CityKat - lifestyle blog

Smart, passionately participatory and nakedly truthful, the CityKat blog with Katherine Feeney is where sex isn’t taboo, it’s a talking point. With a mind open to every modern love, seduction and relationships dilemma you care to confess, join Kat and her brazen band of commenters every Wednesday and Friday for one of the most explicitly enticing conversations on the web.
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What if 'straight' didn't exist?

Katherine Feeney   The modern obsession with categorising our sexuality is unhealthy.

What men really think of women who make the first move

Are you the hunter or the hunted on the dating scene?

Katherine Feeney   While they may like the idea of a female lead, in practice do men prefer making the approach themselves?

Why men need to forget about 'orgasm obligation'

Men need to relieve themselves of Orgasm Anxiety.

Katherine Feeney   Orgasm anxiety is taking the fun out of sex.

Charlize Theron's rude vanishing act

Before the big freeze: Sean Penn and Charlize Theron appear together in Cannes.

Katherine Feeney   Ever stopped responding to texts, calls and emails from a lover? Then you're an impolite ghost.

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Is love worth the heartbreak?

Jennifer Lopez with her "first true heartbreak", Ben Affleck, in 2003.

Katherine Feeney   How to recover after a divorce and then a break-up.

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What's the male equivalent of a boob job?

The youngest member of the Kardashian clan, 17-year-old Kylie Jenner, fuelled speculation about a potential boob job with this revealing picture.

Katherine Feeney   None of a man's sexual elements are as public as a woman's breasts, therefore no bit belonging to a man is up for as much public debate.

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Does polyamory equal a better life?

Actors Ginnifer Goodwin, Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Chloe Sevigny starred in the popular HBO series <i>Big Love </i> which focused on polyamorous relationships.

Katherine Feeney   Can open-relationships offer people true open-mindedness?

Could marriage equality kill off matrimony's most cringeworthy tradition?

Maybe if more women proposed we'd be spared cringeworthy moments like the time Blake Garvey proposed to Sam Frost on The Bachelor Australia.

Katherine Feeney   If women proposing marriage is now acceptable, why aren't more doing it?

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What to do with sexts from your ex

Texts from your ex

Katherine Feeney   "Texts From Your Ex" may be a popular Instagram account but what should you do when a new partner discovers them?

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Are you game enough to go #nofilter?

Comedian Amy Schumer is a refreshing, fresh-faced reprieve from the Kim Kardashian's dominating social media. Her skit #GirlYouDontNeedMakeup went viral last month.

Katherine Feeney   Those who fake selfies of their sexual assets to the point of unreality have a tiger by the tail.

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Is not watching the birth man's biggest mistake?

Prince William was present for the births of both his children, George and Charlotte.

Katherine Feeney   "It would be like watching my favourite pub burning down," I guy I know likes to say. "That end's all about pleasure, not business – and I'd like to think the only thing pushing its way around there would belong to me."

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When menopause happens to modern couples

Angelina Jolie and husband Brad Pitt are a couple experiencing "the change".

Katherine Feeney   'The end' is not so much actually that. In some ways, it is a new beginning.

Dealing with a lover scarred by cheating

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver's marriage crumbled after allegations he cheated.

Katherine Feeney   Once cut, are lovers scorned forever scarred?

What's 'The One' when you have 'the many' on Tinder?

'The many' on Tinder.

Katherine Feeney   Couples have been able to find love for centuries without dating apps. Is technology a better matchmaker or does it merely expand choices?

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The sex itch


When you’re hit with the sex itch, should you ever scratch it?

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The relationship between sickness and divorce


Iowa State University sociologists report in this March Issue of Journal of Health and Social Behavior that couples in which wives got sick are six percent more likely to divorce than couples where the wives remained healthy. Note we’re talking about wives here – the paper says a husband’s illness did not increase the risk for divorce.

Are blokes really that worried about their ability to ejaculate?

It seems waxing and working out is no longer enough.

As one fella put it to me, "when you're looking for a serve of dessert, you don't want to skimp on the cream. Anyone caught dishing up a less than decent dollop doesn't rate a second chance. Nobody wants to beg for seconds, especially if the cupboard is bare".

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Why seeing 50 Shades of Grey is good for you


Please, do yourself a favour, and do go see it.

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Is it time to rethink love in a casual climate?

True Love: Can you find it while having casual sex?

Do the same rules apply for men and women?

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Enjoying Valentine’s Day could improve your sex life


Enjoying Valentine’s Day may help those who struggle with orgasms. By the same token, hating on Valentine’s Day might well prove ruinous to your hopes of ever having a rewarding relationship.

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