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Gerard Baden-Clay verdict: Palaszczuk urges patience


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Baden-Clay rally: thousands expected

A rally is being organised for Friday lunch time in the Brisbane CBD to protest the decision to downgrade the murder conviction of Gerard Baden-Clay. Nine News

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Queensland's premier has urged people angry over wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay's downgraded conviction to be patient as the state's DPP considers an appeal.

Baden-Clay, who was last year sentenced to life in prison for murdering his wife Allison, earlier this month had his conviction downgraded to manslaughter on appeal, sparking community outrage.

Convicted wife-killer Gerard Baden-Clay.

Convicted wife-killer Gerard Baden-Clay. Photo: Network Ten

"This matter is an extremely emotional issue for many people across our state," Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said on Thursday.

"But I want to reassure the Queensland public that the DPP is examining this issue in detail.

"I know I'm asking Queenslanders and the public - the families out there - to be patient, but we have to let the DPP do its job."

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Photo: Bradley Kanaris

Ms Palaszczuk's plea comes after shadow attorney-general Ian Walker urged the government to speed up its decision on whether or not to appeal the downgrading of Baden-Clay's conviction.

"Although it's a very important case, the issues can be fairly quickly grabbed on to by lawyers who know what they're doing," he said.

"I believe the government could well and truly say now whether it intends to appeal this case."

A rally will be held in Brisbane's CBD on Friday to protest against the former real estate agent's conviction being downgraded.

Ms Palaszczuk said she would not attend the event and held her tongue when asked what message she had for those who planned to.

"As the premier of this state, I cannot comment on the facts of this case because I don't want to prejudice any further action that could occur," she said.

"If people want to rally, that is their democratic right."

Baden-Clay had in August challenged last year's conviction for murdering his wife on a number of grounds, including that the jury's verdict was unreasonable.

Queensland's Chief Justice Catherine Holmes and two other Court of Appeal judges set aside the verdict earlier this month and changed it to manslaughter.

Legal experts say the shock decision means Baden-Clay could be out of jail in just a few years.



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