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Police question Nagambie GP over "lethal dose" to help patient die

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Richard Baker, Nick McKenzie

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Did this GP help patients die?

Homicide squad detectives have questioned Nagambie doctor Alan Kosky over his treatment decisions regarding some elderly patients.

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"She has had enough".

After writing this short sentence in the file of Violet Nolan on May 11, 2012, Dr Alan Kosky wrote another. He ordered nurses to administer powerful drugs that would help end the elderly woman's life: "After the family have all said their goodbyes ... it is time to start the pump."

Nolan was a patient at the small lakeside hospital in the picturesque Victorian town of Nagambie, about 120 kilometres north of Melbourne.

Dr Alan Kosky, in Nagambie this week, faces questions over his provision of end-of-life care.

Dr Alan Kosky, in Nagambie this week, faces questions over his provision of end-of-life care. Photo: Jason South

Kosky, 63, tall and powerfully built, had been the town's doctor for 12 years. He was liked by many, particularly by the elderly patients who appreciated his manner and were grateful Nagambie had its own resident GP.

But inside the Nagambie Hospital, it was a different story. Medical staff knew that if they questioned Kosky's decisions, especially those about prescriptions and doses, he could become explosively angry.

His decision to end Nolan's life with morphine and midazolam was particularly contentious, simply because no one else believed she was terminal.

Yes, she was old, deteriorating. Occasionally she had said wished she were dead. But she was nowhere near that point.

So hospital staff did not properly follow Dr Kosky's orders. They withheld the drugs. When Dr Kosky returned to work after the weekend to discover Nolan still alive, he was furious.

Nolan, though, was happy to be alive. She awoke smiling a few mornings later and whispered to a nurse: "Still here".

Nolan died 8 months ago at the age of 93, three years after Kosky had declared she'd "had enough". Years that had ups and downs health-wise, but for the most part filled with bus trips, bingo, footy talk and the odd church service.

Homicide squad

A few weeks after Nolan's passing in April, Dr Kosky was summoned to the St Kilda Road offices of Victoria Police's homicide squad.

He was there by appointment not arrest, but he was asked some pointed questions about the fate of another of his elderly Nagambie patients, Sheila Heims. She died on New Year's Eve 2008 after what an aged-care specialist would later tell Victorian Coroner Ian Gray was a "potentially lethal dose" of drugs.

Police have not charged Dr Kosky over Heims' death, citing insufficient evidence. Coroner Gray was unable to determine the cause of her death.

Sheila Heims was under Dr Kosky's care when she died on New Year's Eve 2008.

Sheila Heims was under Dr Kosky's care when she died on New Year's Eve 2008.

Heims' records show that Dr Kosky saw her 54 times during her final weeks. Yet he only made four handwritten notes in her file, prompting Coroner Gray to accuse him of impeding a coronial inquiry.

The Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency last week asked Dr Kosky to give an undertaking that he stop practising after it took immediate action to examine his provision of end of life care. The regulator has also received notifications about his alleged falsification of records, improper prescription of opiates and Medicare billing.

Dr Kosky told Fairfax Media that he had done nothing wrong, was the victim of a witch-hunt prompted by vindictive former colleagues and would be cleared by AHPRA as soon as next week.

Still, the revelations of the police and coronial investigations into Dr Kosky will send shockwaves through Nagambie.

Did a country doctor, working largely alone, have too much unchecked power over life and death? Why was AHPRA unaware of all this until last month and why did no one in authority query the circumstances behind Dr Kosky's banning from Nagambie Hospital in 2012?

For Victoria's health system, Dr Kosky's case raises questions about the vexing and increasingly publicly debated issue of end-of-life care. When is it right to accelerate death, what is the doctor's intention and who is involved in the decision?

He was like a god

For 50 years, Sheila Heims and her husband, Ken Heims, were among Nagambie's movers and shakers. With no children, they threw everything they had into their community.

Ken was a bush football champion who later coached. Sheila was a board member of local golf and bowls clubs. She volunteered at Nagambie Hospital. The couple loved a party and a drink.

"She was out there and vibrant," recalls a close relative, who asked not to be named.

Sheila Heims and her late husband, Ken, were a lively couple who were heavily involved in the community.

Sheila Heims and her late husband, Ken, were a lively couple who were heavily involved in the community. Photo: supplied

The couple moved into supported accommodation in 2006. Ken died two years later and Sheila's health began to fall away, resulting in regular hospital admissions.

Throughout, she had complete faith in her doctor, Alan Kosky.

"She looked up to him. Whatever he said, she did. She thought he was like a god. She was always saying, Dr Kosky has told me to take this or to take that," a relative recalls.

My favourite patient

On December 28, 2008, Dr Kosky ordered Heims to be given what an aged-care specialist would later tell Coroner Gray was a "potentially lethal dose" of drugs.

As with Violet Nolan, nursing staff queried his orders. Some refused to act on them, earning a fierce rebuke.

But unlike Nolan, there would be no tale of revival for Sheila Heims. She died alone on New Year's Eve 2008 at the age of 79. No friends or family were there to say farewell.

A relative told Fairfax Media that she was shocked to learn Heims had died without family being told. "I was gob-smacked. It blew me out of the water. I would have liked to hold her hand."

Dr Kosky wrote in her file that Heims did not wish for her closest relatives to be told of her apparent decision to slip away. "This is no way to live," Dr Kosky quoted her as saying in one of the few notes he made in her file.

He told Fairfax Media this week that it was absurd for anyone to think he was not acting in Heims' best interest. "She was one of my favourite patients," he said.


Heims' records tell us very little. In one of just a handful of notes, he wrote that Heims "is starving herself to death".

"I am not happy to let her die such a ghastly death, so my plan — as discussed with Sheila — is to give morphine to relieve her pain and midazolam to sedate her, to save her being aware of her dehydration and the mental anguish she is experiencing. This is a difficult situation but Sheila has chosen her course."

Heims' records make no mention of other health professionals being involved in the decision to apply end-of-life care, contrary to hospital policies.

For four years, the circumstances of Heims' death remained unquestioned. On her death certificate, Dr Kosky attributed cause to a combination of acute renal and cardiac failure. As no other doctor was consulted before her death, there was no one to question this.

For what it is worth, Heims final blood test taken three weeks before her death indicated an almost normal kidney function.

Peer review

It was not until April 2013, a year after Violet Nolan had her near-death experience, and five years after Sheila Heims died, that something was done.

Amid continuing disquiet, Nagambie HealthCare referred five cases to Geelong aged-care specialist Daryl Pye for peer review. Still the health service failed to alert federal regulator AHPRA.

Dr Pye found Heims' death should have been reported to the coroner because it appeared she had been given a "potentially lethal dose regime of morphine".

"The combination of very high dose morphine and midazolam may have contributed to her premature death on 31.12.2008. This medical plan occurred on the background of limited symptoms, therefore making the use and amount of these drugs difficult to justify," he wrote.

Nagambie HealthCare, which runs the hospital and adjacent aged-care home, took Dr Pye's advice and referred Heims' death to Victorian Coroner Ian Gray.

The Coroner

Coroner Gray asked his court's own internal medical experts and external palliative care specialist Jennifer Philip to review the case. The paucity of records made it difficult to properly assess Dr Kosky's conduct and intent.

Associate Professor Philip noted that if pain relief was Dr Kosky's goal, then giving Heims some morphine was appropriate. But she questioned the substantial increase in morphine given to Heims shortly before her death when her records did not indicate she was in distress.

She also noted critically that the lack of involvement of other medical staff in Heims' sedation had caused "a split among her carers".

Experts from the Coroners Prevention Unit told Coroner Gray that "it was unusual to give such a large dose" to someone with "limited symptoms". And though they judged the nurses' concerns about the drugs to be valid, they also deemed Dr Kosky's actions to be reasonable as his main concern was to ease his patient's suffering.

Dr Kosky this week told Fairfax Media that his three-hour questioning by homicide detectives in May this year about Heims' death was a horrific experience.

The detectives wanted to know why he made so few notes about Heims when he had seen her – and billed Medicare – dozens of times before she died. Dr Kosky claimed that her file had been tampered with.

But Coroner Gray dismissed this claim, finding instead that Dr Kosky's lack of records "has impeded the coronial investigation".

"The fact that only four entries appear in Ms Heims' record when Dr Kosky himself provided evidence that he saw her 54 times during her admission is extremely concerning," Coroner Gray wrote, adding that he would notify AHPRA of his lack of records.

Although Coroner Gray left open the question of whether the drugs had contributed to Heims' death, Dr Kosky says his report – which was only finalised last month – vindicated his care.

A coroner noted Dr Kosky could be authoritarian.

A coroner noted Dr Kosky could be "authoritarian". Photo: Jason South

The country doctor

In June, Dr Kosky retired from practice in Nagambie after 15 years. Before this he had been practising in Tasmania, New Zealand, outback Western Australia and Queensland. But Nagambie had become home: the place his two boys grew into men; the town he represented on the tennis court.

The local newspaper published a farewell letter to the community from Dr Kosky on June 24. He announced that he and his wife, Vicki, were soon to become "grey nomads" travelling the country.

"Thank you once again for the privilege of being your GP for so many years. God bless and keep you all," he wrote.

There is no doubt some of his patients were saddened by his departure. He had been a constant in their lives. But for many past and present work colleagues, his exit brought relief. As Coroner Gray noted, he could be "authoritarian" and "strongly voice" his opinion.

Alleged assault

In 2012, the then chief executive of Nagambie HealthCare, Amanda Fieldhouse, alleged to AHPRA that Dr Kosky assaulted her in his consulting rooms. Dr Kosky denies the claim and points out that Ms Fieldhouse did not report him to police.

The report of the alleged assault took place shortly after the furore over his decision to offer end-of-life care to Violet Nolan. With no witnesses, AHPRA found it to be a case of "he said, she said" and an employment issue, not one of medical proficiency.

The regulator took no action. With the benefit of hindsight, AHPRA should have looked deeper into the reasons behind the split between doctor and CEO.

The Nagambie HealthCare board did act. It revoked Dr Kosky's rights to visit their hospital. But he still held an unbreakable long-term lease on the private clinic on hospital grounds. This left his patients in the remarkable position of being able to be treated by him in his private rooms but not in the hospital next door.

Even though Dr Kosky has not been able to set foot in the hospital for three years, he has still been able to cause tension there. In June, the same month he announced his retirement, hospital volunteer John Berry was approached by a staff member with some alarming concerns.

Berry, a former federal police officer, says he was told that Dr Kosky had instructed for one of his clinic patients to be admitted to hospital to receive an infusion of powerful painkillers and sedatives. Berry told a hospital board member who organised a meeting with the present chief executive, Bronwyn Beadle.

According to Berry, Beadle told him that she was aware of historic concerns about terminal care at the hospital but was adamant that nothing bad would happen on her watch.

No evidence

Beadle told Fairfax Media that Berry's concerns were reviewed and no evidence was found to substantiate them. She admitted that there was a question over the dose amount for a medication suggested by Dr Kosky, but said it was not an end-of-life care issue.

Dr Kosky (who despite his intended retirement was still practising last week) and his lawyers are to meet with AHPRA and a medical board next week. He is expected to argue that he is the victim of a conspiracy involving another GP he is feuding with and former hospital executives.

While much is to still play out, the few close relatives of Sheila Heims that are still alive are struggling with the shock that a cocktail of drugs rather than a pre-existing condition may have brought about her sudden death seven years ago.

"I just feel sick" said the close relative who never got a chance to hold Heims' hand as she slipped away.

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