Doctors warn of 'co-payment by stealth' 

Julia Medew 4:45 AM   Many Australians will face a new "co-payment by stealth" for pathology and diagnostic imaging tests because the Turnbull government is slashing its health budget by more than $650 million, doctors say.


Latest political news

Australia steps up patrols in defiance of Beijing

Australian, Singaporean and Malaysian navy ships during exercises in the South China Sea.

David Wroe and Philip Wen 9:04 PM   Australia has increased its military surveillance flights over the South China Sea in a signal to Beijing that it intends to continue operating in the regional flashpoint area.

Budget deficit projected to reach $37.4 billion

Treasurer Scott Morrison has unveiled the latest mid-year budget update.

Mark Kenny and James Massola 8:04 PM   The federal budget deficit will blow out by another $26.1 billion over four years, according to the mid-year economic update, while growth forecasts have been downgraded.

Big fines aim to stop fraud in aged care

Health Minister Sussan Ley.

Mark Kenny 10:45 PM   Canberra will bring in huge new fines to curb a growing trend of incorrect, and deliberately crooked, claims on government funding in the aged care sector by some providers.

Immigration detention costs blow out by $1b

The detention centre on Nauru.

Nicole Hasham 7:52 PM   The Turnbull government will spend an extra $1 billion on Australia's immigration detention system to cover the costs of charter flights, accommodating asylum seekers and funding the governments of Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

Welfare crackdown raises concerns

Cassandra Goldie

Judith Ireland 7:50 PM   It's one of the headline savings measures in the mid-year budget update, tipped to generate more than $2 billion. But it has some experts wondering if the money will materialise.

'Stitch up': Tony Abbott pens rare letter

Tony Abbott's letter to the editor in <i>The Australian</i> newspaper.

Fergus Hunter 12:17 AM   The letter to the editor could have easily been overlooked. Except for the recognisable name and location of the author.

Turnbull was aghast at Darwin Port sale

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Heath Aston 7:54 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull asked for a review of foreign acquisition law a week before the controversial deal was announced. 

Australia's largest coal mine coming to Qld

Environmentalists have lost a legal challenge to halt plans to build Australia's biggest coal mine. Illustration: Michael Mucci

Lisa Cox 12:09 AM   Environmentalists have lost a legal challenge to halt plans to build Australia's biggest coal mine.

Comments 36

Macfarlane could quit politics

Liberal MP Ian Macfarlane is considering his future following the LNP's rejection of his defection to the Nationals.

Lisa Cox 7:53 PM   Failed Liberal defector Ian Macfarlane has hinted he could quit politics after his attempt to switch to the National party room was rejected.

Disgraced former MP takes $458k hit

Disgraced former Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Beau Donelly 10:23 AM   Disgraced former federal MP Craig Thomson has been ordered to pay more than $458,000 for misusing funds during his time as head of the scandal-plagued Health Services Union.

Comment & Analysis

Turnbull's dilemma: how to get states on board

Peter Reith.

Peter Reith   Tax reform is vital medicine for  the Australian economy, but it takes a lot of time to put together a pill that people will be willing to swallow.

Comments 51

Ugly truth about the budget is what we need

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Treasurer Scott Morrison have decided against an immediate ban in borrowing from SMSFs for investment in property, despite views from eminent economist Saul Eslake that it could lead to something similar to the US subprime crisis.

Peter Martin   Expect the unvarnished truth in the mid-year update, because there's little point in lying.

Common sense prevails, but only just

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon    Malcolm Turnbull's authority is in tact and Ian Macfarlane's credibility is in tatters after the former resources minister's bizarre and brazen bid to force his way back into cabinet came a cropper.

Politics of exclusion must be rejected


Tim Dick   The choice between the politics of the old and that of the new is not a choice only faced by Australia. It’s faced by the US, by Britain, by any developed country with a significant migrant population – almost all of them.

Treaty would build better foundation

George Williams dinkus

George Williams   Australia does not recognise the sovereignty of its first nations by way of a treaty, and the effects have been devastating.

Bishop, Abbott, Trump and politics of delusion

Illustration: Matt Davidson.

Adam Gartrell   Politicians aren't just good at lying to us – they're good at lying to themselves too.

The mad monk and the coming of the raptor

Annabel Crabb dinkus

Annabel Crabb   The end of the year, when everyone is tired and snippy, is always a bit prone to farce of one kind or another.

Macfarlane defection will end in tears

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon    The history of political defections in Australia is replete with unhappy endings.

Tax avenger in hunt for millions spirited away

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Chris Jordan is on a mission to make multi-national companies pay their fair share of tax and is kicking down doors around the world to make them do it.

Vulnerability is the new strength in politics

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   Politicians hate showing weakness. But it's time they realised there's a power that comes with vulnerability.

Tony Abbott's 'dangerous' ideas

Anne Summers dinkus Dinkus

Anne Summers   We have to hope that no one is listening because many of the former prime minister's ideas could make the world a more dangerous place.

Politics, climate, Islam, and the credibility gap

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   For politicians, the daily quest to convey conviction is hardly aided by their tendency to shift ground when it suits without even acknowledging they've done so.

Comments 69

Keep unrepentant terrorists behind bars


Dan Tehan   Terrorists who remain unreformed by a jail term should be subject to indefinite detention.

Comments 19

Arch conservatives offer nothing but guff

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   Abbott and Trump are not intelligently discussing Islam, they’re just demonstrating that their brand of politics is fast collapsing.

Interpreting Australia through Aboriginal eyes

Aboriginal art and culture draws from the land, for Aboriginality and the land are essential to each other and are inseparable.

Paul Keating   Our identity cannot be separated from that of Aboriginal Australia.

Let Muslim progressives speak for themselves

Tony Abbott

Reem Sweid   Muslims do not need a Western cultural supremacist like Tony Abbott to tell them what Islam needs.

New innovators don't need huge tax breaks

The square kilometre array site in Western Australia. Australia and New Zealand bid to host the SKA in Murchison Shire in WA. It will be the biggest and most advanced radio telescope ever constructed, consistsing of 3000 dishes.

Nicholas Reece   The PM's innovation statement is a good start, but it falls well short of being the game changer that the Australian economy needs.

Don't fall for the super industry's scare tactics

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Retirees’ cost of living is not as outrageously high as the industry would have us believe.

PM switches to forward-looking formula

The Turnbull government on Monday launched reforms to make it easier to bounce back from a business failure.

Mark Kenny   In a rapidly changing world, only the fleet of foot can prosper. That is Malcolm Turnbull's message.

Barnaby Joyce should be worried

Peter Reith.

Peter Reith   Ian Macfarlane's party switch has been billed as a coup for the Nationals, but it's hard to see how it will help them or the Coalition.

Our tax system is heading for trouble 


Amanda Vanstone   You do not make less-wealthy people richer by making the rich less wealthy.

Special features

Morrison thinks we can't handle the full truth, yet

Every year the surplus moves a year further away. It's like driving towards an unreachable horizon. 

ABC's preferred new boss 'not afraid of failure'

Matthew Knott At a conference last year, Google executive Michelle Guthrie extolled the virtue of eating your own dog food.

Budget update fails to map out road to surplus

There is nothing in the mid-year budget update to be alarmed about, but nor does it suggest Malcolm Turnbull will do any better than his predecessors at getting the budget back to surplus.

Macfarlane in political wilderness

Mark Kenny As far as political gambles go, this was a big one, and it went seriously wrong.

John Bannon: a quiet giant of politics

Mark Kenny Even now when I'm grinding out the kilometres in Canberra, I often rely on something John Bannon once confided about distance training. He said when your body wants to stop, you can always go a bit further, and you will be glad you made that choice.

Turnbull's tax reform striptease has started

It's time to start ruling out some of the options even if business doesn't like it.

Death, taxes and an expanding security state

This COAG meeting has been a broad consultation, Malcolm style – politics as the art of the positive.

Malcolm is an Abbott in Turnbull's clothing

There is largesse being extended to Malcolm Turnbull that would never have been granted to Tony Abbott.

Shorten: "I never give up. I don't and I won't"

Deborah Snow Bill Shorten might be at record lows in the opinion polls but he is determined to fight it out, town hall meeting by town hall meeting.

Finding the 'thing': Photographing Malcolm, Tony, Bill and Julia 

Every politician has their 'thing' that makes them familiar.

Jobs growth is nothing like the 71,375 touted 

Peter Martin No one can accuse Employment Minister Michaelia Cash of failing to take advantage of an opportunity.

Why a rise in GST may now be off the table

Peter Martin So out of favour is the idea of increasing the GST that by the time the government releases its tax options paper in the new year a 15 per cent GST might not even be on it.

Family parted by war to be reunited after Australians pitch in

When Arop Majok's village was raided, it kicked off a 21-year ordeal that, thanks to the generosity of Australians, may soon end.

Tony Abbott is turning into Kevin Rudd

Judith Ireland On paper, Abbott could not be further from Rudd. And yet Abbott is displaying so many Rudd-like attributes it is eerie.

How the PM found $1.1b for his innovation plan

The Turnbull government's innovation package was launched on Monday with all the trappings of a budget - in a media lock-up accompanied a blizzard of fact sheets and costings. And, like any budget, some creative accounting.

Raising GST to 15% is far harder than it seems

The agenda paper prepared for Thursday's treasurers meeting ought to come with a big red stamp that reads "danger".

Mr Hockey goes to Washington

Mark Kenny Ever noticed how the loudest advocates of free enterprise and the private sector, are also the most reluctant to leave the public sector? How those politicians who lecture us daily on the evils of bloated government, seem to suckle most determindely on the public teat?

How Pyne swotted for the big spend-up 

Matthew Knott The Innovation Minister is learning how central he is to the Prime Minister's vision for government.

Turnbull banks on a forward-looking formula

Mark Kenny Standing still means going backwards. Movement. Agility. Innovation. In a rapidly changing world, only the fleet of foot can prosper. That is Malcolm Turnbull's message.

CSIRO comes in from cold with funding boost

Judith Ireland When CSIRO officials looked at the budget papers in the May of 2014, they could see that winter was coming.