Microsoft backflips on OneDrive cloud storage cut

Adam Turner   Microsoft giveth, Microsoft taketh away, everyone complains so Microsoft giveth back.

Comments 12

Backup: the Christmas gift that keeps on giving

Many people don't think about data backups until it's too late.

Adam Turner   A reliable file backup regime is the perfect gift for someone who could lose everything these holidays.

Comments 3

Amazon adds more than 1000 Aussie pickup locations with ParcelPoint

The convenience of online Christmas shopping is spoiled by the unreliability of delivery services.

Adam Turner   Rather than waiting around for unreliable couriers in the lead up to Christmas, you can have your Amazon parcels delivered to a nearby business and pick them up when it suits you.

Comments 15

Time is running out to upgrade or abandon Internet Explorer

If you haven't made the leap to Windows 10 you must upgrade to Internet Explorer 11.

Adam Turner   Microsoft is scrapping security updates for older versions of Internet Explorer as it pushes PC owners towards Windows 10.

Comments 52

Review: 360fly 360-degree action camera

The GoPro-style 360fly action camera lets you look over your shoulder.

Adam Turner   An action camera with eyes in the back of its head, the 360fly ensures you don't miss a thing.

Comments 2

Christmas lights can leave your Wi-Fi gadgets in the dark

Don't let your Christmas tree lights ruin the holidays by killing your wireless network.

Adam Turner   As we get into the festive spirit, take care that your Christmas tree lights aren't crippling your Wi-Fi network.

Comments 8

Hands on BrydgeAir iPad keyboard

The BrydgeAir iPad keyboard puts a decent keyboard at your fingertips.

Adam Turner   Better than the keyboard built into many ultra-thin notebooks, the BrydgeAir is a great way to turn an iPad into a serious productivity tool.

Comments 3

Hands on Synology DS216play Ultra HD network drive

Synology's DS216play packs plenty of grunt for those who want to stream video around their home and across the web.

Adam Turner   Synology demands sacrifices, including Plex, in return for the ability to fling Ultra HD video around your home.

Comments 1

Raspberry Pi Zero is an incredibly small, $7 computer

The new Raspberry Pi Zero is super small.

Tim Biggs   Imagine, a full computer so small and cheap that you can get one for free, stuck on the front of a magazine like a sample of hand soap.

Comments 11

Rdio listeners need a new place to call home

What's the best subscription music deal for your home?

Adam Turner   Is the shift to Spotify a no-brainer, or will ex-Rdio subscribers look elsewhere for their music fix?

Comments 7

Forget Story Mode, where's Minecraft Advanced Editor Mode?

Minecraft needs more features for people who want to create their own adventures.

Adam Turner   Rather than turning Minecraft into a guided Choose Your Own Adventure, when will they flesh out the rollback features for people who like to build their own Minecraft adventures?

Aussie rivals won't beat Netflix by commissioning their own TV shows

Up against the likes of <i>House of Cards</i>, Australia's subscription video services will struggle to take the content fight to Netflix.

Adam Turner   Australia's media giants threw away their best chance to beat Netflix by refusing to work together.

Comments 26

What's the best way to nurture kids interested in coding?

Students from Mitchell High school Blacktown learn coding as part of their school lessons.

Adam Turner   There's a push to make programming part of the school curriculum, but what can you do to encourage kids already showing an interest in creating rather than just consuming?

Comments 10


Laptop tablet? Tablet laptop? Both, actually

Hybrid pays off: The Microsoft Surface Pro.

Peter Wells   With the Surface, Microsoft designed a tablet that could moonlight as fully fledged desktop machine. The Surface Book flips that emphasis; this is a laptop that can convert to a tablet, but that small change makes for a completely new experience.

Comments 14

Netflix and Apple TV dominate Aussie subscription video

With <i>Marvel's Jessica Jones</i> coming next week, Netflix remains by far Australia's most popular subscription video service.

Adam Turner   Despite all the new gadgets and video services at our disposal, the usual suspects still rule Australian lounge rooms.

Comments 20

Hands on: Panasonic Firefox OS Smart TV

Panasonic's Firefox OS Smart TVs keep things simple in the lounge room

Adam Turner   Firefox sounds like a great Smart TV foundation, but Panasonic's efforts will only appeal to people looking to keep things simple.

Hands on: is Apple's iPad Pro a PC and laptop killer?

The iPad Pro is Apple's first effort at a more powerful tablet-laptop hybrid.

Tim Biggs   It's not hard to imagine that for some the iPad Pro is all they need besides a phone.

Comments 62

What's the killer app for the new Apple TV?

Access to the App Store makes the new Apple TV a lot more versatile.

Adam Turner   In a fledgling App Store dominated by games and streaming video services, you'll find a few gems to make the new Apple TV more useful in your lounge room.

Comments 15


Microsoft opens flagship Sydney store

Microsoft's Sydney flagship store.

Tim Biggs and Ben Grubb   Microsoft's first Australian store could put personal computer repair shops out of business.

Comments 34

iPad Pro won't be the nail in PC's coffin

Apple CEO Tim Cook has told all Apple staff to be retrained in inclusion and customer service.

Adam Turner   Comment: Apple's new chief has clearly discovered Steve Jobs' private kool-aid stash.