5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work? Explanations: http://youtu.be/jIMihpDmBpY Check out Audible.com: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Leave your ideas in ...
The First Few Moments That Physics Can't Explain
Although science has provided astounding insights into the origins of the universe, we're still not quite sure what happened in those very first few moments.
Link to Electromagnetism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMnsZuEE_m8
Link to Weak Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnL_nwmCLpY&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=3
Link to Strong Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3EMq2D
Neil deGrasse Tyson Ponders Quantum Physics, Marijuana and the Multiverse
A fan asks, “Could a superhero have the power to travel around the multiverse, or would the different laws of physics in different universes make that impossible?” Neil deGrasse Tyson looks to quantum physics for the answer, explaining how particles – and possibly universes – can “pop in and out of existence.” But when co-host Chuck Nice says he wishes he had some marijuana to better appreciate th
The Physics of Car Crashes
How is the chemical energy of gasoline transformed into kinetic energy of a moving car? And where does that kinetic energy go when the car crashes into something and stops moving?
Thanks to Ford (http://www.takeagoodlook.com) for sponsoring this video.
Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroede
100 Greatest Discoveries in Physics. FULL 44 min
For science
So You Want a Degree in Physics
Even if you don't, watch anyway. Maybe I’ll convince you. And if not, maybe I’ll impart some important skills or perspectives upon you. A lot of what I say can be applied not only to physics, but to other academic disciplines as well.
Online resources for learning math:
Khan Academy
Dr. Chris Tisdell
Measure for Measure: Quantum Physics and Reality (Full Program)
When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position. How do subatomic objects shed their quantum weirdness? Experts in the field of physics, including David Z. Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack, and moderator Brian Greene, discuss the history of quantum mechanics, current theories
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
Kaku's latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (http://goo.gl/kGrVaR).
The Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY
What if we could find one single equation that explains ev
For the Love of Physics (Walter Lewin's Last Lecture)
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of his most famous physics demonstrations to celebrate the publication of his new book For The Love Of Physics: From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics, written with Warren Goldstein.
Note: Due to
Physics Lecture - 1 - Introduction to Physics
Visit my website at https://buckysroom.org/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheNewBoston/464114846956315 Google+...
Common Physics Misconceptions
What if you thought the earth was flat? And then you found out it isn't? MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.co...
Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p - Space documentary 2014 | space | space documantary
Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p , Space documentary 2014, space , space documantary, space documentaries bbc,
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When a physics teacher knows his stuff !!..
Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Music: "Frozen Star" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Are perpetual motion machines possible?
A wheel that spins forever; a bird that never quenches its thirst; a clock that never stops ticking, an endless source of free energy. These are but the dreams of inventors striving to make perpetual motion machines, machines that can work forever without any energy input. Are these machines possible without violating the laws of physics? No.
Explained: 5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Explanations for http://youtu.be/1Xp_imnO6WE Follow me on twitter: http://bit.ly/VeTwitter or Instagram: http://bit.ly/VeInsta or Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBV...
A Crash Course In Particle Physics (1 of 2)
Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester presents an educational walk, through the fundamentals of Particle Physics.
Disclaimer: The copyright owner provides this content for educational purposes.
Quantum Physics NOVA- Space Documentary 2015
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Does Dark Matter BREAK Physics? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
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SPACETIME IS BACK! And with this episode we welcome in Matt O’Dowd as the new host to rigorously take you through the mysteries of space, time, and the nature of reality. We’re starting off this new season with perhaps one of the most m
Tom Campbell: A Recent Physics Experiment and What it Means to You
In recent news, ANU (Australian National University) physicists carried out an experiment thought out by Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler.
Tom discusses the results of this experiment, the impact it has on materialist reductionism, and the implications it has in our lives.
The identity Tom has used for years, and his MBT science supports, is:
R=I. Reality equals information.
PHYSICS! - Lethal League w/ The Anime Man and Misty Chronexia
Check out my buds who played with me!
The Anime Man (Joey) - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAn1meMan
Misty Chronexia - https://www.youtube.com/user/ChronexiaMisty
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Human Brain And Quantum Physics ( Science ) - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics. Credits to ATHENE'S
the following documentary presents new developments in neuroscience and a solution to current unsolved problems in physics, Solely focused on scientifically verified data, it also has philosophical repercussions to life, death and the origins of universe.
Dr. Granville Dharmawardena of the
Quantum Theory - Full Documentary HD
Watch the dark side of Quantum Physics -- http://youtu.be/bPx_Vvjpw9Y
The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD 2014
http://www.advexon.com For more Scientific DOCUMENTARIES.
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Quantum mechanics (QM -- also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the
5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work? Explanations: http://youtu.be/jIMihpDmBpY Check out Audible.com: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Leave your ideas in ......
Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work? Explanations: http://youtu.be/jIMihpDmBpY Check out Audible.com: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Leave your ideas in ...
wn.com/5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work? Explanations: http://youtu.be/jIMihpDmBpY Check out Audible.com: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Leave your ideas in ...
- published: 06 Aug 2014
- views: 1590389
author: Veritasium
The First Few Moments That Physics Can't Explain
Although science has provided astounding insights into the origins of the universe, we're still not quite sure what happened in those very first few moments.
Although science has provided astounding insights into the origins of the universe, we're still not quite sure what happened in those very first few moments.
Link to Electromagnetism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMnsZuEE_m8
Link to Weak Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnL_nwmCLpY&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=3
Link to Strong Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3EMq2Dgq8&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=1
Link to Gravity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhG_ArxmwRM&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=4
Link to Take a Trip to Titan!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfiE5AVM7Zc
Link to Has Stephen Hawking Solved a Black Hole Paradox?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lptt20cohrU
Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Chris Peters, Philippe von Bergen, Fatima Iqbal, John Murrin, Linnea Boyev, Justin Lentz, and David Campos.
Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: http://dftba.com/SciShow
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Image Sources:
wn.com/The First Few Moments That Physics Can't Explain
Although science has provided astounding insights into the origins of the universe, we're still not quite sure what happened in those very first few moments.
Link to Electromagnetism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMnsZuEE_m8
Link to Weak Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnL_nwmCLpY&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=3
Link to Strong Force: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3EMq2Dgq8&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=1
Link to Gravity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhG_ArxmwRM&list;=PLsNB4peY6C6JDc1HcVKjjYzVB0BYEXexd&index;=4
Link to Take a Trip to Titan!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfiE5AVM7Zc
Link to Has Stephen Hawking Solved a Black Hole Paradox?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lptt20cohrU
Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Chris Peters, Philippe von Bergen, Fatima Iqbal, John Murrin, Linnea Boyev, Justin Lentz, and David Campos.
Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: http://dftba.com/SciShow
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- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 12837
Neil deGrasse Tyson Ponders Quantum Physics, Marijuana and the Multiverse
A fan asks, “Could a superhero have the power to travel around the multiverse, or would the different laws of physics in different universes make that impossibl...
A fan asks, “Could a superhero have the power to travel around the multiverse, or would the different laws of physics in different universes make that impossible?” Neil deGrasse Tyson looks to quantum physics for the answer, explaining how particles – and possibly universes – can “pop in and out of existence.” But when co-host Chuck Nice says he wishes he had some marijuana to better appreciate the concept, the conversation turns to the value of pot when pondering mind-blowing possibilities like this one.
This "Behind the Scenes" video was shot during the recording of our episode, "Cosmic Queries: Super Powers." If you'd like to listen to the full podcast, click here: http://www.startalkradio.net/show/cosmic-queries-super-powers/
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wn.com/Neil Degrasse Tyson Ponders Quantum Physics, Marijuana And The Multiverse
A fan asks, “Could a superhero have the power to travel around the multiverse, or would the different laws of physics in different universes make that impossible?” Neil deGrasse Tyson looks to quantum physics for the answer, explaining how particles – and possibly universes – can “pop in and out of existence.” But when co-host Chuck Nice says he wishes he had some marijuana to better appreciate the concept, the conversation turns to the value of pot when pondering mind-blowing possibilities like this one.
This "Behind the Scenes" video was shot during the recording of our episode, "Cosmic Queries: Super Powers." If you'd like to listen to the full podcast, click here: http://www.startalkradio.net/show/cosmic-queries-super-powers/
If you love StarTalk Radio, don't miss out on any StarTalk news. Sign up for our free newsletter: http://www.startalkradio.net/newsletter/youtube/
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- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 2767
The Physics of Car Crashes
How is the chemical energy of gasoline transformed into kinetic energy of a moving car? And where does that kinetic energy go when the car crashes into somethin...
How is the chemical energy of gasoline transformed into kinetic energy of a moving car? And where does that kinetic energy go when the car crashes into something and stops moving?
Thanks to Ford (http://www.takeagoodlook.com) for sponsoring this video.
Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6
And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics
And twitter - @minutephysics
Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
wn.com/The Physics Of Car Crashes
How is the chemical energy of gasoline transformed into kinetic energy of a moving car? And where does that kinetic energy go when the car crashes into something and stops moving?
Thanks to Ford (http://www.takeagoodlook.com) for sponsoring this video.
Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6
And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics
And twitter - @minutephysics
Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 283604
So You Want a Degree in Physics
Even if you don't, watch anyway. Maybe I’ll convince you. And if not, maybe I’ll impart some important skills or perspectives upon you. A lot of what I say can ...
Even if you don't, watch anyway. Maybe I’ll convince you. And if not, maybe I’ll impart some important skills or perspectives upon you. A lot of what I say can be applied not only to physics, but to other academic disciplines as well.
Online resources for learning math:
Khan Academy
Dr. Chris Tisdell
MIT Open Courseware
Here are some resources for learning physics (in order of increasing difficulty)
Amateur (little to no math)
A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking
The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Cosmos by Carl Sagan
Fearful Symmetry by Anthony Zee
Recruit (some calculus, maybe a DiffEQ here or there)
University Physics by Roger Freedman
Physics (Vol 1 and 2) by Resnick, Halliday, and Krane
Regular (know calculus cold, and have a good handle on DiffEQs)
An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow
Electricity and Magnetism by Purcell
Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by Ashley Carter
Hardened (all of the “baby maths” should be second nature to you)
Classical Mechanics by Taylor
Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths
Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths
Veteran (you will not survive)
A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by Townsend
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by Anthony Zee
Studies indicating that studying in pairs is ideal:
Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American journal of Physics, 66, 64.
Hoellwarth, C., & Moelter, M. J. (2011). The implications of a robust curriculum in introductory mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 79, 540.
Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of engineering education, 93(3), 223-231.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=581251
wn.com/So You Want A Degree In Physics
Even if you don't, watch anyway. Maybe I’ll convince you. And if not, maybe I’ll impart some important skills or perspectives upon you. A lot of what I say can be applied not only to physics, but to other academic disciplines as well.
Online resources for learning math:
Khan Academy
Dr. Chris Tisdell
MIT Open Courseware
Here are some resources for learning physics (in order of increasing difficulty)
Amateur (little to no math)
A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking
The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Cosmos by Carl Sagan
Fearful Symmetry by Anthony Zee
Recruit (some calculus, maybe a DiffEQ here or there)
University Physics by Roger Freedman
Physics (Vol 1 and 2) by Resnick, Halliday, and Krane
Regular (know calculus cold, and have a good handle on DiffEQs)
An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow
Electricity and Magnetism by Purcell
Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by Ashley Carter
Hardened (all of the “baby maths” should be second nature to you)
Classical Mechanics by Taylor
Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths
Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths
Veteran (you will not survive)
A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by Townsend
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by Anthony Zee
Studies indicating that studying in pairs is ideal:
Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American journal of Physics, 66, 64.
Hoellwarth, C., & Moelter, M. J. (2011). The implications of a robust curriculum in introductory mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 79, 540.
Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of engineering education, 93(3), 223-231.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=581251
- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 2976
Measure for Measure: Quantum Physics and Reality (Full Program)
When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position. How do subat...
When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position. How do subatomic objects shed their quantum weirdness? Experts in the field of physics, including David Z. Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack, and moderator Brian Greene, discuss the history of quantum mechanics, current theories in the field, and possibilities for the future.
Original Program date: May 29, 2014
Want more World Science Festival?
wn.com/Measure For Measure Quantum Physics And Reality (Full Program)
When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position. How do subatomic objects shed their quantum weirdness? Experts in the field of physics, including David Z. Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack, and moderator Brian Greene, discuss the history of quantum mechanics, current theories in the field, and possibilities for the future.
Original Program date: May 29, 2014
Want more World Science Festival?
- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 293562
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
Kaku's latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Unders...
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
Kaku's latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (http://goo.gl/kGrVaR).
The Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY
What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein's "e=mc^2." Thanks to advances in string theory, physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct history of physics and makes a compelling case for why physics is the key to pretty much everything.
The Floating University
Originally released September, 2011.
Directed / Produced by Jonathan Fowler, Kathleen Russell, and Elizabeth Rodd
wn.com/Michio Kaku The Universe In A Nutshell
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
Kaku's latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (http://goo.gl/kGrVaR).
The Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY
What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein's "e=mc^2." Thanks to advances in string theory, physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct history of physics and makes a compelling case for why physics is the key to pretty much everything.
The Floating University
Originally released September, 2011.
Directed / Produced by Jonathan Fowler, Kathleen Russell, and Elizabeth Rodd
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 4749721
For the Love of Physics (Walter Lewin's Last Lecture)
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of his m...
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of his most famous physics demonstrations to celebrate the publication of his new book For The Love Of Physics: From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics, written with Warren Goldstein.
Note: Due to a serious sexual harassment complaint that occurred on the online learning platform edX, MIT has revoked Dr. Lewin's title of Professor Emeritus as of December 2014.
See https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/lewin-courses-removed-1208 and http://tech.mit.edu/V134/N60/walterlewin.html.
This video was formerly hosted on the YouTube channel MIT OpenCourseWare.
Attribution: MIT OpenCourseWare
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 US
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/.
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/.
This YouTube channel is independently operated. It is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT OpenCourseWare, or Dr. Lewin.
wn.com/For The Love Of Physics (Walter Lewin's Last Lecture)
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of his most famous physics demonstrations to celebrate the publication of his new book For The Love Of Physics: From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics, written with Warren Goldstein.
Note: Due to a serious sexual harassment complaint that occurred on the online learning platform edX, MIT has revoked Dr. Lewin's title of Professor Emeritus as of December 2014.
See https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/lewin-courses-removed-1208 and http://tech.mit.edu/V134/N60/walterlewin.html.
This video was formerly hosted on the YouTube channel MIT OpenCourseWare.
Attribution: MIT OpenCourseWare
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 US
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/.
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/.
This YouTube channel is independently operated. It is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT OpenCourseWare, or Dr. Lewin.
- published: 25 Dec 2014
- views: 7
Physics Lecture - 1 - Introduction to Physics
Visit my website at https://buckysroom.org/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheNewBoston/464114846956315 Google+......
Visit my website at https://buckysroom.org/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheNewBoston/464114846956315 Google+...
wn.com/Physics Lecture 1 Introduction To Physics
Visit my website at https://buckysroom.org/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheNewBoston/464114846956315 Google+...
Common Physics Misconceptions
What if you thought the earth was flat? And then you found out it isn't? MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.co......
What if you thought the earth was flat? And then you found out it isn't? MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.co...
wn.com/Common Physics Misconceptions
What if you thought the earth was flat? And then you found out it isn't? MinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.co...
Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p - Space documentary 2014 | space | space documantary
Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p , Space documentary 2014, space , space documantary, space documentaries bbc,
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Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p , Space documentary 2014, space , space documantary, space documentaries bbc,
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wn.com/Quantum Physics Nova Hd 1080P Space Documentary 2014 | Space | Space Documantary
Quantum Physics NOVA HD 1080p , Space documentary 2014, space , space documantary, space documentaries bbc,
top space documentaries,
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- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 7
Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Music: "Frozen Star" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Top 5 Weirdest Facts About Quantum Physics
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Music: "Frozen Star" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 2275
Are perpetual motion machines possible?
A wheel that spins forever; a bird that never quenches its thirst; a clock that never stops ticking, an endless source of free energy. These are but the dreams ...
A wheel that spins forever; a bird that never quenches its thirst; a clock that never stops ticking, an endless source of free energy. These are but the dreams of inventors striving to make perpetual motion machines, machines that can work forever without any energy input. Are these machines possible without violating the laws of physics? No.
Unbalanced wheel designed, laser cut and assembled by engineer Kyle Kitzmiller - kylekitzmiller.com
Writer: Sophia Chen
Editors: Jabril Ashe and Dianna Cowern
Host: Dianna Cowern
Weather footage: NASA Goddard
Zimara’s Windmill drawing: Burton Lee Potterveld
Cox’s Timepiece drawing - Mr. Cox’s Perpetual Motion, a Prize in the Museum Lottery, single sheet, 225mm. x 174mm., full-page engraving with letterpress on verso, London, 1774. (Ex) Item 4848706
Music: APM and YouTube
Perpetual Motion Machines
Impossible Machines
wn.com/Are Perpetual Motion Machines Possible
A wheel that spins forever; a bird that never quenches its thirst; a clock that never stops ticking, an endless source of free energy. These are but the dreams of inventors striving to make perpetual motion machines, machines that can work forever without any energy input. Are these machines possible without violating the laws of physics? No.
Unbalanced wheel designed, laser cut and assembled by engineer Kyle Kitzmiller - kylekitzmiller.com
Writer: Sophia Chen
Editors: Jabril Ashe and Dianna Cowern
Host: Dianna Cowern
Weather footage: NASA Goddard
Zimara’s Windmill drawing: Burton Lee Potterveld
Cox’s Timepiece drawing - Mr. Cox’s Perpetual Motion, a Prize in the Museum Lottery, single sheet, 225mm. x 174mm., full-page engraving with letterpress on verso, London, 1774. (Ex) Item 4848706
Music: APM and YouTube
Perpetual Motion Machines
Impossible Machines
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 2038
Explained: 5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Explanations for http://youtu.be/1Xp_imnO6WE Follow me on twitter: http://bit.ly/VeTwitter or Instagram: http://bit.ly/VeInsta or Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBV......
Explanations for http://youtu.be/1Xp_imnO6WE Follow me on twitter: http://bit.ly/VeTwitter or Instagram: http://bit.ly/VeInsta or Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBV...
wn.com/Explained 5 Fun Physics Phenomena
Explanations for http://youtu.be/1Xp_imnO6WE Follow me on twitter: http://bit.ly/VeTwitter or Instagram: http://bit.ly/VeInsta or Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBV...
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 671599
author: Veritasium
A Crash Course In Particle Physics (1 of 2)
Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester presents an educational walk, through the fundamentals of Particle Physics.
Disclaimer: The copyright owner...
Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester presents an educational walk, through the fundamentals of Particle Physics.
Disclaimer: The copyright owner provides this content for educational purposes.
wn.com/A Crash Course In Particle Physics (1 Of 2)
Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester presents an educational walk, through the fundamentals of Particle Physics.
Disclaimer: The copyright owner provides this content for educational purposes.
- published: 01 Jan 2012
- views: 384715
Quantum Physics NOVA- Space Documentary 2015
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If you love documentaries about wildl...
WELCOME to Documentaries channel !
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If you love documentaries about wildlife, space, cars, knowledge, history and much more, this is the channel for you!
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This video may contain copyrighted material & is the property of the respective authors, artists and labels
wn.com/Quantum Physics Nova Space Documentary 2015
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If you love documentaries about wildlife, space, cars, knowledge, history and much more, this is the channel for you!
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and most of all ENJOY!
This video may contain copyrighted material & is the property of the respective authors, artists and labels
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 4361
Does Dark Matter BREAK Physics? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
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SPACETIME IS BACK! And with this episode we welcome in Matt O’Dowd as the new host to rigorously take you through the mysteries of space, time, and the nature of reality. We’re starting off this new season with perhaps one of the most mysterious things of all — DARK MATTER. What is it? Where does it come from? And is it even real? Watch this episode of Space Time to find out!
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wn.com/Does Dark Matter Break Physics | Space Time | Pbs Digital Studios
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SPACETIME IS BACK! And with this episode we welcome in Matt O’Dowd as the new host to rigorously take you through the mysteries of space, time, and the nature of reality. We’re starting off this new season with perhaps one of the most mysterious things of all — DARK MATTER. What is it? Where does it come from? And is it even real? Watch this episode of Space Time to find out!
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- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 2792
Tom Campbell: A Recent Physics Experiment and What it Means to You
In recent news, ANU (Australian National University) physicists carried out an experiment thought out by Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler.
Tom discu...
In recent news, ANU (Australian National University) physicists carried out an experiment thought out by Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler.
Tom discusses the results of this experiment, the impact it has on materialist reductionism, and the implications it has in our lives.
The identity Tom has used for years, and his MBT science supports, is:
R=I. Reality equals information.
Tom's My Big TOE viewpoint is such that it doesn't exclude anyone, "Everyone can play this game."
His science term LCS: "A derivation of an entity that performs the functions of God." "The root of all existence without the dogma, creed, and beliefs."
http://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/experiment-confirms-quantum-theory-weirdness ANU
http://www.mybigTOE.com Tom's website
http://www.mbtevents.com Tom's event and workshop website
Check the future events page for his next workshops.
wn.com/Tom Campbell A Recent Physics Experiment And What It Means To You
In recent news, ANU (Australian National University) physicists carried out an experiment thought out by Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler.
Tom discusses the results of this experiment, the impact it has on materialist reductionism, and the implications it has in our lives.
The identity Tom has used for years, and his MBT science supports, is:
R=I. Reality equals information.
Tom's My Big TOE viewpoint is such that it doesn't exclude anyone, "Everyone can play this game."
His science term LCS: "A derivation of an entity that performs the functions of God." "The root of all existence without the dogma, creed, and beliefs."
http://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/experiment-confirms-quantum-theory-weirdness ANU
http://www.mybigTOE.com Tom's website
http://www.mbtevents.com Tom's event and workshop website
Check the future events page for his next workshops.
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 1938
PHYSICS! - Lethal League w/ The Anime Man and Misty Chronexia
Check out my buds who played with me!
The Anime Man (Joey) - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAn1meMan
Misty Chronexia - https://www.youtube.co...
Check out my buds who played with me!
The Anime Man (Joey) - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAn1meMan
Misty Chronexia - https://www.youtube.com/user/ChronexiaMisty
You can get lethal league here:
Channel banner done by: http://packge.deviantart.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lost_Pause_
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/lost_pause_
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
wn.com/Physics Lethal League W The Anime Man And Misty Chronexia
Check out my buds who played with me!
The Anime Man (Joey) - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAn1meMan
Misty Chronexia - https://www.youtube.com/user/ChronexiaMisty
You can get lethal league here:
Channel banner done by: http://packge.deviantart.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lost_Pause_
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/lost_pause_
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
- published: 13 Dec 2015
- views: 44021
Human Brain And Quantum Physics ( Science ) - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics. Credits to ATHENE'S
the following documentary presents new developments...
Human Brain And Quantum Physics - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics. Credits to ATHENE'S
the following documentary presents new developments in neuroscience and a solution to current unsolved problems in physics, Solely focused on scientifically verified data, it also has philosophical repercussions to life, death and the origins of universe.
Dr. Granville Dharmawardena of the University of Colombo writes that psychologists often speak of the mind and the body as two separate entities for convenience, but most acknowledge that they are intimately entwined. Yet none knows exactly how or how intimately. So the mind body problem keeps stubbornly resisting a definite solution. Philosopher John Searle (Mills Professor of Philosophy, University of California, and Berkley) says that today’s philosophers are reluctant to tackle such big problems as how people have been trying to understand their relationship to the universe.
All these refer to the elusive relationship between the body and the mind referred to more generally as the brain-mind problem. The brain-mind relationship has baffled mankind for a very long time. One main reason for this is that it was not considered as a candidate for scientific study until recently.
Psychology and related sciences were able to continue for many years by either ignoring the brain entirely or at best treating it as a black box whose rules of operation could be understood without reference to its internal contents or composition.
The human brain without doubt is the most complex organ in the known universe. It is physical and biological. Therefore, it has to be amenable to scientific probing without the intervention of such considerations as the Gödel’s theorem, which states that there are statements in mathematical systems which are true but cannot be proven within those systems.
Attempts to understand the brain-mind problem within Newton’s universe over centuries have introduced divisions and concepts that have become detrimental to having a new look at it from the point of view of modern science, more specifically quantum mechanics. . Just as the Earth was proved not to be the center of the universe, our current theories that govern our physical universe such as Einstein’s gravity theory and others may become obsolete in our understanding of reality. For example, astrophysicist can only account for about 10% of the matter in the universe. Dark matter was invented to account for the other 90%, but no one knows if dark matter even exists. Could it be that our theories are really 90% wrong, dark matter doesn’t exist, and there are actually other things that are beyond our current comprehensive ability that determine our perception of our universe and reality? Most likely, yes.
In trying to interpret the mechanisms of operation of the human brain and developing a model for consciousness that explain all practical observations, it is necessary first of all to jettison traditional thinking and clean up the mess created by human genius. It is also necessary to enlist all the observed properties of the brain and consciousness and ensure that the developed model explains all of them.
There is general agreement that the seat of consciousness is the brain in Human beings. We can go along with this concept. Philosopher Colin McGinn (Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University, New Jersey the USA) introduces a property of the brain of which the brain is the basis of consciousness and a theory which fully explains the dependence of conscious states on brain states. He adds that if we knew the theory, then we have a constructive solution to the mind-body problem.
It is reasonable to consider a property of the brain, but it is not possible at this stage to shut the possibility that, as Nobel Laureate Neurobiologist Sir John Eccles points out, the scope of consciousness may not remain limited within the confines of the human skull. This is especially so because many of our practical observations and those of many others clearly show that consciousness, at times, can remain completely dis-embodied. We can hence, focus our attention on understanding three factors, the nature of consciousness, the property of the brain that enables consciousness to operate within the brain, and a model that explains the behavior of the brain and consciousness as practically observed.
The brain, which is material, has received much attention over a very long period from both classical and modern scientists. The classical science explanation of the structure and the mechanisms of operation of the brain is easily accessible through medical and biology text books.
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wn.com/Human Brain And Quantum Physics ( Science ) Full Documentary Hd
Human Brain And Quantum Physics - Full Documentary HD
Human Brain And Quantum Physics. Credits to ATHENE'S
the following documentary presents new developments in neuroscience and a solution to current unsolved problems in physics, Solely focused on scientifically verified data, it also has philosophical repercussions to life, death and the origins of universe.
Dr. Granville Dharmawardena of the University of Colombo writes that psychologists often speak of the mind and the body as two separate entities for convenience, but most acknowledge that they are intimately entwined. Yet none knows exactly how or how intimately. So the mind body problem keeps stubbornly resisting a definite solution. Philosopher John Searle (Mills Professor of Philosophy, University of California, and Berkley) says that today’s philosophers are reluctant to tackle such big problems as how people have been trying to understand their relationship to the universe.
All these refer to the elusive relationship between the body and the mind referred to more generally as the brain-mind problem. The brain-mind relationship has baffled mankind for a very long time. One main reason for this is that it was not considered as a candidate for scientific study until recently.
Psychology and related sciences were able to continue for many years by either ignoring the brain entirely or at best treating it as a black box whose rules of operation could be understood without reference to its internal contents or composition.
The human brain without doubt is the most complex organ in the known universe. It is physical and biological. Therefore, it has to be amenable to scientific probing without the intervention of such considerations as the Gödel’s theorem, which states that there are statements in mathematical systems which are true but cannot be proven within those systems.
Attempts to understand the brain-mind problem within Newton’s universe over centuries have introduced divisions and concepts that have become detrimental to having a new look at it from the point of view of modern science, more specifically quantum mechanics. . Just as the Earth was proved not to be the center of the universe, our current theories that govern our physical universe such as Einstein’s gravity theory and others may become obsolete in our understanding of reality. For example, astrophysicist can only account for about 10% of the matter in the universe. Dark matter was invented to account for the other 90%, but no one knows if dark matter even exists. Could it be that our theories are really 90% wrong, dark matter doesn’t exist, and there are actually other things that are beyond our current comprehensive ability that determine our perception of our universe and reality? Most likely, yes.
In trying to interpret the mechanisms of operation of the human brain and developing a model for consciousness that explain all practical observations, it is necessary first of all to jettison traditional thinking and clean up the mess created by human genius. It is also necessary to enlist all the observed properties of the brain and consciousness and ensure that the developed model explains all of them.
There is general agreement that the seat of consciousness is the brain in Human beings. We can go along with this concept. Philosopher Colin McGinn (Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University, New Jersey the USA) introduces a property of the brain of which the brain is the basis of consciousness and a theory which fully explains the dependence of conscious states on brain states. He adds that if we knew the theory, then we have a constructive solution to the mind-body problem.
It is reasonable to consider a property of the brain, but it is not possible at this stage to shut the possibility that, as Nobel Laureate Neurobiologist Sir John Eccles points out, the scope of consciousness may not remain limited within the confines of the human skull. This is especially so because many of our practical observations and those of many others clearly show that consciousness, at times, can remain completely dis-embodied. We can hence, focus our attention on understanding three factors, the nature of consciousness, the property of the brain that enables consciousness to operate within the brain, and a model that explains the behavior of the brain and consciousness as practically observed.
The brain, which is material, has received much attention over a very long period from both classical and modern scientists. The classical science explanation of the structure and the mechanisms of operation of the brain is easily accessible through medical and biology text books.
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- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 236
Quantum Theory - Full Documentary HD
Watch the dark side of Quantum Physics -- http://youtu.be/bPx_Vvjpw9Y
The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD 2014
http://www.advexon.com For more Scientifi...
Watch the dark side of Quantum Physics -- http://youtu.be/bPx_Vvjpw9Y
The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD 2014
http://www.advexon.com For more Scientific DOCUMENTARIES.
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Quantum mechanics (QM -- also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter. Quantum mechanics provides a substantially useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements including the behavior of atoms during chemical bonding and has played a significant role in the development of many modern technologies.
In advanced topics of quantum mechanics, some of these behaviors are macroscopic (see macroscopic quantum phenomena) and emerge at only extreme (i.e., very low or very high) energies or temperatures (such as in the use of superconducting magnets). For example, the angular momentum of an electron bound to an atom or molecule is quantized. In contrast, the angular momentum of an unbound electron is not quantized. In the context of quantum mechanics, the wave--particle duality of energy and matter and the uncertainty principle provide a unified view of the behavior of photons, electrons, and other atomic-scale objects.
The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are abstract. A mathematical function, the wavefunction, provides information about the probability amplitude of position, momentum, and other physical properties of a particle. Mathematical manipulations of the wavefunction usually involve bra--ket notation which requires an understanding of complex numbers and linear functionals. The wavefunction formulation treats the particle as a quantum harmonic oscillator, and the mathematics is akin to that describing acoustic resonance. Many of the results of quantum mechanics are not easily visualized in terms of classical mechanics. For instance, in a quantum mechanical model the lowest energy state of a system, the ground state, is non-zero as opposed to a more "traditional" ground state with zero kinetic energy (all particles at rest). Instead of a traditional static, unchanging zero energy state, quantum mechanics allows for far more dynamic, chaotic possibilities, according to John Wheeler.
The earliest versions of quantum mechanics were formulated in the first decade of the 20th century. About this time, the atomic theory and the corpuscular theory of light (as updated by Einstein)[1] first came to be widely accepted as scientific fact; these latter theories can be viewed as quantum theories of matter and electromagnetic radiation, respectively. Early quantum theory was significantly reformulated in the mid-1920s by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Pascual Jordan, (matrix mechanics); Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrödinger (wave mechanics); and Wolfgang Pauli and Satyendra Nath Bose (statistics of subatomic particles). Moreover, the Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr became widely accepted. By 1930, quantum mechanics had been further unified and formalized by the work of David Hilbert, Paul Dirac and John von Neumann[2] with a greater emphasis placed on measurement in quantum mechanics, the statistical nature of our knowledge of reality, and philosophical speculation about the role of the observer. Quantum mechanics has since permeated throughout many aspects of 20th-century physics and other disciplines including quantum chemistry, quantum electronics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. Much 19th-century physics has been re-evaluated as the "classical limit" of quantum mechanics and its more advanced developments in terms of quantum field theory, string theory, and speculative quantum gravity theories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsVGut7G-dU
wn.com/Quantum Theory Full Documentary Hd
Watch the dark side of Quantum Physics -- http://youtu.be/bPx_Vvjpw9Y
The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD 2014
http://www.advexon.com For more Scientific DOCUMENTARIES.
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Quantum mechanics (QM -- also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter. Quantum mechanics provides a substantially useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements including the behavior of atoms during chemical bonding and has played a significant role in the development of many modern technologies.
In advanced topics of quantum mechanics, some of these behaviors are macroscopic (see macroscopic quantum phenomena) and emerge at only extreme (i.e., very low or very high) energies or temperatures (such as in the use of superconducting magnets). For example, the angular momentum of an electron bound to an atom or molecule is quantized. In contrast, the angular momentum of an unbound electron is not quantized. In the context of quantum mechanics, the wave--particle duality of energy and matter and the uncertainty principle provide a unified view of the behavior of photons, electrons, and other atomic-scale objects.
The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are abstract. A mathematical function, the wavefunction, provides information about the probability amplitude of position, momentum, and other physical properties of a particle. Mathematical manipulations of the wavefunction usually involve bra--ket notation which requires an understanding of complex numbers and linear functionals. The wavefunction formulation treats the particle as a quantum harmonic oscillator, and the mathematics is akin to that describing acoustic resonance. Many of the results of quantum mechanics are not easily visualized in terms of classical mechanics. For instance, in a quantum mechanical model the lowest energy state of a system, the ground state, is non-zero as opposed to a more "traditional" ground state with zero kinetic energy (all particles at rest). Instead of a traditional static, unchanging zero energy state, quantum mechanics allows for far more dynamic, chaotic possibilities, according to John Wheeler.
The earliest versions of quantum mechanics were formulated in the first decade of the 20th century. About this time, the atomic theory and the corpuscular theory of light (as updated by Einstein)[1] first came to be widely accepted as scientific fact; these latter theories can be viewed as quantum theories of matter and electromagnetic radiation, respectively. Early quantum theory was significantly reformulated in the mid-1920s by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Pascual Jordan, (matrix mechanics); Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrödinger (wave mechanics); and Wolfgang Pauli and Satyendra Nath Bose (statistics of subatomic particles). Moreover, the Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr became widely accepted. By 1930, quantum mechanics had been further unified and formalized by the work of David Hilbert, Paul Dirac and John von Neumann[2] with a greater emphasis placed on measurement in quantum mechanics, the statistical nature of our knowledge of reality, and philosophical speculation about the role of the observer. Quantum mechanics has since permeated throughout many aspects of 20th-century physics and other disciplines including quantum chemistry, quantum electronics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. Much 19th-century physics has been re-evaluated as the "classical limit" of quantum mechanics and its more advanced developments in terms of quantum field theory, string theory, and speculative quantum gravity theories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsVGut7G-dU
- published: 25 May 2014
- views: 1015364
Physics of Volleyball
This video is about the physics of volleyball
Physics Demonstrations in Heat [Trailer]
Demonstrations in thermal properties of matter, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermodynamics.
For more info and purchasing, visit http://www.physicscurriculum.com/heat
The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a comprehensive collection of video demonstrations, supplementing the instructor’s live classroom demonstrations. Instructors will find the program suitable for hi
Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics - Dr. Maosen Zhong
Dr. Maosen Zhong - Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
▶ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/LQngsg
Presented by: Dr. Maosen Zhong
Pureland Learning College Association
Date: 24 April 2003
Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
Venerable Master Chin Kung's Collected Talks:
Lucid Physics Beta - Cloth tearing PFlow display operator
Copyright and with proud permission to upload by Ephere Inc!
check out their awesome creations here: http://www.ephere.com
Learn how to improve your physical effects by allowing cloth objects to tear due to stress or your custom texture maps in this video. We also go over the new Particle Flow Display operator which
visualizes, meshes, and renders particles from the other two PFlow operators in
Physics World Breakthrough of the Year 2015 - Meet the winners Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu
In this Hangout, physicsworld.com editor Hamish Johnston will catch up with Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China: the winners of the 2015 Physics World Breakthrough of the Year. Tune in on Friday 11 December, at 9:00 GMT to meet the quantum teleporters.
Read more about the award here: http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2015/dec/11/double-quantu
Physics - Mechanics: Ch 16 Simple Harmonic Motion (9 of 19) Trig Equations w/ Phase Angle
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures!
In this video I will find v(t)=? and a(t)=? given x(t)=Acos(wt) using algebra.
Next video can be seen at:
physics 20
How length of the pendulum affects period by Abdi Yusuf
The #Physics, #Evolution, & #Neuroscience of Donald Trump
This is a comedy video about 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Views expressed are ENTIRELY my own and do NOT reflect those of the Chicago Council on Science and Technology or any of our sponsoring organizations or sycophants.
Robert Trivers - Self-Deception an Evolutionary Advantage - http://go.shr.lc/1QwN41b
Hot Air Balloon Setup - markfreeman408 - http://go.shr.lc/1M4MyPy
Trust in Physics
physics F2A0606C C8AA 4947 98D4 79DBF245D1D5
NHL 2015 - "awesome physics" goal :D
Physics of Throwing a Baseball
Mitchell and David's Ap Physics movie
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Minute to Win It (With Physics!)
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Physics of Volleyball
This video is about the physics of volleyball...
This video is about the physics of volleyball
wn.com/Physics Of Volleyball
This video is about the physics of volleyball
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Physics Demonstrations in Heat [Trailer]
Demonstrations in thermal properties of matter, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermodynamics.
For more info and purchasing, visit http://www.physicscurricul...
Demonstrations in thermal properties of matter, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermodynamics.
For more info and purchasing, visit http://www.physicscurriculum.com/heat
The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a comprehensive collection of video demonstrations, supplementing the instructor’s live classroom demonstrations. Instructors will find the program suitable for high school as well as introductory level college physics classes.
The selection of demonstrations includes those which are difficult to perform in the classroom and those requiring apparatus not readily accessible to many physics teachers. Detailed observation of the demonstrations is accomplished through use of a filming approach which focuses solely on the apparatus, allowing the teacher to utilize the program in a way which is consistent with his or her personal instructional approach. The voice over narration eliminates the on-screen presenter and allows attention to be directed to the physical behavior being studied.
Music by John Hilsen
wn.com/Physics Demonstrations In Heat Trailer
Demonstrations in thermal properties of matter, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermodynamics.
For more info and purchasing, visit http://www.physicscurriculum.com/heat
The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a comprehensive collection of video demonstrations, supplementing the instructor’s live classroom demonstrations. Instructors will find the program suitable for high school as well as introductory level college physics classes.
The selection of demonstrations includes those which are difficult to perform in the classroom and those requiring apparatus not readily accessible to many physics teachers. Detailed observation of the demonstrations is accomplished through use of a filming approach which focuses solely on the apparatus, allowing the teacher to utilize the program in a way which is consistent with his or her personal instructional approach. The voice over narration eliminates the on-screen presenter and allows attention to be directed to the physical behavior being studied.
Music by John Hilsen
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 25
Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics - Dr. Maosen Zhong
Dr. Maosen Zhong - Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
▶ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/LQngsg
Presented by: Dr. Maosen Zhong
Pureland Learning College ...
Dr. Maosen Zhong - Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
▶ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/LQngsg
Presented by: Dr. Maosen Zhong
Pureland Learning College Association
Date: 24 April 2003
Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
Venerable Master Chin Kung's Collected Talks:
Traditional Buddhism is not a religion but an education about the truth of life and the universe. Modern science has gradually verified what Buddha Shakyamuni taught in the sutras (i.e., Buddhist texts). It would be interesting to contrast the new physics discoveries about the universe with the statements in the sutras. In this paper, we summarize some key discoveries about the universe from Americas National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) on-line cosmology literature.
The purpose of this preliminary study is to stimulate our thinking and discussion of the truth about our universe. We believe that each religion has insightful descriptions about the truth of life and the universe. It is important for religious followers to study their own scriptures and understand these truths.
Modern cosmology attempts to describe how the universe started and developed. The subject is built upon quantum mechanics and Albert Einsteins Theories of Relativity. Most of the discoveries are derived from highly advanced mathematical principles and are quite difficult for a person without sufficient knowledge in physics and mathematics to comprehend. However, we do not intend to focus on the technical details of those mathematical formulas here. What is important are the messages that emerge from this scientific research. We will elaborate on some key discoveries of space physics research, which appear amazingly similar to what Buddha Shakyamuni had taught 3000 years ago.
1 NASA, founded in 1958, is the worlds leading research agency in aerospace and physics.
2 The time frame of 3000 years is calculated from Chinese records which differs from those of other countries.. Most scholars hold that Buddha Shakyamuni lived about 2500 years ago.
In this paper, we present three key messages derived from modern cosmology and quantum physics, which are essentially the same as some of the Buddhas profound teachings about the universe. Below we try to use easy-to-understand language to explain the ideas, avoiding complicated mathematical equations, because we expect our audience to be the general public, not physics professionals. These three key messages are:
1) Distance and time are illusory;
2) Things can be created from nothing;
3) The origin of the universe.
wn.com/Messages From New Discoveries In Space Physics Dr. Maosen Zhong
Dr. Maosen Zhong - Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
▶ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/LQngsg
Presented by: Dr. Maosen Zhong
Pureland Learning College Association
Date: 24 April 2003
Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics
Venerable Master Chin Kung's Collected Talks:
Traditional Buddhism is not a religion but an education about the truth of life and the universe. Modern science has gradually verified what Buddha Shakyamuni taught in the sutras (i.e., Buddhist texts). It would be interesting to contrast the new physics discoveries about the universe with the statements in the sutras. In this paper, we summarize some key discoveries about the universe from Americas National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) on-line cosmology literature.
The purpose of this preliminary study is to stimulate our thinking and discussion of the truth about our universe. We believe that each religion has insightful descriptions about the truth of life and the universe. It is important for religious followers to study their own scriptures and understand these truths.
Modern cosmology attempts to describe how the universe started and developed. The subject is built upon quantum mechanics and Albert Einsteins Theories of Relativity. Most of the discoveries are derived from highly advanced mathematical principles and are quite difficult for a person without sufficient knowledge in physics and mathematics to comprehend. However, we do not intend to focus on the technical details of those mathematical formulas here. What is important are the messages that emerge from this scientific research. We will elaborate on some key discoveries of space physics research, which appear amazingly similar to what Buddha Shakyamuni had taught 3000 years ago.
1 NASA, founded in 1958, is the worlds leading research agency in aerospace and physics.
2 The time frame of 3000 years is calculated from Chinese records which differs from those of other countries.. Most scholars hold that Buddha Shakyamuni lived about 2500 years ago.
In this paper, we present three key messages derived from modern cosmology and quantum physics, which are essentially the same as some of the Buddhas profound teachings about the universe. Below we try to use easy-to-understand language to explain the ideas, avoiding complicated mathematical equations, because we expect our audience to be the general public, not physics professionals. These three key messages are:
1) Distance and time are illusory;
2) Things can be created from nothing;
3) The origin of the universe.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 5
Lucid Physics Beta - Cloth tearing PFlow display operator
Copyright and with proud permission to upload by Ephere Inc!
check out their awesome creations here: http://www.ephere.com
Learn how to improve your physical e...
Copyright and with proud permission to upload by Ephere Inc!
check out their awesome creations here: http://www.ephere.com
Learn how to improve your physical effects by allowing cloth objects to tear due to stress or your custom texture maps in this video. We also go over the new Particle Flow Display operator which
visualizes, meshes, and renders particles from the other two PFlow operators in Lucid.
Lucid is a simple to use, yet powerful, multi-physics plugin for 3dsmax capable of simulating fluids, cloth, rigids, and soft bodies. It is currently in beta testing stage.
Please drop us a line with your ephere.com username if you would like to beta test: ephere.com/contact.html
Lucid project page: ephere.com/plugins/autodesk/max/lucid/
Download sample scene: ephere.com/plugins/autodesk/max/lucid/docs/1/Sample_Scenes.html
wn.com/Lucid Physics Beta Cloth Tearing Pflow Display Operator
Copyright and with proud permission to upload by Ephere Inc!
check out their awesome creations here: http://www.ephere.com
Learn how to improve your physical effects by allowing cloth objects to tear due to stress or your custom texture maps in this video. We also go over the new Particle Flow Display operator which
visualizes, meshes, and renders particles from the other two PFlow operators in Lucid.
Lucid is a simple to use, yet powerful, multi-physics plugin for 3dsmax capable of simulating fluids, cloth, rigids, and soft bodies. It is currently in beta testing stage.
Please drop us a line with your ephere.com username if you would like to beta test: ephere.com/contact.html
Lucid project page: ephere.com/plugins/autodesk/max/lucid/
Download sample scene: ephere.com/plugins/autodesk/max/lucid/docs/1/Sample_Scenes.html
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 318
Physics World Breakthrough of the Year 2015 - Meet the winners Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu
In this Hangout, physicsworld.com editor Hamish Johnston will catch up with Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China: t...
In this Hangout, physicsworld.com editor Hamish Johnston will catch up with Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China: the winners of the 2015 Physics World Breakthrough of the Year. Tune in on Friday 11 December, at 9:00 GMT to meet the quantum teleporters.
Read more about the award here: http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2015/dec/11/double-quantum-teleportation-milestone-is-physics-world-2015-breakthrough-of-the-year
Send us your questions on Google+ or use the #PWBreakthrough
wn.com/Physics World Breakthrough Of The Year 2015 Meet The Winners Jian Wei Pan And Chaoyang Lu
In this Hangout, physicsworld.com editor Hamish Johnston will catch up with Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China: the winners of the 2015 Physics World Breakthrough of the Year. Tune in on Friday 11 December, at 9:00 GMT to meet the quantum teleporters.
Read more about the award here: http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2015/dec/11/double-quantum-teleportation-milestone-is-physics-world-2015-breakthrough-of-the-year
Send us your questions on Google+ or use the #PWBreakthrough
- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 148
Physics - Mechanics: Ch 16 Simple Harmonic Motion (9 of 19) Trig Equations w/ Phase Angle
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures!
In this video I will find v(t)=? and a(t)=? given x(t)=Acos(wt) using algebra.
Next video ...
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures!
In this video I will find v(t)=? and a(t)=? given x(t)=Acos(wt) using algebra.
Next video can be seen at:
wn.com/Physics Mechanics Ch 16 Simple Harmonic Motion (9 Of 19) Trig Equations W Phase Angle
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures!
In this video I will find v(t)=? and a(t)=? given x(t)=Acos(wt) using algebra.
Next video can be seen at:
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 199
physics 20
How length of the pendulum affects period by Abdi Yusuf...
How length of the pendulum affects period by Abdi Yusuf
wn.com/Physics 20
How length of the pendulum affects period by Abdi Yusuf
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 2
The #Physics, #Evolution, & #Neuroscience of Donald Trump
This is a comedy video about 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Views expressed are ENTIRELY my own and do NOT reflect those of the Chicago Council on Science ...
This is a comedy video about 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Views expressed are ENTIRELY my own and do NOT reflect those of the Chicago Council on Science and Technology or any of our sponsoring organizations or sycophants.
Robert Trivers - Self-Deception an Evolutionary Advantage - http://go.shr.lc/1QwN41b
Hot Air Balloon Setup - markfreeman408 - http://go.shr.lc/1M4MyPy
Electromagnetism: The Glue of the Universe - Science Channel - http://go.shr.lc/1M4Mqzy
wn.com/The Physics, Evolution, Neuroscience Of Donald Trump
This is a comedy video about 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Views expressed are ENTIRELY my own and do NOT reflect those of the Chicago Council on Science and Technology or any of our sponsoring organizations or sycophants.
Robert Trivers - Self-Deception an Evolutionary Advantage - http://go.shr.lc/1QwN41b
Hot Air Balloon Setup - markfreeman408 - http://go.shr.lc/1M4MyPy
Electromagnetism: The Glue of the Universe - Science Channel - http://go.shr.lc/1M4Mqzy
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 11
Mitchell and David's Ap Physics movie
This video is about Mitchell and David's Ap Physics movie...
This video is about Mitchell and David's Ap Physics movie
wn.com/Mitchell And David's Ap Physics Movie
This video is about Mitchell and David's Ap Physics movie
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 3
Minute to Win It (With Physics!)
A demonstration of the first and second laws of motion, as described by our homeboy Sir Eye Zac New Ton....
A demonstration of the first and second laws of motion, as described by our homeboy Sir Eye Zac New Ton.
wn.com/Minute To Win It (With Physics )
A demonstration of the first and second laws of motion, as described by our homeboy Sir Eye Zac New Ton.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 4
Victor Stenger Skepticon 3 The Abuse of Physics by Theist and Spiritualists
Filmed and edited by Rob Lehr of Hambone Productions. Re-uploading any portion of this video is not allowed unless consent is given by Hambone Productions. I...
The Unification of Physics: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
The holy grail of physics has been to merge each of its fundamental branches into a unified “theory of everything” that would explain the functioning and existence of the universe. The last step toward this goal is to reconcile general relativity with the principles of quantum mechanics, a quest that has thus far eluded physicists. Will physics ever be able to develop an all-encompassing theory, o
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Documentary Films
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Channel - Science Documentary Films - Quantum Physics science channel documentary 2015 science documentary science channel discovery channel documentary Discovery Science quantum physics documentary discovery science channel quantum physics time physics
This is my favourite documentary. I want to s
2015 Fermilab Physics Slam
Fermilab's third annual Physics Slam, held on Nov. 20, 2015, featured five physicists vying to explain their area of study in the most entertaining way possible. Contestants included Brian Ingram, Brad Benson, Cindy Joe, Steve Nahn and Chris Marshall, and the event was hosted by Chris Miller of the College of DuPage. Visit Fermilab online at http://www.fnal.gov. Follow the lab on Facebook at http:
BBC Horizon 2015 Dancing in the Dark The End of Physics? BBC Documentary
Scientists genuinely don't know what most of our universe is made of. The atoms we're made from only make up four per cent. The rest is dark matter and dark energy (for 'dark', read 'don't know'). The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has been upgraded. When it's switched on in March 2015, its collisions will have twice the energy they did before. The hope is that scientists will discover the identity
Spiritual Physics - Swedenborg and Life
Universe or Multiverse - Quantum Physics - Documentary
Brian Cox Particle Physics Lecture at CERN
A lecture on the development of science of the standard model of high energy particle physics given to some of the CERN faculty for a demonstration of how this kind of complex science should be lectured to those with any level of science/physics background from laypeople to experts who want to keep up with current discoveries outside their field.
Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University and c
Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics
What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. "You can't argue with the laws of physics," says Griff Jones, award-winning high school physics teacher who goes behind the scenes at the Institute's Vehicle Research Center to explore the basic science behind car crashes. Using a series of vehicle maneuvers on a test track plus filmed results of vehicle crash tests,
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Quantum Physics in Modern Mathematics - Robbert Dijkgraaf
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
March 5th, 2014
Mathematics has proven to be "unreasonably effective" in understanding nature. The fundamental laws of physics can be captured in beautiful formulae. In this lecture I want to argue for the reverse effect: Nature is an important source of inspiration for mathematics, even of the purest kind. In recent years ideas
Supersymmetry: The Large Hadron Collider Returns in the Hunt for New Physics
The world’s larger particle collider is back in action and colliding particles at greater energies than ever before. We visit the scientists hoping that the unprecedented power could lead to evidence for theories like supersymmetry—brand new physics that could shed light on some of the remaining mysteries of the universe.
Subscribe to MOTHERBOARD: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-To-MOTHERBOARD
Follow M
Particle Physics 1: Introduction
Part 1 of a series: covering introduction to Quantum Field Theory, creation and annihilation operators, fields and particles.
Understanding the Physics of Electricity - Full Documentary
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects...
Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality
Want to learn more about quantum entanglement? Check out http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2014/09/overview-of-quantum-entanglement.html
Want to learn, even more, on Quantum Entanglement, Black Holes and the Holographic Principle? Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIJ44AtCCi8&feature;=autoshare
A historical account from 1985 of the long standing debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein regar
Victor Stenger Skepticon 3 The Abuse of Physics by Theist and Spiritualists
Filmed and edited by Rob Lehr of Hambone Productions. Re-uploading any portion of this video is not allowed unless consent is given by Hambone Productions. I......
Filmed and edited by Rob Lehr of Hambone Productions. Re-uploading any portion of this video is not allowed unless consent is given by Hambone Productions. I...
wn.com/Victor Stenger Skepticon 3 The Abuse Of Physics By Theist And Spiritualists
Filmed and edited by Rob Lehr of Hambone Productions. Re-uploading any portion of this video is not allowed unless consent is given by Hambone Productions. I...
The Unification of Physics: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
The holy grail of physics has been to merge each of its fundamental branches into a unified “theory of everything” that would explain the functioning and existe...
The holy grail of physics has been to merge each of its fundamental branches into a unified “theory of everything” that would explain the functioning and existence of the universe. The last step toward this goal is to reconcile general relativity with the principles of quantum mechanics, a quest that has thus far eluded physicists. Will physics ever be able to develop an all-encompassing theory, or should we simply acknowledge that science will always have inherent limitations as to what can be known? Should new theories be validated solely on the basis of calculations that can never be empirically tested? Can we ever truly grasp the implications of modern physics when the basic laws of nature do not always operate according to our standard paradigms?
Featuring physicists Katherine Freese, Marcelo Gleiser, and Max Tegmark. Hosted by Steve Paulson.
December 10, 2014
The New York Academy of Sciences
wn.com/The Unification Of Physics The Quest For A Theory Of Everything
The holy grail of physics has been to merge each of its fundamental branches into a unified “theory of everything” that would explain the functioning and existence of the universe. The last step toward this goal is to reconcile general relativity with the principles of quantum mechanics, a quest that has thus far eluded physicists. Will physics ever be able to develop an all-encompassing theory, or should we simply acknowledge that science will always have inherent limitations as to what can be known? Should new theories be validated solely on the basis of calculations that can never be empirically tested? Can we ever truly grasp the implications of modern physics when the basic laws of nature do not always operate according to our standard paradigms?
Featuring physicists Katherine Freese, Marcelo Gleiser, and Max Tegmark. Hosted by Steve Paulson.
December 10, 2014
The New York Academy of Sciences
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 112
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Documentary Films
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Channel - Science Documentary Films - Quantum Physics science channel documentary 2015 s...
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Channel - Science Documentary Films - Quantum Physics science channel documentary 2015 science documentary science channel discovery channel documentary Discovery Science quantum physics documentary discovery science channel quantum physics time physics
This is my favourite documentary. I want to share it with you.
Thanks for Watching. Please Like, Comment And Share on G+, Facebook, Tweet...
Subscribe My YT Channel !
wn.com/Science Documentary The Illusion Of Time Quantum Physics | Discovery Documentary Films
Science Documentary -The Illusion Of Time - Quantum Physics | Discovery Channel - Science Documentary Films - Quantum Physics science channel documentary 2015 science documentary science channel discovery channel documentary Discovery Science quantum physics documentary discovery science channel quantum physics time physics
This is my favourite documentary. I want to share it with you.
Thanks for Watching. Please Like, Comment And Share on G+, Facebook, Tweet...
Subscribe My YT Channel !
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 2814
2015 Fermilab Physics Slam
Fermilab's third annual Physics Slam, held on Nov. 20, 2015, featured five physicists vying to explain their area of study in the most entertaining way possible...
Fermilab's third annual Physics Slam, held on Nov. 20, 2015, featured five physicists vying to explain their area of study in the most entertaining way possible. Contestants included Brian Ingram, Brad Benson, Cindy Joe, Steve Nahn and Chris Marshall, and the event was hosted by Chris Miller of the College of DuPage. Visit Fermilab online at http://www.fnal.gov. Follow the lab on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/fermilab and on Twitter @FermilabToday.
wn.com/2015 Fermilab Physics Slam
Fermilab's third annual Physics Slam, held on Nov. 20, 2015, featured five physicists vying to explain their area of study in the most entertaining way possible. Contestants included Brian Ingram, Brad Benson, Cindy Joe, Steve Nahn and Chris Marshall, and the event was hosted by Chris Miller of the College of DuPage. Visit Fermilab online at http://www.fnal.gov. Follow the lab on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/fermilab and on Twitter @FermilabToday.
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 1189
BBC Horizon 2015 Dancing in the Dark The End of Physics? BBC Documentary
Scientists genuinely don't know what most of our universe is made of. The atoms we're made from only make up four per cent. The rest is dark matter and dark ene...
Scientists genuinely don't know what most of our universe is made of. The atoms we're made from only make up four per cent. The rest is dark matter and dark energy (for 'dark', read 'don't know'). The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has been upgraded. When it's switched on in March 2015, its collisions will have twice the energy they did before. The hope is that scientists will discover the identity of dark matter in the debris.
The stakes are high - because if dark matter fails to show itself, it might mean that physics itself needs a rethink.
wn.com/BBC Horizon 2015 Dancing In The Dark The End Of Physics BBC Documentary
Scientists genuinely don't know what most of our universe is made of. The atoms we're made from only make up four per cent. The rest is dark matter and dark energy (for 'dark', read 'don't know'). The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has been upgraded. When it's switched on in March 2015, its collisions will have twice the energy they did before. The hope is that scientists will discover the identity of dark matter in the debris.
The stakes are high - because if dark matter fails to show itself, it might mean that physics itself needs a rethink.
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 2291
Brian Cox Particle Physics Lecture at CERN
A lecture on the development of science of the standard model of high energy particle physics given to some of the CERN faculty for a demonstration of how this ...
A lecture on the development of science of the standard model of high energy particle physics given to some of the CERN faculty for a demonstration of how this kind of complex science should be lectured to those with any level of science/physics background from laypeople to experts who want to keep up with current discoveries outside their field.
Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University and contributor to the LHC's ATLAS and LHCb experiments, is one of the best public educators of physics of our time. He has a huge charisma and character to keep an audience's attention to fundamental topics in physics, keeping the sense of wonder in the content that is sometimes is sucked out while at the same time keeping the content from being too simplified.
His talks are always very good and try to include as many people as possible into scientific discovery and the wonders of nature which shape our individual understanding and our civilization into new frontiers.
Any of his tv series, including "Wonders of the Solar System", and his books including my favorite "The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen", co-authored by Jeff Forshaw are also must haves for any scientist young or old.
wn.com/Brian Cox Particle Physics Lecture At Cern
A lecture on the development of science of the standard model of high energy particle physics given to some of the CERN faculty for a demonstration of how this kind of complex science should be lectured to those with any level of science/physics background from laypeople to experts who want to keep up with current discoveries outside their field.
Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University and contributor to the LHC's ATLAS and LHCb experiments, is one of the best public educators of physics of our time. He has a huge charisma and character to keep an audience's attention to fundamental topics in physics, keeping the sense of wonder in the content that is sometimes is sucked out while at the same time keeping the content from being too simplified.
His talks are always very good and try to include as many people as possible into scientific discovery and the wonders of nature which shape our individual understanding and our civilization into new frontiers.
Any of his tv series, including "Wonders of the Solar System", and his books including my favorite "The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen", co-authored by Jeff Forshaw are also must haves for any scientist young or old.
- published: 23 Sep 2014
- views: 106981
Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics
What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. "You can't argue with the laws of physics," says Griff Jones, award-winning hi...
What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. "You can't argue with the laws of physics," says Griff Jones, award-winning high school physics teacher who goes behind the scenes at the Institute's Vehicle Research Center to explore the basic science behind car crashes. Using a series of vehicle maneuvers on a test track plus filmed results of vehicle crash tests, Jones explains in anything but lecture style the concept of inertia, the relationship between crash forces and inertia, momentum and impulse, and a lot more.
Quote from Paul G. Hewitt, the developer of the "Conceptual Physics" curriculum and author of the best selling text book by the same name: "The video "Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics" and accompanying teacher's guide are wonderful. The pacing is excellent, the coverage fascinating, and most importantly, the physics is correct. It's a first rate teaching package. I give it five stars!"
2000 | 22 minutes | contains updated footage and additional material for teachers
To obtain a DVD copy, go to http://www.iihs.org/videos/default.html
wn.com/Understanding Car Crashes It's Basic Physics
What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. "You can't argue with the laws of physics," says Griff Jones, award-winning high school physics teacher who goes behind the scenes at the Institute's Vehicle Research Center to explore the basic science behind car crashes. Using a series of vehicle maneuvers on a test track plus filmed results of vehicle crash tests, Jones explains in anything but lecture style the concept of inertia, the relationship between crash forces and inertia, momentum and impulse, and a lot more.
Quote from Paul G. Hewitt, the developer of the "Conceptual Physics" curriculum and author of the best selling text book by the same name: "The video "Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics" and accompanying teacher's guide are wonderful. The pacing is excellent, the coverage fascinating, and most importantly, the physics is correct. It's a first rate teaching package. I give it five stars!"
2000 | 22 minutes | contains updated footage and additional material for teachers
To obtain a DVD copy, go to http://www.iihs.org/videos/default.html
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 301
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Quantum Physics in Modern Mathematics - Robbert Dijkgraaf
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
March 5th, 2014
Mathematics has proven to be "unreasonably effective" in understanding natu...
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
March 5th, 2014
Mathematics has proven to be "unreasonably effective" in understanding nature. The fundamental laws of physics can be captured in beautiful formulae. In this lecture I want to argue for the reverse effect: Nature is an important source of inspiration for mathematics, even of the purest kind. In recent years ideas from quantum field theory, elementary particles physics and string theory have completely transformed mathematics, leading to solutions of deep problems, suggesting new invariants in geometry and topology, and, perhaps most importantly, putting modern mathematical ideas in a `natural’ context.
visit Perimeter Institute's website to find this and other speakers
wn.com/The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Quantum Physics In Modern Mathematics Robbert Dijkgraaf
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
March 5th, 2014
Mathematics has proven to be "unreasonably effective" in understanding nature. The fundamental laws of physics can be captured in beautiful formulae. In this lecture I want to argue for the reverse effect: Nature is an important source of inspiration for mathematics, even of the purest kind. In recent years ideas from quantum field theory, elementary particles physics and string theory have completely transformed mathematics, leading to solutions of deep problems, suggesting new invariants in geometry and topology, and, perhaps most importantly, putting modern mathematical ideas in a `natural’ context.
visit Perimeter Institute's website to find this and other speakers
- published: 30 Mar 2015
- views: 0
Supersymmetry: The Large Hadron Collider Returns in the Hunt for New Physics
The world’s larger particle collider is back in action and colliding particles at greater energies than ever before. We visit the scientists hoping that the unp...
The world’s larger particle collider is back in action and colliding particles at greater energies than ever before. We visit the scientists hoping that the unprecedented power could lead to evidence for theories like supersymmetry—brand new physics that could shed light on some of the remaining mysteries of the universe.
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More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideos
wn.com/Supersymmetry The Large Hadron Collider Returns In The Hunt For New Physics
The world’s larger particle collider is back in action and colliding particles at greater energies than ever before. We visit the scientists hoping that the unprecedented power could lead to evidence for theories like supersymmetry—brand new physics that could shed light on some of the remaining mysteries of the universe.
Subscribe to MOTHERBOARD: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-To-MOTHERBOARD
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Tumblr: http://motherboardtv.tumblr.com/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/motherboardtv
More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideos
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 301
Particle Physics 1: Introduction
Part 1 of a series: covering introduction to Quantum Field Theory, creation and annihilation operators, fields and particles....
Part 1 of a series: covering introduction to Quantum Field Theory, creation and annihilation operators, fields and particles.
wn.com/Particle Physics 1 Introduction
Part 1 of a series: covering introduction to Quantum Field Theory, creation and annihilation operators, fields and particles.
- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 61844
author: DrPhysicsA
Understanding the Physics of Electricity - Full Documentary
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects......
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects...
wn.com/Understanding The Physics Of Electricity Full Documentary
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects...
Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality
Want to learn more about quantum entanglement? Check out http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2014/09/overview-of-quantum-entanglement.html
Want to learn, even more, on Q...
Want to learn more about quantum entanglement? Check out http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2014/09/overview-of-quantum-entanglement.html
Want to learn, even more, on Quantum Entanglement, Black Holes and the Holographic Principle? Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIJ44AtCCi8&feature;=autoshare
A historical account from 1985 of the long standing debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein regarding the validity of the quantum mechanical description of atomic phenomena and observation of quantum states with respect to the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement . Starring some famous physicists, John Archibald Wheeler, John Stewart Bell, Alain Aspect, David Bohm and others. Interesting stuff.
© 1985 Jorlunde Film Denmark with sound editing (due to original file corruption) by Muon Ray
wn.com/Quantum Entanglement Documentary Atomic Physics And Reality
Want to learn more about quantum entanglement? Check out http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2014/09/overview-of-quantum-entanglement.html
Want to learn, even more, on Quantum Entanglement, Black Holes and the Holographic Principle? Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIJ44AtCCi8&feature;=autoshare
A historical account from 1985 of the long standing debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein regarding the validity of the quantum mechanical description of atomic phenomena and observation of quantum states with respect to the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement . Starring some famous physicists, John Archibald Wheeler, John Stewart Bell, Alain Aspect, David Bohm and others. Interesting stuff.
© 1985 Jorlunde Film Denmark with sound editing (due to original file corruption) by Muon Ray
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 290919