicia: Guys, check out this book. Looks pretty old, maybe it'll help us!
[after being attacked by Castillo]::Alicia: Isn't it nice to know someone wants you for you body?::Rudy: Yeah. Depending on what they want to do with it.
Jordan Casper: What the hell was that thing?::Karma: Our best friend.::Jordan Casper: Not anymore.
Alicia: These are zombies, pure and simple.
Simon: What're we going to do? We don't have weapons or food. We don't have shit!::Capt. Victor Kirk: Actually, we do.
Jordan Casper: Look, I don't know what's going on here, okay? What I do know is that I got to get you all off this island. How did you get here?::Rudy: The boat, like everyone else. But it's gone, it's been destroyed.::Alicia: [Referring to herself, Simon, Karma, Greg, & Cynthia] We didn't. We came on the Lazarus with Kirk.::Jordan Casper: Where is he?::Alicia: At the dock by the beach.::Jordan Casper: Can you take me to him?::Alicia: Why, are you gonna arrest him?::Jordan Casper: Not at the moment. Right now, I need to get you all away from here as soon as possible.
TYRANNY - Sunless Deluge (2015) Dark Descent Records
9/11 The Road to Tyranny - A Film by Alex Jones
Tyranny - Tides Of Awakening (FULL ALBUM) 2005
Patriots STAND Up and DEFY TYRANNY in this Courtroom!
Do Americans Think We Face Tyranny?
Full Show - How Tyranny Takes Control - 06/24/2015
This Is What A Tyranny Looks Like
The Pete Santilli Show - Episode #1070 - The Unspeakable Tyranny In Michigan
S3 Presents The Essentials Blue Oyster Cult Tyranny and Mutation
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny (Full Album) 2014
Artificial Intelligence Under Tyranny
Katherine Albrecht: Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny
Assassin's Creed 3 DLC: The Tyranny of King Washington, The Infamy - #1 Awaken
Assassin's Creed 3 - Tyranny of King Washington The Betrayal Walkthrough [1080p HD]
Assassin's Creed 3 - Tyranny Of King Washington -- Official Infamy Trailer [UK]
The Tyranny Of Your Upbringing
AC3-Tyranny of King Washington (Final Battle)
Assassin's Creed 3 Walkthrough - Part 1 Tyranny of King Washington DLC AC3 Gameplay
Assassin's Creed 3 - The official Tyranny Of King Washington Trailer [UK]
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny ALBUM REVIEW
Gamma Ray - Induction/Dethrone Tyranny (with Lyrics)
GAMMA RAY - Dethrone Tyranny / 9. 2011 [HD] *Berlin Live*
Shadow Gallery - Stiletto in the Sand / War for Sale
Shadow Gallery - Out of Nowhere
Shadow Gallery Mystery
Shadow Gallery - Broken
Shadow Gallery - I Believe
Shadow Gallery - Roads Of Thunder
Shadow Gallery - Spoken Words
Shadow Gallery - New World Order
Shadow Gallery - Chased
Shadow Gallery - Ghost of a chance
Shadow Gallery - Christmas Day
Have been down for much too long bitter taste of this
Time, getting sick and tired about the way things are
So tell me where is all the peace of mind that i could
Never find, never wanted what you offered me at all
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe in
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe
Give me, give me, give me
Something to believe in
Give me, give me, give me
Something to believe
Have been broken much too long with a heart of anger
I could never understand what you became so tell me
Where is your heaven on earth that i could never find
Maybe i am just too blind to realize
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe in
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe
Give me, give me, give me
Something to believe in
Give me, give me, give me
Something to believe
Do you believe in pain
Do you believe in hate
This life it ain't for me
Your world it ain't for me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe in
Tell me, tell me, tell me
What do you believe
Give me, give me, give me
Something to believe in
Give me, give me, give me
(lyrics by Harry Conklin)
We fear for our lands, fear for our lives
Fear for the sake of the world
A terrorist strike unforgiving and rude
Rapes this shell of its pearl
Terrible tyranny goes undetected
Though thousands of souls are now lost
Terrible tyranny asks for a price
The innocent all pay the cost
Their evil is darkness, it steals all the light
That shines from our purified souls
Their evil is wrong with no sense of right
It spoils, ruins and controls
Our time is now to make a stand
Take matters in our own hands
We'll strike at the core of this tyrant's heart
We were sent to this world
Now we see all the action
The man in hate's lair, commanding us
His statement to share
Nation free!
We're fighting for
Salvation, all we deserve
We don't need tyranny
Let's walk through our land of eden
We were tortured and enslaved
For their cruel
A bird flyin' in the air
Killing us,
our children not spare
Nation free!
We're fighting for democracy
Salvation / all we deserve
We don't need tyranny
It roars like a lion
The sound of the streets
Rats in the alleyway,
LAPD on the beat
Life in the sewers
Living hell
Go ask the junkie
Going blue
At the Alexandria hotel
Down down down
In the city!
Down down down
In the city!
The prostitute she strolls
On Broadway
In the eyes of the killer
She the oncoming prey
Knock on her door,
Welcome the virus
It's HIV, herpes
And hepatitis
Forgotten faces
And forgotten names
Another poor bastard
Pleading for change
The crack pipes light up
Like a candle vigilance
The angels cry
Down on the streets
Of Los Angeles
Searching for power to reign
Killing thousand people in your way
Ambition and cruelty fill you
Imposing with weapons your truth
A reign of terror you made
You think that you control our fate
An army of assassins you command
Disguised of soldiers of their homeland
It’s tyranny
Controlling all the information
Hiding to the world your intentions
Imposing the fear you rule
Killing those who dare to opposed you
The power of oppressed grows strong
Waiting for the moment to explode
And in the end you will pay
For all you did everywhere
It’s time to fight for our freedom again
Against the dictator, and their evil force
We have the power, we have the right
The victory is our, we are free again
At the end you will try to escape
Telling to all the world that you are insane
You lie when you say that you didn’t know
What happened with people when you rule
But you negotiated your exit
So that nobody can judge you
But of the death you cannot escape