Political news

Senator's rebuke after ABC Twitter account with 100,000 followers links to hard-core porn account

James Massola 9:15 AM   What in a "t"? Everything, it seems, when you run a high profile Twitter account with more than 103,000 followers.

Tony Abbott: Societies can't 'remain in denial about the massive problem within Islam'

Former prime minister Tony Abbott

Lisa Cox 8:43 AM   Former prime minister Tony Abbott has said Islam must change and called for a "hearts and minds campaign against the versions of Islam that make excuses for terrorists."

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Bolt to star in ABC documentary

Andrew Bolt

Matthew Knott 7:03 AM   Conservative commentator and vocal ABC critic Andrew Bolt is set to star in a new ABC series about the recognition of indigenous Australians in the constitution.

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Borrowing, cutting and boosting: How Turnbull found $1.1b

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne.

Matthew Knott 7:02 AM   The Turnbull government's innovation package was launched on Monday with all the trappings of a budget - in a media lock-up accompanied a blizzard of fact sheets and costings. And, like any budget, some creative accounting.

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Abbott: I would have won the election

Tony Abbott has flagged an intention to stay in Parliament.

Mark Kenny 7:01 AM   Tony Abbott has declared he would have led the Coalition to a victory at the next election, while flagging he intends to stay around in Parliament.

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Leaked COAG agenda reveals 8 GST proposals

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

James Massola 7:01 AM   Massive increases to the GST that would raise up to $45 billion annually will be on the table when Malcolm Turnbull and state premiers meet on Friday, according to a leaked document obtained by Fairfax Media.

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Raising the GST to 15 per cent is far harder than it seems

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin 7:36 PM   The agenda paper prepared for Thursday's treasurers meeting ought to come with a big red stamp that reads "danger".

Mr Hockey goes to Washington

With Joe Hockey as Treasurer you always knew where you stood.

Mark Kenny 6:57 PM   Ever noticed how the loudest advocates of free enterprise and the private sector, are also the most reluctant to leave the public sector? How those politicians who lecture us daily on the evils of bloated government, seem to suckle most determinedly on the public teat?

$20m spent on flights to Nauru and Manus Island

The tiny Pacific island of Nauru, which houses asylum-seekers who were bound for Australia.

Nicole Hasham 5:30 PM   The federal government spent $1.2 billion running Australia's offshore detention centres last financial year, including $20 million on charter flights alone – more than the budget cuts required to fund Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's innovation cash-splash announced this week.

Ex-treasury chief flags 'once in a lifetime' opportunity for tax reform

Former treasury head Martin Parkinson.

Gareth Hutchens 4:35 PM   Former treasury secretary Martin Parkinson has warned that Australia's living standards have already started to fall, and the country must act to pursue serious tax reform.

Liberals weigh bid to poach Warren Truss seat

Warren Truss

James Massola, Lisa Cox 1:23 PM   Queensland Liberals may attempt to snatch the Nationals-held seat of Wide Bay as political pay back for the defection of former cabinet minister Ian Macfarlane.

10 times it genuinely was exciting to be Australian

Victory in the Pacific Day celebrations on Elizabeth Street in 1945.

Judith Ireland and Stephanie Peatling 1:15 PM   Malcolm Turnbull may be feeling optimistic, but we can think of at least 10 instances it has "been a more exciting time to be an Australian".

Turnbull backs away from company tax cut

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer on Tuesday.

Heath Aston 1:05 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull appears to have put the brakes on recent momentum towards tax relief for corporate Australia, saying a company tax cut would be "an enormous charge on the budget at the present time".

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'Delusions' setting Australia up for a big budget shock

We need to come clean on the true state of the budget economist Ross Garnaut told the The Australian Financial Review Workforce and Productivity Summit in Melbourne on Tuesday.

Nassim Khadem 12:51 PM   The case for company tax cuts for large business has not been subject to "rigorous analysis" according to leading economist Ross Garnaut.

Joe Hockey announced as Australia's next ambassador to the United States

Former treasurer Joe Hockey will become the next Australian ambassador to the United States.

Lisa Cox   Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced former treasurer Joe Hockey's appointment as Australia's next ambassador to the United States.

Joe Hockey says he would have been too focused on 'getting even'

Joe Hockey

Lisa Cox   Former treasurer Joe Hockey has said if he did not retire from the Parliament he would have been focused on "getting even with people" who contributed to his downfall as Treasurer.

Alcoa's foreign ship linked to bribes on the high seas

MV Portland. Strategic Alliance is berthed in the background.

Tony Wright   The captain of the foreign-flagged ship chartered for the aluminium company Alcoa to replace its Australian vessel paid bribes to drug enforcement and immigration authorities in Nigeria and a shipping inspector in Argentina early this year, the former captain's own documents show.

Second family under Syrian program arrives in Melbourne

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with Social Services Minister Christian Porter.

Judith Ireland and Nicole Hasham   The first family to settle in Melbourne under the federal government's special program for Syrian and Iraqi refugees arrived on Monday night.

Hockey to be appointed ambassador to US

Joe Hockey will replace the widely respected Kim Beazley as ambassador to Washington.

Mark Kenny   Dumped federal treasurer Joe Hockey is to be announced as Australia's new ambassador to Washington on Tuesday.

PM switches to forward-looking formula

The Turnbull government on Monday launched reforms to make it easier to bounce back from a business failure.

Mark Kenny   In a rapidly changing world, only the fleet of foot can prosper. That is Malcolm Turnbull's message.

12 weeks to spend $1.1b: Pyne's steep learning curve

Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Christopher Pyne

Matthew Knott   The Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science is learning how central he is to the Prime Minister's vision for government.

'I ask the questions on this program': Leigh Sales shuts down Malcolm Turnbull in ABC 7.30 interview

Leigh Sales stuck to her line of inquiry.

Kate Aubusson   It was an interview that canvassed the federal government's new innovation package, but when the questions weren't to Malcolm Turnbull's liking he attempted to innovate the interview itself.


Japan whale hunt tensions to flare

Sea Shepherd is hoping to confront Japanese whalers to disrupt their hunt.

Daniel Flitton, Andrew Darby   Australia is considering dragging Japan back to the international court in an attempt to halt whaling.

Malcolm Turnbull's rare prime ministerial admission about failing

Malcolm Turnbull has the power to turn things around for the better.

Lisa Cox   Successful business people often describe it as the key to their success, but in politics "failure" has become something to be avoided.

Tony Abbott 'just a normal dude in a cap' buys a fridge off Gumtree

Emily Hastings snapped a photograph of the former PM when he showed up to collect the $300 second-hand fridge

Kate Aubusson   Tony Abbott may have lost the Prime Ministership and his ministerial cabinet, but he's the proud new owner of a second-hand refrigerator.

PM admits policies could boom or bust

Malcolm Turnbull has the power to turn things around for the better.

Mark Kenny and Peter Martin   Aligning scientific research and business, and encouraging risk-taking are the key elements of the "ideas boom".

New budget cuts will fund Malcolm Turnbull's innovation package: Scott Morrison

Treasurer Scott Morrison said the Coalition had secured the best outcome possible.

Heath Aston   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's pet project, Monday's $1 billion innovation announcement, will be funded by spending cuts in other areas, to be announced in the mid-year budget update later this month.

Innovation statement: what you need to know

Bill Ferris, new chair of Innovation Australia, during a joint press conference with Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 17 November 2015. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Matthew Knott   What you need to know about the newly released innovation statement.

CSIRO comes in from the cold with funding boost

Chief Scientist for Australia Professor Ian Chubb in Canberra on Friday 19 September 2014. Photo: Andrew Meares

Judith Ireland   When CSIRO officials looked at the budget papers in the May of 2014, they could see that winter was coming.